Dan, Thank so much for your reply. I appreciate it more than you know. I’m sorry you’re questioning your best friend after so many years, it’s such a difficult spot to be in. I wish I had more helpful advice to share. I learned throughout all of my health challenges is to do what’s the best for you and follow your intuition. Wishing the best outcome for your friendship, take care.


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Having been careful for over three years, I woke up Sunday and my NOVID stretch was over. So as we all know COVID is decidedly not over. Thank goodness I'm vaxxed x5. The high fevers are horrendous. Be safe everyone.

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For someone who has spent so much time in Washington and dealing with the upper crust, it is stunning that you still support this destructive mythology imposed upon the public and the world. The EUA has stopped because the public is pushing back and refusing these toxic drugs which the govt buys with the public's money and then gets trashed for being expired.

When will people who should have sense stop claiming deaths with all the fear mongering that goes with that narrative. When will these toxic drugs cease to be called vaccines when in fact they never were but were bioweapons--this according to the government definition. Vaccines, such that they are, need to be able to prevent disease and prevent transmission. These covid drugs did neither. To the contrary, a bioweapon is a toxin or drug that is used on people but does nothing to cure, prevent illness or prevent transmission. The CDC has stated these failures more than once. Walensky in her recent testimony to Congress stated this. Fauci has stated this more than one. Why does Reich and others keep promoting these lies.

In fact Covid never was. Everything was done to scare people into a controlled submissive state with loss of civil liberties, economy, human contact, etc. This is what Covid was about--a big test to see how easy it would be to bring an entire population under control to do the bidding of profiteering, fraudulent economic interests and political power seekers and that part was a pretty good success, at least in the US. The rest of the world began to wake up much faster and resist. It is definitely time to say good bye to Covid but people need to open their eyes to the nefarious efforts to allow the WHO to take complete control over our nations by being able to declare emergencies without any facts. The WHO, to be clear, is controlled by wealthy elites, corporate interests, people like Bill Gates, etc. The so-called Health Treaty is on the table and being worked on for approval by the different countries. This is part of bringing in the New World Order, or One World as some call it.

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I still wear a mask when I go shopping to the grocery store - it is still required in most pharmacies and doctors' offices - if they happen to be open. I will continue to wear a mask, even in places it is not mandatory to wear one. I think I may have had COVID a few times, and I'm not taking ANY risks.

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COVID is NOT over! Approximately 500 people worldwide die from COVID every single day. A family member who never had it before and is fully vaccinated tested positive with symptoms on Saturday. I’m appalled that the vast majority of people I see every day wear no masks and behave like everything is normal. Everything is not normal.

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I want you to know you are not alone. Unfortunately a lot of people basically don't care until they are personally affected. That is the unfortunate thing. The death rate is probably 1% of the population. I wonder if people would have waken up if maybe 30% of people who got COVID-19 died from it.

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Points well taken. Although I saw Birx as part of the problem. She developed a conscience after she left.

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Since a cycling friend of ours just came down with it last week, I would say, “no Covid is not over.”

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To all people who want to wear masks, solidarity to you. I don't want you to feel like you're all alone. There are plenty of people out there, that want to keep wearing their masks to prevent serious illness or even death. I don't think COVID-19 is done with us yet. We have too many people out there that are too much in a hurry to get back to the way things were before we had COVID-19. The science is out there. We need to be especially guarded in crowded situations.

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So many science deniers in the comments. They all sound angry and mean.

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Many tens of millions felt acutely their rights and liberties being trampled, their government and society distorted and trashed economically, for years. They endured many hysterical spasms of hateful condemnations from people perhaps like or even including you. Anger is an understandable even appropriate response.

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I beg to differ. It was a public health emergency and over one million Americans died because it was poorly handled. People did not come together as we did even after 9/11. Science deniers caused real harm as in loss of life and loss of loved ones. Rights were not trampled. To your point about anger I would say that those of us who desired a better response to the pandemic have reasons for their anger.

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The shame is that Covid was politicized from the beginning. If we had had a different President when Covid began, perhaps it would not have become such a divisive issue. As it is, there is too much distrust around anything connected with it. It is not over. It is still a huge cause of death in this country. However, because the people most at risk of death are either elderly or already very ill or both, too many people discount the issue. I am up-to-date on my vaccines and wear a mask when I go to the grocery store. I think we are all on our own in this fight. Public opinion is against us.

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After the first two weeks (to slow the spread) everyone with a brain knew what a joke Chinaflu was. Libs wanted to hurt Trump and that is the only reason for the shut downs. Covid deaths vastly overcounted and fearmongering by the media is what created the scamdemic. Grow up people!

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Typical MAGA response 👎

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Report it.

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The thing that no one is talking about, except for a small fraction of people on social media, is the long term effects from getting COVID a couple times a year. It is not sustainable. It is damaging . There is plenty of evidence and more will continue to come out of the damaging effects left after even a mild sickness. What will happen to our children who continue to catch it? What about long COVID? In addition the healthcare system is in serious peril with no solutions being discussed. This is the legacy of COVID a disease that will keep giving long after everyone says it is over.

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of course it is not over, by a long shot. people are getting very sick, getting disabled or dying everyday in large numbers. look to the science - oh wait, you can't because they are shutting that down too. capitalism must go on, with or without you. i hope you "get it" (not the virus)

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Point well taken

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There is a difference between reasonable precautions from a known threat vs Chicken Little “The sky is falling.” You can go skydiving (once) without a parachute. The only thing stopping you is your fear. No, the thing that’s stopping you is knowledge of the likely outcome if you go skydiving without a parachute, so you use a parachute when you go skydiving.

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So many realities in your article. We must persevere and look at how we, as the People, need to be aware and change and accept what comes our way. Thank you for your insight.

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