We have been doing just that since we got off the slave ship. We have never bombed whites, we have never set whites community ablaze, we have never omitted whites, we have never excluded whites, we have never rejected whites we have never created laws, rules, codes, mandates, legislation and policies to be regifted, reworded, reimagined and renamed but yet STILL mean white wealth and Black labor.
Hey "Brian" trollbotski, how much is the NRA/GQPutin Puppets paying your for your idiotic comments, lies, misinformation & propaganda ? 1 ruble ? 2 ? you should ask for Euros instead lol #GQPTRoll
15 Seconds! 15 Seconds! ThatтАЩs the extent of their so called hypocrisy! I would argue correctly that the real hypocrisy came where those young men were expelled and oh wait there was a third but she was spared I wonder why.
Had they not turned off the microphone that they had the right to use they would not have been forced to do so in support of the men and women whom some of which were their direct constituents.
True they were denied the right to speak. 2 - Jones & Johnson represent Nashville where the shooting happened.
Tennessee Constitution - Article II -
General Assembly.
Section 27. Any member of either House of the General Assembly shall have liberty to dissent from and protest against, any act or resolve which he may think injurious to the public or to any individual, and to have the reasons for his dissent entered on the journals.
they were prepared with the bull horn bc there are time limits and order for speaking. If that's your argument then 1/6 ""citizens"" (not legislatures ruled under ethics/order rules) have all the same excuses but the left/hypocrites won't see that
Hey "Brian" trollbotski, how much is the NRA/GQPutin Puppets paying your for your idiotic comments, lies, misinformation & propaganda ? 1 ruble ? 2 ? you should ask for Euros instead lol #GQPTRoll
Yes, one either brought or was given a bullhorn. ThatтАЩs the only accurate part of your comment. It should be understood that there are many layers to this but I will stick to the incident. -- Most issues about тАШdecorumтАЩ or тАШbreaking rulesтАЩ are dealt with through other penalties. It is an extreme measure to expel anyone elected by constituents. For protesting Johnson & Jones were stripped of their committees. Pearson was the newest & had no assignments. Not that they were in any hurry to do so.
Tennessee Constitution - Article II.
Section 27. Any member of either House of the General Assembly shall have liberty to dissent from and protest against, any act or resolve which he may think injurious to the public or to any individual, and to have the reasons for his dissent entered on the journals.
The representatives knew they would not be allowed to speak because they were routinely denied & were denied on that day. Jones & Johnson represent Nashville where the school shooting occurred. The 2nd rep, Gloria Johnson (who did not speak when she was тАШin the wellтАЩ despite list of charges) put it in the record. - To paraphrase - You can hear us speak on the resolution to expel us because there are so many cameras. Otherwise we are not recognized; not allowed to speak for our constituents; our microphones are turned off. -- Note: the 1st rep, Jones, was cut off before his time was up during his тАЬhearingтАЭ. They allowed more time for the others.
In the history of TN since 1866, 2 House members have been expelled - 1 caught тАЬred handedтАЭ taking a $1K bribe and one after a Tennessean newspaper investigation went public.
22 complaints regarding тАЬimproperтАЭ sexual contact with at least 22 women.
Here are some things that did not rise to the level of dishonor or disruption to result in expulsion because the voters elected them:
тАв Being an admitted molester of the students while working in a school. (Continued serving until he died in 2019 of Covid)
тАв тАЬPeeingтАЭ in another memberтАЩs seat
тАв Being charged with domestic violence assault and theft
тАв Indictments
Furthermore, if the 1/6 mob had only brought loud voices & a bullhorn, they might have had a minor trespass issue. The 3 representatives attacked no one; damaged no property; broke nothing & called for no one to be hung or otherwise harmed. You showed no understanding of the meaning of тАЬkidnappingтАЭ.
Most people are done with false equivalencies. They only persuade the willingly & the gullible.
Personally, I believe the TN House did much less damage to itself when it debated the presence of kitty litter boxes in their schools. This incident, House actions prior and what may come later are now a proxy for Tennessee and for the National GOP. Perhaps it would be better if the TN House put kitty litter back on the agenda.
1st I have to applaud you on a detailed well written reply. I truly felt your point won the moment until I realized that 1 wrong does not make counter wrong right. Do any of those reasons/excuses permit/allow/endorse them to kidnap the session with a bullhorn? How convenient that a bullhorn was available.
Hey "Brian" trollbotski, how much is the NRA/GQPutin Puppets paying your for your idiotic comments, lies, misinformation & propaganda ? 1 ruble ? 2 ? you should ask for Euros instead lol #GQPTRoll
Thanks ... of course there has to be a but ... Kind of funny because I provided the Constitutional right legislators have. Not following a rule or not following the Constitution. Not allowing members to do the job they were elected to do versus breaking a rule. ShouldnтАЩt be difficult to weigh those тАШwrongsтАЩ and find a more reasonable penalty. One of the GOP legislators actually said he thought it would be better to work out a way for there to be discussion where they could be heard. But he voted to expel one member anyway.
Your question has a major flaw. No one was kidnapped.ЁЯЩГ ThatтАЩs not worth explaining. Leadership was just a bit flummoxed and called a recess to collect their wits. Not sure that went well.
The House doesnтАЩt want the people chosen by the voters to serve. That shapes whether legislators are penalized and if they are how severly.
Opposing points of view are not welcome. You could say itтАЩs a culture thing. The same week the founder of the Tennessee Holler had his home shot up in the night. Too progressive or as some say тАШwokeтАЩ ? MustnтАЩt tell on those good olтАЩ boys or bad things can happen. An old rule.
The TN House wants to act like it is the 1800s. Not recognizng the тАШoppositionтАЩ or their full rights as legislators to represent their districts. These 2 black legislators were greeted by a laughing legislator introducing a bill to bring back hanging for capital punishment; a bill to move Nathan BedfordтАЩs bust back to the Capitol entrance areas, etc. ItтАЩs not subtle. All within the тАЬrulesтАЬ the olтАЩ boys make. Mostly shrugged off, maybe with an eye roll, as TN behavior.
Then 2 black men were expelled for trying to put in the official record their dissent & protest after gun deaths at a wealthy, 97% white, evangelical Christian school.
Hey "Brian" trollbotski, how much is the NRA/GQPutin Puppets paying your for your idiotic comments, lies, misinformation & propaganda ? 1 ruble ? 2 ? you should ask for Euros instead lol #GQPTRoll
The real fraud is ignoring history: The Second Amendment was based partially on the right to keep and bear arms in English common law and was influenced by the English Bill of Rights of 1689. Sir William Blackstone described this right as an auxiliary right, supporting the natural rights of self-defense and resistance to oppression, and the civic duty to act in concert in defense of the state.[12] While both James Monroe and John Adams supported the Constitution being ratified, its most influential framer was James Madison. In Federalist No. 46, Madison wrote how a federal army could be kept in check by state militias, "a standing army ... would be opposed [by] a militia." He argued that state militias "would be able to repel the danger" of a federal army, "It may well be doubted, whether a militia thus circumstanced could ever be conquered by such a proportion of regular troops." He contrasted the federal government of the United States to the European kingdoms, which he described as "afraid to trust the people with arms", and assured that "the existence of subordinate governments ... forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition"
Hey "Brian" trollbotski, how much is the NRA/GQPutin Puppets paying your for your idiotic comments, lies, misinformation & propaganda ? 1 ruble ? 2 ? you should ask for Euros instead lol #GQPTRoll
Thank you for this share. It is a very well written piece. It's sad our country holds the value of owning guns higher than the safety of children. NC Legislators are banning participation trophies for children instead of talking about how to regulate guns even though there was a deadly shooting in October. We are all living in a trauma environment now.
really, yet they use guns to guard the state legislature, congress, CNN, MSNBC, Facebook offices, work places, mmmm, seems like what this shows is that your bias against guns is allowing the "no guns" school zones to be a slaughter house for children since you won't protect them but will protect politicians and work places. Guess where shootings have not been occurring at: CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, Congress, Courts, all armed protected sites, then again you're probably pro-abortion and real threat to baby's
Hey "Brian" trollbotski, how much is the NRA/GQPutin Puppets paying your for your idiotic comments, lies, misinformation & propaganda ? 1 ruble ? 2 ? you should ask for Euros instead lol #GQPTRoll
Excellent share, Janet! Thanks!! We have to stand up against these thus, racist, bigoted, republicans. If we donтАЩt, our country has sunk back over 100 years!
Demonrats simply want to keep blacks on their plantations: call them names if their conservative, call them NOT BLACK if they don't vote for Biden, deny them school choice, this is the real face of racism
Hey "Brian" trollbotski, how much is the NRA/GQPutin Puppets paying your for your idiotic comments, lies, misinformation & propaganda ? 1 ruble ? 2 ? you should ask for Euros instead lol #GQPTRoll
Something else. It was REPUBLICANS in Tennessee that voted out two black senators and kept the white woman senator for тАЬusing a bullhornтАЭ. Bull***t!!! They expelled these two because they were BLACK. Because they stood for something GOOD. Because they want CHANGE to their GUN LAWS in a state that is still so racist itтАЩs 100 years behind the rest of the country. The Republicans voted them out because THEY are RACIST COWARDS. Not one of them cared a bit about the 6 lives LOST needlessly at the hands of a deranged individual that came to an elementary school armed to the teeth with AR-15 ASSAULT RIFLES and AUTOMATIC PISTOLS with the intention of killing all that could be killed.
REPUBLICANS need to change. REPUBLICANS need to be voted OUT of office. REPUBLICANS need to be EXPELLED from office in the county, states, and federal political system.
Another thing, Brian. IтАЩm white. I was born and raised on a farm 71 years ago where my father had crews of blacks come do the work on the farm. My father gave every one of them a place to live, made damn sure they, and their families had plenty of food to eat. Clothes to wear, and the needs for their children to learn in school. Plus he paid them a good fair wage for their labor. He had BLACKS come to him asking to work for him because he offered what no other farmers in Palm Beach County, Florida offered. He offered them opportunities to succeed. Plus, during the week, when I was small and in school, my mother and dad both worked the farm. They were gone before daylight and didnтАЩt get home until well after dark. I, and my three brothers, were raised by a black woman. She woke us up in the mornings, made sure we were dressed and out to school after breakfast. Made sure we got our homework done in the afternoon, fed us supper, and got us bathed and in bed on time. Every day of the week.
So, do me a favor. Keep your racist remarks to yourself. I, for one, this damn proud DEMOCRAT, doesnтАЩt want to hear them.
You are misinformed, uneducated to the actual happenings surrounding you, or you are to ignorant to care. I dint know which, but you better figure out that this country is turning into quickly or youтАЩll be learning Russian, or Chinese as our new National language before long!
Amazing how your side always leape to racism as your childish defense since I said NOTHING that was racist. I did not see the white lady using the bull horn to highjack the session. 2nd disarming people who have a constitutional right to bear arms is in no way good for the country, ask the Mao & Russian peasants, ask the Cambodians, ask the German Jews, American Indians, American Japanese, all unarmed and murdered or unjustly imprisoned. CDC under Obama determined that 500k-3mil times per year people brandish their gun to defend/stop a crime. If Armed guards are good enough for our politicians, elites, actors, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, then it's justified for us to be armed as well and specially placing guards in our schools that have a boatload of Covid money not yet spent that could be used for their safety instead of fattening up school administrators and teachers in a school system that ranks 25th in the world.
Hey "Brian" trollbotski, how much is the NRA/GQPutin Puppets paying your for your idiotic comments, lies, misinformation & propaganda ? 1 ruble ? 2 ? you should ask for Euros instead lol #GQPTRoll
I feel deeply sorry for you. Yiu are so blatant to the facts it isnтАЩt funny. But, you are a poor brainwashed Trumpublican, so it truly canтАЩt be helped. ThatтАЩs really sad.
A. The тАЬbull hornsтАЭ came out and were used AFTER recess was called. ThatтАЩs a mute point to expelling any Senator from office.
B. Nothing was said about тАШraceтАЩ toward you. I donтАЩt know what color you are. Nor do I care. Makes no difference to me.
The fact still remains that the two BLACK senators were expelled while the white senator was not.
1. All 3 violated the same rules of senate decorum.
2. All 3 entered the well without first getting permission from the Speaker of the House.
3. All 3 ignored his order to cease and return to theyтАЩre seats.
4. Then he gaveled for recess.
5. Then they brought out the bull horn.
C. Yes, this country needs tighter gun laws.
1. Yes, itтАЩs okay for people to defend themselves and their property with the force necessary to protect life and limb.
2. NO, thereтАЩs no intention in any shape or manner to take away every bodies guns.
3. The gun laws that are needed are to control the MANUFACTURE/SALE of ASSAULT TYPE firearms.
There is absolutely NO NEED WHATSOEVER for ANY assault weapon to be in the hands, or owned by a private citizen. NONE. They canтАЩt be used fur hunting in any state of the union, so whatтАЩs the need for an automatic assault rifle or firearm?
ThereтАЩs not one logical reason for any such type weapon to be in any citizens hands.
ThatтАЩs ludicrous and stupid to even think such a thing. But you people are so damn brainwashed that you believe everything that lying Trump and the rest of his Trumpublican cronies say.
What you, and the rest of your Trumpublicans need to do is get all of your facts straight before you spout off at the mouth. Especially about something that you know nothing about.
the rifle you so unintelligibly refer to as an assault rifle is NOT AUTOMATIC. Like 90% of the other rifles it shoots 1 round with each trigger pull. It can be used for hunting, just not for bear or elk. The rifle you refer to has the least deaths associated to it compared to handguns. Your rant is all about your ignorant fear. But when someone threatens your family don't hide behind someone with a gun. Guns are brandished 500k-3mil time per year to prevent a crime, per CDC under Obama. The AR in AR15 stands for Armilite the company who developed this rifle. Tell the Chinese, Russians, Cambodians, German Jews, American Indians that they didn't need a gun, oops, sorry their dead.
Hey "Brian" trollbotski, how much is the NRA/GQPutin Puppets paying your for your idiotic comments, lies, misinformation & propaganda ? 1 ruble ? 2 ? you should ask for Euros instead lol #GQPTRoll
Your ignorance is pathetic. No, they may not be тАЬfully automaticтАЭ when a 26 year old mentally deranged person walks into a gun shop In Tennessee and purchases two of them, but, with the simple manufacture, or slight filing, of just one piece in these weapons, it turns them into fully automatic rifles.
Furthermore, IтАЩm not talking about the Chinese, Russians, Cambodians, Germans, Jews, or American Indians. Those are instances from centuries past. IтАЩm talking about all of the mass shooting we have had right here on our streets, schools, churches, grocery stores, shopping malls, here in the United States in 2023.
Look at your gun laws when the American Indians incidents took place. The Jews were slaughtered, if IтАЩm not mistaken, by gas chambers during the World War by the Nazis, Chinese, Russians, Cambodians, were all during wartime, if memory serves me correctly. Oh, you forgot the Cubans, during the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba during President KennedyтАЩs term in office, back in the early 60s. Again, a conflict incident in the past century.
IтАЩm talking about now, today, 2023. Not 1800s, early 1900s, or even 2020. IтАЩm talking about the here and now, on the streets, in cities, across America. The war zone is here, now, and it has to be stopped, somehow.
You want to own these guns, fine. Make it where a deranged person canтАЩt get their hands on one, or go into a gun shop and purchase one, and several thousand rounds of ammunition!
You want to have a decent discussion about weapons, bring it on. I taught firearms for over 15 years to citizens, police officers, security officers, corrections officers. So yes, letтАЩs discuss firearms, if you are so inclined. But donтАЩt preach to me about the Chinese, Russians, American Indians, and so forth from over 100 years ago.
You are out of your league, Brian. Save your effort and find someone else to debate gun laws with. IтАЩm not that person. I not only was a federal firearms instructor for over 15 years, I was a police officer fir over 26. So save it.
IтАЩve seen first hand exactly what these weapons do when a bullet hits the human body. IтАЩve lived it, witnessed it, and today have bad nightmares about it. I donтАЩt need, or want, any rhetorical stupid comments from a peanut gallery such as yourself that is so misinformed he canтАЩt get his facts, or centuries, straight.
The point about all those other groups was that they were unarmed and incapable of defending themselves against the tyranny of governments. You stated it was automatic, so my reply to that is the ability to convert an AR 15 to full auto (something that can be done to many rifles, not JUST AR 15) is moot since this shooter did not do that. There are ""red flag"" laws to stop people who are mentally/psychologically unstable but TN has not passed them, however because she purchased her weapons over a period of time and had not been committed Red Flag laws would not have been effective. The shooter had a S&W Shield pistol, KelTec Sub 2000 9mm caliber carbine, AR 15 and entered into a school without guards. She also owned shotgun sawed off shotgun. If she had used them would you ban them? She received gun training, like the 9-11 terrorists received flight training. #1 reason children (age 1-17) die is accidents, if media covered every stairway fall/death, every pool drowing, every car accident/death, every beatting/death the way they do guns would you ban cars, stairs, pools, electrical outlets, knife, hammer, etc..., not so far you seem to be ok with those deaths. I agree that most of these shooters are mentally unstable and Red Flag laws w/due process are one option . But noting that these shooters do not typically attack guarded sites would suggest putting guards there makes sense to me. Have not seen an attack on CNN, MSNBC, ....
Wow, it must feel good to be bling to whatтАЩs really going on in this country. I guess DeSantis is a Democrat. I guess the legislature in Florida, Texas, Georgia, are all Democrats. I guess the governors of Texas and Georgia are also Democrats. Wake up. These are Republicans pushing the agenda to rid the schools of teachings if the Civil War, about LGBTQ, and all other things. These are Republican governors and legislators pushing and changing the voting laws trying yk make it harder for democrats and independents to get to the ballot box and vote.
You, sir, need to wake up and turn off your pot of grits. They have burnt!
stopping indoctrinating kids into sex using LGBT as cover for their pornography, sex ed was originally meant to educate on procreation not masturbation not anal sex not oral sex which is much of the LGBT material & story reading time can include twerking children by adult men , ID voters and when asked blacks poll for it (you need an ID to get into your legislatures office), Europe got rid of mail in voting & ballot harvesting bc of rampant fraud, never was against Civil War teaching but against racist lies like 1619, CRT, DEI, take the blue pill
Hey "Brian" trollbotski, how much is the NRA/GQPutin Puppets paying your for your idiotic comments, lies, misinformation & propaganda ? 1 ruble ? 2 ? you should ask for Euros instead lol #GQPTRoll
why be so biased, and include knife, car, fist, bat, hammer, violence, drug poisoning, pool drowning, alcohol accidents, #1 cause of death for children 1-17 is accidents so what about stairs....Seems like its your fear that's driving this
No, Brian, the #1 killer of all children currently between the ages of 0 and 18 years in the USA is firearms. Thus, banning guns is the only appropriate response to this absurd reality born of the 2nd. amendment intended originally to provide for state militias. The time for action is so very long overdue it is heartbreaking ЁЯТФ.
WOW!!! ThatтАЩs powerful stuff! I fully agree with you on the outlook for his future. I do like the way he speaks, and doesnтАЩt kind calling out the folks across the aisle.
Our country is divided into 3 major grids, the East Coast, the Central, and the West Coast, and because there is always someone that has to be different we have Texas, which refuses to be a part of the other 3. The state of Texas is a Republican stronghold, a part of the whole but singularly separate. The federal judge who saw fit to abolish an accepted form of a chemical abortion was appointed to his post by non-other than Donald Trump. Sitting quietly in the wings and waiting for the appropriate moment this Trump stooge made his decision the stir the pot just when he thought it would cause the most harm. Passing legislation from the bench was supposed to be frowned upon. I don't care if his name carried religious significance, no one individual has the right to serve up such a motion. The system is flawed. If at some point a judge felt the need to do what Mr. Kacsmaryk just did a more progressive path should be employed. The first step should be to draw up an idea and then submit it to a federal review board to see if it passes a constitutional query. At that point, if it has, the motion would be reviewed by an appellate court for final approval. At least this way a single burr under our political saddle wouldn't cause such a stir. No one judge should be able to render a decision that tips the entire country on its ear. Abortion is a religious issue and therefore because of the division provided by the concept of separation of church and state, politics should stay out of the issue. There is only one way to approach abortion that being through the position of pro-choice. If you find fault with the process, because of your religious beliefs, don't do it. However, no minority group, (the anti-abortionists), has the right to dictate policy to the majority. That is how this country works, the majority rules. Legalized abortion is a woman's right. I think Judge Kacsmaryk needs to take a pill.
YouтАЩre absolutely right. I know that Texas is governed by the most corrupt politicians in history! They love their guns thanks to the NRA & other far right donors. They want to totally control women & their rights. I know because unfortunately I live in TexasЁЯСО
NRA exists bc ppl want their guns not visa versa, our gun rights are historically part of English law to defend ourselves against tyranny, something American Indians know of, American Japanese know of, German Jews know of, Russian peasants know of, Mao Chinese know of. It's a civil war if we are armed, genocide if we aren't. CDC = 500k - 3mil ppl per year use/brandish a gun to defend/prevent a crime, something news does not report on bc it's not supportive of your agenda
The 2nd amendment has been so distorted BY THE NRA that people truly donтАЩt know what it means any more. The NRA has told people that they need their guns so often for so long that they believe it. The 2nd amendment is about the government defending itself via a well-regulated militia, against insurrection. Honestly, your propaganda is out of place in a discussion of the aftermath if a mass shooting in which someone with WEAPONS OF WAR took the lives of 3 innocent children and traumatized many other innocent children.
will you make it illegal for children to ride in cars since you are overwhelmed by childhood deaths? The NRA came into existence to serve EXISTING gun owners of which 50% of the USA populations owns a gun or live in a home with a gun. I don't support the NRA but do support 2A
2A states: "the right of the people to keep and bear arms....see the word PEOPLE, not Militia, not soldier, not military volunteer, PEOPLE was written so PEOPLE & Militia can defend itself, themselves against tyranny. Yes the PEOPLE can ALSO be called upon to aid their state militia but that add on did not mean the right is subordinate to Militia service. Below was from Left Wiki
2A came from English law: The Second Amendment was based partially on the right to keep and bear arms in English common law and was influenced by the English Bill of Rights of 1689. Sir William Blackstone described this right as an auxiliary right, supporting the natural rights of self-defense and resistance to oppression, and the civic duty to act in concert in defense of the state.[12] While both James Monroe and John Adams supported the Constitution being ratified, its most influential framer was James Madison. In Federalist No. 46, Madison wrote how a federal army could be kept in check by state militias, "a standing army ... would be opposed [by] a militia." He argued that state militias "would be able to repel the danger" of a federal army, "It may well be doubted, whether a militia thus circumstanced could ever be conquered by such a proportion of regular troops." He contrasted the federal government of the United States to the European kingdoms, which he described as "afraid to trust the people with arms", and assured that "the existence of subordinate governments ... forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition"
Monica--My grandmother told me when I was very young that "she" was directly related to the people that owned the King Ranch, but she never explained how. I understand how you must feel, a little. I live in a neighborhood that is encrusted with Republicans. LOL
Abortion is something that needs to stay out of Congress, State political levels, everywhere political. It has no business there being discussed at all. If a woman needs to discuss it, she has doctors, ministers, priests, Rabbis, or wherever she attends her religious services to go and discuss it with them. ItтАЩs her body, her decision. Period. Politics has no say in the matter.
tell that to the baby, or tell that to the mother who lost her baby due to an injury by a 3rd party but has no recourse bc you don't want her to have any legal/political standing
Hey "Brian" trollbotski, how much is the GQPutin Puppets paying your for your idiotic comments ? 1 ruble ? 2 ? you should ask for Euros instead lol #GQPTRoll
Daniel--I couldn't sleep and the issue was running through my mind so I got up and rendered my thoughts on the subject. Your reaction makes me feel as though it was a good idea that I couldn't sleep.
Believe it or not, most times my best thoughts come when I lay my head on my pillow. So I have to write. ThatтАЩs why I started my Substack. I put my thoughts down so I can share them. Sorry I kept you awake though. Hope you slept better afterward.
Daniel--I suffer from terminal insomnia, pain radiates through my body when I lay down with designs on acquiring any amount of rest. If it wasn't for Robert's caption contest I really wouldn't have too many things to look forward to. From one equestrian to another "post" on.
The two Justin's listened to John lewis: make "good trouble"
They are heroes in my mind.
We have been doing just that since we got off the slave ship. We have never bombed whites, we have never set whites community ablaze, we have never omitted whites, we have never excluded whites, we have never rejected whites we have never created laws, rules, codes, mandates, legislation and policies to be regifted, reworded, reimagined and renamed but yet STILL mean white wealth and Black labor.
"White Fragility" taught this naive white girl that it is not enough to be "not racist", one must be anti-racist. Do better white people ЁЯШе
And you expect this Black woman to for one moment think that you are reeeeeally naive, a novice, discombobulated or ignorant???
Absolutely Heroes!!
don't want to silence them, but kidnapping control of the legislative floor is NOT ethical. They can use their blow horn outside
Hey "Brian" trollbotski, how much is the NRA/GQPutin Puppets paying your for your idiotic comments, lies, misinformation & propaganda ? 1 ruble ? 2 ? you should ask for Euros instead lol #GQPTRoll
15 Seconds! 15 Seconds! ThatтАЩs the extent of their so called hypocrisy! I would argue correctly that the real hypocrisy came where those young men were expelled and oh wait there was a third but she was spared I wonder why.
Had they not turned off the microphone that they had the right to use they would not have been forced to do so in support of the men and women whom some of which were their direct constituents.
True they were denied the right to speak. 2 - Jones & Johnson represent Nashville where the shooting happened.
Tennessee Constitution - Article II -
General Assembly.
Section 27. Any member of either House of the General Assembly shall have liberty to dissent from and protest against, any act or resolve which he may think injurious to the public or to any individual, and to have the reasons for his dissent entered on the journals.
Section 28.
they were prepared with the bull horn bc there are time limits and order for speaking. If that's your argument then 1/6 ""citizens"" (not legislatures ruled under ethics/order rules) have all the same excuses but the left/hypocrites won't see that
Hey "Brian" trollbotski, how much is the NRA/GQPutin Puppets paying your for your idiotic comments, lies, misinformation & propaganda ? 1 ruble ? 2 ? you should ask for Euros instead lol #GQPTRoll
Yes, one either brought or was given a bullhorn. ThatтАЩs the only accurate part of your comment. It should be understood that there are many layers to this but I will stick to the incident. -- Most issues about тАШdecorumтАЩ or тАШbreaking rulesтАЩ are dealt with through other penalties. It is an extreme measure to expel anyone elected by constituents. For protesting Johnson & Jones were stripped of their committees. Pearson was the newest & had no assignments. Not that they were in any hurry to do so.
Tennessee Constitution - Article II.
Section 27. Any member of either House of the General Assembly shall have liberty to dissent from and protest against, any act or resolve which he may think injurious to the public or to any individual, and to have the reasons for his dissent entered on the journals.
The representatives knew they would not be allowed to speak because they were routinely denied & were denied on that day. Jones & Johnson represent Nashville where the school shooting occurred. The 2nd rep, Gloria Johnson (who did not speak when she was тАШin the wellтАЩ despite list of charges) put it in the record. - To paraphrase - You can hear us speak on the resolution to expel us because there are so many cameras. Otherwise we are not recognized; not allowed to speak for our constituents; our microphones are turned off. -- Note: the 1st rep, Jones, was cut off before his time was up during his тАЬhearingтАЭ. They allowed more time for the others.
In the history of TN since 1866, 2 House members have been expelled - 1 caught тАЬred handedтАЭ taking a $1K bribe and one after a Tennessean newspaper investigation went public.
22 complaints regarding тАЬimproperтАЭ sexual contact with at least 22 women.
Here are some things that did not rise to the level of dishonor or disruption to result in expulsion because the voters elected them:
тАв Being an admitted molester of the students while working in a school. (Continued serving until he died in 2019 of Covid)
тАв тАЬPeeingтАЭ in another memberтАЩs seat
тАв Being charged with domestic violence assault and theft
тАв Indictments
Furthermore, if the 1/6 mob had only brought loud voices & a bullhorn, they might have had a minor trespass issue. The 3 representatives attacked no one; damaged no property; broke nothing & called for no one to be hung or otherwise harmed. You showed no understanding of the meaning of тАЬkidnappingтАЭ.
Most people are done with false equivalencies. They only persuade the willingly & the gullible.
Personally, I believe the TN House did much less damage to itself when it debated the presence of kitty litter boxes in their schools. This incident, House actions prior and what may come later are now a proxy for Tennessee and for the National GOP. Perhaps it would be better if the TN House put kitty litter back on the agenda.
1st I have to applaud you on a detailed well written reply. I truly felt your point won the moment until I realized that 1 wrong does not make counter wrong right. Do any of those reasons/excuses permit/allow/endorse them to kidnap the session with a bullhorn? How convenient that a bullhorn was available.
Hey "Brian" trollbotski, how much is the NRA/GQPutin Puppets paying your for your idiotic comments, lies, misinformation & propaganda ? 1 ruble ? 2 ? you should ask for Euros instead lol #GQPTRoll
Thanks ... of course there has to be a but ... Kind of funny because I provided the Constitutional right legislators have. Not following a rule or not following the Constitution. Not allowing members to do the job they were elected to do versus breaking a rule. ShouldnтАЩt be difficult to weigh those тАШwrongsтАЩ and find a more reasonable penalty. One of the GOP legislators actually said he thought it would be better to work out a way for there to be discussion where they could be heard. But he voted to expel one member anyway.
Your question has a major flaw. No one was kidnapped.ЁЯЩГ ThatтАЩs not worth explaining. Leadership was just a bit flummoxed and called a recess to collect their wits. Not sure that went well.
The House doesnтАЩt want the people chosen by the voters to serve. That shapes whether legislators are penalized and if they are how severly.
Opposing points of view are not welcome. You could say itтАЩs a culture thing. The same week the founder of the Tennessee Holler had his home shot up in the night. Too progressive or as some say тАШwokeтАЩ ? MustnтАЩt tell on those good olтАЩ boys or bad things can happen. An old rule.
The TN House wants to act like it is the 1800s. Not recognizng the тАШoppositionтАЩ or their full rights as legislators to represent their districts. These 2 black legislators were greeted by a laughing legislator introducing a bill to bring back hanging for capital punishment; a bill to move Nathan BedfordтАЩs bust back to the Capitol entrance areas, etc. ItтАЩs not subtle. All within the тАЬrulesтАЬ the olтАЩ boys make. Mostly shrugged off, maybe with an eye roll, as TN behavior.
Then 2 black men were expelled for trying to put in the official record their dissent & protest after gun deaths at a wealthy, 97% white, evangelical Christian school.
The TN House really stepped in it this time.
not until they give up their armed guards or place armed guards at our control/behest
Hey "Brian" trollbotski, how much is the NRA/GQPutin Puppets paying your for your idiotic comments, lies, misinformation & propaganda ? 1 ruble ? 2 ? you should ask for Euros instead lol #GQPTRoll
https://youtu.be/fVqIBSnzHvI hear, hear.
The real fraud is ignoring history: The Second Amendment was based partially on the right to keep and bear arms in English common law and was influenced by the English Bill of Rights of 1689. Sir William Blackstone described this right as an auxiliary right, supporting the natural rights of self-defense and resistance to oppression, and the civic duty to act in concert in defense of the state.[12] While both James Monroe and John Adams supported the Constitution being ratified, its most influential framer was James Madison. In Federalist No. 46, Madison wrote how a federal army could be kept in check by state militias, "a standing army ... would be opposed [by] a militia." He argued that state militias "would be able to repel the danger" of a federal army, "It may well be doubted, whether a militia thus circumstanced could ever be conquered by such a proportion of regular troops." He contrasted the federal government of the United States to the European kingdoms, which he described as "afraid to trust the people with arms", and assured that "the existence of subordinate governments ... forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition"
Hey "Brian" trollbotski, how much is the NRA/GQPutin Puppets paying your for your idiotic comments, lies, misinformation & propaganda ? 1 ruble ? 2 ? you should ask for Euros instead lol #GQPTRoll
You should probably read ref #19 as noted by the wikipedia article you cite.
Thank you for this share. It is a very well written piece. It's sad our country holds the value of owning guns higher than the safety of children. NC Legislators are banning participation trophies for children instead of talking about how to regulate guns even though there was a deadly shooting in October. We are all living in a trauma environment now.
really, yet they use guns to guard the state legislature, congress, CNN, MSNBC, Facebook offices, work places, mmmm, seems like what this shows is that your bias against guns is allowing the "no guns" school zones to be a slaughter house for children since you won't protect them but will protect politicians and work places. Guess where shootings have not been occurring at: CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, Congress, Courts, all armed protected sites, then again you're probably pro-abortion and real threat to baby's
Hey "Brian" trollbotski, how much is the NRA/GQPutin Puppets paying your for your idiotic comments, lies, misinformation & propaganda ? 1 ruble ? 2 ? you should ask for Euros instead lol #GQPTRoll
Wonderful. Thank you, Janet.
Excellent share, Janet! Thanks!! We have to stand up against these thus, racist, bigoted, republicans. If we donтАЩt, our country has sunk back over 100 years!
Demonrats simply want to keep blacks on their plantations: call them names if their conservative, call them NOT BLACK if they don't vote for Biden, deny them school choice, this is the real face of racism
Hey "Brian" trollbotski, how much is the NRA/GQPutin Puppets paying your for your idiotic comments, lies, misinformation & propaganda ? 1 ruble ? 2 ? you should ask for Euros instead lol #GQPTRoll
Something else. It was REPUBLICANS in Tennessee that voted out two black senators and kept the white woman senator for тАЬusing a bullhornтАЭ. Bull***t!!! They expelled these two because they were BLACK. Because they stood for something GOOD. Because they want CHANGE to their GUN LAWS in a state that is still so racist itтАЩs 100 years behind the rest of the country. The Republicans voted them out because THEY are RACIST COWARDS. Not one of them cared a bit about the 6 lives LOST needlessly at the hands of a deranged individual that came to an elementary school armed to the teeth with AR-15 ASSAULT RIFLES and AUTOMATIC PISTOLS with the intention of killing all that could be killed.
REPUBLICANS need to change. REPUBLICANS need to be voted OUT of office. REPUBLICANS need to be EXPELLED from office in the county, states, and federal political system.
Another thing, Brian. IтАЩm white. I was born and raised on a farm 71 years ago where my father had crews of blacks come do the work on the farm. My father gave every one of them a place to live, made damn sure they, and their families had plenty of food to eat. Clothes to wear, and the needs for their children to learn in school. Plus he paid them a good fair wage for their labor. He had BLACKS come to him asking to work for him because he offered what no other farmers in Palm Beach County, Florida offered. He offered them opportunities to succeed. Plus, during the week, when I was small and in school, my mother and dad both worked the farm. They were gone before daylight and didnтАЩt get home until well after dark. I, and my three brothers, were raised by a black woman. She woke us up in the mornings, made sure we were dressed and out to school after breakfast. Made sure we got our homework done in the afternoon, fed us supper, and got us bathed and in bed on time. Every day of the week.
So, do me a favor. Keep your racist remarks to yourself. I, for one, this damn proud DEMOCRAT, doesnтАЩt want to hear them.
You are misinformed, uneducated to the actual happenings surrounding you, or you are to ignorant to care. I dint know which, but you better figure out that this country is turning into quickly or youтАЩll be learning Russian, or Chinese as our new National language before long!
Amazing how your side always leape to racism as your childish defense since I said NOTHING that was racist. I did not see the white lady using the bull horn to highjack the session. 2nd disarming people who have a constitutional right to bear arms is in no way good for the country, ask the Mao & Russian peasants, ask the Cambodians, ask the German Jews, American Indians, American Japanese, all unarmed and murdered or unjustly imprisoned. CDC under Obama determined that 500k-3mil times per year people brandish their gun to defend/stop a crime. If Armed guards are good enough for our politicians, elites, actors, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, then it's justified for us to be armed as well and specially placing guards in our schools that have a boatload of Covid money not yet spent that could be used for their safety instead of fattening up school administrators and teachers in a school system that ranks 25th in the world.
Hey "Brian" trollbotski, how much is the NRA/GQPutin Puppets paying your for your idiotic comments, lies, misinformation & propaganda ? 1 ruble ? 2 ? you should ask for Euros instead lol #GQPTRoll
I feel deeply sorry for you. Yiu are so blatant to the facts it isnтАЩt funny. But, you are a poor brainwashed Trumpublican, so it truly canтАЩt be helped. ThatтАЩs really sad.
A. The тАЬbull hornsтАЭ came out and were used AFTER recess was called. ThatтАЩs a mute point to expelling any Senator from office.
B. Nothing was said about тАШraceтАЩ toward you. I donтАЩt know what color you are. Nor do I care. Makes no difference to me.
The fact still remains that the two BLACK senators were expelled while the white senator was not.
1. All 3 violated the same rules of senate decorum.
2. All 3 entered the well without first getting permission from the Speaker of the House.
3. All 3 ignored his order to cease and return to theyтАЩre seats.
4. Then he gaveled for recess.
5. Then they brought out the bull horn.
C. Yes, this country needs tighter gun laws.
1. Yes, itтАЩs okay for people to defend themselves and their property with the force necessary to protect life and limb.
2. NO, thereтАЩs no intention in any shape or manner to take away every bodies guns.
3. The gun laws that are needed are to control the MANUFACTURE/SALE of ASSAULT TYPE firearms.
There is absolutely NO NEED WHATSOEVER for ANY assault weapon to be in the hands, or owned by a private citizen. NONE. They canтАЩt be used fur hunting in any state of the union, so whatтАЩs the need for an automatic assault rifle or firearm?
ThereтАЩs not one logical reason for any such type weapon to be in any citizens hands.
ThatтАЩs ludicrous and stupid to even think such a thing. But you people are so damn brainwashed that you believe everything that lying Trump and the rest of his Trumpublican cronies say.
What you, and the rest of your Trumpublicans need to do is get all of your facts straight before you spout off at the mouth. Especially about something that you know nothing about.
the rifle you so unintelligibly refer to as an assault rifle is NOT AUTOMATIC. Like 90% of the other rifles it shoots 1 round with each trigger pull. It can be used for hunting, just not for bear or elk. The rifle you refer to has the least deaths associated to it compared to handguns. Your rant is all about your ignorant fear. But when someone threatens your family don't hide behind someone with a gun. Guns are brandished 500k-3mil time per year to prevent a crime, per CDC under Obama. The AR in AR15 stands for Armilite the company who developed this rifle. Tell the Chinese, Russians, Cambodians, German Jews, American Indians that they didn't need a gun, oops, sorry their dead.
Hey "Brian" trollbotski, how much is the NRA/GQPutin Puppets paying your for your idiotic comments, lies, misinformation & propaganda ? 1 ruble ? 2 ? you should ask for Euros instead lol #GQPTRoll
Your ignorance is pathetic. No, they may not be тАЬfully automaticтАЭ when a 26 year old mentally deranged person walks into a gun shop In Tennessee and purchases two of them, but, with the simple manufacture, or slight filing, of just one piece in these weapons, it turns them into fully automatic rifles.
Furthermore, IтАЩm not talking about the Chinese, Russians, Cambodians, Germans, Jews, or American Indians. Those are instances from centuries past. IтАЩm talking about all of the mass shooting we have had right here on our streets, schools, churches, grocery stores, shopping malls, here in the United States in 2023.
Look at your gun laws when the American Indians incidents took place. The Jews were slaughtered, if IтАЩm not mistaken, by gas chambers during the World War by the Nazis, Chinese, Russians, Cambodians, were all during wartime, if memory serves me correctly. Oh, you forgot the Cubans, during the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba during President KennedyтАЩs term in office, back in the early 60s. Again, a conflict incident in the past century.
IтАЩm talking about now, today, 2023. Not 1800s, early 1900s, or even 2020. IтАЩm talking about the here and now, on the streets, in cities, across America. The war zone is here, now, and it has to be stopped, somehow.
You want to own these guns, fine. Make it where a deranged person canтАЩt get their hands on one, or go into a gun shop and purchase one, and several thousand rounds of ammunition!
You want to have a decent discussion about weapons, bring it on. I taught firearms for over 15 years to citizens, police officers, security officers, corrections officers. So yes, letтАЩs discuss firearms, if you are so inclined. But donтАЩt preach to me about the Chinese, Russians, American Indians, and so forth from over 100 years ago.
You are out of your league, Brian. Save your effort and find someone else to debate gun laws with. IтАЩm not that person. I not only was a federal firearms instructor for over 15 years, I was a police officer fir over 26. So save it.
IтАЩve seen first hand exactly what these weapons do when a bullet hits the human body. IтАЩve lived it, witnessed it, and today have bad nightmares about it. I donтАЩt need, or want, any rhetorical stupid comments from a peanut gallery such as yourself that is so misinformed he canтАЩt get his facts, or centuries, straight.
The point about all those other groups was that they were unarmed and incapable of defending themselves against the tyranny of governments. You stated it was automatic, so my reply to that is the ability to convert an AR 15 to full auto (something that can be done to many rifles, not JUST AR 15) is moot since this shooter did not do that. There are ""red flag"" laws to stop people who are mentally/psychologically unstable but TN has not passed them, however because she purchased her weapons over a period of time and had not been committed Red Flag laws would not have been effective. The shooter had a S&W Shield pistol, KelTec Sub 2000 9mm caliber carbine, AR 15 and entered into a school without guards. She also owned shotgun sawed off shotgun. If she had used them would you ban them? She received gun training, like the 9-11 terrorists received flight training. #1 reason children (age 1-17) die is accidents, if media covered every stairway fall/death, every pool drowing, every car accident/death, every beatting/death the way they do guns would you ban cars, stairs, pools, electrical outlets, knife, hammer, etc..., not so far you seem to be ok with those deaths. I agree that most of these shooters are mentally unstable and Red Flag laws w/due process are one option . But noting that these shooters do not typically attack guarded sites would suggest putting guards there makes sense to me. Have not seen an attack on CNN, MSNBC, ....
Wow, it must feel good to be bling to whatтАЩs really going on in this country. I guess DeSantis is a Democrat. I guess the legislature in Florida, Texas, Georgia, are all Democrats. I guess the governors of Texas and Georgia are also Democrats. Wake up. These are Republicans pushing the agenda to rid the schools of teachings if the Civil War, about LGBTQ, and all other things. These are Republican governors and legislators pushing and changing the voting laws trying yk make it harder for democrats and independents to get to the ballot box and vote.
You, sir, need to wake up and turn off your pot of grits. They have burnt!
stopping indoctrinating kids into sex using LGBT as cover for their pornography, sex ed was originally meant to educate on procreation not masturbation not anal sex not oral sex which is much of the LGBT material & story reading time can include twerking children by adult men , ID voters and when asked blacks poll for it (you need an ID to get into your legislatures office), Europe got rid of mail in voting & ballot harvesting bc of rampant fraud, never was against Civil War teaching but against racist lies like 1619, CRT, DEI, take the blue pill
Hey "Brian" trollbotski, how much is the NRA/GQPutin Puppets paying your for your idiotic comments, lies, misinformation & propaganda ? 1 ruble ? 2 ? you should ask for Euros instead lol #GQPTRoll
Janet....Totally agree......very impressed with Rep. Justin Jones.....
why be so biased, and include knife, car, fist, bat, hammer, violence, drug poisoning, pool drowning, alcohol accidents, #1 cause of death for children 1-17 is accidents so what about stairs....Seems like its your fear that's driving this
No, Brian, the #1 killer of all children currently between the ages of 0 and 18 years in the USA is firearms. Thus, banning guns is the only appropriate response to this absurd reality born of the 2nd. amendment intended originally to provide for state militias. The time for action is so very long overdue it is heartbreaking ЁЯТФ.
WOW!!! ThatтАЩs powerful stuff! I fully agree with you on the outlook for his future. I do like the way he speaks, and doesnтАЩt kind calling out the folks across the aisle.
Reaping Texas.
Donald Hodgins <silencenotbad@gmail.com>
4:45тАпAM (1 minute ago)
Our country is divided into 3 major grids, the East Coast, the Central, and the West Coast, and because there is always someone that has to be different we have Texas, which refuses to be a part of the other 3. The state of Texas is a Republican stronghold, a part of the whole but singularly separate. The federal judge who saw fit to abolish an accepted form of a chemical abortion was appointed to his post by non-other than Donald Trump. Sitting quietly in the wings and waiting for the appropriate moment this Trump stooge made his decision the stir the pot just when he thought it would cause the most harm. Passing legislation from the bench was supposed to be frowned upon. I don't care if his name carried religious significance, no one individual has the right to serve up such a motion. The system is flawed. If at some point a judge felt the need to do what Mr. Kacsmaryk just did a more progressive path should be employed. The first step should be to draw up an idea and then submit it to a federal review board to see if it passes a constitutional query. At that point, if it has, the motion would be reviewed by an appellate court for final approval. At least this way a single burr under our political saddle wouldn't cause such a stir. No one judge should be able to render a decision that tips the entire country on its ear. Abortion is a religious issue and therefore because of the division provided by the concept of separation of church and state, politics should stay out of the issue. There is only one way to approach abortion that being through the position of pro-choice. If you find fault with the process, because of your religious beliefs, don't do it. However, no minority group, (the anti-abortionists), has the right to dictate policy to the majority. That is how this country works, the majority rules. Legalized abortion is a woman's right. I think Judge Kacsmaryk needs to take a pill.
YouтАЩre absolutely right. I know that Texas is governed by the most corrupt politicians in history! They love their guns thanks to the NRA & other far right donors. They want to totally control women & their rights. I know because unfortunately I live in TexasЁЯСО
NRA exists bc ppl want their guns not visa versa, our gun rights are historically part of English law to defend ourselves against tyranny, something American Indians know of, American Japanese know of, German Jews know of, Russian peasants know of, Mao Chinese know of. It's a civil war if we are armed, genocide if we aren't. CDC = 500k - 3mil ppl per year use/brandish a gun to defend/prevent a crime, something news does not report on bc it's not supportive of your agenda
The 2nd amendment has been so distorted BY THE NRA that people truly donтАЩt know what it means any more. The NRA has told people that they need their guns so often for so long that they believe it. The 2nd amendment is about the government defending itself via a well-regulated militia, against insurrection. Honestly, your propaganda is out of place in a discussion of the aftermath if a mass shooting in which someone with WEAPONS OF WAR took the lives of 3 innocent children and traumatized many other innocent children.
will you make it illegal for children to ride in cars since you are overwhelmed by childhood deaths? The NRA came into existence to serve EXISTING gun owners of which 50% of the USA populations owns a gun or live in a home with a gun. I don't support the NRA but do support 2A
2A states: "the right of the people to keep and bear arms....see the word PEOPLE, not Militia, not soldier, not military volunteer, PEOPLE was written so PEOPLE & Militia can defend itself, themselves against tyranny. Yes the PEOPLE can ALSO be called upon to aid their state militia but that add on did not mean the right is subordinate to Militia service. Below was from Left Wiki
2A came from English law: The Second Amendment was based partially on the right to keep and bear arms in English common law and was influenced by the English Bill of Rights of 1689. Sir William Blackstone described this right as an auxiliary right, supporting the natural rights of self-defense and resistance to oppression, and the civic duty to act in concert in defense of the state.[12] While both James Monroe and John Adams supported the Constitution being ratified, its most influential framer was James Madison. In Federalist No. 46, Madison wrote how a federal army could be kept in check by state militias, "a standing army ... would be opposed [by] a militia." He argued that state militias "would be able to repel the danger" of a federal army, "It may well be doubted, whether a militia thus circumstanced could ever be conquered by such a proportion of regular troops." He contrasted the federal government of the United States to the European kingdoms, which he described as "afraid to trust the people with arms", and assured that "the existence of subordinate governments ... forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition"
Monica--My grandmother told me when I was very young that "she" was directly related to the people that owned the King Ranch, but she never explained how. I understand how you must feel, a little. I live in a neighborhood that is encrusted with Republicans. LOL
Donald, I couldnтАЩt have said this any better.
Abortion is something that needs to stay out of Congress, State political levels, everywhere political. It has no business there being discussed at all. If a woman needs to discuss it, she has doctors, ministers, priests, Rabbis, or wherever she attends her religious services to go and discuss it with them. ItтАЩs her body, her decision. Period. Politics has no say in the matter.
ThatтАЩs how it needs to be, and stay that way!
tell that to the baby, or tell that to the mother who lost her baby due to an injury by a 3rd party but has no recourse bc you don't want her to have any legal/political standing
Hey "Brian" trollbotski, how much is the GQPutin Puppets paying your for your idiotic comments ? 1 ruble ? 2 ? you should ask for Euros instead lol #GQPTRoll
Daniel--I couldn't sleep and the issue was running through my mind so I got up and rendered my thoughts on the subject. Your reaction makes me feel as though it was a good idea that I couldn't sleep.
Believe it or not, most times my best thoughts come when I lay my head on my pillow. So I have to write. ThatтАЩs why I started my Substack. I put my thoughts down so I can share them. Sorry I kept you awake though. Hope you slept better afterward.
Daniel--I suffer from terminal insomnia, pain radiates through my body when I lay down with designs on acquiring any amount of rest. If it wasn't for Robert's caption contest I really wouldn't have too many things to look forward to. From one equestrian to another "post" on.
Thank you, Janet, for the info. I had forgotten about what Chief Justice Warren Burger had said about the Second Amendment!