I think you are right. I struggle to understand how anyone can be undecided. You've either decided to drink the purple (orange) koolaid or not. How can there possibly be an in between?
I think you are right. I struggle to understand how anyone can be undecided. You've either decided to drink the purple (orange) koolaid or not. How can there possibly be an in between?
But But But … inflation was lower; I’m not a liberal / Democrat / etc.; I don’t like ____
Fewer and fewer of them. Independents are often unengaged votes who don’t vote as are others. That’s where the ground game comes in. Biden had a great one in place to hand off according to reports. She has the $$ to grow it. Plus all those organizations who endorsed her that have GOTV operations - unions, advocacy groups (like LULAC which had never endorsed a presidential candidate in its 100 yr history until now) and issue advocacy groups. They should be matching up their potential voters to issues that matter to them; making sure they are registered; have a plan for voting; text to remind them.
I think you are right. I struggle to understand how anyone can be undecided. You've either decided to drink the purple (orange) koolaid or not. How can there possibly be an in between?
But But But … inflation was lower; I’m not a liberal / Democrat / etc.; I don’t like ____
Fewer and fewer of them. Independents are often unengaged votes who don’t vote as are others. That’s where the ground game comes in. Biden had a great one in place to hand off according to reports. She has the $$ to grow it. Plus all those organizations who endorsed her that have GOTV operations - unions, advocacy groups (like LULAC which had never endorsed a presidential candidate in its 100 yr history until now) and issue advocacy groups. They should be matching up their potential voters to issues that matter to them; making sure they are registered; have a plan for voting; text to remind them.