His convicted status won’t matter to the vast majority of the former Republican Party. It’s a cult following. Racism, bigotry, patriarchal society, complete control over women, guns and more guns, christian nationalism, corporate greed, government in your bedroom and church in your school, abolishing taxes is what matters to them. Their …
His convicted status won’t matter to the vast majority of the former Republican Party. It’s a cult following. Racism, bigotry, patriarchal society, complete control over women, guns and more guns, christian nationalism, corporate greed, government in your bedroom and church in your school, abolishing taxes is what matters to them. Their vote is for that; the name on the ballot is of secondary importance.
This is so sadly true. No matter what he says or does it does not matter. The followers have completely sold their souls. I keep thinking that people I know and love no matter the crime, have stood by him to the point that we cannot even mention any politics.
I am concerned about the repercussions of this court hearing.… I have a very good friend who is pro Trump/husband watches Faux …and tonight she texted to say she couldn’t come over because she had just found out about Trump and was too upset.
I am sorry for you. For me, this would not be something I could not live with. Trump is evil. Everything he says about Biden is called Gaslighting. This is when they turn and accuse the sane people like us, the evil ones. Example: We know that he is wanting to be like Putin and
Hitler but now he is accusing Biden of being a Facist.
On a relative basis, the folks who make up his base pay little in taxes. The don't seem to realize that they are enabling a completely different demographic - the one Mr. T ACTUALLY cares about. Duped, sadly; but proud to blindly follow him nonetheless.
His convicted status won’t matter to the vast majority of the former Republican Party. It’s a cult following. Racism, bigotry, patriarchal society, complete control over women, guns and more guns, christian nationalism, corporate greed, government in your bedroom and church in your school, abolishing taxes is what matters to them. Their vote is for that; the name on the ballot is of secondary importance.
This is so sadly true. No matter what he says or does it does not matter. The followers have completely sold their souls. I keep thinking that people I know and love no matter the crime, have stood by him to the point that we cannot even mention any politics.
You are not alone.
Agree. I’m with you. I have the same experience. It’s sad because I’d love to be celebrating with Cosmos with them.
We are in central TX. So. True.
I am concerned about the repercussions of this court hearing.… I have a very good friend who is pro Trump/husband watches Faux …and tonight she texted to say she couldn’t come over because she had just found out about Trump and was too upset.
That News station is FOX News but in reality ii is FAKE News.
Me too my husband still believes it is a democratic conspiracy. No changing his mind.
I am sorry for you. For me, this would not be something I could not live with. Trump is evil. Everything he says about Biden is called Gaslighting. This is when they turn and accuse the sane people like us, the evil ones. Example: We know that he is wanting to be like Putin and
Hitler but now he is accusing Biden of being a Facist.
On a relative basis, the folks who make up his base pay little in taxes. The don't seem to realize that they are enabling a completely different demographic - the one Mr. T ACTUALLY cares about. Duped, sadly; but proud to blindly follow him nonetheless.
Sadly so