
Dan….you and Team Steady couldn’t have opted for a better choice in these times. The lyrics say what needs to be said and sung over and over again. “…music is a language we all understand. ….and opportunity for all to sing and dance and clap”. Wish we could all do it, together. I hope in the next few months, when you refer to Ms. Harris’s title, you can drop the word “Vice”. Madam President suits her just fine.

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Janis! Everything you said, time a billion!💙

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Thanks. Can’t wait for her inauguration.🤞

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Trump doesn’t understand pure joy. Vice President Kamala Harris exudes joy and that is one of the many things that is so appealing about her.

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Yes, and didn't it come as a surprise to feel joy again? When Kamala Harris, courtesy of Joe Biden, emerged as our new hope for the future it felt like hearing a favorite song again. Music conjures up feelings like magic. It is a gift to the world. Like a much loved song, Kamala is gifting us the memory of better times and encouraing us to believe. Thank you, Dan, for reminding us of these gifts. Stevie Wonder brings out the good feelings all over and at this moment in history, Kamala is singing to/for and with us.

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“Kamala is singing to, for, and with us.” I love this SO MUCH!💙💙💙💙💙

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Yes! Joy!

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Trump only seems to find joy when he is damaging someone else.

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Only thing that makes him happy

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I doubt TRump even listens to music! From what I've read, Trump just sits around and watches four different TVs on different news channels all day long. What a loser!

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And he doesn’t like dogs! Jeez!

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Aug 4·edited Aug 4

Thank you for this song. My boyfriend and I went to downtown Chicago in April 1967 to see him at the Plugged Nickel. They did not sell liquor that evening, because I believe he was only 16, and many of us were in our teens too, and were able to get in. It was a wonderful evening.

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Thank you for the early morning smile!😊 Can’t wait to call her Madame President!

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Now THAT is a great way to start a Sunday. That’s one of my favorite records also. No wonder I like VP Harris so much, among many other things. I cannot wait to call her Madam President.

Dance like nobody’s watching.

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My daughter was born in 1976. My husband played “Isn’t She Lovely” over and over again while he danced with her. Great album. Wonderful memories ❤️

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My husband did too, although it was 1983!

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Isn’t She Lovely is an ageless earworm! The harmonica solo is permanently imbedded in my brain, love it!

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Can’t wait to see Stevie play at Kamala’s inauguration 😀

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Will he play at the inauguration? Awesome!

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Be still, my heart!

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What a great singer Stevie is Amazing.

And God Bless Kamala Harris!!

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Bless them both.

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What a wonderful way to start my day! I am so ready to smile more especially when Madame VP becomes President Harris! Thank you Dan

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Haven’t pressed the link yet. But I know every note and I’m smiling already. Thank you, Dan!

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Oh my, I didn’t know that was her favorite album. Now I love her even more, lol!

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Oh my! One of my favorite all time albums that I danced to back in the day. VP Harris has great taste in music. What a lovely smile for this Sunday. Thank you

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Love this Dan! Thank you as always for lifting us up in times of need!

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O my Dan that is a wonderful Sunday morning toe tapper

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Thank you for the Sunday morning smiles! It sure made me smile and dance. Also, looking forward to celebrating our soon to be new president, Ms. Kamala Harris!

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I love Stevie Wonder's involvement in the overnight recording of "We are the World", when he so kindly helped others who were struggling, without judging them.

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