A fish rots from the head down... when the people entrusted with protecting democracy are the ones involved in subverting it, it's clear the rot has set in. Donald Trump is not the problem, we have known him to be the con he is, all his life. The problem is the ecosystem of enablers he has, the real "deplorables". This includes most of t…
A fish rots from the head down... when the people entrusted with protecting democracy are the ones involved in subverting it, it's clear the rot has set in. Donald Trump is not the problem, we have known him to be the con he is, all his life. The problem is the ecosystem of enablers he has, the real "deplorables". This includes most of the GOP, so it's no longer the fringe. Republicans have concluded that they can't win elections through fair means anymore. It's only going to be through questioning elections, creating a smokescreen to run this scam and grab power. Rest assured, once they do, once Trump is back, democracy is over. The institutions have been tested once, and we found it wobbly. One more push and democracy as we know it will start unraveling.
Well put. The system itself is broken, BOTH parties are to blame. Trump woke up and rallied the worst in people and of them, those lying in wait for a "leader" a Messiah to blame it on. Trump fit that bill perfectly, a con-man, womanizing vulture and an egotistic narcissist. It is NOT entirely his fault, it is the fault of those using his cheerleading to destroy the country. Drive through Texas and outside of each city lies the "My trash is My treasure" lifestyle of many of his top supporters. The Old Party of Republicans has become covered and seared in the Neo-Party of "I'm gonna support that ol'boy just cause he's a Repub." The Old Party of Democrats is now the Neo-Party of "protect the fleas that carry Bubonic Plague as they are a life form too."
A fish rots from the head down... when the people entrusted with protecting democracy are the ones involved in subverting it, it's clear the rot has set in. Donald Trump is not the problem, we have known him to be the con he is, all his life. The problem is the ecosystem of enablers he has, the real "deplorables". This includes most of the GOP, so it's no longer the fringe. Republicans have concluded that they can't win elections through fair means anymore. It's only going to be through questioning elections, creating a smokescreen to run this scam and grab power. Rest assured, once they do, once Trump is back, democracy is over. The institutions have been tested once, and we found it wobbly. One more push and democracy as we know it will start unraveling.
It’s what the cult counts on
Isn't it possible the "rot" extends to BOTH parties, and that democracy is already unraveling?
Well put. The system itself is broken, BOTH parties are to blame. Trump woke up and rallied the worst in people and of them, those lying in wait for a "leader" a Messiah to blame it on. Trump fit that bill perfectly, a con-man, womanizing vulture and an egotistic narcissist. It is NOT entirely his fault, it is the fault of those using his cheerleading to destroy the country. Drive through Texas and outside of each city lies the "My trash is My treasure" lifestyle of many of his top supporters. The Old Party of Republicans has become covered and seared in the Neo-Party of "I'm gonna support that ol'boy just cause he's a Repub." The Old Party of Democrats is now the Neo-Party of "protect the fleas that carry Bubonic Plague as they are a life form too."
Lord, I reject your description of me and other Dems I know, as much as I reject the Q crap.
So Republicans are "devoted to evil," but Democrats are untarnished?