What of the 1st amendment? It's a slippery slope and a dangerous path when a few determine what's right for the many. Some would call it a dicatorship, not a Democracy. Didn't Trump used to do this at some of his rallies?

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If you break decorum and act like hooligans, you must accept the consequences of such behavior. You cant have two sets of rules -- hooliganism deemed criminal for one side, but hooliganism deemed a defiant and brave stance against injustice for another. Nothing matters but balls and strikes and a consistent strike zone.

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Tennessee is just one example of the Evil Fascist GQP's Attempts to subvert and destroy democracy by silencing opponents, suppressing votes, gerrymandering, using hot button issues like guns, abortion and fake fears about drag queens, to rile up their gullible, low IQ cult members. They twist the truth, and original intent of the "Founding fathers" (ex: they severely twisted the 2nd amendment and forget the half that says "well regulated militia" ) in order to keep power, influence & bribe money from the Billionaires & Corporations. They dont care if the planet is being destroyed, unnecessary wars fought, or people die from botched back alley abortions, lack of healthcare, education & food, As long as their bank acct balances increase.....everyone should boycott Tennessee, Texas & FLorida, & other red states, the main epicenters of the GQP's pogroms to install a white supremacist (fake) "christian" Theocratic Dictatorship in America, and any corporation that supports them #voteBlue2024

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Justin Jones has been reinstated to The Tennessee State House of Representatives. The other Justin is also going to be reinstated from what I have read. The Republicans in The Tennessee State House of Representatives are probably going to be more sneaky about their undemocratic moves. They probably won't dare try to expel those two Tennessee State Representatives again but the Tennessee House Republicans are probably going to try more subtle means of trying to silence these two African American Representatives in the future. I would advise those two African American Representatives in Tennessee State to watch these Republicans for any subtle moves to try to silence those two Tennessee Representatives again.

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If only our 'leaders' could STOP, take a breath and think about how their actions will look and be judged 100 years from now... Would the heat of the moment with all its indignation and self-righteousness stand the test of time? I think not but in a world driven by tweets and the drive for instant notoriety and publicity... we have what we have... so-called adults acting like children.

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When we had the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960's it led to for example the abolishment of white and black only bathrooms and fountains. It led to the abolishment of blacks having to sit in the back of buses. Martin Luther King Jr. led the Civil Rights Movement until he was assassinated at a hotel balcony in Memphis Tennessee on April 4,1968. I believe the racism was only pushed underground by Martin Luther King Jr. but not wiped out. It merely scared the white people enough to be much more sneaky and subtle about their racism toward blacks. Everyone of those Republicans in the Tennessee House need to be voted out to wipe out the lock they have on The Tennessee State House of Representatives. Probably the Republicans in The Tennessee State Senate should be voted out too. Their gerrymandered districts need to be challenged and redrawn using objective criterian.

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Left leaning Snopes acknowledges the key point is to define Children by age. Since 18+ are adults they cannot be included unless you are selling your point to ppl who won't question declarations.

The latest available data pertinent to this claim covers 2020 and 2021. As of this writing, there is no data available for 2022 and 2023.

The claim that guns were the leading cause of death for U.S. children in 2020 and 2021 is true only if the selected age range is 1-19 years old. This range excludes infants under one year old, who have a unique risk of age-specific causes of death.

Similarly, capping the age range at 17, instead of 18 or 19, also alters the result, as children aged 17 and under have a greater risk of dying of vehicle-related injuries.

So now that you know the Truth will you outlaw children riding in cars?

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Heather Cox Richardson wrote today about how the confederates were never held to account, like the Nazi's were in Nuremberg, and that has a direct line to white supremacy still being alive and very well in this country today, as evidenced by the treatment of the "Justins". So many powerful people have never been held accountable for their crimes in the history of the US. https://open.substack.com/pub/heathercoxrichardson/p/april-9-2023?r=151l1&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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Once again Democrats prove that Democrats habitually project their own actions upon others.

BLM riots, Kavanaugh insurrections lasting an entire week, phony 1/6 hearings, threats to Supreme Court Justices, and now taking over State legislatures with violent outbursts. All Democrat insurrections interfering with the rule of law.

It's crystal clear who the insurrectionists are.

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All for the sake of trying to silence people who have a right to speak....it will not work. It didn't work for the silence of MLK nor did it work for the silence of Nelson Mandela. Offer support everyday to persons trying to speak out against gun violence. It would be nice if they (Republicans) would expend this energy into something worthwhile like protecting kids going to school & staying safe while there learning without the fear of being killed.

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This comment is related to Texas the use of a ruling by a southern state to make rules for the rest of the country. This is the only place I can share it From 4/20/23 New York Review of Books page 50 by Manisha Sinha paragraph 3 , “The Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 activated a clause of the Constitution that required any “person held to service” to be remanded back to their owners---extending southern laws of slavery into northern free states. ------- I feel the use of the FDA’s approval process as a means to ban abortion across our entire country parallels a tool the Southern States used. I hadn’t been able to grasp how one state could disrupt all of our lives until I read this paragraph. So much hatred and contempt for people to live free lives

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These relics of the past are doing everything within their power to prevent or hinder the progress that is taking place within our society. I believe that we can fight them by supporting and voting overwhelmingly for progressives that share our values. I value honesty, equality, education, compassion, kindness, fairness, intelligence, reason, acceptance, non-violence, and healthcare for all.

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Stand tall, young men of color; let the world see you and hear your eloquent replies to the vitriol. Stand tall in the face of so much anti-democratic behavior in the Tennessee legislature. To expel the two with melanated skin but not the other lacking melanin is ridiculously obvious in its intent. It is good trouble that you stir in your state, young men of color. There is much that the people of your state can learn from you. Teach them, lead them.

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Thank you, my old pal! These are probably the most important words you’ve ever uttered-at least in this 80 year old white woman!

Thank you for speaking from MY heart!

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Thank you or expressing it so well and as I wish I could have done myself. It is scary where we are today.

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This is all about fear. White people, especially men, feel they will not be in the majority. I am white and I hope to see the day their fear is a reality.

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