Earlier this week we were moved by the testimony in Congress in front of the select committee investigating the 1/6 attack on the Capitol to say that we had had "enough." We had had enough of those diminishing the seriousness of that day, obfuscating a perilous truth with their lies and self-serving silence. We had also had enough of those attacking vaccines as we struggle to get through this deadly pandemic, minimizing death and disruption going forward.
Many of you weighed in the comments to that post, and we are always grateful for your participation. The quality and depth of the discourse is inspiring. We thought that for our midweek conversation we would try to keep talking about the January 6 attack and the vaccines.
We were wondering, how engaged are you in the hearings, and are you talking to friends and family about it? What are they saying? Do they differ in politics from you? Where do you think the investigation might go? Who do you hope to hear from? What answers are you looking for?
And on the vaccine front, there have been a wave of mandates being issued in both the public and private sector. What do you think of these? Do you work in a place that will have a mandate? Have you talked to co-workers or family and friends about how this might impact where they work, and their thoughts on it?
This is a time of uncertainty, anxiety, and also change. We seem to be moving in some new directions even if the ultimate destinations are unclear. So please share your thoughts, and respond respectively to the comments of others. We at Steady are very proud of the community we are building and thank each and every one of you for being a part of it.
Some ground rules for these Wednesday chats (and also the comments sections on other posts):
I want a space where people feel safe to express their views, as long as they are offered in good faith.
I want a space where ideas can be challenged, especially my own.
I want debate. But I want it to be civil.
I want people to come here with open minds, and open hearts.
I want this to be fun as well as serious.
We can agree to disagree without being disagreeable.
I hope to continue to build a community here on Steady. If you aren’t already a subscriber, please consider signing up to a free or paid subscription. You can also leave a one-time tip to support our work. And if you are already part of our family, please consider sharing this post — and Steady — with others.
I find it beyond understanding that Republicans want to control women’s bodies regarding abortion yet find it appalling that anyone would ask them to wear a mask.
I'm a retired RN from FL. I am very concerned about how the influence of politics has replaced our basic instinct of survival. Science has taught us many life saving discoveries over the last hundred years; pasteurized milk, antibiotics, vaccines, lead paint, seat belts, tobacco, etc. All were met with minor skepticism, fear and doubt. But that skepticism never reached a level of hate that has divided our country. I now live in a state that strangers actually glare at me for wearing a mask and some don't hesitate to verbally declare their political beliefs about me wearing a mask. Policital beliefs, not medical beliefs. I stay isolated and away from the general public due to their choices and my feelings of being uncomfortable. This is not a great way to live and I know there are millions of those feeling the same as myself. How did politics replace safety, medicine and science? My state never mandated any safety precautions to protect it's citizens and now we are among the highest ranking for new cases. But people still don't see it or won't see it because of politics. This concept is extremely frightening to me. It's a dangerous path. Nothing should have this much power over people and if it continues I fear there are darker days ahead.