of course it is not over, by a long shot. people are getting very sick, getting disabled or dying everyday in large numbers. look to the science - oh wait, you can't because they are shutting that down too. capitalism must go on, with or without you. i hope you "get it" (not the virus)
of course it is not over, by a long shot. people are getting very sick, getting disabled or dying everyday in large numbers. look to the science - oh wait, you can't because they are shutting that down too. capitalism must go on, with or without you. i hope you "get it" (not the virus)
of course it is not over, by a long shot. people are getting very sick, getting disabled or dying everyday in large numbers. look to the science - oh wait, you can't because they are shutting that down too. capitalism must go on, with or without you. i hope you "get it" (not the virus)