Other than pride and ego, why not wear a mask? It' not as difficult as battling this disease AND it keeps your family and neighbor's safer. Refusing to wear a mask or become vaccinated is plain foolish unless you have a doctor's directive to avoid taking the vaccine. As my someone much smarter than me observed, "Common sense is very uncommon."
I am pretty much done with politics as it is all B.S. The people trying to run the show are about them and their ego. I remember learning that the good of the many outweighs the good of the one. These days we have it so backward. It seems like the good (or ego) of the one outweighs everything else.
As for vaccines, it should be mandated for public health. I am scared of needles but I got fully vaccinated because to me it is the right thing to do. These people have come up with all kinds of reasons and none of them make sense. Oh, I do keep my mask on when I am out unless I am alone.
We need to listen to each other instead of seeing is the most crazy.
I live in the Bay Area so most of my friends are liberally-minded. So while I am having these conversations, there isn't much debate. Mostly an agreement of shock, frustration, deep...deep...deep concern over the direction of this country, the language being offered up by these Movement Conservatives who are willing to sacrifice the basics of our Democracy, while using language like 'dictatorship, oppression, godless, socialists' to fuel their base. The irony being that they are accusing the Democrats of this - the very people who are trying to expand access to our democracy, to level the playing field, to pull money out of politics - and these Movement Conservatives who have 'kissed the ring' are the one's attempting a coup, who want only one party in control and who will happily oppress anyone who isn't White, Male & Wealthy. If the poor white's - their main base - think that this party has their best interest at heart - just look at the 2017 tax legislation. These people who talk about Liberals as oppressors out of one side of the mouth and then send a letter to the Supreme Court asking that Roe v Wade be overturned frighten me bc if they win .... what kind of country will my daughters grow up in?
As for who I want to see testify - all 156 Republicans who voted to NOT certify the election. I want McConnell to testify. I want Graham to testify. I want all WH staff to testify. I want Txxxx to testify.
As for vaccines - I wish there could be a more open conversation about the vaccines. I wash the FDA would do follow-up testing to ensure those who received the vaccines are actually vaccinated since we know how sensitive they are and that, as a result, a number of people are not fully vaccinated even IF they got both shots. I wish we could have a more open conversation about the legitimate side-effects and concerns about the vaccines instead of silencing those medical professionals who bring up legitimate concerns. I wish we weren't so afraid that we ignore the advise of the WHO of NOT vaccinating kids younger than 18 because of safety issues (or lack of long term safety studies). I wish that the anti-vaxxer and the fearmongering of the Right wasn't having this silencing effect across the board because now we CANT get real information or create solid policies around testing and contact tracing and mask wearing.
I live in St. Louis and masks have been mandated again. Our governor instituted a measure that for this to happen the board’s members must vote and there must be a majority vote to make a mask mandate happen. Board has voted it down even though our state is in a high Covid zone. It’s so frustrating that these folks aren’t willing to do what is best for humanity and still choose to be political. We are all in this together it just doesn’t make any sense
My trumper family are anti-vax (incomprehensibly since trump got vaccinated and he can do no wrong) and COVID denying. I got a call last night from my only sane sister that my brother is in the ICU in a hospital in Nebraska with severe COVID and blood clots in his lungs. My mother (84) still won't get vaccinated. I'm sick about it yet I'm all out of tears to shed over their terrible choices, starting with exploding our family over that odious man.
Apparently before COVID took him down he had traveled to Las Vegas while sick (super spreader event) to attend a big birthday party. What I wonder is when purveyors of mass propaganda like FOX face legal consequences for their actions? I'm ready for a class action lawsuit.
mask and I live in MA. But I also carry my bag which has two buttons on it - Vaxed and Proud and Vaccinated because I do not want folks to think that I am unvaccinated or support that idea. I am so startled how selfish many people in our country are- Why can’t folks think beyond themselves ? We seem to lack imagination and empathy. and the politicians in the midst of all this … throwing their constituents under the bus ( into the grave literally ..) all for their arrogant self serving views . However I don’t believe this conflict is new because I have seen cartoons from the early 1900s depicting conflict over mask wearing that reflects what’s going on now … How did we become so skeptical of science ? On another note , I am watching the jan. 6th hearings - thank you Nancy Pelosi . These are long overdue ! Again I don’t understand how folks can still be saying that that insurrection- was an act of civil disobedience - a simple protest. I call B.S. There must be accountability and consequences for the participants and the leaders of that insurrection. I worry that the common man ( and woman ) will take the fall - as they should - and the leaders ( Trump-McCarthy etc ) will never suffer any consequences!
I admired the officers who named the protestors what they were - terrorists.
What I want to know from the hearings is this, where does the buck stop? Who got the ball rolling and made sure it happened as planned? We are certain it was trump but I want to have legal testimony to prove it, just to take away any doubt. As for the vaccine debate, I am perplexed in peoples' against it. I know there are anti-vaxers, people who refuse to vaccinate their children from childhood diseases. But this is way more than that group, way more. It is people who do have their children vaccinated, people who were vaccinated themselves, probably people who get flu shots every year. What is it about this vaccine? I just don't get it. My mind can't comprehend this situation. And how a worldwide disease became politicized in our country is even more incomprehensible.
Vaccines are NOT a political issue. Why has it come to this? People are still dying and don’t have to. I’m just as enraged and dumbfounded as Rather on this subject. It’s a no-brainer and people need to listen to the experts. Pass those mandates, implement restrictions, and mask up people!
I think the vaccine pushback is a symptom. The problem is a lack of credible knowledge, definitely a time of fear for some of America. I think that politics has gotten so corrupt from lobbying money. We need to make that against the law. Take the money out of it. The world has changed so much from the time I was young due to the expanding population. Therefore the world must change with it. There will need to be more government support because of it. I do not want to live under an autocracy. If nothing happens about 6/1 , it will happen again. That was a pre-planned coup attempt. Just seeing the images on TV gave me PTSD. We must prosecute. It is a little scary how systematic the racism is. Until we deal with it , it will continue to hurt everyone. I definitely think wearing a mask is good manners and the safest practice. I don’t think school should be opening until everyone can be vaccinated. The risks for everyone are too great.
I was impressed by the January 6 Select Committee and its first meeting. The testimony of the police officers was riveting, dramatic, saddening and personal. Based upon comments by members at the first session, I feel confident that we will learn about the planning for, organization and harm the insurrection caused to people involved and to our democracy.
I have given up trying to talk with friends who are rabid Trump supporters and also anti-vaccination folks. For me it’s too frustrating at this point. I have started wearing my mask again when going in any public space. Sad that this has been politicized.
I'm exhausted. I try to dispel falsehoods on social media by posting facts with links to reputable sources, but the Republican caucus is relentless. The lies are constant and the clownish behavior is embarrassing.
I'm hopeful about the hearings and pleased that there are only serious people on the committee. If nothing else. I hope that those of us who search for the truth will find some answers. My fear is that the organizers will face no consequences and have no reason not to try again.
I'm in the Southwest corner of Missouri, a Covid hot spot. Our hospitals are full and cases haven't hit the projected peak yet. People here are not wearing masks and the vaccination rate is abysmal.
It's been an emotionally exhausting year. I read of a person who died of Covid after spreading disinformation far and wide. My gut reaction was that it was hard to care. Hear was a person who contributed to the deaths of others by misleading them. At least he won't be doing that any more.
That reaction greatly saddened me. I'm sad for the caring, giving person that I once was. But I am so tired of grieving and so angry about the constant falsehoods. I'm drained and I no longer have the energy to care about people that care only for themselves.
I’m a grandmother in Fairfax County, VA and I so hope my grandchildren can finally go to school in person this school year. They really need to be with other children and to interact with their teachers face to face. And the other grandparents and I in who have been supervising learning at home are not equipped for this and need to leave it to the professionals. Our grandsons don’t mind wearing masks and I hope everyone at school will be wearing them as my 9 year old grandson is not old enough to be vaccinated and neither are his classmates. I am so afraid that COVID is going to keep surging and schools will go back to virtual. At the same time I am afraid that my grandson will catch it or that I or the other vaccinated people in our family will get one of the variants. It seems that recent news about cases among the vaccinated and the ability of vaccinated people to infect others is downright scary. I would like us to take all the precautions that we can so we can have kids in school and have as close to zero people become seriously ill as we can.
We live in the 5th Congressional district of KY. Highly poor area, highly republican. Why? Because of the Civil War. I ask some of my friends "Why are you a republican"? The answer will either be some curse word or "I don't want to be a democrat." This includes family who are branded republican. We try to be independents but the rhetoric makes that impossible. Some (family) will not agree to wearing a mask, others complain "that bunch coming in here taking all the jobs." Disregarding the fact that their children or grands neither have the training to work at Microsoft. The educated ones who know how to turn on a computer would never toil as hard as "them people." I suppose that since some of those who do make it to the US on a work visa do work for Bill Gates company that is the reason for the chips in vaccines. I am sure that I am of such importance that the US government or Bill Gates want to know where I am at all times.
Six feet apart was the key. A mask and vaccine mandate is the second key. It seemed that in March 2021 the population feared something different and weren't able to comprehend respiratory much less SARS - CoV -2. I think the federal workers needs to all be vaccinated before the end of the year.
The investigation of the January 6th, Capital Attack hopefully will satisfy the curious. If I were to ask a question it would be: Were the protestors registered with a political party?
Other than pride and ego, why not wear a mask? It' not as difficult as battling this disease AND it keeps your family and neighbor's safer. Refusing to wear a mask or become vaccinated is plain foolish unless you have a doctor's directive to avoid taking the vaccine. As my someone much smarter than me observed, "Common sense is very uncommon."
I am pretty much done with politics as it is all B.S. The people trying to run the show are about them and their ego. I remember learning that the good of the many outweighs the good of the one. These days we have it so backward. It seems like the good (or ego) of the one outweighs everything else.
As for vaccines, it should be mandated for public health. I am scared of needles but I got fully vaccinated because to me it is the right thing to do. These people have come up with all kinds of reasons and none of them make sense. Oh, I do keep my mask on when I am out unless I am alone.
We need to listen to each other instead of seeing is the most crazy.
I live in the Bay Area so most of my friends are liberally-minded. So while I am having these conversations, there isn't much debate. Mostly an agreement of shock, frustration, deep...deep...deep concern over the direction of this country, the language being offered up by these Movement Conservatives who are willing to sacrifice the basics of our Democracy, while using language like 'dictatorship, oppression, godless, socialists' to fuel their base. The irony being that they are accusing the Democrats of this - the very people who are trying to expand access to our democracy, to level the playing field, to pull money out of politics - and these Movement Conservatives who have 'kissed the ring' are the one's attempting a coup, who want only one party in control and who will happily oppress anyone who isn't White, Male & Wealthy. If the poor white's - their main base - think that this party has their best interest at heart - just look at the 2017 tax legislation. These people who talk about Liberals as oppressors out of one side of the mouth and then send a letter to the Supreme Court asking that Roe v Wade be overturned frighten me bc if they win .... what kind of country will my daughters grow up in?
As for who I want to see testify - all 156 Republicans who voted to NOT certify the election. I want McConnell to testify. I want Graham to testify. I want all WH staff to testify. I want Txxxx to testify.
As for vaccines - I wish there could be a more open conversation about the vaccines. I wash the FDA would do follow-up testing to ensure those who received the vaccines are actually vaccinated since we know how sensitive they are and that, as a result, a number of people are not fully vaccinated even IF they got both shots. I wish we could have a more open conversation about the legitimate side-effects and concerns about the vaccines instead of silencing those medical professionals who bring up legitimate concerns. I wish we weren't so afraid that we ignore the advise of the WHO of NOT vaccinating kids younger than 18 because of safety issues (or lack of long term safety studies). I wish that the anti-vaxxer and the fearmongering of the Right wasn't having this silencing effect across the board because now we CANT get real information or create solid policies around testing and contact tracing and mask wearing.
I live in St. Louis and masks have been mandated again. Our governor instituted a measure that for this to happen the board’s members must vote and there must be a majority vote to make a mask mandate happen. Board has voted it down even though our state is in a high Covid zone. It’s so frustrating that these folks aren’t willing to do what is best for humanity and still choose to be political. We are all in this together it just doesn’t make any sense
I've really had enough.
My trumper family are anti-vax (incomprehensibly since trump got vaccinated and he can do no wrong) and COVID denying. I got a call last night from my only sane sister that my brother is in the ICU in a hospital in Nebraska with severe COVID and blood clots in his lungs. My mother (84) still won't get vaccinated. I'm sick about it yet I'm all out of tears to shed over their terrible choices, starting with exploding our family over that odious man.
Apparently before COVID took him down he had traveled to Las Vegas while sick (super spreader event) to attend a big birthday party. What I wonder is when purveyors of mass propaganda like FOX face legal consequences for their actions? I'm ready for a class action lawsuit.
I have never stopped wearing a
mask and I live in MA. But I also carry my bag which has two buttons on it - Vaxed and Proud and Vaccinated because I do not want folks to think that I am unvaccinated or support that idea. I am so startled how selfish many people in our country are- Why can’t folks think beyond themselves ? We seem to lack imagination and empathy. and the politicians in the midst of all this … throwing their constituents under the bus ( into the grave literally ..) all for their arrogant self serving views . However I don’t believe this conflict is new because I have seen cartoons from the early 1900s depicting conflict over mask wearing that reflects what’s going on now … How did we become so skeptical of science ? On another note , I am watching the jan. 6th hearings - thank you Nancy Pelosi . These are long overdue ! Again I don’t understand how folks can still be saying that that insurrection- was an act of civil disobedience - a simple protest. I call B.S. There must be accountability and consequences for the participants and the leaders of that insurrection. I worry that the common man ( and woman ) will take the fall - as they should - and the leaders ( Trump-McCarthy etc ) will never suffer any consequences!
I admired the officers who named the protestors what they were - terrorists.
T-shirt or button "Relax, I'm VAXED!"
What I want to know from the hearings is this, where does the buck stop? Who got the ball rolling and made sure it happened as planned? We are certain it was trump but I want to have legal testimony to prove it, just to take away any doubt. As for the vaccine debate, I am perplexed in peoples' against it. I know there are anti-vaxers, people who refuse to vaccinate their children from childhood diseases. But this is way more than that group, way more. It is people who do have their children vaccinated, people who were vaccinated themselves, probably people who get flu shots every year. What is it about this vaccine? I just don't get it. My mind can't comprehend this situation. And how a worldwide disease became politicized in our country is even more incomprehensible.
Vaccines are NOT a political issue. Why has it come to this? People are still dying and don’t have to. I’m just as enraged and dumbfounded as Rather on this subject. It’s a no-brainer and people need to listen to the experts. Pass those mandates, implement restrictions, and mask up people!
I think the vaccine pushback is a symptom. The problem is a lack of credible knowledge, definitely a time of fear for some of America. I think that politics has gotten so corrupt from lobbying money. We need to make that against the law. Take the money out of it. The world has changed so much from the time I was young due to the expanding population. Therefore the world must change with it. There will need to be more government support because of it. I do not want to live under an autocracy. If nothing happens about 6/1 , it will happen again. That was a pre-planned coup attempt. Just seeing the images on TV gave me PTSD. We must prosecute. It is a little scary how systematic the racism is. Until we deal with it , it will continue to hurt everyone. I definitely think wearing a mask is good manners and the safest practice. I don’t think school should be opening until everyone can be vaccinated. The risks for everyone are too great.
I was impressed by the January 6 Select Committee and its first meeting. The testimony of the police officers was riveting, dramatic, saddening and personal. Based upon comments by members at the first session, I feel confident that we will learn about the planning for, organization and harm the insurrection caused to people involved and to our democracy.
I have given up trying to talk with friends who are rabid Trump supporters and also anti-vaccination folks. For me it’s too frustrating at this point. I have started wearing my mask again when going in any public space. Sad that this has been politicized.
I have had far, far more than enough!
I'm exhausted. I try to dispel falsehoods on social media by posting facts with links to reputable sources, but the Republican caucus is relentless. The lies are constant and the clownish behavior is embarrassing.
I'm hopeful about the hearings and pleased that there are only serious people on the committee. If nothing else. I hope that those of us who search for the truth will find some answers. My fear is that the organizers will face no consequences and have no reason not to try again.
I'm in the Southwest corner of Missouri, a Covid hot spot. Our hospitals are full and cases haven't hit the projected peak yet. People here are not wearing masks and the vaccination rate is abysmal.
It's been an emotionally exhausting year. I read of a person who died of Covid after spreading disinformation far and wide. My gut reaction was that it was hard to care. Hear was a person who contributed to the deaths of others by misleading them. At least he won't be doing that any more.
That reaction greatly saddened me. I'm sad for the caring, giving person that I once was. But I am so tired of grieving and so angry about the constant falsehoods. I'm drained and I no longer have the energy to care about people that care only for themselves.
I’m a grandmother in Fairfax County, VA and I so hope my grandchildren can finally go to school in person this school year. They really need to be with other children and to interact with their teachers face to face. And the other grandparents and I in who have been supervising learning at home are not equipped for this and need to leave it to the professionals. Our grandsons don’t mind wearing masks and I hope everyone at school will be wearing them as my 9 year old grandson is not old enough to be vaccinated and neither are his classmates. I am so afraid that COVID is going to keep surging and schools will go back to virtual. At the same time I am afraid that my grandson will catch it or that I or the other vaccinated people in our family will get one of the variants. It seems that recent news about cases among the vaccinated and the ability of vaccinated people to infect others is downright scary. I would like us to take all the precautions that we can so we can have kids in school and have as close to zero people become seriously ill as we can.
We live in the 5th Congressional district of KY. Highly poor area, highly republican. Why? Because of the Civil War. I ask some of my friends "Why are you a republican"? The answer will either be some curse word or "I don't want to be a democrat." This includes family who are branded republican. We try to be independents but the rhetoric makes that impossible. Some (family) will not agree to wearing a mask, others complain "that bunch coming in here taking all the jobs." Disregarding the fact that their children or grands neither have the training to work at Microsoft. The educated ones who know how to turn on a computer would never toil as hard as "them people." I suppose that since some of those who do make it to the US on a work visa do work for Bill Gates company that is the reason for the chips in vaccines. I am sure that I am of such importance that the US government or Bill Gates want to know where I am at all times.
Six feet apart was the key. A mask and vaccine mandate is the second key. It seemed that in March 2021 the population feared something different and weren't able to comprehend respiratory much less SARS - CoV -2. I think the federal workers needs to all be vaccinated before the end of the year.
The investigation of the January 6th, Capital Attack hopefully will satisfy the curious. If I were to ask a question it would be: Were the protestors registered with a political party?