Thank you for your steadfast commitment to informing us of what lies beneath. I am so grateful that you are still so dedicated to the truth and justice. I am hopeful that your bridging of the past to now and further to the future will allow so many otherwise “neutral” people to see what is really happening and what is at stake. Stay steady, Danny. Your voice is important.
Thank you for your steadfast commitment to informing us of what lies beneath. I am so grateful that you are still so dedicated to the truth and justice. I am hopeful that your bridging of the past to now and further to the future will allow so many otherwise “neutral” people to see what is really happening and what is at stake. Stay steady, Danny. Your voice is important.
Thank you for your steadfast commitment to informing us of what lies beneath. I am so grateful that you are still so dedicated to the truth and justice. I am hopeful that your bridging of the past to now and further to the future will allow so many otherwise “neutral” people to see what is really happening and what is at stake. Stay steady, Danny. Your voice is important.
April, you said it best.