I think we need to get news organizations completely free of the influence of rich investors who I believe are trying to suppress any news that could go against the interests of the rich investors of the various news outlets across the country. I believe the journalists are afraid to share the unvarnished truth for fear of being fired by the rich investors of the news organizations these journalists work for. A lot of the owners of these news organizations use a rating system where the most money is made when the ratings are the highest. If the ratings are low it is very likely that material with low ratings will be curtailed in favor of material that gets the highest ratings.

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Trump has committed a crime that no one has mentioned so far, the crime of purposely addicting himself to telling lies. What kind of crime is it? It is a crime against humanity.


All humans speak at least one language: their mother tongue.

Why is it they can learn it?

Because nobody lies to babies.

What kind of activity is it to learn a language through immersion?

Codebreaking. Babies are codebreakers. One thing about codebreaking is that you have to kill two birds with one stone. You have to find the cipher and the cleartext at the same time (not one after the other). When a baby learns a language, babies discover two things at the same time: the language and the world baby is born into.

Can a baby learn a language when completely surrounded by liars? No. A completely corrupted message cannot be broken. But babies never have this problem. Nobody lies to babies.

But now we have Trump. He lies so much that he makes no distinction between lies and the truth. He lies so much that lying is part of his very being. Trump, as we say, will be Trump. But the Trump problem is not just about one man Trump. Trump teaches other people to lie. It is easy, he says: you invent lies and you keep repeating them. So he knows what he is doing. But he can’t stop himself and doesn’t want to. The same with his imitators.

Will society ever become a society of liars? No. But the damages that he and his imitators have done is already great. It is so easy to say, Fake News!

Language is one of those things that make us human. Language is developed to tell the truth. By consciously becoming an addict to telling lies; by teaching others to become the same kind of addict: Trump is committing a crime against humanity. (See also my blog (under construction): Nobody Lies to Babies.)

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I'm just getting around to reading this. I can't thank you enough. I will share but I suspect the ones who need to give it creed are too blind to see.

I'm not a big follower of "celebrity" but you are the real deal and what a joy it would be to shake your hand and breathe the same air ~ even in Texas. I'm a firm believer that there are good folks everywhere.

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Thanks Dan and Elliot both. This is a reminder that must be shouted to the rooftops. Lest we forgot and get saddled with tRump or a tRump disciple.

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You speak for many of us, Dan although in a much more eloquent way. I feel such despair when I see Trump's followers filling his coffers and buying his lies. Please keep writing. I (we) need you now more than ever.

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This is why Dan Rather is the best of the best. I’ll read as long as he can write.

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Thank you, Dan. I will be grateful to read as long as you can write.

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I agree with you wholeheartedly. I feel some days like the whole world's gone crazy. As my mother would say, where's the common sense? I grew up with you being our news source, and we need to get back to that kind of reporting. Give the facts and let people make up their own minds. Not 100 talking heads giving their own version of the truth.

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I really miss you and your broadcasts. God Bless you as you keep on telling the truth.

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You go Dan! Keep your voice alive. It’s a great one.

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Here Hear bravo

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Thank you and God bless. I count on your steadfast analysis. You are a gift to the country. Please continue. You manage to give hope in a dire situation.

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Thank you Dan. If we are to listen to anyone, it would be those like you who have been in the center of our society, examining every aspect of American life and politics, for many years. The wisdom of your age and experience speaks volumes. You have seen it all and reported it all with evenness and integrity. If you're alarmed, then we all should be. Keep telling it like it is. Your bravery to do so will inspire the rest of us to speak out as well.

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Dan, I am completely on board with your concerns for our democracy. My sense is that in the minds of those trumpsters democracy means giving voice to those they see as inferior, i.e. the "takers" and minorities.

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I trust you , I grew up with your reporting. This brings tears to my eyes and my very core because I feel exactly the same way you so eloquently wrote it. Thank you Dan Rather and May God continue to bless you .

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