It's time for Thomas to be formally investigated. Again.

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Impeach Clarence Thomas. He’s not impartial and colluded with insurrectionists

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Sorry for being so late with this comment. I just wanted to thank you for your constant reasonableness in the face of all the media games. I always come to you to get my compass straight again. You are a gem in a pile of rocks!

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this just goes on and on and on. Will it ever end? My frustration is at an all-time high. To make matters worse, we have had our second police officer killed in the line of duty, on the same day we were saying goodby to a 35-year-old officer, who believed in serving his fellow man. He served in Afghanistan. He leaves behind and young son 3 and his wife. While the service was taking place our second officer was shot and killed and then ran over by the felon. He leaves behind two sons and a wife. The last officer killed was in Las Vegas on vacation and was stabbed to death and we have these people in Washington sitting, defending Trump and Thomas. There is no excuse for what is happening in DC. Power does corrupt and we have people like Jordan, Cruz, Graham etc. taking potshots at KBJ. We really need to clean house and get back our country! Thank you allowing me to vent. It has been a long week and it is just Tuesday. It has just a been very emotional. Thank you all for listening.

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Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely - Lord Acton

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I wonder how much Republicans bashing KBJ knew about Thomas. Were they in fear of Pres.Biden having a 2nd SCOTUS pick? Thomas should have recused himself and didn’t. Now he must retire or be impeached

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The optimism of those ignorant of statutory law (and precedent) never ceases to amaze me.

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Unfortunately, unless and until the JD and the AG take action to uncover the truth will justice be served and faith in our political leaders and the judicial process be restored. What could be worse than knowing the truth is out there and the party we put in power was either too weak or too afraid to take the necessary steps to restore some measure of trust and faith in our government and its leaders.

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There is red Kool-Aid and there is blue Kool-Aid, and a lot of Americans refuse either flavor.

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As always, Dan Rather does not disappoint. Unfortunately, nowadays reporters are seen as either left or right. Will the days of feeling reporters are not objective ever come back?

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Great reporting and I’m sure a lot more to come. Trump opened up all the dirt in politics and every day it gets worse. Hopefully an end to dirty politics is coming soon and we remain the greatest country in the world. God bless America!!!!

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Spot on, Dan Rather! Very well done. Your astute insight

Is awesome. What a well written piece. Thank you sir.

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You don't kill the horse just brcause the "jockey" is on another sadle . The horse runs by spirit and courage . The "jockey" is swayed by riches and position.

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“ The half-life of outrage can be measured in nanoseconds. “

Exactly. Each time I find myself outraged, appalled, aghast, or in utter disgust, something else will be revealed mere moments later regarding the poison that is/was Donald Trump. Lately that seems to come in the form of unexplainable, obsequious devotion from people I may once have seen as, if not my compatriots, at least those who loved America and its democratic commitment. It’s exhausting.

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I believe originalist interpretations of the Constitution have consistently weakened our hold on Democracy over time. Ginni Thomas, as a private citizen, has a right to her opinions but her opinions should not be driving Justice Thomas' judicial opinions. A line has clearly been crossed in this case and deserves serious investigation.

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She just doesn’t have any rights to encourage an insurrection.

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It's often referred to as the First Amendment.

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Well said sirs

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The Democrats cheated in the 2020 election! It is overwhelming Obvious. Who in there right mind would vote for Joe Biden? Look at what he is doing to this call country. I knew it was going to be bad but I never thought it would be this bad.

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Republicans are nothing if not devoted to evil in government, religion and society at large, as spewed by Rupert and republican mainstream these days. If they get a sniff of decency, they reject it outright or stomp it in to oblivion with not an iota of cognition.

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I did and in good conscience considering the Republican Party backed an Obvious con-man. I'm not especially proud of what is going on now in this country, but it is definitely worth holding onto. What you choose not to see is that Trump wanted to alienate us from the World. Had an Democrat been in office during the Trump timeframe and done ANY of the things he did, you would have been livid. You are sheople who would follow Trump to the cliff and jump. Why? Because Trump told you to. Sheople, following Donald "Jim Jones" Trump ...

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“Overwhelming obvious” you stated, but you have not given even one example of you evidence??

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Boomerang, it’s what they do. Accuse others of their evil. Straight out of Goebbels

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Correct Jeri, and you can now add Putin and the Russians to your Goebbels list.

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Well, Neil you asked who would have voted for Biden? I can say 7,060,000+ more people voted for Biden than Trump! One of the reasons Republicans will never support eliminating the Electoral College. They would never win another election and they know it!

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Please tell me what "rights" have been taken away from you under the Biden administration.

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The right to freely infect others

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Sorry, but without vaccine mandates that freedom still exists and is spreading.

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You have freedom now not to vaccinate, but society has the right to protect itself from your right. Your fallacy is you think your freedom gives you right to overun the hospital system to the detriment of all.

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I've made no claim that personal liberties trump the common good.

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Under that logic, since you have the right to own a gun, you should be able to go out and shoot whoever you like. You are ridiculous.

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A fish rots from the head down... when the people entrusted with protecting democracy are the ones involved in subverting it, it's clear the rot has set in. Donald Trump is not the problem, we have known him to be the con he is, all his life. The problem is the ecosystem of enablers he has, the real "deplorables". This includes most of the GOP, so it's no longer the fringe. Republicans have concluded that they can't win elections through fair means anymore. It's only going to be through questioning elections, creating a smokescreen to run this scam and grab power. Rest assured, once they do, once Trump is back, democracy is over. The institutions have been tested once, and we found it wobbly. One more push and democracy as we know it will start unraveling.

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It’s what the cult counts on

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Isn't it possible the "rot" extends to BOTH parties, and that democracy is already unraveling?

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Well put. The system itself is broken, BOTH parties are to blame. Trump woke up and rallied the worst in people and of them, those lying in wait for a "leader" a Messiah to blame it on. Trump fit that bill perfectly, a con-man, womanizing vulture and an egotistic narcissist. It is NOT entirely his fault, it is the fault of those using his cheerleading to destroy the country. Drive through Texas and outside of each city lies the "My trash is My treasure" lifestyle of many of his top supporters. The Old Party of Republicans has become covered and seared in the Neo-Party of "I'm gonna support that ol'boy just cause he's a Repub." The Old Party of Democrats is now the Neo-Party of "protect the fleas that carry Bubonic Plague as they are a life form too."

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Lord, I reject your description of me and other Dems I know, as much as I reject the Q crap.

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So Republicans are "devoted to evil," but Democrats are untarnished?

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