I recall training with Common Cause to monitor elections in a time not too long ago pre Trump. The climate is absolutely ridiculous with threatening election Workers , denying results……this is not the US I want to live in. How can anyone who lives in this country ( including crooked judges and bought justices ) think this is democracy. T…
I recall training with Common Cause to monitor elections in a time not too long ago pre Trump. The climate is absolutely ridiculous with threatening election Workers , denying results……this is not the US I want to live in. How can anyone who lives in this country ( including crooked judges and bought justices ) think this is democracy. Thanks for this piece of writing Dan. I am forever grateful to you. I am ever so much more hopeful now but the forces of evil are well funded and we have to stay awake and stay committed
I recall training with Common Cause to monitor elections in a time not too long ago pre Trump. The climate is absolutely ridiculous with threatening election Workers , denying results……this is not the US I want to live in. How can anyone who lives in this country ( including crooked judges and bought justices ) think this is democracy. Thanks for this piece of writing Dan. I am forever grateful to you. I am ever so much more hopeful now but the forces of evil are well funded and we have to stay awake and stay committed
Well said, Karen - you have hit the nail on the head. 👏