This is why he keeps saying he doesn't need votes. People were laughing at the statement, I assumed he had something planned, and he does.

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... and I think that is WHY he chose a younger version of himself,

who adds ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to the ticket!

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Amazing that he's still out on bail for what happened in Georgia and is still allowed to carry on for the planning of Round 2. Glad to see there are many additional lawyers working on behalf of the Democrats but in the meantime, the convicted felon and his MAGA loyalists continue to work overtime in an attempt to redo 2020 without facing any consequences.

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I live in CT. CT does t need me even though I’ve signed up for a local get out the vote program. I wonder if New Hampshire could use me. Can anyone in New Hampshire answer?

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If you can make it to PA they can most definitely use your help.

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Oh Yes ! PA is a must win state to be in the hunt for 270. If she wins Ohio, it is game over for, Trumpee.

I hope the abortion issue resonates with people in Ohio.

People like Sherrod Brown are not behind KH a 100%. John Tester and Brown just in it for themselves. Quite a few wrongs with the democratic party too. Thank God, Mancin of Virginia didn’t create any ruckus, so far.

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I'm sorry, would you mind explaining yourself? Sherrod Brown is an extremely able Senator who works for the people of Ohio. He is FOR a woman's right to choose, he supports a more equitable taxing system - ie the very wealthy pay their fair share, he is in favor of red flag laws concerning gun ownership, he supports education reform in terms of student debt, and he is a sensible environmentalist. That's not being "in it for himself" that is being in it for the the citizens of Ohio. Do you know who you are talking about?

Jon Tester also supports a woman's right to choose, he voted for the immigration bill which the MAGAs voted against, he supports he voted with the Democrats on foreign aid and he votes the will of his constituency.

Maybe, not being up to date on the present candidates running this year, you have confused these two Senators who work very hard for their constituents. Because you are so far off base.

By the way, constituents - the people ARE the party. Just one more thing, both of these Senators believe in country BEFORE party, You're obviously confusing the Democratic party with the MAGA party. You are mistaking a cult, the MAGA party, with the party of the people, the DEMOCRATIC party. A little research may clarify things for you.

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As an Ohioan and a strong supporter of Sherrod Brown I thank you for your corrections about his character.

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Not supporting the top of the ticket because of fear of losing yourself. Is it not the reason?

Not here for an argument, Carol.

Thank you

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Not here for an argument? Then don't make specious statements.

I went on line and found six (6) different articles announcing Sherrod Brown's support of Kamala Harris. Six.

As for Jon Tester - he is running as a blue senator in one of the reddest states. Your comment about his putting himself first? You miss the point - if, if, he loses, and we lose the Senate - it won't matter one iota if VP Harris becomes president if she can't appoint judges, and her cabinet, and ambassadors because she doesn't have a majority. THAT is why he is not endorsing her. THAT is why he is staying on the sidelines. https://www.yahoo.com/news/key-senator-reportedly-behind-harris-201615341.html

His losing his senate race could lose her the ability to govern. You may not be here to argue, but you sure don't understand politics and didn't mind casting aspersions on two excellent senators.

Your welcome

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I am writing out 300 post cards that have the States name, "Ohio" to get out and Vote!

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Sherwood Brown is a good conscientious senator. So is Tester. They might be blue dog democrats not unlike myself. And they need to appeal to their constituents.

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Sherrod Brown is NOT a blue dog Democrat. Sen Tester is more conservative and reflects his constituency.

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I am sorry, difference of opinion. Constituents before party and party before country??

What’s the difference, trumpee can and does justify his behavior because of his ‘ sick constituents’.

Thank you

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“What’s the difference, trumpee can and does justify his behavior because of his ‘ sick constituents’.“

Apparently you are out of touch. Such a comparison is repulsive.

• Trump brags about sexually assaulting women & was found libel for sexual assault.

• Trump LIES to generate anger & then binds his voters to him with fear and false promises.

• Trump breaks the law & is now a convicted felon.

• 2 of Trump’s businesses were convicted of 17 (financial) felonies including tax fraud, January 2023.

• Trump is a racist & a misogynist. Humans are to be used & abused.

• Trump has a record of getting caught in illegal behavior going back to housing discrimination, using undocumented Polish workers (to clear property for trump tower) & not paying them - dating back to the 1970s.

• Trump is known for not paying his bills. Contractors have gone bankrupt. His rallies have left unpaid debts all across the country.

Now for his political behavior leaving aside the obvious (Jan 6):

• He has called for the execution of former generals & others.

• He has recommended suspending the Constitution.

• He wants to be a dictator.

• He stole sensitive government papers including military secrets & has shown some to people.

• He represents no one who cannot benefit him.

• His administration created a database for journalists, attorneys and advocates who were tracked. The ACLU filed suit for detaining several at the border before going into MX and others in MX were not allowed into the US while they were interrogated.

• Project 2025 was built on his policies. The ‘new’ pieces are how to implement in 180 days.

• He offered policies in exchange for donations at a fundraiser.

I could go on but I’ll just say you appear confused about the difference between those who have integrity, genuinely represent constituents & believe in this country AND a self-serving wannabe despot who’s been a scofflaw (and worse) all his life.

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Do you live in Ohio, Rajiv?

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Sherrod Brown was a guest on Lawrence O'Donnell last night.

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Thank you, I am sorry I am across the pond currently. I have missed watching that.

Thank you

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I saw the interview. You can see the breakdown of registered voters in OH here:


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Mancin endorsed the ticket. He likes Walz & knew him from when Walz was in Congress. Then discussed his daughter’s nonprofit plans & tapdanced around how he would “help” her. (He wants an open door to further their next venture.)

Sherrod Brown has a very tough race. He endorsed Harris July 21 or 22. Although consistently 5% ahead I’m not sure it is outside the margin of error. Here in KY I see some of the ads against him. They are ugly. Harris is below water by more than 5% in Ohio.

Let’s face it. Brown can’t pull her up but he could lose by not spending the time & effort he needs to hang on to his seat. A Harris/Walz campaign will need every seat in the House & Senate for a majority in order to enact their agenda. Tester may be in a worse situation. Most of the polling show him behind. Only one poll 8/14 showed him ahead.

Ky is also next door to WV. We know Manchin. I wouldn’t put either of these guys in the same category with Manchin who is a leech; an influence peddler & cares 0 for who he hurts. He lined his pockets in WV with coal dust & sludge and came to DC to get more for himself & his daughter. He’s no better than the guy who will replace him.

(Manchin’s daughter retired not long ago from big pharma at age 55. She was CEO of the company that hiked Epi-Pen prices. Of course Manchin opposed, stalled & diluted the bill to lower drug prices.) https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/campaigns/congressional/3058570/manchin-to-boost-republicans-with-donations/

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Every poll for Ohio is BEFORE the DNC. None can be trusted. A woman's right to choose is on the ballot; also, how many new people have registered to vote? Polls can't measure that. The MAGA party tried to block abortion question, given that it is now on the ballot, none of these polls is accurate. That goes for Tester's race. Again, 8/14 is before the DNC. To quote Bill Clinton, that dog won't hunt.

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My comment was about Sherrod Brown and Jon Tester not doing much for the Harris/Walz campaign. To sum up: If Brown & Tester were dancing to victory with big leads they would have juice to spare for the Harris/Walz campaign. Consistent polls are an indicator.

New voters are included in “voter” polling but not “likely voter” polling because they have no history. The Dems have been building a ground game for over a year that should be a big help.

People who vote for the right to choose can’t be counted on to vote for a Dem ticket. In OH the Dems need unaffiliated in large numbers.

In KY the GOP candidates like Rand Paul & James Comer won by wide margins even though the anti-abortion amendment lost by less than 5%. The more power for the legislature amendments lost by a larger margin. Basically the same voters in the next election voted for a Dem governor.


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Thank you very much for the information. Much appreciated. We all learn from each other. Helps in making a sound decision.

Thank you, 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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I'm writing and mailing postcards outlining what folks need to do to protect their right to vote and ensure their votes are counted.

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Thank you! I'm phone banking because my old arthritic hands can't do a lot of writing these days. We all have to get involved!

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I am not a phone person because of hearing aids, but I have done letters for Vote Forward. You are supposed to hand write a message in the space for it, but like you arthritis interferes. So I type up a sheet of my message in color and cut in strips, then glue the strips to the Vote Forward form letters that are pre addressed. Actually it works better, because I can squeeze more in this way.

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Thank you for doing whatever you can to help!

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Thank you, Megan💛

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Thank you, much appreciated. Good karma

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Thank you, Ashley!!!

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A friend of mine is an election judge in PA and they for sure can use lots of help....the tension is already building there with swatting incidents and such. AND, wherever you go, thanks ! for being there for Democracy.

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Join "Swing Left." They only focus their efforts in swing-able elections, and they know which elections can use your help. You can contact your local Swing Left group in CT.


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Texas could use you!

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Read Cathy Wampler’s reply. She’s posted a

good link.

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NH will welcome you to help out.

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He knows there doesn’t need to be any more voting if he becomes dictator like his plan is.

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Bingo! He’s taken to adding that his folks need to watch the / their votes. That all “they” (Dems) do is cheat. Pretty clearly suppports what you said.

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Glad the democrats are fighting back against this. The right to vote and to have your vote counted is a mainstay of Americans. To see and hear that right tampered with is horrifying.

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Yes I am so terrified the MAGAS will win like 2016. These terrorists will do anything to keep more money in their pockets and out of the pockets of labor, without whom they wouldn't be so wealthy.

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Wow! Dan, you are so right. This Republican machine is relentless. They have no ethics, no morals. They will hurt anyone that doesn’t support their MAGA/Trump goals and take pleasure in doing so. This man (Trump) and his cohorts are in the process of ruining everything that is good in this world. For several years now, we have been saying to people “get out and vote”. Now it appears that is not enough. We must educate people, we must protect our rights and we must shut down every pernicious move that the Republican machine conjures up. And a big thank you Dan for the enlightenment and the motivation.

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Education starts at the grammar school level. It starts with the boards of education. These boards are the weakest link in the election scenario. The Koch brothers realized that 50 years ago and started packing school boards with those who believed the way they did. The first subject to go? Civics. That is what we are dealing with. The MAGA party and its sympathizers need an under educated class to work for a pittance. People who, because of the regressive school boards, have not had the opportunity to have a decent education. And so it goes. It's time to take a good, long look at our school boards and see if they work for best education of the children, whom they allegedly represent, or for the plutocrats who need an uneducated majority to do their bidding.

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Oh boy do I get that!! I live in FL, a state with one of the most destructive Governors in the country. I call him desatan.

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So true. Thank you for this reminder.

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They have their fingers in Universities also. The Koch network and Charles Koch put a very lovely face on it - https://charleskochfoundation.org/who-we-support/

Nothing provides opportunities to influence quite like buying it.


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It is so good to know that the Democratic party has upped its legal game. High time. I can't help but wonder what would happen if we asked for UN election overseers? Like what happens in third world countries where elections are threatened?

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Can you believe we even have to THINK about that in the USA. But, alas, we do.

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Republicans have devolved from a serious, if misguided, political party to a coup cult.

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My sentiments exactly!

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Totally appropriate to use international election overseers

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That would be an excellent idea! They’re going to announce we cheated. We already know that. So let’s ask for U.N. monitors going in!

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Former President Carter has said for years that we need outside election overseers here just like other countries do. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

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So if there was a genuine concern, the state worried about their elections could ask for observers. But they have to be requested. And because each state runs it's own elections, really, we couldn't request observers across the nation. The machinations made by certain states to allegedly ensure elections are secure are just so much fluster and headline-grabbing. The solution is already available.

But then-- the elections would be fair. Can't gave that!

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This is the one aspect of trump and his MAGA supporters that frightens me most.

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And knowing Putin and Russia will also be doing their part to make sure he wins.

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Your responsible and accurate reporting remains so impressive still, after all of these years, Mr. Rather. I viewed your news programs as a young girl and always felt the same sense of calm and assurance when you delivered the News each evening — if fact, I can practically hear your voice when I read your Substack pieces!

I have been absent for a bit as far as comments go, nevertheless I read your writing and am comforted to know that you are standing up for this Democracy.

Anne in MD


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Pay attention to what the corrupt and vile Ken Paxton is doing in Texas. Targeting candidates now.

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Paxie is a total waste of air and we tax paying Texans get stuck with the bill for all of his ridiculous lawsuits.

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Yes. We pay for the USA side of the lawsuit and the Texas side. Paxton must go, but that requires Texas voters to vote him out.

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Which will not happen u less the voters in this state wale the f up. Paxie, Hot Wheels and Danny Pat are running Texas into the ground.

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I recall training with Common Cause to monitor elections in a time not too long ago pre Trump. The climate is absolutely ridiculous with threatening election Workers , denying results……this is not the US I want to live in. How can anyone who lives in this country ( including crooked judges and bought justices ) think this is democracy. Thanks for this piece of writing Dan. I am forever grateful to you. I am ever so much more hopeful now but the forces of evil are well funded and we have to stay awake and stay committed

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Well said, Karen - you have hit the nail on the head. 👏

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Bullies are SO willing to cheat to win!

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Especially the demented orange felon who continues to postpone trials, a sentencing and avoid jail time.

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Precisely why he wants the White House, to stay out of prison. So he can pardon himself and the January 6th crew. And SCOTUS has to be dealt with too. So much evil.

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This is REAL folks. The problem is especially bad in Republican leadership states like TX. https://www.texastribune.org/2024/08/16/voter-registration-challenges-texas/

Check you voter registration. If you can vote early, do it.

Republicans have no ideas, only suppression.

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I was also telling people to take a picture of the website showing they are registered correctly to vote. They aren't supposed to change registrations within 90 days of an election but who knows. I'm going to take a photo just to be able to defend myself against maga if need be.

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For the recent FL Dem primary, I dropped off my mail in vote in person at the polling place. I took a photo of the envelope with the registration number so I can check on it.

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This is excellent advice.

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Thank you, Dan Rather for bringing all this to our attention.

This is utterly disgusting and disappointing. Where are we living, Dan ? Is this a country of laws or liars. Is this a country where common sense or cheaters prevail. Can’t really wait till November, 5th when this TFG ( and I don’t mean ‘this former guy’ ) goes into oblivion.

Really getting tired of all this and definitely don’t have the stomach to see him for the next 4 years on the “ Idiot Box”. It will really be one with him around.

I really remind my wife every day. We hope the democrats win. Three magic words. “ Just vote blue”.

My two cents- thank you

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If you are able, hope AND write postcards through "Tony the Democrat" or through "NEAZ Native Democrats." Or work at the polls. Or block walk. Or staff a voter hotline. Hope is not going to turn out the vote or protect our country from voter fraud. ACTION is required.

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Yes, agreed. What could be more painful, have not spoken to sibling who is a trumpee, ( i am ashamed to say ) for over 3 years. And of course, I am not proud of it

Thank you

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Same here. Actually she and her kids broke off with me because I am vocal about being anti orange buffoon and I am NOT anti LGBTQ. I figure they have as much right to live as everyone else. Will they target anyone who is not blue eyed like him and the guy who changed his name three times?

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I know it hurts but end of the day we all have to do our karma. We all have to carry our own water. The orange head has done irreparable damage to the American people. Because of his neglect, delayed action and incompetence so many lost their lives during covid.

And he should be ashamed of himself, he wants to be Potus again.

In my 68 years of breathing on planet earth, I swear to God, I have not seen a more shameless and morally bankrupt and unscrupulous man like him.

Thank you

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Some of the best campaigning is done through door-to-door knocking on Democrats doors to get the vote out. There are mobile apps that show which homes have registered Dems. We don't knock on Republicans doors. And we only focus our energies on places with swingable elections -- that may be a district or a state away. Go to Swing Left at https://swingleft.org/.

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Have already been writing postcards!💙💙💙💙💙💙

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What you say is so extremely important, people don’t realize how truly evil and unfair the MAGA Trump lovers are ! They will as you said stop at NOTHING! Trump is scared as Hell at Kamala because he knows she is more accomplished then he could ever dream of and she’s a Woman !

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It isn’t just Trump. We need to go down the ballot and vote for the opponent of anyone who’s backing or supporting Trump and this travesty as well.

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Every single election until MAGAs ALL slither back under their rocks. We need a newly built Republican Party. It can’t happen until MAGA is erased 100%.

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Kamala won't get anything done without a blue Congress!💙💙💙💙💙

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What can I do to help?? Not a rhetorical question!! I'm writing postcards to voters for a variety of candidates (not just Harris/Walz), but want to help with other voting protection. My state, Washington, has mail in ballots so I feel we are secure. But other places are not--HOW CAN I HELP??!!! Links and other suggestions are welcome!

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The Texas Democratic Party has a fantastic voter assistance hotline. We answer voter questions, help them find nearby polling places, you get trained, are fully backed up when you don't know the answer. We can use you. 844-898-6837 or perhaps better, send an email to yellowdog@txdemocrats.org. We have out of state volunteers, and Texas has the possibility of going blue this year. I've seen my state on 2 lists of swing states. 40 electoral votes. That's a lot of votes!! Join us and help! (I love helping people on the hotline. They are so appreciative.) Cheryl, join us!

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Thank you!!

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You are so welcome. Since TX succumbed to T by only 500,000 votes and we have registered more than 1.9 new million voters, there is a chance that we will swing to blue. (Republicans have been winning by a much lower percentage in 2012, 2016 and 2020. in 2020, t won by only 5.5% of the vote.) So, any help that you can offer would be great. If you like using Slack and talking with people on the phone, Beto's group is called PoweredXPeople. They are registering new voters like crazy. GO FOR IT!

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We are checking the people who are voting by mail to ensure they can get their ballot to a ballot box or mailed but we think the ballot box is a safer selection. Some are handicapped and that is the reason they possibly can't get their vote turned in. I'm working with our county Democrat party and I can volunteer for many things. That might be a good way to volunteer for you at your local county party.

Also, you can sign up for Simon Rosenberg's newsletter. It is free and he is working with volunteers all over the country. They are texting, calling, fundraising, etc. It is all in his newsletter to get started. He also started a campaign for the states that are critical for a win. It is awesome as he does them collectively and separately. It really is amazing what he is doing and he has been in politics for many years. We have broken records for our fundraising for out of state candidates!!! He also puts all the results in the newsletter so you can see progress.

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Thank you!! I have a small army of friends who also want to jump in, so this information is great. I WILL SHARE.

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Some of the best campaigning is done through door-to-door knocking on Democrats doors to get the vote out, or phone calling, or texting. And we only focus our energies on places with swingable elections -- that may be a district or a state away. Go to Swing Left at https://swingleft.org/.

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I have heard of MAGA basically being the American Taliban. People need to stand up to the creeps. If Trump wins Democracy dies.

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The MAGA republicans are like Night of the Living Dead, they just keep coming and coming and . . .

Because they know the only way they can win is to lie and cheat. And they keep getting better and better at this.

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As they grow stronger, so must we. It will, I fear, always be thus.

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