Sorry (not sorry), Dan, but your elitist alLIEgiance to the #nefariousNewWorldOrder’s “Official LI(n)E” (DOMInant narrative) lost its inFLUence on we #GeorgeCarlin fans no later than soon after the release of the #BigLie Warren Report.
Sorry (not sorry), Dan, but your elitist alLIEgiance to the #nefariousNewWorldOrder’s “Official LI(n)E” (DOMInant narrative) lost its inFLUence on we #GeorgeCarlin fans no later than soon after the release of the #BigLie Warren Report.
Sorry (not sorry), Dan, but your elitist alLIEgiance to the #nefariousNewWorldOrder’s “Official LI(n)E” (DOMInant narrative) lost its inFLUence on we #GeorgeCarlin fans no later than soon after the release of the #BigLie Warren Report.