These people who are so afraid of Trump need to remember he will soon be gone and so will their reputations. No one will ever trust you again once you get a bad name. If you cannot report fairly and honestly get out .

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I have left all major news services and seek honesty first. CNN is not the same station and have stopped since Cuomo and Lemon were replaced.

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Jim Acosta was my favorite anchor and reporter on CNN, not because he ‘went after Trump’, though I did deeply appreciate his bravery and passion in pursuing honesty from an inherently dishonest person. He has such a calm, steady manner in presenting the news that made hard stories easier to hear. I can’t tell you how many times I would turn on CNN and, if he was filling in for someone, I would say out loud, thank goodness Jim is doing the news tonight. He’s the best CNN had and I am completely shocked CNN did not value him. Not watching CNN anymore. But I did subscribe to Jim Acosta’s Substack. Thank you Mr. Rather, for always being a voice of reason, truth and deep integrity.

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Yes, we do! Please, more like @Acosta, Lord! 🙏

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Thanks for all you do, Dan. I love the fire you keep tending,even as many of us would let it burn down to the embers before we even notice the chill in the air. I only take issue with your categorization of WaPo. I was hurt, too, by Bezos' actions before the election and his actions since. I, too, was about to cancel my subscription in protest. Then I realized that, no matter the "kiss-the-butt" performance of Mr. Amazon, there is still a slew of journalists at The Post who are holding feet to the fire quite eloquently. People such as: Dan Balz, Ruth Marcus, Glenn Kessler, Jennifer Rubin, Karen Tumulty, Katherine Rampell, and a seeming cast of thousands more. I am most disappointed in the changes of direction that the management of the paper has taken, but I admire the dedication that the folks who actually do the writing and tell the news, and I will continue to support them with my subscription. For now, at least.

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Thank you Dan Rather for your fearless journalism. I am fearful for our democracy. The pummeling of ridiculousness to the news cycle is winning and mainstream media is not giving the viewers the info needed for the action needed to prevent the demolition life as we currently know it. God help us!

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As a paid subscriber, I share your reporting with people who I know are not listening or watching news that is factual. Little by little I hope I can bring them around. Afterall it took a small boy to tell the elders that the Emperor was naked!

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I don't trust any billionaires telling me how or what to think. More people should be fighting back on freedom of the Press.

Read history! This is what Hitler did .

It's exactly how North Korea is run!!!


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Mr Rather, I noticed a comment that our president-elect made at one of his last or next to last rallies. I posted an essay on my account at https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/11/2/2281957/-What-is-he-alluding-to

I believe it might be something of value to both you and Mr Acosta.

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Thanks Dan. I'm sure you read his latest where he celebrates your time as our guy on tv along with being grateful for your support. It means a lot to so many. Enjoy hearing your thoughts, always. So long for now.

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When the ratings of the legacy media giants begin to fall and advertisers begin to pull away from them, what are they going to do? They have lost their credibility. I am never going back to them. They can’t be trusted to give us the news ever again.

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This, even more than the election of a misogynist bigoted lying cheating felon, worries me. Without a true free press, we have no voice against the oppressors.

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I read where Trump now has PBS in his sights. At the very time when many of we middle classes (I.e., those of us living on modest Social Security and retirement savings, equalling about $60,000/year) have less and less spare change. We MUST save PBS but how do we do that when Trump is taking away our extra money? (Would that my other middle class friends would recognize that instead of lauding how Trump is making America great again.)

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ABC, CBS, now CNN? What news network is next? 😒

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You are a light in the darkness.

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Stated like a true patriot and professional who cares about journalism and its crucial role in protecting our democracy. Thank you Dan for writing the unvarnished truth.

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