“ The half-life of outrage can be measured in nanoseconds. “
Exactly. Each time I find myself outraged, appalled, aghast, or in utter disgust, something else will be revealed mere moments later regarding the poison that is/was Donald Trump. Lately that seems to come in the form of unexplainable, obsequious devotion from people I may once …
“ The half-life of outrage can be measured in nanoseconds. “
Exactly. Each time I find myself outraged, appalled, aghast, or in utter disgust, something else will be revealed mere moments later regarding the poison that is/was Donald Trump. Lately that seems to come in the form of unexplainable, obsequious devotion from people I may once have seen as, if not my compatriots, at least those who loved America and its democratic commitment. It’s exhausting.
“ The half-life of outrage can be measured in nanoseconds. “
Exactly. Each time I find myself outraged, appalled, aghast, or in utter disgust, something else will be revealed mere moments later regarding the poison that is/was Donald Trump. Lately that seems to come in the form of unexplainable, obsequious devotion from people I may once have seen as, if not my compatriots, at least those who loved America and its democratic commitment. It’s exhausting.