Our middle child, Aubrey graduates high school June 3. It has been a fun ride, filled with extracurricular activities (thought she’d be a dinger someday, then a college volleyball player the next) and some poor choices/learning experiences along the way, too. She decided to buckle down and bring her grades up her junior year while gettin…
Our middle child, Aubrey graduates high school June 3. It has been a fun ride, filled with extracurricular activities (thought she’d be a dinger someday, then a college volleyball player the next) and some poor choices/learning experiences along the way, too. She decided to buckle down and bring her grades up her junior year while getting a job at McDonalds where they love her! After planning on doing the 2-year transfer program from our local community college to a university she decided to apply to Cal State schools and was accepted to 4 of 6. In between all of this her boyfriend ended their 18mo relationship which blindsided us all, but turned out to be for the best. She was able to make her college decision that much easier. She’ll be attending San Francisco State (400+ mi away) in the fall as a Cinema Major. We’re in CA so we didn’t know if she’d even have a graduation ceremony, but she will and she gets to have a Prom, too! She’s 100% vaccinated, but she’s been remote learning (as have her brothers) since March 2020, so the fall is going to bring big changes to all of us with schools opening up. It’s going to be really hard to leave our only daughter “so far” away. She’s earned this adventure & I have to keep reminding myself of that. 🥰
Our middle child, Aubrey graduates high school June 3. It has been a fun ride, filled with extracurricular activities (thought she’d be a dinger someday, then a college volleyball player the next) and some poor choices/learning experiences along the way, too. She decided to buckle down and bring her grades up her junior year while getting a job at McDonalds where they love her! After planning on doing the 2-year transfer program from our local community college to a university she decided to apply to Cal State schools and was accepted to 4 of 6. In between all of this her boyfriend ended their 18mo relationship which blindsided us all, but turned out to be for the best. She was able to make her college decision that much easier. She’ll be attending San Francisco State (400+ mi away) in the fall as a Cinema Major. We’re in CA so we didn’t know if she’d even have a graduation ceremony, but she will and she gets to have a Prom, too! She’s 100% vaccinated, but she’s been remote learning (as have her brothers) since March 2020, so the fall is going to bring big changes to all of us with schools opening up. It’s going to be really hard to leave our only daughter “so far” away. She’s earned this adventure & I have to keep reminding myself of that. 🥰