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Rhonda you may just be too ignorant to understand what lin is saying.

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I have reported you for your ridiculous name calling.

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Ooooh IтАЩm scared. If thatтАЩs true then you need to be consistent and report all your leftist friends who were the first ones to stoop to the level of name calling. How many of them have you reported in your censorship effort. Oh zero, zip, zed, none? What a surprise. YouтАЩre not very good at censorship; you obviously havenтАЩt taken the Mark Zuckerberg/ Ali MayorkASS class on effectively reporting your hurt feelings. ЁЯдгЁЯдгЁЯдг

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I'm not an ignorant person. That you would stoop so low as to call names instead of actually discussing the issue tells me you're not a serious person.

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Excuse me. Anyone who voted for Biden and is planning on voting for Harris (because she is so accomplished and such a great debater, except for her performance in 2020 when Tulsi Gabbard shot her down on stage in front of millions of viewers) is ignorant. You donтАЩt know economics, you donтАЩt know foreign policy, you donтАЩt know border security and the effects open borders have on state and federal expenses. If you had any intelligence you wouldnтАЩt be voting for a Marxist Socialist Democrat. Who will probably win in another stolen election. Welcome to the third world shithole your party is creating.ЁЯШв

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