You write so beautifully, concise, insightful and from a place of knowledge and experience And, honestly and truth.

Thank you


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I agree with that. We must find ways to come together. It occurred to me while I was ironing this morning, that rather than giving our fellow beings the finger we should be shaking hands and trying to figure out where to go from here.

I am currently reading Gene Sharp's books on nonviolent struggle which has proved useful and illuminating. I also watched a documentary about him and his work which I also found very useful. In fact, I'm going to watch it again today because it gives so many ways to resist oppression without resorting to violence and has been used as a resource for resistance movements around the world. Easy to find this on the web.

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My question is if the shoe were on the other foot, would we Americans be in solidarity fighting against the enemy like the Ukrainians? I am not so certain. We are engaged in our own country’s divide of basically the “haves and the have-nots”. We have our own oligarchs and white supremacists who no longer hide behind a white robe. We know who they are and knowing that they have power in Congress is revolting. So if we are invaded by let’s say China, what country would take us refugees in?

We are not prepared because it is America who has started wars also. We, at home, who have never actually fought in a bloody battle, have no idea that we would have to make many sacrifices. These are things we must think about.

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Thank you!

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Well said.

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I was born during WWII. I expect the Russian people to ASAP take care of their rediculous Ruler. I sure don't want to spend my last years experiencing WWIII!

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I am relatively certain that no one in their right mind wants to see nuclear weapons again used in a conflict.

That said, V.Putin seems to believe that the Alliance will do anything to ensure nukes are never used, and he takes advantage of that by threatening to use Russian nukes unless we let him have his way.

My belief is that we should be rolling heavy armor into Ukraine, establishing a NFZ within 100 miles of the Ukrainian border and declaring that any Russian flagged warship approaching within 25 miles of the Ukrainian coastline will be subject to attack from the air and sea.

Putin needs to be faced down. He only respects the use of force, let’s demonstrate what happens when a militarily stronger force is concentrated against a rogue nation. You can bet that NK and China will take notice.

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My husband use to say that exact quote to me in my early struggles…fortune favors a prepared mind…I am sure many knew, that Putin would not stop at Crimea…it was going to come sooner or later…the timing and the times at hand,…were clues…I am completely crushed for Ukraine, my heart bleeds with what they are going through, so much so, I contemplate going there to help- I’m a just retired Registered Nurse…my thoughts and prayers are there daily…and what can be said about their President Zelenskyy, the epitome of bravery in a leader, this is his time, and yes, this is their time…for the world watches,…and tightens the clamp around Russia like a vise…none of know where this will go, but the Ukrainians are not letting go of their homeland…and I firmly stand with them🙏🏻💙🇺🇦💛✨🕊

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The two million refugees in other countries could certainly use a nurse.

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The parallels to the opening days of World War II are too numerous to be ignored.

Will we keep pretending that Putin is a "rational actor", despite an unprovoked and violent invasion of a peaceful country? Will a divided America once again take a "wait and see" stance, only to be awakened when the violence lands at our door?

I am weary of the pundits who preach about the sanctions against Russia giving Putin a reason to become even more violent. He doesn't need a reason, he'll do it anyway, just because. He won't stop at Ukraine, anymore than Hitler stopped after Czechoslovakia, or Poland. He and his fellow autocrats want to prove Western democracy is weak and indecisive, and he sees re-establishing the USSR as a Russian Empire as his vehicle.

We need to recognize this situation for what it is - a violent power play by a narcissistic dictator who cares nothing for humanity outside of the very narrow circle of the cabal that keeps him in absolute power.

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Necessary fears and worries. Thank you.

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After reading the below other comments? Did I read the same article? They seem focused on “Political?” Bigger picture of piece for me was about looking at what may lay ahead to alleve fears and be ready to meet the challenge. Understanding what came before to understand why we are here.

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This has always been my approach. I have always been a planner and been labeled negative. I am not. I just believe denial is at the root of all pathos. I do a worst case analysis then make plan A,B, C and D. Then I leave my fears, change my actions accordingly then move on to my life. A practical example is the “have enough emergency water” for just about anything happening these days. Earthquake, cyber attack etc., (we lost our electricity last winter.)so now we have super light sources battery powered; extra batteries. I can fruits and vegetables each summer.

We have about 30 gallons of water. We save a gallon for every shower we take; it takes exactly one gallon of cold water for the water to get hot. We acknowledge, plan, and act. We feel less fear and feel ready for at least the first few weeks of what may be down the road. I joke that with all our gallons of water people may think we are running a still. We use these during the summer hot season. We got scared last year. 120 degrees for a week last year in tge Pacific Northwest. It was really scary.

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This is very thought provoking. Maybe my household should be preparing for a cyber attack on our infrastructure.

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“Fortune favors the prepared mind.” What a great overarching subliminal message to propagate during the upcoming election cycle. Our current "Any Tom, Dick, or Harriet" candidate selection mode does net a few prepared minds, but maybe too few to prepare us for Putin II, III, IV , , , ,

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What questions are we not asking? Agree with you on not fearmongering, but.... I think we in the US assume that we are in large part protected by our geographic distance from Europe. We are woefully underprepared for cyberwarfare and I think that could bring us to our knees - and to each other's throats - with very little effort on Putin's part. The though terrifies me.

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Brilliant and sorely needed. Thanks Dan!

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