DeSantis is definitely clever, but whiny, with no charisma. I don’t think he will do well when the rest of the country “sees” him for what he is: an opportunist with no substance. But who else does that sound like?!
DeSantis is definitely clever, but whiny, with no charisma. I don’t think he will do well when the rest of the country “sees” him for what he is: an opportunist with no substance. But who else does that sound like?!
Or the elections are rigged in certain states...He just wanted 11,000 more in GA. In the future we will probably learn how many states and electoral college votes went rogue due to his manipulation.
Re uninformed Florida voters, so true v40 percent didn't vote for DeSantis.
Funny that if someone loses an election and claims they won is anti democratic but if someone wins an election that their voters must be anti democratic. Must be just ant democratic people who like to vote for some reason.
I did not write anti-democratic. I wrote anti-Democratic. Folks will vote (r) no matter how bad the (r) candidate is: just look at Georgia today! Why is it even a contest! Herschel Walker??? REALLY?!?!?! not enough punctuation marks
What about the democratic party do folks object to? letting folks exercise their right to vote, seriously addressing climate change, supporting medicare and social security, safe gun laws?
Safe gun laws like Chicago? Where is crime the worst? Democratic run big cities. A few Republican mayor's have done more to combat crime.
Climate change? Nothing has been done or will be done to alter the climate here. Adapt, raise countries out of poverty and by then maybe there will be workable solutions.
The Democratic solution is like a fat guy that wants to lose weight. Buying skinny jeans isn't going to make it happen.
Read Bjorn Lomborg. Not a denier or alarmist but a realist on climate change.
And when his wife says that "God" selected him for his position, unfortunately a lot of christians (deliberately lower-case) believe her. As his ad says, on the "eighth day" of creation, God needed a "protector," so God "made a fighter." Pretty heady stuff. One example of this "protection" is to allow children to go to school without masks during the pandemic. Confused? Me, too.
And let's not forget that there are hundreds of thousands of "christians" in this country who believe that the Orange Sadist is above Jesus in their religious hierarchy because he is "the Son of God", whereas Jesus was ("just") "the Son of Man". And, dear Lord, how incredibly scripturally illiterate these fools be.
Gerrymandering has nothing to do with a state wide election. For better or worse he is more popular now than 4 years ago, much moreso. That sounds like a happy electorate.
And help from corporatrocracy and putin and fox. None the less than propaganda like 1930's Germany. Americans who watch only one news show and are dumbed down with tv celebrity idols buy into his kind of charisma, like any other cult figure, he made very bad choices because his ego had to make up for all his other failings.
DeSantis is definitely clever, but whiny, with no charisma. I don’t think he will do well when the rest of the country “sees” him for what he is: an opportunist with no substance. But who else does that sound like?!
Ah, but he was just re-elected. Many of the voters in Florida are either uninformed or anti-democracy.
Or the elections are rigged in certain states...He just wanted 11,000 more in GA. In the future we will probably learn how many states and electoral college votes went rogue due to his manipulation.
Re uninformed Florida voters, so true v40 percent didn't vote for DeSantis.
Funny that if someone loses an election and claims they won is anti democratic but if someone wins an election that their voters must be anti democratic. Must be just ant democratic people who like to vote for some reason.
I did not write anti-democratic. I wrote anti-Democratic. Folks will vote (r) no matter how bad the (r) candidate is: just look at Georgia today! Why is it even a contest! Herschel Walker??? REALLY?!?!?! not enough punctuation marks
... most just vote (r) out of habit ... and certainly ARE anti-Democratic.
What about the democratic party do folks object to? letting folks exercise their right to vote, seriously addressing climate change, supporting medicare and social security, safe gun laws?
Safe gun laws like Chicago? Where is crime the worst? Democratic run big cities. A few Republican mayor's have done more to combat crime.
Climate change? Nothing has been done or will be done to alter the climate here. Adapt, raise countries out of poverty and by then maybe there will be workable solutions.
The Democratic solution is like a fat guy that wants to lose weight. Buying skinny jeans isn't going to make it happen.
Read Bjorn Lomborg. Not a denier or alarmist but a realist on climate change.
You are misinformed. Gun laws reduce crime. If your kid was killed in a massacre, you might sing a different song, mightn't you?
Most massacres recently have been with legally bought guns. A number with regular old pistols.
Red flag laws didn't stop a few from obtaining guns.
or perhaps just the name, with a capital 'D'.
He governed 4 years and went from a very close race to winning by nearly 20 percent so not sure he lacks charisma.
And when his wife says that "God" selected him for his position, unfortunately a lot of christians (deliberately lower-case) believe her. As his ad says, on the "eighth day" of creation, God needed a "protector," so God "made a fighter." Pretty heady stuff. One example of this "protection" is to allow children to go to school without masks during the pandemic. Confused? Me, too.
And let's not forget that there are hundreds of thousands of "christians" in this country who believe that the Orange Sadist is above Jesus in their religious hierarchy because he is "the Son of God", whereas Jesus was ("just") "the Son of Man". And, dear Lord, how incredibly scripturally illiterate these fools be.
Gerrymandering was a big help.
Gerrymandering has nothing to do with a state wide election. For better or worse he is more popular now than 4 years ago, much moreso. That sounds like a happy electorate.
I stand corrected.
I support your gerrymandering theory. It has made all the difference in the world.
And help from corporatrocracy and putin and fox. None the less than propaganda like 1930's Germany. Americans who watch only one news show and are dumbed down with tv celebrity idols buy into his kind of charisma, like any other cult figure, he made very bad choices because his ego had to make up for all his other failings.
Nazi Germany comparisons don't usually work.
Putin does a lot in the US for a guy that can't beat a much smaller neighbor. He elected Trump, helped DeSantis and caused all our inflation.
What's wrong with charisma? Obama, Bill Clinton, Reagan and JFK had it.
True but that only means that he is more dangerous.
To a Democrat, winners are dangerous. Losers and victims are potential votes to be bought with a promise of a year.
The country has seen how dangerous he is and the republicans don’t care!
I agree! But TFG had experience with TV that unfortunately made a lot of people think he is something that he is definitely not!
Yes, he presented a persona that was powerful , successful and decisive. People didn’t realize he was vile, impulsive, shallow and amoral.
And misogynistic. I saw nothing in him but one who is a wannabe king willing do anything to get that power. Same as his spawn.
From what I've read on various sites over the years, most everyone who lived in NYC knew.
... possibly. But with the right spin doctors, anything is possible.