Vote! Vote like your future depends on it. Vote like the Constitution depends on it. Vote like the Bill of Rights depends on it. Vote like the Rule of Law depends on it. Vote like democracy depends on it. Vote like the Republic depends on it. Vote like our freedom depends on it. Because it does. VOTE BLUE!

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Sheesh...depending on who you are, your LIFE may depend on it!

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Does make one wonder just what this madman will try to do in order to “get even” with those who oppose him? He’s capable of anything. He’s whacked out big time!

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He has told America what he will do. No need to wonder.

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o agree with thst.

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I’m an old left over 11B20 from my Army days … I can defend myself.

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America needs to hear from YOU. Please. Now more than ever, speak so the people in the far reaches of Texas can hear you.

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Let’s defend democracy not just for us and our loved ones, but for the common good. “WE, the people”…

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I carry bear spray in my car, a knife as well as a bayonet from WWI, lol. When asked once if I had any weapons at the Canadian border, I calmly said “No.”

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Not me!

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Michelle Obama said DO SOMETHING so I want to throw out what I have been doing with League of. Women Voters. We have 3 drive through food banks that serve almost 2000 people in our county. Volunteers are providing voter information, vote by mail applications, and registration forms for new voters. Down ballot candidates are as important as the top of the ticket so DO SOMETHING.... donate, write postcards, put a sign in your yard, speak to undecided voters, contact your high school to make sure every 18 year old senior is registered and prepared to vote, go to assisted living facilities in your area where often residents have moved in from other areas and have not changed their voter registration or require a vote by mail application..... Even in my highly educated New Jersey county no town exceeded a turnout of 54% of eligible voters in 2022.... Nationally only 60% of eligible voters turnout and this is why we must do everything we can as individuals to secure a high voter turnout .

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Thank you for working so hard! And sharing this information, it is all so helpful! I live an a 99.9% trump area where folks think it is fine to do harm to Democrats (I don't think as many would think this is fie is trump did not legitime it...it was always safe before to campaign for who ever you wanted to ) so I can't campaign, I have arthritis so my handwriting is not very legible so no post cards/letters (I did do that in previous elections and it was very satisfying) and I'm a senior citizen with a very modest income so I can't donate much, but I do all I can. When I am grocery shopping I consider each purchase very carefully to see if I really need it and to see where I can save 2 or 3 dollars to use for a donation. It's not much but as I say over and over if we all donate even a little it might be the little that makes the difference.

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Thank you so much for making this difference, doing what you can to help, and encouraging the rest of us!

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Every thing you are able to do counts. I certainly do understand the limitations of many of us, seniors!!

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Pat, It may take quite a few drops of water to fill up a glass....but every single drop helps. I am humbled by your sacrifice and for what you do to contribute.

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Thank you! After reading the trump said he will round up persons who donated to Harris and put them in jail (which in reality I think would be hard to do without a big plan and he is not capable of big plans) I've decided I'm willing to take that risk and donate more than I have been somehow. Again, only maybe $3 here and there (goodness it's hard to figure out where to donate) but I just feel I need to somehow do even more.

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Thank you for sharing what it takes to be a patriot! Bravo!

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Teela, you ROCK! Amazing job, thank you on behalf of all of us!

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Thanks JCI. I am just an individual voter committed to our democracy... The real ROCK STAR is Dan Rather who I will never forget meeting as an intern in Washington DC about 52 years ago. Thank you Dan for your reporting and wisdom and for being a clarion voice for so many of us.

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Thank you Teela! Your efforts are going to make a difference.

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There are many crucial election races. Senate and House elections do not depend on the electoral college. Also many crucial state and local offices where we need to defeat MAGA GOP efforts to take away our rights. Vote BLUE.

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I wish more was said about the House and Senate races. Without Democratic majorities there, nothing Harris proposes can come to be. Vote blue, all down the ballot!

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blue it will be 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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Kathleen: we cannot say this too often. It is imperative!

Thank you for repeating it. You are appreciated!

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You are so right. Every blue vote must count.

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I’m in Connecticut a blue state and a blue city of Hartford. I’ve made initial contact with activists in eastern Pennsylvania which is where I will go if someone wants me for Election Day and maybe the day before. I’m all in. Everyone please head for a battleground if possible.

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Thanks, Bill! You obviously know the assignment!

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I’m old hat at this. Back in the who knows when, I went up to New Hampshire with my former high school history teacher and others to work for John Anderson an independent candidate. The joke was when we knocked on doors, “John who?”

Then in 2000 or 2004 , I was stationed on Miami Beach and there I found myself having an argument with a Bush Cubano. We were in each other’s faces when a crowd had gathered and a woman was heard to say, “Oh my God they are going to fight.” The Cubano and I both looked at her and said in unison, “No were are not” then we hugged each other and went back to yelling. That was a great moment. I don’t think that would work with a MAGA today.

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I doubt it would!

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Your words are not taken lightly. We have neighbors who have been stockpiling arms, food, ammo, since Jan 6. They are firmly entrenched in red.

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Oh, my! That knowledge cannot be easy to live with!

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They may be headed for different type of trench. A grave.

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They must want to get killed!

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Thank you Bill.

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Thank you so much for your hard work!

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This, written by James Risen in "The Intercept" back in 2020:

"I have a question for leftists: Do you finally see the difference between the Democrats and Donald Trump?

I have a question for American right-wingers: Do you finally see that it is Trump who will take your guns?

I have a question for American evangelicals: Do you finally see that Trump is the one who will close your churches?

I have a question for Republican members of Congress: Do you finally see that you will be in the camps too?

Dictatorships are built on denial. Dictators take over gradually; each incremental step that erodes civil liberties and the rule of law can be justified and explained away. Sometimes a would-be dictator is laughed off as a political buffoon who shouldn't be taken seriously. While it is happening, no one can quite believe that they are on the road to serfdom."

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So well said! Thank you.

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Take five people who may not be as motivated to vote but who can’t stand Trump to the polls with you. Be careful of all these draconian laws that the Republicans have put in place because they know they are the minority and they know they do not represent the views of the majority of the American public. They are evil to the core

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Vote Blue if you have no understanding of economics, the Constitution, national security, individual sovereignty, law & order, crime prevention, free speech and the Second Amendment.

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Amazing how this has been turned around so well against the Democrats. All the scary stuff about Trump and the Republicans has been so successfully turned around and now it's the Democrats who are scary and Trump is the guy who's going to save you from them.

I'm only gonna say this once: If you think for one moment that Donald Trump is for anything or anyone other than Donald Trump, if you think for one moment that having Trump in office is going to somehow turn out well for you, you're a fool!

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David you are the fool for even thinking that Harris and Walz are good for America. The 4 years under Trump were prosperous and the economy was booming until the ScamDemic. You would see that in a different light if you weren’t so full of hatred. You are willing to sacrifice your country to a couple of radical left Marxists. I’m not. We obviously have very different views on what is wrong with America and how to make it better. I guess we will have to agree to disagree. Have a great day.

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I don't believe that voting for someone who wants to turn this country into a dictatorship like his "friends," is the way to make it better. Truly, you are on the road to serfdom. I am not going with you.

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Who pays you? This is Putin at work.

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Understand the assignment: Vote. And bring your friends. We cannot afford to have anyone sit this one out. We know what happened to Hillary - people thought it was a done deal. Polls don't vote.

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And uninhabited swaths of land don't vote either! Don't let the red-blue maps psych you out.

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Do not listen to polls. Go vote. Do not allow yourself to get intimidated. The TRUTH is on the democratic side: many Republicans understand what is at risk and ther ARE joining all our efforts. I trust that we, the people, . Will be protected from harm.

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Only if you vote for Trump will you be protected. If you vote for the Marxist ticket you will continue to be looted and overrun by illegal aliens who are already a scourge in all the Blue 💩 hole cities run by your comrades. You people are insane if you think the American people are going to put up with this any longer. We must end the leftist 💩show. 🤡show. Amazing that y’all are so stupid. Of course you will try to steal this election too. It remains to be seen whether this will work again. 🙏🙏🙏

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Putin's money is paying for this.

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I think you belong on Fox. Dan Rather and the rest of us believe in democracy and your felon wants to be a dictator, and not just on day one. Repeating the lying felon doesn’t help you on here. Crime is down, not up. Immigrants are human beings, God’s children. They are not vermin, they aren’t a scourge. You are insane if you think America wants a lying dictator running this country. Amazing there is so many brainwashed fools like yourself that actually believe that liar. The last election was not stolen, stop lying. The felon LOST fair and square. HE tried to steal it from Joe Biden in Georgia and with J6. We will NEVER forget or forgive! Even Nick Fuentes has turned on the felon isn’t is actively working AGAINST him for LYING about the 2020 election. “I lost by a whisker” the felon has said several times now. How do you feel knowing he lied to you and all his MAGAts? Pretty stupid I imagine. “Remains to be seen whether this will work again”, we already know the felon and his sycophants are planning something just like they tried to steal the election from Joe Biden. Well, the “leftists” are ready.

In fact the felon said he had every right to interfere with the election. No, he doesn’t, that’s why he was indicted. For his own actions. America fired him in 2020 and he’s only gotten more insane and unhinged. If you people ever fact checked instead of believing every lie that comes out of his mouth, you’d know he’s making fools out of you people. We already know, you need to wise up.

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I assume this is a parody post.

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Thank you for the reminder to stay steady Mr Rather. Wishing you well.

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Ok, people indulge me.

I hung a 2 sided non-partisan "VOTE" flag on my post-n-rail fence on my property line. It was up for 4 days. On Sunday, when I arrived home from church, my neighbor, who is a Trump supporter and has flown a Trump flag for 5 years, strategically displayed a TRUMP 2024 banner to the right of my vote flag which was on his property approx a foot from my fence.

Now, with my flag and his banner the message from his side of the fence read: VOTE Trump 2024. Today I went to Lowes, purchased thick red duct tape and covered the word vote in a red X facing his yard.

Now, the message reads: red X, do not VOTE Trump 2024.

Felt good to get into good trouble!

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goodonya...yesterday I distrubuted signs that stated "Trump for dictator, 2024" in my relatively conservative township. This evening I'll go out and see how many survived. I have 5 more waiting for identification of strategic sites.

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Thank you!!

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Brilliant! We truly do hope to X out rump and his minions with this election!

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A M E N!!

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Good for you and us all.

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Great and funny

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Brava 💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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If it's true that good fences make good neighbors, it sounds like you might need a better fence.

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“Whereas Donald Trump doesn’t seem to have any plan at all.”

Oh, he has a plan alright. It’s REVENGE, if that can be considered a plan. He will also blindly support Project 2025, because, well, you know, Presidentin’ is hard. Making policy only interferes with his TV watching and golfing.

You don’t need to “know more” about Harris. She will do the right thing. All you need to decide is do you prefer democracy over authoritarianism.

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He has been telling us, plain and simple, WHO he is!

The difference will be how many will ACTUALLY listen on Tuesday...

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The epitome of CHAOS.

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I believe Dan is referring to Donald’s failure to have a campaign plan. I believe he has a plan. He has people in place in swing states to delay and challenge the process of counting ballots. They want to pull the same stunt they tried in 2020, but with the right people in place to start with. That’s why the Democratic Party has hired a lot of election lawyers in preparation.

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I truly think you hit the nail on the head. Pretend this is an arranged marriage. You will learn about each other and learn to love ❤️ each other during the years to come!

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Thank you again for your knowledge and experience.

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I don’t believe their poll for a second.

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Considering it's the NYT and they're doing everything in their power to enable Trump. The press along with other media outlets deliberately ignore his non-stop shenanigans like that shameless, illegal photo op at Arlington Cemetery and meeting with Netanyahu like he's still in charge while clearly violating the Logan Act. And all of this while out on bail and still awaiting sentencing. Give us a break MSM and tell it like it really is. It's up to us in November to keep this demented, convicted felon out of the Oval Office and we have to vote like our freedoms depend on it.

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Also keep in mind, we're not only voting for our freedoms. We're voting for his. Without this win, he knows he's going to prison.

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Good point Kevin and hardly anyone is more deserving of a new residence that scares the hell out him.

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Very True, Rick and Kevin. Nothing is to be taken for granted, this guy is a sicko! Enough of his BS. He makes NO SENSE what-so-ever.🇺🇸

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... and HOPEFULLY that desperation on his part will be made glaringly OBVIOUS

on Tuesday night!

It may be time for this old atheist to "throw one up" to the Heavens...

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That is why he must not be allowed to win!!

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I totally agree. At least today I saw an op-ed from USA Today on Yahoo basically questioning why the MSM is giving trump a free pass. I have to say I never ever thought I'd actually have admiration for USA Today but they seem to be one of the few MSM outlets that is saying anything. The NYT, WaPo and WSJ should be ashamed. I don't know how to get more info out to the public from genuine new sources that will report the truth. If anyone has any ideas, I sure would like to hear them.

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Also MSNBC, CNN and I don't know who all show his face all the time. Cut him out!

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Reuters is fairly accurate.

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Lawrence O’Donnell had a great rebuttal for the NYT statement supporting tfg tariffs in an article about his childcare speech that was literally insane. Sane washing. . Americans pay the tariffs.

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Hear hear!👍

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A B S O L U T E L Y!!

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And it does

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I don’t want to believe it! The press is still under the spell of both sidesism instead of calling Trump out.

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Their wealthy corporate owners want a Trump win. It’s good for their clickbait business. Many people just read the headlines. The New York Times is using that to give Trump an edge.

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Our press organizations have fallen into line with Trump because of his tax plan for corporations. Honest journalism is a near impossibility today. Money talks and BS walks in this business today.

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Propping Trump up is good for the media business model. Calling him out won't help because the Trump fanbase has switched from news to movies and sitcoms - they really do not want to know how bad he is because they plan to vote for him no matter what.

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I don't either! I am phone banking, specifically in the swing states, and voters from all political parties, age groups and demographics are overwhelmingly voting for vice president Kamala Harris. TRump is despised by the vast MAJORITY of the people I have spoken with.

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That is so good to hear!

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It must be hard calling I’ll bet you go through 10 numbers before a person answers.

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That IS encouraging!

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What do you mean you "don't believe". I KNOW. DONT YOU?

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I have been talking about this ticket and how I am voting FOR THEM since it was formed. I felt it was the right decision and still do. The concept of 4 years of Trump and co is beyond what I wish to handle emotionally or mentally. That man drains the life out of everything and then he lies about it. I refrained from early voting as we have three people who tampered with ballots in my county and I thought to myself NO he isn't getting in that way. So I will go to the polls, stand and vote and then pray that enough voters do the same across this great country. GO KAMALA!!!

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GO KAMALA!!! Freedom!

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For those "undecided" voters there is at least one thing you already know about Kamala Harris: she is not Donald Trump.

If you are a traditional Republican a win for Kamala means that you will have a chance to vote for a legitimate Republican in 2028. A win for Trump would mean, in all probability, that there will be no "traditional Republican party" to put up a candidate. (It will have morphed into the MAGA/Trump party.)

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4 SURE!!!

How ironic that "real" republicans have the opportunity to "save" their party

by voting for democracy!!!

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After years of “You DO KNOW the United States is not a democracy” not sure what exactly the MAGAs are saving.

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I believe it already has morphed.

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I can understand the 49/48 split between the Dems and Republicans (or 48/49). What I cannot understand, and have been grappling with since 2016, is how the Republican group can remain so large given the candidate they are supporting. These people - most of them anyway - are not stupid. They are educated, thoughtful Americans who want to live in a free, prosperous and peaceful nation. How in God's name can so many people want to vote for this man? He is an absolute menace and a threat to everything the nation holds dear. I cannot understand it. And, should Harris win, we know the other side is going to claim it's fixed, that the Dems cheated, and there will be rioting in the streets. For what?

Rant concluded. Wishing peace and safety to all.

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To me, it's a combination of news media like Fox News, internet influencers like the Troll that got kicked off of this forum yesterday, Trump dominating and intimidating the republican party, billionaires backing and funding him, and the mainstream media not doing a proper job of journalism by calling out Trump's stuff for what it is; scary threats and rantings of a narcissistic, wannabe dictator. I think presenting this as a more balanced horse race gets them more clicks than telling it like it is.

It's like Goebbels(of Nazi Germany) said "If a lie is repeated enough times, it becomes the truth." And some are getting fed lies from all angles. It's a testament to how powerful propaganda can be.

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If we recall 2016: Trump was a shiny object nobody took seriously, and the media, led by CNN, provided him hours of free airtime, live streaming from all his rallies every time he took the stage. Thankfully they learned from that experience.

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If that's true, how is it that all of the worst tendencies in us coalesced at the same time, and how is it that we didn't adequately learn that lesson the first time around? Are we really so ignorant?

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Many are ignorant. And, as recently learned, religion of a certain type has convinced certain people that God/Jesus forgives sinners and that, therefore, the Orange One is forgiven/touched. It made me ill to see a video of him in a suggested church setting reading a Bible. Just pointing this out, readers.

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I think a big part of it is that time goes by, and people forget, or at least stop paying attention. There's the thought of "well, THAT couldn't happen NOW. Things are different." And the truth is closer to "we're still people. So yeah, it can happen again if we're not careful"

I also think of a young child who falls down and then looks up to the adults to see how he's supposed to react to the fall. I think it's still true to an extent when we're adults. And the news and social media is telling people how to react to Trump.

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This is what I think also David Allen

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A lot of them are, in fact, stupid, the ones who support him even though they gain nothing if he's in office.

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Wanna see rioting? Let DJT steal another one and ALL will see what the crowd really turns out for. I don't know anyone who likes a thief (except MAGAs).

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I believe in 2016, Hillary won the popular vote by 2.9 million but trump won the electoral and that’s what put him in office. The electoral college really needs to go posthaste.

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Don't forget that James Comey banged on about her emails that helped to cost her more votes that probably would have taken care of the Electoral College influence.

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Which is why whatever the NYT's doing with its coverage is terrifying. They still set the agenda for all other media coverage.

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With William Lewis, a Murdoch-cloned publisher of the Washington Post, that paper isn't doing much better than the NYT.

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I could never forget or forgive.

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You are correct about the electoral college. It sank Hillary but she won the popular vote. That college needs to go NOW.

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Hillary knew the importance of the electoral college in advance. Her campaigning consisted of landing at the airport in one major city of the state and spent maybe a half hour on the ground at the airport before leaving and not returning to the state. She basically ceded the state and its electoral college votes to the republican party.

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It was said she was head strong while making mistakes. Then she almost fainted at the 9/11 memorial and had to be partially carried into the car. Poor opts.

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Did you vote for her?

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I also voted for her I had no choice.

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I did a write in. Her, to put it politely, lack of interest in the people living in the state, was obvious.

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My real concern is the text he just sent on Sat. That he is going after everyone. And I mean everyone. Poll workers, ppl who donated to Kamala, anyone who it feels is a traitor to him. He's nothing but a BULLY. A VILE VULGAR PIG

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If this statement isn't election interference by threat, I don't know what is. As Trump is yet a private citizen, this is not an "official act" and should be investigated for what it is. Maya Angelou was right.

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Well if he comes to my home he is in for a surprise. I am NOT afraid of a fat bully. He is a coward plain and simple. I think he is a crook and have since he came into Real Estate back in the day. I do not espouse violence and he will be told sternly to get OFF my property.

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Even if Kamala wins the basic problem that someone like Trump has so much support won’t go away - there is something fundamentally broken.

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I agree with this assessment. Whatever happens, we'll still be a polarized society bricked in by guns and anger.

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As always, your writing is fantastic. Thank you.

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Just because the NYT said it doesn't make it true, not anymore. The times is no longer above reproach.

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Thank you. I’ve been having a really bad oh my god he could actually win day. The calm you exude just leapt off the page. I needed that today.

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