Thank you scientists who stopped plenty of childhood sicknesses. I’m glad my kids did not have whooping cough or mumps. Childhood killers!

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Thank you for standing up for truth!

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I have benefited from science, as we all have. It is not religion, it is not political, and it is not a belief. It is the most current, intelligent endeavor of humankind. People who use cell phones, cars, and electronics of any kind--even people who eat modern food--use science to stay living.

Not acknowledging science is a form of mental illness and a denial of reality.

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I apologize for the misspellings!

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Is anyone else getting these?

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Take a look at rabbi sacks.org where Rabbi Jonathan Sacks speaks about the importance of science and religion. His book, The Great Partnership, Science, Religion and the Search For Meaning explores the importance of each. I read it and found it very thought provoking. The advances in science and the vaccines available to us today have doubled the life span of humans over the last century.

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I don’t understand the string of numbers with a heart. What is yhis about 🙏

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Several of us have noted that science is a process. May I add that leading edge medicine is an experiment. I knew when I got the vaccine that I was part of a very large test group and that there was a risk involved. I also knew that my family has adverse reactions to many vaccines and medicines. My decision was that I was going to go before the next two generations and see what happened.

Easy because of age I qualified first. Fortunately, I had no bad reaction.

There was also a selfish motive. I can read statistical analysis, understand what it means when the transfer rate gets to 4 (everyone, everywhere, all at once to borrow a phrase), and lost friends in the early days of the pandemic.

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Mr. Rather - you’ve been hacked.

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Joe Rogan and Elon Musk are beyond reprehensible. But, with regards to RFK, I would like to offer up a different way of considering some of his arguments. I don't believe that RFK says that vaccines are bad or don't save lives....at least over the years he hasn't. He has argued about the preservatives that go into them that are dangerous and I believe what he has been saying or trying to highlight is that the pharmaceutical industry is too deeply embedded with the FDA and NIH/CDC. That the safeguards that once ensured independent review of new drugs has been almost entirely removed. That with the 1986 law, it gave the industry a green light. He is trying to show that how many of the new vaccines are developed are not what is promised....and that individuals are not given the information to make informed decisions. And that the FDA greenlights many of them without the kind of review that used to happen. The Reagan administration gutted the FDA so where do they get a lot of their funding? - from the industry they are supposed to regulate. IF we had a fully independent agency, and we kept the swinging door of industry out of the regulatory bodies, then perhaps these agencies would work to the benefit of the people instead. He has delved into much of this, similar to what he as done when going after the EPA and companies like Monsanto. If you compare our vaccine schedule to say the nordic countries, our kids get 2x as many vaccines and start much earlier. Why? Shouldn't we ask these questions? When you get a vaccine are you given information about what preservatives are in it and what potential side-effects can happen? Why is it those side effects only come to light during court cases? Shouldn't we know? Why is it that when states, like California, mandate vaccines they don't require the pharmaceutical companies to ensure they are the cleanest and safest options but instead they get waivers of any lawsuits for harm that was caused? More importantly, shouldn't we as parents be given the right, in consultation with our doctors, to make decisions about when and if? For instance, my doctor follows the research extensively so when research came out about better efficacy when waiting until 2years of age for a specific vaccine instead of giving it at 6 mos, we waited. Isn't this what we should all be wanting and needing?- Making informed decisions. My take on RFK is that he is trying to get the information out so everyone can make informed decisions - not to say that all vaccines are bad. But to ensure that they are the safest they can possibly be! It concerns me that by labeling him 'anti-vax' we miss the really important part of his message and we miss an opportunity to demand independence, better research, more accountability, better information etc.

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Don’t ever be dismissive of a moderated public debate. Comparing the Flat Earthers to people with a mistrust of the science and government is dismissive. A good debate would put everything into perspective...regardless of the outcome.

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Too many people have completely forgotten that before vaccinations smallpox killed on average 30% of people who were unvaccinated. Smallpox is a viral disease where skin lesions filled with pus break out most heavily on the face arms, hands, legs, and feet. Remember the 30% death rate is an average death rate. I think there were severe smallpox cases where most of the people who got it died. The Variola virus attacks skin cells and the infection goes deep into the skin. People that survived major smallpox cases had deep pitted scars in the skin for the rest of their lives. The major smallpox cases I mentioned hit unvaccinated people basically. Folks this is not chickenpox. Luckily smallpox was wiped out around 1978 due to a coordinated world effort to eliminate this scourge by vacccination.

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Thank you again! Just had a cousin trying to drag me into an argument at a family gathering. I had to walk away. Idiotic.

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Vaccines save millions of lives, 100 percent correct.

Mr. Rogan is a buffoon, 100 percent correct.

Mr. Kennedy has, in my opinion, hurt many, many people with his anti vaccine rants.

But by saying MAGA idiots this and MAGA believers say that hurts your whole column.

First, Kennedy is not a MAGA person.

Second, ANYBODY who listens to Rogan and takes what he says as the truth is not informed on the subject matter being talked about and if they have their mind made up by Rogan then in all honesty they don't care about science or informed opinions.

Last, I know numerous people, and I mean a lot, that are anti COVID vaccination and they are democrats it independents. To even try to blame the stupidity of the anti vaccination idiocy on any one group is being dishonest, in my opinion.

And don't even get me started on the " it could never have come from the Wuhan Lab" lie. Because that is what it was, an out and out lie. They didn't know WHERE it came from but they immediately ruled out the lab and now even out government admits it's 50/50 whether it came from there or not

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Sorry (not sorry), Dan, but your elitist alLIEgiance to the #nefariousNewWorldOrder’s “Official LI(n)E” (DOMInant narrative) lost its inFLUence on we #GeorgeCarlin fans no later than soon after the release of the #BigLie Warren Report.

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We all need to question a vaccine that had no data to PROVE that it was safe and effective! Just look at what is coming out from the CDC... Walinski knew it harmed pregnant women and their babies but went forth and said it was safe and effective... a LIE.... then see what Dr Burke has to say.... she knew all along that it didn’t stop the spread of Covid! I can’t believe that you’re writing a Substack article without the current facts! WHO sponsoring you??

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