I assume so. Thanks!

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There is a FAKE ELLIOT KIRSCHNER trying to get people to click on his profile in Telegram. (Ha! This is why I don't use Telegram.)

Here's the email notification I got:

Elliot_Kirschner replied to your comment on What Constitutes "National Security?".

👆👆☝️ Message me on telegram with the username above congratulations!🎁🤝

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I believe you are completely right about the gun problem in our USA and we also have politicians that are saying they will be in the Capital until next Tuesday and are unhappy with what the Speaker and President BIDEN got a way to get the debt paid, so they are going to try to get their own way - as usual & that could cause the default!

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I wrote about national security. I found it funny how a LOT of our African American "martyrs" where killed for being a THREAT to our NATIONAL SECURITY. The Black Panther Party who did nothing other than take care of, protect and serve the BLACK COMMUNITY was called a threat to national security. So when I think of hear threat to national security, it is BLACKS no longer using their muscles, minds and intellectual properties STILL for the wealth, profit, benefit and advancement of and for Europeans by force and torture. I find it funny, the Black Panther Party had a FREE school breakfast program and White folks snatched it and framed it negatively and wrongly and today parents are getting criminal records for not being able to purchase FOOD for their children at school. CONgress even are "taking school lunches" up for debate to end the program........smh Yet, they want us to believe that they are concerned about our children on TikTok? O ok!

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National security deals with crises outside America's borders. Domestic security is irrelevant if an enemy such as Russia decides to nuke America. I suggest we all agree on that, and resist the temptation to mix the two together. No doubt domestic security is very real and serious social issues must be confronted within America's borders.

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Did the worriers notice today that the debt ceiling crisis and the fear of default has just been settled?

America will never default. The richest nation on the planet, and so many worry needlessly. Not me, as I made clear on Steady some days ago. Worry about Ukraine and Russia. That is the seriously serious issue facing the free world today.

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Once you start actually deploying these weapons... National Security OUT THE WINDOW!!!

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so very true. many of us would kill the goose that is really laying all we have because of a a spot or improfection in its decisions or actions rather than constructively work to improve the situation. so please get out and VOTE before some of us kill our rule of law constitutional democracy because of a problem or problems that can be fixed.

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While I agree with most of your well written article I disagree with the part about guns.

Now I have never bought a gun nor is there one in our house and I don't go to demonstrations either but I want the right to do either.

You call for "common sense" gun laws but almost to a person at the last democratic debate they were saying they would take away all the guns. Beto O'Rourke even said, "your damn right I'm coming for your guns". He said he would prefer a buy back program but either way he's going to take them away.

No one on the stage said that was wrong.

That is why common sense gun laws haven't been passed. Because people know once they get the common sense laws they won't stop but will then go after more and more laws.

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The Defense budget is not getting cut because of the independent contractors that provide equipment to the Department of Defense. These private companies want to receive trillions of dollars in Defense Contracts. The general public needs to stop falling for the lies about the need for having the large defense budget we have. We need to cut defense spending and allocate the money to dealing with the scourge of gun violence. We might have better national security if we spent more money on getting our roads and bridges repaired to the point where roads across the United States are always in prime condition. We need to invest in more counseling for people who may commit crimes because they are desperate for help. We need to deal with food insecurity by providing more SNAP funding for people who can't afford to buy their food. We need to adequately fund the Internal Revenue Service so we could get much better customer service when dealing with The Internal Revenue Service. The Internal Revenue Service could have more tools to go after wealthy tax cheats.

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The Defense budget is not getting cut because of the independent contractors that provide equipment to the Department of Defense. These private companies want to receive trillions of dollars in Defense Contracts. The general public needs to stop falling for the lies about the need for having the large defense budget we have. We need to cut defense spending and allocate the money to dealing with the scourge of gun violence. We might have better national security if we spent more money on getting our roads and bridges repaired to the point where roads across the United States are always in prime condition. We need to invest in more counseling for people who may commit crimes because they are desperate for help. We need to deal with food insecurity by providing more SNAP funding for people who can't afford to buy their food. We need to adequately fund the Internal Revenue Service so we could get much better customer service when dealing with The Internal Revenue Service. The Internal Revenue Service could have more tools to go after wealthy tax cheats.

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Lest us not forget that we have a national mental health crisis amongst our youth that threatens the very future of our national security.

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Could not agree MORE on your arguments on guns, books, election lies. We MUST rise up as voters and patriots against this brainwashed cult of traitors. They have subsumed the words patriot. freedom, and indeed America for their own lawless endeavors, and used the flag for their own heinous acts.

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Awesome analysis and presentation. The topic in question begs still more analysis and should be thought through by the rest of our citizenry, as one group / party - arguably minority, seeks dominion of relevance and correctness over any others. * An overlying question in my mind though is the basic legal correctness of allowing two distinctly and legally defined processes to be combined / justified into one process ? That is 1) Paying bills previously approved and legitimately 'owed', blended together with 2.) Future bills budget analysis and proposal process. "AM I missing something here" Dan and Elliot" ? Isn't this the germane thing here ? * I beg you post this alongside your header for this topic if I anywhere near correct, as it seems a significant departure from legal procedure and long past practice. Thank you both for your diligence and commitment to our nation and national conscience as I see it. **edit in: As I think on this further, 'if' you confirm the truth and relevance of my arguments, 'is it then not illegal, and Biden and the Senate should press a hard 'No' to this device, as it would seem McCarthy and all Federalists are out of order in that aim ? Are they not also disallowing by some 'magic wand' that the inflationary costs of past legally approved spending 'shall not be recognized' by some magical spell, wand, or other fiat outside the legal, open, and debatable process and reality ? Please do correct me if I'm wrong or missing something brothers and sisters - as I desperately need to know, understand, and accept that if true.

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Thanks for this summary. My contempt for the far right and all they purport to stand for is now complete.

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