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Honestly, who would you vote for if you had a gay son or daughter and lived in Florida?

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I'm not voting for someone to care for my son or daughter. I care for my children until they are 18, and then they care for themselves.

What has happened to the Democrat Party?

This kind of question just drives people away.

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My question was if he lived in Florida, and Desantis had his way, would he be able to get married, get the same healthcare rights, with his partner/husband, as heterosexual couples. Desantis doesn't even want to acknowledge that some children have gay parents. (For example: The school library book censorship issue) Another example: He took away Disney's tax benefit to punish the company's CEO for speaking out to represent their gay employees, which only hurt all employees of Disney, I'm sure.

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That is an interesting topic and the subject of a lot of debate.

One thing that bugs me is will people just get married strictly to take advantage of government benefits?

Our social safety nets are under a great deal of strain already without people abusing it further. How would we prevent sham marriages strictly for benefits?

The only solution I see is the civil union idea.

Why does any marriage require the legal acknowledgement of Government in the first place, if not strictly for government benefits?

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Because healthcare insurance companies make decisions based on if a couple is married. For Coverage, healthcare proxy etc.

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If everyone paid their fair share, the strain would be lifted. I am middle-class and am totally fine paying my fair share to help others make our country a better place to live. But I suffer from empathy and a sense of how a democracy is supposed to work For All The People. Past and modern slavery needs to be abolished in all ways.

Capitalism needs constraints in order to work well and maintain a healthy democracy. But people are too greedy and money is like an addiction, and power tool over others. Just look at how crazy musk and trump are. They could have done amazing things for the world, but they are narcissists and can only think about themselves.

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I don't agree with much of what you wrote.

Money is simply a storage battery for our labor. Is it greed for a man to protect his wealth from thieves?

I don't envy those who have been successful. I would rather work for a rich man than a poor one. I've done both and the former is much better.

Musk and Trump both are taking great risk doing what they do. They both could retire and live in the lap of luxury. Musk in particular is one of my favorite rich people. He absolutely cares about making the world a better place and he's putting his money where his mouth is. I like that he also has a sense of humor in the process.

Calling people Narcissist is a trained habit of Democrats. The word has been cheapened by its constant use as a bludgeon against people. Democrats have done more to dilute the language than any group in history. It's based on raw emotion combined with ignorance of language.

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You and I have been in this conversation elsewhere, Gandalf. Your thought processes are definitely different from my analysis and experience of this world.

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Have you never met a wealthy person who is also very generous?

In my experience, most want to help those in need, but also do not coddle those who refuse to try to help themselves.

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DeSantis, the best guy for the job of governor.

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How old are you, actually? You sound really immature and unable to have empathy or place your self in another person's experience... I am sorry to implicate you are mature, because I have seen white men in their 80's not be able to empathize about other's lives either, despite studying Christianity their entire lives, they still cannot empathize about other's like their idol, Jesus supposedly did.

"There are several times in the Bible that are recorded where Jesus is trying to teach an important lesson, in particular his disciples who he spent most of his time with. One of those times is in the book of John where Jesus washes the feet of his disciples. This was typically done by servants back in that time.

It would have shocked the disciples because they would not have expected someone like Jesus, who was their leader, to do something like this. Jesus washing feet does have a purpose. It would teach the disciples about a new way of life that he was going to usher in with his death and resurrection."

What do you think that story was teaching? Humility? Empathy? Love for another? Many so-called christians in the R party seem to have missed a lot of the points of the biblical stories, or perhaps they suffer from dyslexia and processing issues...like trump. The teachings must reach your mind and heart to be effective. Not spouted like automatons in an unthinking, un-empathetic army. Critical thinking skills are reduced or numbed out in trump rallies and stations like fox entertainment. Just watch one of Jordan Klepper's interviews at trump rallies...it is petrifying to watch such vacancy of thought in humans.

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It all comes down to color for Democrats. Which party is the racist party again?

If Jesus only "supposedly empathized" I guess that reveals a bit about your reading comprehension.

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You are only trolling

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Yes he is and I, for one, am tired of his crap. He is a troll and should be removed!

DeSantis is a dictator just like TFG

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The last line is a fact.

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Now who is censoring?

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Clearly you do not have a gay or trans child so you can say this cavalierly. You might have a Sub stack newsletter but I fear you delude yourself and cannot interpret the facts as they present themselves. I also fear you may be a spreader of disinformation.

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He definitely is.

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I wonder if this fellow gets something out of being a provocateur.

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J Nol, possibly he's in training to become a lawyer for the RNC.

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We disagree. I thought one could do that in a Democracy.

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Will you respond to my question, Daniel? How would you lovingly care for a teen trans child in DeSantis' Florida?

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Of course we can disagree. Just help me understand how you would care for your teen trans child in Florida.

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I'd have him or her treated for the mental delusion he or she is suffering from. Affirming that which is not true is not responsible. I certainly wouldn't allow surgery or treatment that was permanent.

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Why can't you live and let live? How does it impact your life in any way? Look to your own life. Stop telling others how to behave when it is none of your business if it does not impact your personal world.

My evangelical christian neighbor was so upset about gay marriages in this state. The whole state was turned inside out with half of the state thinking gay marriage will destroy the sanctity of their marriages. It was an awful two years of fighting for people's rights to choose. I thought some of the folks on our road would go apoplectic if civil unions passed. Well, it did pass and nothing happened to other's marriages. We all just went on living our lives as if nothing happened. They made such a big stink about it and then just moved on when it passed. None of it impacted the sanctity of their marriages, but made a lot of couples very happy whose love for one another could now be recognized and sanctified by the state...and world. It is hardly a big deal for anyone except those who allow it to wrinkle their brows.

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good Lord

whatever shall we Do

with all the Gay* Animals?

God fucked

that one up

too didn't


*perhaps they're merely

God's Creatures of


but Who

can Say?

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oh boy, white jacket please

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