Trump's disgusting photo op at Arlington National Cemetery was for the purpose of blaming the deaths of these soldiers who died in a car bomb incident as the US troops were pulling out of Afghanistan on Biden and Harris. These deaths were all on DJT. Here are the real facts.
Trump's disgusting photo op at Arlington National Cemetery was for the purpose of blaming the deaths of these soldiers who died in a car bomb incident as the US troops were pulling out of Afghanistan on Biden and Harris. These deaths were all on DJT. Here are the real facts.
Let us add one more factor as a former drafted infantry vet (years ago of course): the mechanics of the "withdrawal" were virtually impossible to control fully! Remember that the Army and the Air Force managed to free more than 100,000 civilians while a mob raged outside the gates and the enemy plotted to destroy the troops performing an almost impossible task? Joe Biden and any other civilian in the Defense Dept was not remotely managing the actual mechanics of the withdrawal. That very difficult task was left to the superior military officers on the ground. They performed miracles in those virtually impossible weeks! Trump's charge from the safety of his golf course that President Biden (and now VP Harris) somehow were in charge hourly and daily is militarily ridiculous!! Remember please: somehow one of the militants managed to get off a rocket that killed 13 of our troops as the entire remaining force was in the process of leaving.
The repulsive 5x fake BoneSpur draft dodger blames the WH--and the cowardly MSM repeates his nonsense without comment or evaluation--but his criticism is just nonsense given what happened on the ground that fateful day! End of story!! Yes?
Bravo ira. Even with "perfect plans" an op of that size and scope can't escape determined possibilities, and most especially with the handicaps handed to the next administration.
D4N and Ira lechner you’re both trying to blame Trump for something he had no control over. Typical liberal democrat behavior. You’re both delusional. By your logic Biden and Harris aren’t responsible for anything: the economy, the open borders, inflation, Ukraine, the Gaza crisis, the formation of BRICS, the threat to the dollar as the World’s Reserve currency, the corruption of the FDA, CDC, DHS, DOJ, FBI, HHS, NIH. Not their problem. 🐂💩.
It is a matter of public record. Trump is 100% to blame. If you spent less time trolling and more time checking your facts (but you already know this, don't you troll) you would know this.
Do you know whether or not that has all been substantiated? I'm not asking because I think any of it is untrue. I'm asking because I've been engaged in a years-long argument with a staunch Trump-supporting classmate from decades ago. Most recently, the argument has centered upon last week's fiasco at Arlington National Cemetery. My friend (loosely defined) has predictably defended Trump and the families in question, while blasting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for their role in the deaths of the 13 soldiers in Afghanistan. I, of course, have taken an opposing position, but I don't dare use supporting facts unless I'm certain that they are indeed facts.
I think it is fair to say, Trump the Chump set the table, “negotiated” with the Taliban and got nothing in return. Did not hold them to the terms of the agreement & so by the time he left, the Taliban controlled much of the country without any resistance. Biden had extended the deadline once. It is probably unrealistic to think he could do so again without giving something in return. The terms for not attacking our troops were set. They had more fighters available & friendlier territory for them by far.
About the prisoners DJT insisted be released & tried to deny later - Pompeo admitted it.
Might want to ask you frenemies about Trump the Chump deserting the Kurds. Our troops were not prepared. They were also embarrassed to desert their allies who threw rotten vegetables and insults at their tanks as they were abandoned. Some Kurds tried to block convoys & carried signs: "Thanks for U.S. people, but Trump betrayed us." Our troops were in caught up at positions near the border when the Turkish troops poured over the border.
Headline — Military leader of Syrian Kurds tells US ‘you are leaving us to be slaughtered
“… senior US defense official told CNN, “We are just watching the second largest Army in NATO attack one of our best counter-terrorism partners.”
Syria and Russia who are NOT good partners probably loved it.
Jane Bainbridge I think you meant to say a Biden-Harris supporter not a trumper. All the Trump supporters I know have very sophisticated 🐂💩detectors and have far better critical thinking skills than you DemocRats. GYHOOYA.
Yes, I imagine it is all verifiable via an internet search, but must confess that I'm being bit lazy here. I've become so exhausted by constantly countering my "friend's" multitude of arguments with actual facts (which he alternately dismisses or ignores) that I just don't have the energy to research all the points in the comment I was questioning.
I'm guessing that English is not your first language. In Russia if you have been paying attention in class you would know the correct way to state your request. Not to worry, troll, you have been reported to support and will soon be gone. It's been, well, not great. Not even good.
*heavy sigh* I agree with you, but I'm very tired of countering the other party's constant right-wing spin with actual facts, which I know he won't research even if I provide him with weblinks. I'm just not up to researching every one of the points in that Occupy Democrats article. Given the source, I'm sure my "friend" would dismiss the article as left-wing propaganda, anyway.
I can verify all of the facts stated because they are all part of the public record. I really suggest you find another group to troll. Your arguments are weak and highly suspect.
Cheryl Thomas you would be wise not to trust the Occupy Democrats for any so called facts. They are often discredited and this is probably no different. You would be wise to do your own research.
This doesn’t get said enough and it certainly doesn’t get any MSM press or air! It’s very pertinent due to the stunt that Trump pulled last week at Arlington. That was meant as a shot at Harris (as Biden’s VP) during the Afghanistan disaster.
The truth but, unfortunately, MAGAs live in the “Trump reality realm” not in the real world. Even though Trump started the disaster and left the mess to Biden, in Trump’s mind and his Republican cult, since he wasn’t there at the end, he bears no responsibility. Not that he would have taken responsibility if he had been there.
What a sad comment. An idea and a move are not the same. The right idea needs a plan before the deadline is announced. Then the plan can be carried out by the commanders. trump is a traitor to the United States, and comments such as yours continue the perversity with "Biden's Defense Department" to make a mess of it. Are you so ignorant in your trumplove that you believe the Defense Department changes over with the President? Get off the couch and do some thinking with your head, instead.
So Trump cozying up to the Taliban behind the back of the Afghan military because one of them called him "Your Excellency" and subsequently ordering the release of thousands of Taliban prisoners, promising who knows what else, perhaps 'I'll give you Afghanistan', didn't have anything to do with the mess in Afghanistan Biden inherited? Sure...keep drinking that MAGA kool-aid.
You must be a Trump sympathizer. Trump signed the agreement to withdraw without input from Afghan government, setting withdrawal date with no set plans for safe withdrawal, forced released of 5,000 Taliban prisoners, withdrew all but about 2,000 US soldiers and left mess for Biden to do final exit. Blame is on Trump who started boulder rolling down the hill.
gwpriester if you can pull your head out of your a$$ you’d realize that your source is nothing but biased opinion and 🐂💩. They wouldn’t know a fact from the fictional world where they live. The scariest part is that you believe their 🐂💩. You are delusional.
Trump's disgusting photo op at Arlington National Cemetery was for the purpose of blaming the deaths of these soldiers who died in a car bomb incident as the US troops were pulling out of Afghanistan on Biden and Harris. These deaths were all on DJT. Here are the real facts.
Afghanistan Withdrawal Facts (Source: Occupy Democrats):
> Trump not Biden Negotiated directly with the Taliban terrorists and excluded the Afghan army.
> Trump not Biden Drew down US forces from 13,000 to 2,500, making them vulnerable to attack.
> Trump not Biden Ordered the release of 5,000 Taliban fighters from prison, one of whom would become the new leader of Afghanistan.
> Trump not Biden Wanted to invite the Taliban leaders to Camp David on the anniversary of September 11th. Seriously.
> Trump not Biden Agreed to a May 1st exit from Afghanistan, then bragged that he didn't need an exit strategy.
> Trump not Biden Refused to brief Biden's incoming team on the situation in Afghanistan.
> Trump not Biden Shut down every airbase in Afghanistan except one, crippling the US's ability to extract its assets safely.
Let us add one more factor as a former drafted infantry vet (years ago of course): the mechanics of the "withdrawal" were virtually impossible to control fully! Remember that the Army and the Air Force managed to free more than 100,000 civilians while a mob raged outside the gates and the enemy plotted to destroy the troops performing an almost impossible task? Joe Biden and any other civilian in the Defense Dept was not remotely managing the actual mechanics of the withdrawal. That very difficult task was left to the superior military officers on the ground. They performed miracles in those virtually impossible weeks! Trump's charge from the safety of his golf course that President Biden (and now VP Harris) somehow were in charge hourly and daily is militarily ridiculous!! Remember please: somehow one of the militants managed to get off a rocket that killed 13 of our troops as the entire remaining force was in the process of leaving.
The repulsive 5x fake BoneSpur draft dodger blames the WH--and the cowardly MSM repeates his nonsense without comment or evaluation--but his criticism is just nonsense given what happened on the ground that fateful day! End of story!! Yes?
Bravo ira. Even with "perfect plans" an op of that size and scope can't escape determined possibilities, and most especially with the handicaps handed to the next administration.
D4N and Ira lechner you’re both trying to blame Trump for something he had no control over. Typical liberal democrat behavior. You’re both delusional. By your logic Biden and Harris aren’t responsible for anything: the economy, the open borders, inflation, Ukraine, the Gaza crisis, the formation of BRICS, the threat to the dollar as the World’s Reserve currency, the corruption of the FDA, CDC, DHS, DOJ, FBI, HHS, NIH. Not their problem. 🐂💩.
It is a matter of public record. Trump is 100% to blame. If you spent less time trolling and more time checking your facts (but you already know this, don't you troll) you would know this.
I was drafted and served as well, 67-69 unlike cadet Bone Spurs.
Do you know whether or not that has all been substantiated? I'm not asking because I think any of it is untrue. I'm asking because I've been engaged in a years-long argument with a staunch Trump-supporting classmate from decades ago. Most recently, the argument has centered upon last week's fiasco at Arlington National Cemetery. My friend (loosely defined) has predictably defended Trump and the families in question, while blasting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for their role in the deaths of the 13 soldiers in Afghanistan. I, of course, have taken an opposing position, but I don't dare use supporting facts unless I'm certain that they are indeed facts.
Pretty much all the info is “findable”. Trump was doing a lot of last minute mischief.
This an Afghanistan overview provided by the WH.
I think it is fair to say, Trump the Chump set the table, “negotiated” with the Taliban and got nothing in return. Did not hold them to the terms of the agreement & so by the time he left, the Taliban controlled much of the country without any resistance. Biden had extended the deadline once. It is probably unrealistic to think he could do so again without giving something in return. The terms for not attacking our troops were set. They had more fighters available & friendlier territory for them by far.
About the prisoners DJT insisted be released & tried to deny later - Pompeo admitted it.
Transition - DJT refused to concede. His GSA director claimed she could not “ascertain” a clear winner, stalling the process.
Might want to ask you frenemies about Trump the Chump deserting the Kurds. Our troops were not prepared. They were also embarrassed to desert their allies who threw rotten vegetables and insults at their tanks as they were abandoned. Some Kurds tried to block convoys & carried signs: "Thanks for U.S. people, but Trump betrayed us." Our troops were in caught up at positions near the border when the Turkish troops poured over the border.
Headline — Military leader of Syrian Kurds tells US ‘you are leaving us to be slaughtered
“… senior US defense official told CNN, “We are just watching the second largest Army in NATO attack one of our best counter-terrorism partners.”
Syria and Russia who are NOT good partners probably loved it.
Thanks for the links.
Oh heck a trumper wouldn’t know the difference. They don’t know what is factual. They listen to blah all the time..
Jane Bainbridge I think you meant to say a Biden-Harris supporter not a trumper. All the Trump supporters I know have very sophisticated 🐂💩detectors and have far better critical thinking skills than you DemocRats. GYHOOYA.
As far as I know, and remember (I was appalled at the time) it's all true. You could probably do some online searching to verify. Never a bad idea.
Yes, I imagine it is all verifiable via an internet search, but must confess that I'm being bit lazy here. I've become so exhausted by constantly countering my "friend's" multitude of arguments with actual facts (which he alternately dismisses or ignores) that I just don't have the energy to research all the points in the comment I was questioning.
Let’s see your receipts gwpriester. Bet you have none.
I'm guessing that English is not your first language. In Russia if you have been paying attention in class you would know the correct way to state your request. Not to worry, troll, you have been reported to support and will soon be gone. It's been, well, not great. Not even good.
Don't waste any more time with that 'friend' Cheryl. Those are facts that you can easily verify and so can they.
*heavy sigh* I agree with you, but I'm very tired of countering the other party's constant right-wing spin with actual facts, which I know he won't research even if I provide him with weblinks. I'm just not up to researching every one of the points in that Occupy Democrats article. Given the source, I'm sure my "friend" would dismiss the article as left-wing propaganda, anyway.
I get it Cheryl.
Because OD is a notoriously unreliable source for factual information your friend is right to dismiss it as propaganda. Because most of it is.
I can verify all of the facts stated because they are all part of the public record. I really suggest you find another group to troll. Your arguments are weak and highly suspect.
Cheryl Thomas you would be wise not to trust the Occupy Democrats for any so called facts. They are often discredited and this is probably no different. You would be wise to do your own research.
Thank you for sharing this. It makes me sick when they blame Biden (as usual a Trump ploy).
This doesn’t get said enough and it certainly doesn’t get any MSM press or air! It’s very pertinent due to the stunt that Trump pulled last week at Arlington. That was meant as a shot at Harris (as Biden’s VP) during the Afghanistan disaster.
Would you mind if I shared this, giving you the credit of course?
Absolutely. I hope everybody will share these facts.
But the credit goes to Occupy Democrats who posted these on their Facebook Page.
I’d like to share this as well. How can we do it?
Copy and paste should work
Publish this as is WAPO and NYT!!!!
Yeah… But…but….but…Hunter Biden’s laptop used to be Indian and now it’s Black!
This is awesome. Thanks.
The truth but, unfortunately, MAGAs live in the “Trump reality realm” not in the real world. Even though Trump started the disaster and left the mess to Biden, in Trump’s mind and his Republican cult, since he wasn’t there at the end, he bears no responsibility. Not that he would have taken responsibility if he had been there.
Some of us noticed at the time what was happening.
Pulling out of Afghanistan (Trump’s idea) was the correct move. It was up to Biden’s Defense Department to make a mess of it.
What a sad comment. An idea and a move are not the same. The right idea needs a plan before the deadline is announced. Then the plan can be carried out by the commanders. trump is a traitor to the United States, and comments such as yours continue the perversity with "Biden's Defense Department" to make a mess of it. Are you so ignorant in your trumplove that you believe the Defense Department changes over with the President? Get off the couch and do some thinking with your head, instead.
So Trump cozying up to the Taliban behind the back of the Afghan military because one of them called him "Your Excellency" and subsequently ordering the release of thousands of Taliban prisoners, promising who knows what else, perhaps 'I'll give you Afghanistan', didn't have anything to do with the mess in Afghanistan Biden inherited? Sure...keep drinking that MAGA kool-aid.
Blocked for disinformation.
You must be a Trump sympathizer. Trump signed the agreement to withdraw without input from Afghan government, setting withdrawal date with no set plans for safe withdrawal, forced released of 5,000 Taliban prisoners, withdrew all but about 2,000 US soldiers and left mess for Biden to do final exit. Blame is on Trump who started boulder rolling down the hill.
gwpriester if you can pull your head out of your a$$ you’d realize that your source is nothing but biased opinion and 🐂💩. They wouldn’t know a fact from the fictional world where they live. The scariest part is that you believe their 🐂💩. You are delusional.