Can we please not forget he is a convicted criminal? Everyone is acting like he is a normal candidate. He is not. As for him being a strong debater? He does not debate he just bulldozes his way through and in the case of HRC stalked her onstage. He never makes sense and cannot complete a sentence. We have all seen it countless times.

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It drives me bonkers that TRump is continually glad handled by the media. He's not normal. He's a convicted felon, rapist, con man and grifter. He needs to just disappear. The world would be a much better place without him in it.

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You took the words out of my mouth. No more hype, hype about this bloviating bozo. It’s not just up to Harris. It’s up to all of us to stand up and say ENOUGH of this s**tshow.

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You said it VERY WELL!!

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It’s surely Not Just up to Harris but would be particularly Stunning !! If she made him cry 😭

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Susan Troy how can you ignore the fact that the biggest 💩show has been the Biden-Harris Regime. You must have some really serious mental health issues. There’s plenty of help available. Have you ever deprogramming?

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How old are you? Are you being paid to inject lies

into substack comments and taunt commenters? If so, tell your handlers it’s a waste of time and money.

You aren’t going to change peoples’ minds.

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Very well said, thank you, Susan.

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What is frightening is that he has a reasonable chance to win

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Noooooo 😡😡😡

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Hold that thought, out of view.

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Absolutely NOT. He will bury himself and she will FINISH HIM!

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TRump doesn't have the numbers to win and with all the Republicans voting against him, and for Harris, he doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell.

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Unless Trump’s army of fascists find a way to cheat

and/or intimidate voters. Voting by mail would end

attempts to intimidate voters at pollingI received places. I’ve voted by mail for over 20 yrs in AZ. The last time I voted by mail I received an email telling me my ballot had been received and received another email later telling me my votes had been counted.

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We all surely hope so.

Thank you

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Nick, what is even more frightening by far is that she/he have a good chance of winning in another stolen election. Kiss our Republic goodbye my man.

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Trump recently admitted he didn’t win in 2020, so you can stop pretending he did.

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Megan, it drives me bonkers too. There are several reasons he’s there, and they mostly have to with the fact that he’s a conman, grifter and felon. All good conmen are gifted manipulators, and that makes grifting very lucrative for them. “Grifter” is defined as, “a person who engages in petty or small-scale swindling.” But Trump graduated to major or grand theft, probably at an early age.

Many, but not all corporations, used to be in business for the purpose of providing a service or a product consumers want to buy. Now however,many corporations are in the business of making money.

It’s as if they are engaged in a competition to see which corporation can make the most money.

They cut back on what it costs them to provide their service or manufacture their product in order to make more money. They also bribe members of Congress in order to get concessions on their taxes,

or to make sure they look the other way if they’re engaging in shoddy business practices. And that’s

why they support Trump. They know that as long as they give Trump a cut of their “enhanced” profits

in the form of campaign contributions, they don’t

have to worry about delivering a quality product or

service. It’s a, you pat my back and I’ll pat yours.

(aka, quid quo pro)

So you see, they (corporations, including social media & news platforms owned by corporations) WANT a criminal president. The problem is, it

hurts us, the consumers.

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Sadly, I agree with you re corporate goals. The question which arises in my mind is how can we take money out of politics?

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By overturning Citizens United as soon as possible. Right now the corporations have been running wild in our economy and politics.

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We will have to insist on limits for donations. We need both the Senate and the House in order to get it done. But if your representative doesn’t vote for it then you need to vote for someone who will. Raise your voice and spread the word.

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Karen & Pamela, I think we can get private money out of politics. Like Karen said, it’ll require a Dem

majority in both the House & Senate to pass legislation overhauling campaign finance, but we

might actually have that after the upcoming election.

Personally, I think we need to finance campaigns

for federal offices with public money exclusively.

A certain amount should be set aside for campaign finance in every national budget. I’m afraid if we leave private money as part of the funding, the grifters in Congress will find a way to exploit it and

we’ll eventually be right back where we started.

As things are now, we are spending billions of

dollars on campaigns. There are entire industries

that exist for the purpose of promoting candidates

& funding campaigns and they will fight tooth & nail against using public money. In fact it has become

almost common knowledge that, although it’s illegal,

a substantial amount of foreign money is finding its

way into campaigns. What that means is, we don’t

know how many of our representatives are beholden to foreign governments for helping them get elected.

That’s a recipe for disaster.

Funding campaigns with private money has corrupted the entire republican party and our

Supreme Court majority. Eventually it will corrupt

every aspect of our government, which means we

will no longer have a representative democracy.

We are well on our way to an oligarchy right now.

There are other precautions needed as well. For example, some elected representatives have been

using inside information to make investments in

the market. Technically that’s illegal, but if most

of our representatives are doing it anyway, they’ll

never pass a law that requires them to personally

disengage from their finances, which is what it will take. They should have to hand over proof of it

before they can be seated in Congress.

The federal election campaign board, (fec) needs

to be overhauled as well. The republican members

formerly on the fec allowed republicans to subvert campaign laws having to do with campaign finance and there was nothing anyone could do about it at the time. When corruption has become that rampant

and when loyalties to corrupt candidates is that widespread, we’re in a heap of trouble.

If you want to know how I know these things, here’s

how—it’s info on the internet for anyone to find. How do I know what I find on the internet is real? Because

some of it was posted on the internet by people in

our government who are in a position to know these things and there’s also info from news outlets that was vetted by reporters before being published. It’s

that rampant.

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Unfortunately, the corporations have become extremely gluttonous and need to be brought down a step or two or three. They have had record profits ever since covid stayed there even when the supply chains cleared up. They have caused our inflation.

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Susan you are describing the exact environment that allowed the criminal Pedo Joe Biden to be chosen as president. Those corporations didn’t want Trump so they picked a dishonest lifelong liar puppet who would do anything for them and money. 💰 And as soon as they saw that he was no longer useful they threw him under the bus and brought another corrupt lifelong politician to take his place. The Cackler. Hock Tuah Harris. And you brainwashed libidiots bought into the coup. Talk about criminal cons, the DemocRats have cornered the market. I’ll take Trump & the Hillbilly all day long.

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So apparently you’re being paid to annoy commenters by accusing Joe & Kamala of

things Trump has actually done.

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You can hide his ridiculous comments by clicking on the 3 dots to side of his name. It gives you that option, and I am using it whenever I see a comment from him. Why bother to waste energy reading his ugly comments....

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You have Harris confused with trump. He’s the convicted felon. Also your use of 3rd grade name calling…haha! Vote Blue 💙

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And yet, people are nuts about him. What a shame.

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And therein lies the incredulous truth about millions of our fellow citizens. For a myriad of self serving reasons these cult members would rather see our democracy die than vote for a reasonable, intelligent Democrat.

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“”These people “” think Trump is on their side. Far from it. Little they would realize, I hope not because we don’t want Trumpee in power. He is loyal, honest and truthful to no one.

Thank you

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Yes, Rajiv. The former guy is a master huckster in addition to being a demented crook.

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What I have found personally among friends and relatives who are dedicated Trump supporters is that their knowledge of his positions and ideas for the future of this country begins and ends at the southern border. They don't want to hear about anything else so Trump works the border into every answer. Ask around. Does ANYONE personally know ANYBODY who has lost their job to an illegal immigrant? Or on the flip side, has ANYBODY ever profited by renting or selling a house, car or groceries to an illegal immigrant? It works both ways.

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Maureen, I could be wrong, but I think people who

support Trump have no idea what authoritarian

(fascist) governments are like or how they differ from Democracy.

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This is what a cult looks like

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You've got that partly right Rajiv; the people who will be voting for him, i.e. his MAGA maniacs, are indeed "nuts!" In the classic sense, he is also a damn poor Republican! The likes of Presidents Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Reagan and both Bushes would have nothing to do with him! I cannot think of any other President, from either party, who would consistently place his own personal interests above those of our country!

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Very true and he has unfortunately highlighted and amplified the bad element in the USA.

Thank you

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Ever since trump came on the political scene I’ve said that Eisenhower must be rolling in his grave.

This new cult isn’t anywhere near the original Republican Party…GOP doesn’t exist anymore.

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Rajiv Bahl you obviously don’t have a clue. I think you’re jealous that you don’t have as worthwhile a candidate to vote for.😢😢😢

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Thank you, I am glad and happy that you do have a clue.

Thank you

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Absolutely! I’m still devastated that the guy missed so we need to VOTE and get rid of the scum once and for all!

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A lot of people, you bet, think the same but are hesitant and too nice to write that.

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It’s not about nice. He’s dangerous for our country and our world. He SHOULD be assassinated.

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Yep. My lament is that just a few inches would have rid us of a madman.

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Agreed wholeheartedly.

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Donald J Trump has always spoken very highly of you Megan Ross. Not once has ever thought or said the world would be a better place without you in it. We could enroll you in an anger management class at no charge if you would like. I’m your cognitive dissonance is having a negative impact on you and as compassionate people we want to help you, even if you still want to vote for the Communist/Marxist Harris/Walz ticket.

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Have you given any thought of offering your services to the most ill tempered, foot stomping, childish fool(s) in the new Republican Party? Maybe look in the mirror while you’re at it. Sarcasm is a form of negativity.

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It looks as if quite a few people have caught on the idea that Trump is not a normal candidate. The more he talks, he give the impression of being (credit to Mel Brooks) abby-normal.

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🤣🤣🤣 “ abby normal”. 🤣🤣🤣

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Well he is, and there's no denying it.

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I know. I just flashed back to that scene in Young Frankenstein and I cracked up!

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Steve 218 I think you meant Harris not Trump.

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Valid point. But Kamala is too strong and won't be intimated by no one. Not even Trump.

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We really hope so, 🤞🤞🤞

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Patty Martinez the only thing strong about Harris is her booze breath and her sucking ability. You’re a low information voter aren’t you?

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Says the guy who supports a candidate with severe dementia.

As far as odor goes, I hear tell that trump smells rotten on a good day. Poor Melania but she made her bed and has to earn her money. Also, what about the constant farting? 💙

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& his admiration of Hannibal Lechter ( sp)?

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Maybe her adores this film villain because he thinks that the name is Hannibal Lecher

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Good analogy, Deb. Lecher is he (tfg),

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Much coherency has been lost since the 2015 debates on the part of Mr. Trump. This will be on display when he tries to answer any questions requiring details.

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Good point. If Harris is in a position to ask him questions, asking simple questions requiring simple but strategic details would serve her well in the debate.

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Trump doesn't know how to answer questions. He just repeats the same stale answers about the border and side skirts any reasonable question. He was an embarrassment as president with his kindergarten vocabulary.

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Do you seriously think Trump would attempt to answer a question involving details? He will inexorably twist his answers around to include the words "southern border". Question answered.

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And matters not how little sense he makes, he and his cultists will claim victory.

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Of course, very true. The swing voters however, supposedly, the candidates are working on. If they are on Kamala’s side. It’s game over for Trump the Dump.

Thank you

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Lisa, great points. Unfortunately, most of his fanbase (sadly no other word for it) only watch media that shows him in a good light (the 10 second cherry picked sound bite).

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True but I believe they are minority. They are just really loud and it appears they are the majority. This is also helped along by every media outlet out there.

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I hope you are right; however a vast majority of the electorate do not have the time or interest to be truly informed. They get updates from cable news, their friends and work associates. I know too many people who believe that the country and their lifestyles will be jeopardized by a Harris presidency.

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But will they still think so after a debate.

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Yes, but they will watch him in a debate no matter the channel. And from what I’ve read even at his few rallies they are walking out bc he doesn’t make sense.

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Here’s hoping that’s true! 💙

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No one here will forget . The Republican Party doesn't care.And to the shame of all Americans, this has been 25 years on the making. Thank the Evangelincal Christians for much of the ground work laid.

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Lisa, Lisa, Lisa. The only reason he doesn’t make sense to you is you are a member of a special group that all of us critical thinkers have labeled libidiots, shortened version of liberal idiots. You have no economic sense, no idea what true justice is and have been gaslit for so long that you can’t even comprehend what is happening to this country. You are part of a giant pandemic of Trump haters,and as a result, don’t have a clue why the lamestream media that you obviously overdose upon is spreading the lies that you easily believe. We can help you get your head out of your ass but it will require you to stop watching MSNBC, NBC, FOX, CNN, ABC, CBS, NPR or any other major propaganda channels. There’s still time for you to be cured unless you really want to be a useful idiot. If so just keep on Trump hating and see how that goes.

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Harris can stay steady. We've seen her in action. Let's let Trump do himself in.

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"Democratic operative and truth-teller James Carville." Seriously? Past his Use By date. Way past. And 'truth teller'? Sheesh.

Moving on.

Today I heard Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. She was asked how she kept her composure during the 'hearings.' I'd say the GOP attacks. (I listened to them in full on CSpan. With Josh Hawley, Marcia Blackburn, Lindsay Graham, and Ted Crus competing for who could be most offensive, demeaning, patronizing - and salacious.) Justice Brown Jackson replied that a White House advisor had said to keep in mind "Do you want to get mad or do you want to get on the Supreme Court." That sums it up nicely. Also although perhaps Justice Brown Jackson couldn't say it - women, and especially Black women, have a lot of experience and expertise in keeping calm and getting the job done under trying circumstances

My only advice to Vice President Harris is to leave your California Valley Girl word salad at home. And bring your "Kamala Harris For The People" A-Game.

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I’ve never heard Kamala Harris speak anything that sounded remotely like something called a “California Valley Girl word salad”. What a condescending and bizarre thing to say about an accomplished and competent woman.

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SK, MAGAs like to take what Democrats say about the orange man and turn it back on our candidate. We have said that the orange man's rallies and speeches are him spewing word salad that only his cult seems to understand which in my opinion is doubtful they even know what he is saying. This troll decided to use the word salad to describe Kamala which is really quite laughable. She is smart, coherent and definitely coherent. The California Valley Girl is a swipe from when she lived in California. These trolls think it upsets us when really it is quite humorous! Just laugh it off and scroll on. I wouldn't even bother to engage!

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Sorry, I meant to say smart, coherent and articulate! Need to get another cup of coffee!

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!!bizarre group of people

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Well said!!

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I agree

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I doubt she's ever used the phrase "groady to the max" but I'd give her a pass if she uses it next week....

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The commenter has no idea as to where San Francisco and the San Fernando valley are.

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Apologies for duplication - I will post this to those who asked for a reply.

Critique is not "bizarre, condescending, or uncalled for." It is why people prepare for debates and have dress rehearsals. When you compare Kamala Harris' Senate questioning of Brett Kavanaugh to some other of her performances, you may note a tendency to be more prolix than direct and clear. Directness and clarity are essential to debate. Don't take my word for it, let Harris speak for herself. From the notoriously right wing The Daily Show



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Hey SK, Too bad Harris is not an accomplished and competent woman. All of you who bloviate in building her up are totally ignoring her lack of accomplishments. She’s a trainwreck and would be a disaster as President. Totally pathetic and unqualified. Everything she touches becomes a 💩show and no amount of your 🐂💩will change that reality. And Dan Rather calling James Carville a truth teller is enough to gag a maggot. The old snakehead hasn’t told the truth about anything Slick Willy didn’t have sex with Monica. So Hock Tuah Harris is going to have her work cut out for her. Wonder what the over/under on her lies will be?

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Just a short WTH moment. Bill Clinton having had sex with Monica…that’s seriously one of the things you’re hanging your hat on? I suppose you haven’t heard about trump cheating on each wife as he gets ready to marry the next in line? He even cheated on Melania when Barron was a baby with a gal named Stormy Daniels. Come on now..if you can’t do better than that…and really your whole post…start over using actual facts that won’t slap your candidate back in the face. (Forgot to mention that he’s a convicted felon)

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"California Valley Girl word salad"??? Could you please explain this comment? 🤔

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No explanation is needed. It is condescending and uncalled for!

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Apologies for duplication - I will post this to those who asked for a reply.

Critique is not "bizarre, condescending, or uncalled for." It is why people prepare for debates and have dress rehearsals. When you compare Kamala Harris' Senate questioning of Brett Kavanaugh to some other of her performances, you may note a tendency to be more prolix than direct and clear. Directness and clarity are essential to debate. Don't take my word for it, let Harris speak for herself. From the notoriously right wing The Daily Show



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Think about it.

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I’m with Rhonda. What is “California Valley Girl word salad“ and how does it apply to Kamala Harris? And I’ve already thought about it, so please give details.

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Apologies for duplication - I will post this to those who asked for a reply.

Critique is not "bizarre, condescending, or uncalled for." It is why people prepare for debates and have dress rehearsals. When you compare Kamala Harris' Senate questioning of Brett Kavanaugh to some other of her performances, you may note a tendency to be more prolix than direct and clear. Directness and clarity are essential to debate. Don't take my word for it, let Harris speak for herself. From the notoriously right wing The Daily Show



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Hmmmm 🤔 the reply of someone who knows their argument is not serious.

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Bet you it’s a troll.

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I would agree with you! Trolls are everywhere on substack unfortunately.

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Rhonda - I gave that about as much thought as it deserved. You?

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The comment was pretty ridiculous in my opinion. I was just wondering if the person would respond with whatever proof they had. Turns out it was just another troll trying to sow discord. 🙄

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Rhonda you may just be too ignorant to understand what lin is saying.

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I have reported you for your ridiculous name calling.

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I'm not an ignorant person. That you would stoop so low as to call names instead of actually discussing the issue tells me you're not a serious person.

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What are you talking about “California Valley Girl word salad”?!

I can’t imagine anything further from the truth about Harris.

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KL you obviously have not been following her blunders for very long. You arrived late to the game.

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Apologies for duplication - I will post this to those who asked for a reply.

Critique is not "bizarre, condescending, or uncalled for." It is why people prepare for debates and have dress rehearsals. When you compare Kamala Harris' Senate questioning of Brett Kavanaugh to some other of her performances, you may note a tendency to be more prolix than direct and clear. Directness and clarity are essential to debate. Don't take my word for it, let Harris speak for herself. From the notoriously right wing The Daily Show



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lin... You commented, "Democratic operative and truth-teller James Carville." Seriously? Past his Use By date. Way past..."

Sounds really harsh... I didn't think we got "past-our-use-by-date," until we left this physical dimension (died)... Everybody has their own interpretation, I guess...

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Sep 4Edited

I understand ‘word salad’. She does tend to deflect with long rambling answers sometimes. She needs to bring her prosecutor A Game. I do like James Carville though …

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@lin you mught learn to look at a map regarding the ignorant "Valley girl" bs. Research & critical thinking skills you lack

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I agree, Trump will walk away looking like the criminal he is. He is uneducated how can he be a good debater.

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Yes , I agree. It's hard when your up against a highly educated professional who is a prosecutor.

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This isn’t a debate. This is a line up.

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Hopefully more like a firing squad.

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This is not a 'debate' in the classical Oxford Style (think Baldwin and Buckley*) where a motion is proposed and opposed sides try to persuade the audience of the merits of their view.

These 'debates' are a stage for candidates to present themselves, more than persuade the audience of the merits of their policies.

Sadly, it seems many people vote based on irrational appeal of personality than on reasoned consideration of evidence. This is what Trump plays to.

How Harris *presents* herself and her answers can show up Trump's showmanship. This is her opportunity to show a light hand wielding a sharp scalpel to peel back the layers of Trump's bluff and reveal both the "unseriousness" at

his core and the serious threat of Project 2025. In contrast to her record and agenda.

Trump's candidacy is a serious threat, because a Trump win empowers the entire right wing apparatus - plutocrats pandering to populists - poised to definitively repurpose a democratic republic as a corporate clerical fascist state.

Charles Koch et al via Leonard Leo. The Klan and the American Council of Bishops et al via the Roberts Court, the McConnell Senate, and the Johnson House. As demonstrated by Citizens United, Dobbs, and the Immunity decision. And as laid out in Project 2025.

* The Baldwin Buckley debate


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Dream on Donna H

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Looks like I struck a nerve with that comeback. Look you can have your support for Trump. But you started this ugly talk attack and for your own sake you should stop it. Trump will be gone soon and all you have to show for supporting him is your rudeness.

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Donna H you are obviously brainwashed. Only the criminal Biden will walk away like the criminal he is. His puppet masters will protect him because he knows where all the bodies are. All you liberal 🤡🤡🤡s are in for a rude awakening. GYHOOYA.

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Well first of all Biden doesn’t have 34 felony convictions hovering over his head LOL. When you call someone brain washed they would have to be pressuring you into adopting their beliefs often by forcible means. I don’t care that you don’t like my post. It is truth and I certainly have no intention of forcing my beliefs on you.

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You keep referring back to those bogus 34 felony convictions that will be reversed by higher courts because of all the errors made by the judge and prosecutors. Then you got nothing but your hatred of Trump that has been drilled into you by the constant repetition of lies by the Mockingbird Media and you believe all that propaganda. And you call Trump uneducated. Look in the mirror Donna.

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I don’t care what you think. And yes I do hate Trump and all he stands for. You people have no heart or soul. You support a crook, you getting any of that Saudi money? The blood of the journalist that was murdered is on Trump’s hands. But Trump knows how to work his criminal ring, starting with the high court. I will always hate Trump. The 34 charges were not bogus, a jury found him guilty and that will always be on the court records for ever. BTW I will block you. Merry Christmas 🎄

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Not only uneducated, he has NO real interest in any subject matter except in how it relates to him. No interest/no heartfelt opinions/no prep vs. a seasoned prosecutor = loser!

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Wouldn’t that be loverly?

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Harris can debate and she was a good prosecutor. Trump is a showman and he is going to play this like a reality show. I hope she is ready.

I have a bet that under the ear bandage, he has a brand new scar to unveil.

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To be believable he would have to lose a portion of his ear cause, you know, a “bullet” struck it.

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Trump's disgusting photo op at Arlington National Cemetery was for the purpose of blaming the deaths of these soldiers who died in a car bomb incident as the US troops were pulling out of Afghanistan on Biden and Harris. These deaths were all on DJT. Here are the real facts.

Afghanistan Withdrawal Facts (Source: Occupy Democrats):

> Trump not Biden Negotiated directly with the Taliban terrorists and excluded the Afghan army.

> Trump not Biden Drew down US forces from 13,000 to 2,500, making them vulnerable to attack.

> Trump not Biden Ordered the release of 5,000 Taliban fighters from prison, one of whom would become the new leader of Afghanistan.

> Trump not Biden Wanted to invite the Taliban leaders to Camp David on the anniversary of September 11th. Seriously.

> Trump not Biden Agreed to a May 1st exit from Afghanistan, then bragged that he didn't need an exit strategy.

> Trump not Biden Refused to brief Biden's incoming team on the situation in Afghanistan.

> Trump not Biden Shut down every airbase in Afghanistan except one, crippling the US's ability to extract its assets safely.

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Let us add one more factor as a former drafted infantry vet (years ago of course): the mechanics of the "withdrawal" were virtually impossible to control fully! Remember that the Army and the Air Force managed to free more than 100,000 civilians while a mob raged outside the gates and the enemy plotted to destroy the troops performing an almost impossible task? Joe Biden and any other civilian in the Defense Dept was not remotely managing the actual mechanics of the withdrawal. That very difficult task was left to the superior military officers on the ground. They performed miracles in those virtually impossible weeks! Trump's charge from the safety of his golf course that President Biden (and now VP Harris) somehow were in charge hourly and daily is militarily ridiculous!! Remember please: somehow one of the militants managed to get off a rocket that killed 13 of our troops as the entire remaining force was in the process of leaving.

The repulsive 5x fake BoneSpur draft dodger blames the WH--and the cowardly MSM repeates his nonsense without comment or evaluation--but his criticism is just nonsense given what happened on the ground that fateful day! End of story!! Yes?

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Bravo ira. Even with "perfect plans" an op of that size and scope can't escape determined possibilities, and most especially with the handicaps handed to the next administration.

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D4N and Ira lechner you’re both trying to blame Trump for something he had no control over. Typical liberal democrat behavior. You’re both delusional. By your logic Biden and Harris aren’t responsible for anything: the economy, the open borders, inflation, Ukraine, the Gaza crisis, the formation of BRICS, the threat to the dollar as the World’s Reserve currency, the corruption of the FDA, CDC, DHS, DOJ, FBI, HHS, NIH. Not their problem. 🐂💩.

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It is a matter of public record. Trump is 100% to blame. If you spent less time trolling and more time checking your facts (but you already know this, don't you troll) you would know this.

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I was drafted and served as well, 67-69 unlike cadet Bone Spurs.

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Do you know whether or not that has all been substantiated? I'm not asking because I think any of it is untrue. I'm asking because I've been engaged in a years-long argument with a staunch Trump-supporting classmate from decades ago. Most recently, the argument has centered upon last week's fiasco at Arlington National Cemetery. My friend (loosely defined) has predictably defended Trump and the families in question, while blasting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for their role in the deaths of the 13 soldiers in Afghanistan. I, of course, have taken an opposing position, but I don't dare use supporting facts unless I'm certain that they are indeed facts.

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Pretty much all the info is “findable”. Trump was doing a lot of last minute mischief.

This an Afghanistan overview provided by the WH. https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/US-Withdrawal-from-Afghanistan.pdf

I think it is fair to say, Trump the Chump set the table, “negotiated” with the Taliban and got nothing in return. Did not hold them to the terms of the agreement & so by the time he left, the Taliban controlled much of the country without any resistance. Biden had extended the deadline once. It is probably unrealistic to think he could do so again without giving something in return. The terms for not attacking our troops were set. They had more fighters available & friendlier territory for them by far.

About the prisoners DJT insisted be released & tried to deny later - Pompeo admitted it.


Transition - DJT refused to concede. His GSA director claimed she could not “ascertain” a clear winner, stalling the process. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-refusal-ease-biden-transition-opens-dangerous-gaps/story?id=74154412

Might want to ask you frenemies about Trump the Chump deserting the Kurds. Our troops were not prepared. They were also embarrassed to desert their allies who threw rotten vegetables and insults at their tanks as they were abandoned. Some Kurds tried to block convoys & carried signs: "Thanks for U.S. people, but Trump betrayed us." Our troops were in caught up at positions near the border when the Turkish troops poured over the border. https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-syria-ap-top-news-international-news-politics-ac3115b4eb564288a03a5b8be868d2e5

Headline — Military leader of Syrian Kurds tells US ‘you are leaving us to be slaughtered

“… senior US defense official told CNN, “We are just watching the second largest Army in NATO attack one of our best counter-terrorism partners.”

Syria and Russia who are NOT good partners probably loved it.


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Thanks for the links.

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Oh heck a trumper wouldn’t know the difference. They don’t know what is factual. They listen to blah all the time..

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Jane Bainbridge I think you meant to say a Biden-Harris supporter not a trumper. All the Trump supporters I know have very sophisticated 🐂💩detectors and have far better critical thinking skills than you DemocRats. GYHOOYA.

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As far as I know, and remember (I was appalled at the time) it's all true. You could probably do some online searching to verify. Never a bad idea.

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Yes, I imagine it is all verifiable via an internet search, but must confess that I'm being bit lazy here. I've become so exhausted by constantly countering my "friend's" multitude of arguments with actual facts (which he alternately dismisses or ignores) that I just don't have the energy to research all the points in the comment I was questioning.

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Let’s see your receipts gwpriester. Bet you have none.

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I'm guessing that English is not your first language. In Russia if you have been paying attention in class you would know the correct way to state your request. Not to worry, troll, you have been reported to support and will soon be gone. It's been, well, not great. Not even good.

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Don't waste any more time with that 'friend' Cheryl. Those are facts that you can easily verify and so can they.

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*heavy sigh* I agree with you, but I'm very tired of countering the other party's constant right-wing spin with actual facts, which I know he won't research even if I provide him with weblinks. I'm just not up to researching every one of the points in that Occupy Democrats article. Given the source, I'm sure my "friend" would dismiss the article as left-wing propaganda, anyway.

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I get it Cheryl.

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Because OD is a notoriously unreliable source for factual information your friend is right to dismiss it as propaganda. Because most of it is.

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I can verify all of the facts stated because they are all part of the public record. I really suggest you find another group to troll. Your arguments are weak and highly suspect.

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Cheryl Thomas you would be wise not to trust the Occupy Democrats for any so called facts. They are often discredited and this is probably no different. You would be wise to do your own research.

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Thank you for sharing this. It makes me sick when they blame Biden (as usual a Trump ploy).

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This doesn’t get said enough and it certainly doesn’t get any MSM press or air! It’s very pertinent due to the stunt that Trump pulled last week at Arlington. That was meant as a shot at Harris (as Biden’s VP) during the Afghanistan disaster.

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Would you mind if I shared this, giving you the credit of course?

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Absolutely. I hope everybody will share these facts.

But the credit goes to Occupy Democrats who posted these on their Facebook Page.

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I’d like to share this as well. How can we do it?

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Copy and paste should work

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Publish this as is WAPO and NYT!!!!

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Yeah… But…but….but…Hunter Biden’s laptop used to be Indian and now it’s Black!

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This is awesome. Thanks.

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The truth but, unfortunately, MAGAs live in the “Trump reality realm” not in the real world. Even though Trump started the disaster and left the mess to Biden, in Trump’s mind and his Republican cult, since he wasn’t there at the end, he bears no responsibility. Not that he would have taken responsibility if he had been there.

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Some of us noticed at the time what was happening.

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Pulling out of Afghanistan (Trump’s idea) was the correct move. It was up to Biden’s Defense Department to make a mess of it.

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What a sad comment. An idea and a move are not the same. The right idea needs a plan before the deadline is announced. Then the plan can be carried out by the commanders. trump is a traitor to the United States, and comments such as yours continue the perversity with "Biden's Defense Department" to make a mess of it. Are you so ignorant in your trumplove that you believe the Defense Department changes over with the President? Get off the couch and do some thinking with your head, instead.

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So Trump cozying up to the Taliban behind the back of the Afghan military because one of them called him "Your Excellency" and subsequently ordering the release of thousands of Taliban prisoners, promising who knows what else, perhaps 'I'll give you Afghanistan', didn't have anything to do with the mess in Afghanistan Biden inherited? Sure...keep drinking that MAGA kool-aid.

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Blocked for disinformation.

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You must be a Trump sympathizer. Trump signed the agreement to withdraw without input from Afghan government, setting withdrawal date with no set plans for safe withdrawal, forced released of 5,000 Taliban prisoners, withdrew all but about 2,000 US soldiers and left mess for Biden to do final exit. Blame is on Trump who started boulder rolling down the hill.

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gwpriester if you can pull your head out of your a$$ you’d realize that your source is nothing but biased opinion and 🐂💩. They wouldn’t know a fact from the fictional world where they live. The scariest part is that you believe their 🐂💩. You are delusional.

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Make fun of him!! Laugh at him! That’s his weakness. He can’t stand to be made fun of. His skin is SO thin it will undo him. I can’t wait! She’ll wipe the floor with him. And yes, live microphones so the whole world can hear his insanity!!

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Harris has to be careful though, not to laugh or make any facial expression when Trump begins to ramble, that could turn off some of the undecided. She should speak as a prosecutor , laying out the landscape what the defendant, Trump, stands for and against and his record.

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True - remember Hillary Clinton and her note that Trump supporters were a "basket of deplorables." She was right, they were and they are, truly awful people. But she shouldn't have said it, as it lost her a lot of traction with people who hadn't made up their minds about Trump. We now know what his presidency looked like (my worst nightmare) and we understand the depths of his shriveled up soul. But some may need reminding. The thing that scares me most is his saying that "After this election, you'll never have to vote again." How can he be any plainer about his intentions?

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He intends to be a dictator. That’s what he has always wanted.

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Who in our military has the power to go against a criminal President?

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It depends on who he appoints &/or removes. The president nominates Generals and Admirals to be confirmed. If the Senate won’t act — Remember when Tommy Pooperville held up the promotions? We had people high on the command ladder whose status was “acting”.

There will be no more General Milley types as Joint Chief of Staff either if he can help it. (Milley was appointed by Trump the Chump. You’ve probably seen what he wants to do to him now.)

“ While the positions are being filled by acting leaders, there are limitations to what those individuals can do. While they are serving in an acting status in the position that they have been promoted to, they also must continue to fill their current jobs. For example, Marine Corps Gen. Eric M. Smith now serves as both the assistant commandant of the Marine Corps and as acting commandant.”


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What depths? Soul? Does he even have one?

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That was my first thought, too. WHAT soul?

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Watch yourself. This is indelible.

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Turns out her "vast right-wing conspiracy" was real. Project 25.

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THAT'S stupid. Stupid doesn't scare me.

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I'm referring to his saying "never have to vote again." He doesn't worry about stepping on Superman's cape. Stupid.

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Kamala Harris can do this and we have to give her a wall of support. She’s doing this for all of us who are fed up with this bullying con man. “Say it to my face, Donald.”

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And if he puts the act he did with Hillary into effect, she needs to call him on it. It will make her a champion to many and two MAGAs a witch. I am voting for the witch!!!!!!

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No one is a witch if they simply say the truth. And the truth is so abundantly against Trump, all Harris has to do is say it, and then say it again. Don’t let Trump change the subject—he will try very hard to do so.

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I suggest reading Kate Moore’s, The Woman They Could Not Silence: One Woman, Her Incredible Fight for Freedom, and the Men Who Tried to Make Her Disappear.” I’ve never gone through 450 pages so quickly in my life. It reads like a novel, but it’s a true story.

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I guarantee he is not as intimidating to her or as “clever” as some of the criminals and their supporters / attorneys she faced in court. Kamala is smart and will have her wits about her. 2 advantages right off the bat.

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Won't need to hear...it will be all over his face and moving arms/hands!

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That "accordion" will be busy!

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Yes , I can't wait either.

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And reminding him that he is the DEFENDANT, not the judge or prosecutor! He hates being reminded of that too.

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Praying for the cool, calm and kind Harris to show the world the difference in a normal person and a bloviating bully.

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"Trump is, unsurprisingly, downplaying his preparations for the debate. His press secretary claims he “does not need traditional debate prep.” In a statement to NBC, Karoline Leavitt went further: “President Trump has proven to be one of the best debaters in political history as evidenced by his knockout blow to Joe Biden.” "

trump does not "debate."

trump does the "gish gallop".

He spews rapid fire lies.

He NEVER answers the questions.

You are not the "one of the best debaters" when you lie nonstop and conduct what is essentially your hate rally with no live audience.

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I thought argumentation was using reason. Others think argumentation is like arguments - where you shout over the other side, do a better insult, and gloat that you won.

Those who think the latter will think he won.

She should dwell on his lack of specifics (both his gripes and his proposals), his tactic of relentless ridicule and negativity, and skillful but phoney stagecraft. She should be rational and specific, but with the sort of quip and bite his supporters will have to admire, even if they also resent her skill.

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His ego alone will make him debate.

But I’m guessing he’s deep down scared….of losing to ( gasp!) a woman. A BLACK woman. In front of millions of viewers.

My guess is he won’t be able to intimidate , threaten or harass her: she’s been up against smarter guys than him. I hope she angers him so much he goes totally off topic and shows his ugly side to feed the MAGAS.

Most Americans are totally fed up with his Same Old Same Old after all these years

I think she will show America that the would be Emperor has no clothes🙏🙏

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You're hoping that Trump "shows his ugly side"? I was unaware that he has any other side...

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His other side is the smarmy side…the one he uses on donors and marks…

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I’m glad you said that. There are some very smart criminals out there, but Donald’s not one of them. I met a guy this weekend who’d done time. His mother told him “ You’re so smart you’re going to be a lawyer or need one.”

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It doesn't take much to be up against smarter guys than him. Remember, he is a malignant sociopath; ignoring him and/or humiliating him about his convicted felon status or his pending criminal charges or his judgments for millions of dollars will get under his skin almost more than anything else.

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Praying hard for Harris to win all the way

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If you recall, Hillary “knocked it out of the ballpark” when she debated Trump. In fact, it was an embarrassment and I remember John Podesta giggling with glee at the end of the debate because Trump performed so poorly….yet…he won the election. I just hope that more people are sick of this jackass than they were in 2016 and 2020. Kamala Harris can’t just win, it has to be a beat down.

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Please remember, We, The People, elected Hillary Clinton by about 3 million votes. The Electoral College selected Dump. Biden gave Dump a beat down, and it was still "stolen". She needs to truly decimate this orange clown.

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John McCain’s son, Jimmy (military man) commented on the behavior at Arlington. He said he is voting for Harris.

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I suspect that this debate will be less about policy details and more about poise and character. I hope Kamala hammers The Donald.

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Policy will be beside the point in this case.

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As VP Harris said in her speech, Trump is an "unserious" man. As long as she remembers that, and responds to him that way, it will not only drive him crazy but will allow her to maintain control. She's already shown that she is unwilling to respond to "gotcha" questions. It is important for her to answer questions truthfully and to ensure that Trump doesn't rattle her. And, even if the mics are muted, it would be to all of our benefit for the cameras to show both the response of the person answering a question and of the person observing.

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We know that Trump's supporters will be watching; and regardless of what happens few if any will change their support for the cult leader. What's critical is that people who are yet undecided are watching.

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I think you are right. I struggle to understand how anyone can be undecided. You've either decided to drink the purple (orange) koolaid or not. How can there possibly be an in between?

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But But But … inflation was lower; I’m not a liberal / Democrat / etc.; I don’t like ____

Fewer and fewer of them. Independents are often unengaged votes who don’t vote as are others. That’s where the ground game comes in. Biden had a great one in place to hand off according to reports. She has the $$ to grow it. Plus all those organizations who endorsed her that have GOTV operations - unions, advocacy groups (like LULAC which had never endorsed a presidential candidate in its 100 yr history until now) and issue advocacy groups. They should be matching up their potential voters to issues that matter to them; making sure they are registered; have a plan for voting; text to remind them.

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Appeal to get people registered. Appeal to Independents as independents. Appeal to Reppublicans disgusted with the ruination of their values and party. Appeal to White Men as principled and noble instead of gullible and cruel.

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Stating that tRUMP is a great debater ignores the fact that he didn’t answer a single question in his debate with Biden. Just spewed his same tired BS the whole time. It’s like claiming Hannibal Lecter is a great chef!

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So you’ve got a problem with fava beans and a nice Chianti? 😁

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Depends on whose liver is being served 😁

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He doesn't need to be "pushed off balance" as he is already off balance and losing ground daily. Harris is not taking the bait, either from him, TFG, or from interviewers like Dana Bash who asked her about Trump's sleazy comment about "turning black." Harrris said, "same old tired playbook, next question, please?" Bash: "That's it?" Harris: "That's it." She's not going to stoop to his level and learned somewhere along the way, "Never wrestle with a pig. You'll get dirty and the pig will love it."

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You are absolutely correct. I guarantee she’s not kidding when she says “I know his type.”

There are things to be learned from dealing with perps about getting the best of them.

His new term for his ramblings is “the weave”… It’s a “weave”, they call it rambling but …

All I could think of is does he know what it means to “have a weave” these days? Or is he admitting something.


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The "weave" is also part of a term In boxing. Bobbing and weaving is a defensive technique that moves the head both beneath and laterally of an incoming punch. It's a defensive maneuver, designed to avoid taking a hit. This guy has been avoiding getting involved in a fight that he knows he's likely to lose.

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Time for Harris to be the prosecutor giving the closing argument!

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Knock out of Joe Biden? Really? Poor Joe was hardly there. Poor man had trouble speaking. I think that so called debate should be stricken from the record. Trump did not knock him out. He was sadly down on arrival.

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Nobody was a winner that night.

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Trump didn't win but Biden lost. Trump avoided answering, blathered, and rambled. Yet that was all ignored and lost to the alarm about Biden.

A good ad would be the question asked of him (especially the issue of addiction, asked twice) and his incoherent non-answer.

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Yet if you look at the transcripts of President Biden’s and tfg, the President was on point with the answers to the monitors questions. tfg answers were lies.

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This is absolutely true. I saw the debate & then the transcript.

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Sad but true. That his handlers and family ignored his worsening conditions and pushed him into the debate infuriated me. On one hand, it’s good because people seeing how bad things had gotten was the catalyst for change. On the other, his handlers and family knew long before that night and should have convinced him to not run - for the good of the country and to spare him. That they didn’t was akin to elder abuse. It made me sad for him and infuriated me due to their own grasping egos.

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