Same for the Dems. Neither Party really cares about the public. Robert F Kennedy jr is the only viable candidate we have that actually talks about the people and talks about his growing up being taught to understand them. One of his stories has to do with his father taking the kids on vacation to very poor communities to see what their conditions were and what needed change. He has spoken against war and the need to walk on another's shoes to understand them. He may not agree with Russia but understands how they were directly threatened by the US that instigated this war and he talks about how we can stop it immediately and work on bringing peace.
Time to stop trying to make Biden and his supporter as entities worth supporting and safing. They are actively destroying us.
The Axis won WW2, hijacking the Press and placing the USA in a matrix.
The Axis controls both the DNC are RNC, staging fake disputes between them to distract everyone from the Nazis in the background ruling us dictatorially.
The Axis targeted me when I was a child because I am mixed Celtic-Jewish. They are framing me as a serial murderer to get my DNA in the database. Covert genocide.
Very profound. The least of our brothers, I believe, is a religious doctrine. Too bad the GOP does not follow it.
Same for the Dems. Neither Party really cares about the public. Robert F Kennedy jr is the only viable candidate we have that actually talks about the people and talks about his growing up being taught to understand them. One of his stories has to do with his father taking the kids on vacation to very poor communities to see what their conditions were and what needed change. He has spoken against war and the need to walk on another's shoes to understand them. He may not agree with Russia but understands how they were directly threatened by the US that instigated this war and he talks about how we can stop it immediately and work on bringing peace.
Time to stop trying to make Biden and his supporter as entities worth supporting and safing. They are actively destroying us.
The Axis won WW2, hijacking the Press and placing the USA in a matrix.
The Axis controls both the DNC are RNC, staging fake disputes between them to distract everyone from the Nazis in the background ruling us dictatorially.
The Axis targeted me when I was a child because I am mixed Celtic-Jewish. They are framing me as a serial murderer to get my DNA in the database. Covert genocide.
The evidence is plain as day in my docs.
Democrat journalists are covering up for Nazis.
Republican journalists are covering up for Nazis.
I elaborate in my Google Docs: