Earlier this week, I shared some thoughts on Twitter. I was inspired by all the responses in the comments section. Some of you seem to be long-acclimated masters of the Twitter-verse, others seem to be newer arrivals, and still others yet have shunned the siren call of social media.
I see Twitter as a tool, and one that took some getting used to. There is only so much you can put into 280 characters. And trust me, for a news anchor who likes to talk, brevity may be the soul of wit, but it’s not something that comes naturally. So now that I have this new venture where I can opine at length, I thought why not provide you with some of the thinking behind the tweets (although to call it “thinking” may be a bit of a stretch).
I’m calling this “My Week in Tweets.” Might this become a regular feature? I don’t know. Please feel free to share your feedback in the comments.
January 28 - February 4
Whenever you think you’ve seen everything, along comes a story like GameStop. I will leave it to the experts who cover the markets to explain all the implications. But I also know that there is a sense in the country that the rules designed to protect the insiders and the powerful need to be challenged. I have a feeling this year’s Bingo cards will be full of more surprises to come. Hopefully they will be less tragic than the cards of 2020.
- Friday -
That’s okay @tonyhawk, I’ve never done a 720. Also I have found that age also brings things you couldn’t do before. #Steady.I recently made a 720 and it was a battle. The last one I made before this was over three years ago, and it’s much harder now all things considered: recently dislocated fingers hinder my grab, my spin is slower so I need to go higher for full rotation and... I’m really old. https://t.co/u8pbwRhS9jTony Hawk @tonyhawk
Did I ever think I would talk skateboarding with the legendary artist of wheels and board, Tony Hawk? Well that’s what this site can be good for. When a friend brought to my attention that Tony was bemoaning some of the struggles of age and what he couldn’t do, I thought of all the things I never could do - like a 720 (which means 720 degrees, as in a spin, in the air and not a cycle on the washing machine). Well as someone who is well into the “patch-it-up if possible” era of my lifetime, I figured I could lend some positive thoughts on aging.
- Saturday -
Poetry has always had a special place in my life. And I often find myself returning to verse in times of reflection, joy, or sorrow. It is an art form that marries clarity with nuance, urgency with timelessness. Unfortunately, poetry is often overlooked and under-appreciated. That’s what made the break-out performance by the brilliant young poet Amanda Gorman at the inauguration so inspiring for me. Yes the words and imagery were wonderful, but suddenly everybody was talking about poetry and that of a young Black woman to boot. When George Takei asked the question, I was eager to provide this answer. (Not sure if I got a ReTweet?)
- Sunday -
I have apparently earned a reputation for what’s known as “throwing shade” on Twitter. Always looking for opportunities to live up to “Shady” Dan Rather, Trump’s lawyers resigning was the equivalent of a one-inch putt on a shady green.
I made this remark half-jokingly, understanding what a crazy world we live in. Frankly, it may just be a force of habit, but when I have to appear on camera, I can’t help but get dressed fully, from head to toe. I call it being “Zoom Groomed.” I also am well aware that working from home is a privilege not available to many. Often the ones who have borne the greatest burden during this pandemic, putting their health at risk to eke out a living, are the ones who have to go in to work. I also know that far too many have lost their jobs, fighting the rampant tide of unemployment. We must find a way to support people and work, no matter if they are wearing a suit and tie, a uniform, or their pajamas.
- Monday -
Congratulations.Today is our one year anniversary! "When I found I had crossed that line, I looked at my hands 🙌🏾 to see if I was the same person. There was such a glory over everything; the sun came like gold through trees, & over the fields, & I felt like I was in Heaven” -Harriett Tubman https://t.co/JOy4G9gBUKHarriett’s Bookshop @harriettsbooks
It is a deep honor to help support independent bookstores. It’s a hard business, and a one year anniversary is something always worth celebrating. I especially like showcasing Black-owned local businesses, which have been hit particularly hard during the pandemic. Indie bookstores are vital parts of our communities. They are places that promote curiosity, contemplation, and our common humanity.
So how can you support indie bookstores?
Use the website IndieBound.org to find an independent bookstore in your area
Pre-order a book
Make a donation and/or support their fundraising campaign
Buy a gift card
Share on social media how much you love them
- Tuesday -
Puerto Rico suffered under Trump. It was dismissed, diminished, scapegoated and discriminated against. Enough said.
- Wednesday -
What’s Twitter without a little self-promotion? But hey, I’m really proud of our documentary HUMAN NATURE. If you haven’t see it, and you have Netflix, please check it out here. I will hopefully be writing more about science in this newsletter in the future.
- Thursday -
As I wrapped up the week, I thought it would be nice to remind our “friend” in Moscow that there is a new occupant in the White House who may be a bit less accommodating. On a serious note, I watch with great concern as Putin’s forces crack down on opposition protesters.
Well, that’s a walk through my Twitter week. I hope you enjoyed it. Remember to leave a comment if you’re so inclined. And if you haven’t subscribed, please consider doing so. Or share with family and friends. Thanks for your support.
— Dan
While your posts are always insightful, I must admit I love the "shade" the most! And you are indeed a master at it. Especially liked the Puerto Rico post.
You're about the last of the voices we always listened to when we wanted the truth. Thanks for still being one.