Tears in my eyes, when I think of Willie and that song, and other things

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You're right... I'm sorry about Iowa...

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"former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan gets 14-year jail term for graft"

**** WHY Won't They Put tRump In Jail For His CRIMES?!!!

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A wonderful American treasure. His songs invoke yearning, and for the right things. His "Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain" still rivets me, so I guess I am a fan. Best to him.

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Amen to that!

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One of my all time favorites.

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I believe Willie’s version of Always on my Mind was released in 1982, had lots of airplay. In March of that year my 3 1/2 year old daughter, born with a congenital heart defect, passed away. Willie’s rendition of this, his heartfelt delivery and expression, resonate to this day. Thank you, Willie.

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I listened to the clip. We are in southern Colorado and driving west from Pueblo one can witness these large growing installments. Oh, yes thank you for the song! A comfort indeed.

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Thank you, Dan, for Willie at what I consider his best. Well, one of his best.

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A thought not related to this article, But Valid:

"The culture of any organization is shaped by the worst behavior the leader is willing to tolerate".

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Oh, you guys. You and Willie, Dan. You both are the kind of people that helped weave my life into a sumptuous tapestry of the richest textures and colors and feelings, that has been so much more than I could have ever imagined. My life has been powered by the products of your minds, along with a few thousand others, and the surprises have been endless. Thank you both for your immense contributions!

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Sir, thank you, thank you, thank you, I rewatched the entire Big Interview. Two of my favorite men. Your prespectives and take on life is always refreshing. I cried the first time I saw the interview, just as I cried today. Both you and Willie are icons and legacies, certainly in Texas, but in our Nation. We would be in a much better place if we had more Dan Rather's and Willie Nelson's. You are genuine, real, and in touch with all of us at a core level.

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I have seen many Willie Concerts. I have needed and loved him for 50+ years. I’ve seen him on concert halls, grassy fields, and a basketball stadium. He has accompanied me through all my stages and phases. And know we have Willie’s mini me, his son Luke, who is a first rate crooner and song writer. I would me so happy if Willie would live forever.

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I adore Willie. He was a fave of my late Dad who usually only listened to classical guitar, Opera, Irish tenors and Mozart. Yes, I inherited his eclectic taste in music. Willie was his country music exception. I think it was his expertise in guitar. When Dad died I was given all his Willie Nelson music.

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I''m at Work -- listening to Willie Nelson -- sound turned down -- tears overflowing from my eyes -- soft smile on my lips. Deep breath -- Love and Peace fill my heart and my mind -- I am loved.

Thank you, Dan, for sharing. <3

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