A lot of Democrats in Arizona would rather vote for a strong Dem candidate than for Sinema. To win a general election, many Independents and Republicans will need to vote for her. She better hope for an opponent who is a Trump candidate that Republicans don’t want to vote for.

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Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D, or I, Ariz.) strikes again.

I have to ask this question. Is anyone truly surprised at the actions of Senator Kyrsten Sinema?

I’m not. As a matter of fact, it was expected, at least by me anyway. I mean, what else is she going to do to get headlines, other than change her party? It’s been reported there is a reason or two why she’s doing this at this time.

A. She isn’t real popular back in her home state with the Democratic voters, or the Republican voters for that matter.

B. She is expected to have a very serious opponent on the Democratic ticket in Arizona in 2024. So, she is guessing that she’ll get to run in the general election as an Independent candidate against him, and whomever is the Republican candidate.

Now, study this just for a minute. Does any of this make sense? Last I looked, she’s not Senator Bernie Sanders! She darn sure doesn’t act like him either. But, seriously, her philosophy here isn’t making sense. If she’s not liked by her actions to this point in the Senate by her state voters of either party, just exactly what good is changing your party affiliation going to do for the primary, or upcoming general election?

What she has done is rake in millions and millions of dollars from her high dollar groups she’s catered to the past two years, and (excuse my vernacular) to hell with her fellow Arizonans, or any other American citizen for that matter. She’s about as much a waste in the Senate as the entire lot of Republican, Trump-loving, bunch. All of them.

Now, on to another big topic of the week. The fight for Speaker of the House. Now, we all know that the Republicans did get a slight majority in the House. All in all, do they really, truly, have one Republican that would come close to being qualified for the position of Speaker of the House? One that d***n sure isn’t. Kevin McCarthy!!! He has absolutely no business even close to the Speakers gavel! Having him as Speaker will be like us re-electing Trump to office. And I wouldn’t elect him as dog catcher!

Speaking of Trump loving people, the MAGA people. There’s one in, guess where, ARIZONA, still raising a stink about her election loss. (Sound familiar?) After her visit to Mar-a-Lago, Kari Lake filed a lawsuit about her election results. According to a report in the Washington Post, she’s (wait for it.....) wanting the results thrown out and a new election be held, or for the court to throw the results out and appoint her as the winning Governor of Arizona.

Now, I ask you. Just exactly who does this sound like? A repeat of the 2020 election a certain person still hasn’t conceded to losing. But continues wasting money in court after court losing legal battles. Give us a break, Lake. You lost. Get over it and move on. Geeze!

That’s it. Just a few thoughts that come to mind for the last week. But hold on folks, this week is going to start off with a big bang! The January 6 Senate Committee meets today, (Sunday) to discuss WHO they will be referring to the DOJ for criminal prosecution. I, for one, can’t wait to see who’s on this list.

Does anyone wish to place any bets on who’ll be NO. 1 on the list?

Feel free to share who you think needs to be on this list, or should be on this list.

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How do you leave a party you were never really a member of?

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Thank you for this. I am so angry at myself for voting for KS. I would go so far as to say she lied herself into office. But now she is a known commodity and will face fierce opposition from all the Democrats I know in Arizona. The good news is that we can run a real Democrat for her seat.

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"Look at me Sinema" appears to be a continuos negation of the definions of commitment, stability, and loyalty in politics, and is now more clearly a Republican pretending to be independent.

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The senator has little support among Democrats. She would find it difficult to be re-elected as a Democrat in 2024.

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It would be great if Arizonians recalled her altogether

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15 minutes of fame gone yet girl? Good. Go away.

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One of my main concerns is the fact that people are making the mistake of thinking that certain states are becoming "purple" (more democrat), when in fact they actually contain people who are independent voters more like Sinema and will vote for the person who has the best plan or actually are Republicans who are bi-partisan. My father was a Rockefellar Republican and he always encouraged me to think about the candidate and not just vote by party (a wise decision). Political agendas are real and neither party has all the right answers. Independents are important because they often see faults that neither Republicans or Democrats want to see. The reason why Trump became President was because the Republican party had many frustrated sheep in rural areas who were ready for a change as well as conservative Democrats who felt abandoned. Both parties need to realize this.

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Democrats fail to realize that they are taken advantage of by wedge issues that they/we should let go of. Selling political ideas is the same as any marketplace product but democrats fail to realize it. I’ll say for the umteenth time, most Americans want a strong border policy. But pie in the sky democrats will tell you that the law says bla bla bla. Ok, so lose an election see how far that gets you. Never forget what Ralph Nader did to the Supreme Court after taking 90,000 votes in Florida and W Bush appointing three super conservative Supreme Court justices.

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But he did vote for the respect of marriage act, and he doesn’t have to kowtow to days after he’s out of the Senate on retirement, so I think he is ripe for the pickings. I think he has a moral conscience which is useful to pressure in his last weeks as a senator. Never give up is my motto. I don’t want to characterize him as not caring about the right to vote. I want to characterize him as someone who might actually be a leader to stand up for the right to vote and go out with a bang for democracy.

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Sinema appears to be a conniver, a wannabe power broker, a shape shifter! She seems untrustworthy, unreliable. The question is: If Sinema has "always been an Independent", then why did she Register and Run as a Democrat? She smells! 🤐

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I have lived in Arizona for 10 years in one of the most conservative voting districts in the country that regularly gave farcical Congressman Paul Gosar 70% of the vote. That's the tradeoff for living in the mountains of northern Arizona, one of the most beautiful places in the state. The anger against Sinema among Democrats such as myself has been palpable. Her recent "tour" with McConnell delighted the local far right fringe in the state, which is a vocal minority as evidenced by the blue wave here in the most recent election. She did not stand a chance in a Democrat primary in 2024. We consider her a vacuous drama queen who has successfully drawn more attention than she deserves throughout her political career. I suspect she will try to cash in during the remaining two years from the pharmaceuticals that have lavished her with financial support and her hedge fund buddies whom she supported by threatening to sabotage Biden's climate bill unless the tax burden on her billionaire supporters was reduced. Neither Republicans nor Democrats will support her if she runs as an independent in 2024. They will mimic her drama-queen thumbs down scene when she voted against raising the minimum wage.

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I hope you are right. In a three way split, democrats have the advantage. However,I would suspect that republicans won’t put up their own and they will throw support to her. It will certainly be interesting. Last point, democrats should learn which wedge issues to stay away from or be supportive of. People want strong border protection and democrats should always be in favor. Perhaps another issue is trans girls on women’s track teams. Man, we don’t need to lose elections over these issues. Snap out of it.

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One problem today is that Democrats and Republicans put their opponents in silos where everyone supposedly supports or opposes the same thing. I am a Democrat who believes that the party has failed miserably on immigration, especially cracking down on those who have overstayed their visas, who constitute a significant portion of illegals. I am against any so-called sanctuaries where people can break the law with impunity. In Colorado, numerous police chiefs have declared their territory sanctuaries against gun control laws. Thus the slaughter at the gay hangout. Having worked in college and professional athletics for more than 30 years, I strongly oppose trans competing in any woman's sport. The physical advantages they maintain even after crossing over gives them unfair advantages. I don't think that's an issue the Democrats should have any involvement. One of the Dems' biggest problems is they don't speak in a unified voice as opposed to the GOP that is lockstep with the party line.

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The piece that bothers me the most, she makes it all about her and not feeling like she fits either party. She needs to realize she is not elected for her own interests but to listen to those she represents. They elected her as a democrat and she is not listening. It is always important to me as a voter that my issues are listened to. Senators cannot possibly understand all the topics that come up for vote and listening to the people they represent who are knowledgeable is a huge job responsibly. I feel she is failing at listening and making this choice for wrong reasons.

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I have to admit that I don't understand a lot about campaign finances. I ususally don't donate, but in the 2020 election I did (or thought I did) donate to Elizabeth Warren campaign. It turns out that that money doesn't go to one candidate but to Act Blue, sort of a DNC holding tank (if I had known that I wouldn't have donated at all). So to my question, if sinema's campaign recieved funds from the DNC and is now wanting to switch parties, shouldn't she have to pay back all the millions she got from the Democrats war chest? At least half of it as she has "CLAIMED" to be a democrat, even though she acted more like a reptilian the first few years,so maybe she should have to pay it all back.

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She left the party long ago. I do worry about the vote-splitting in the next election but the Democratic Party (not the “Democrat” Party!) has of late been growing a deep bench of “quality candidates”, to quote McConnell. Time to back Gallegos!!

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I am from Vermont, she is no Jim Jeffords! She may have misread the climate of Arizona.

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