Perfect. I remember when Bob Dole said at the GOP convention said "if there's anyone here who is sympathetic to the kkk, the exits are here and there." There was a time when the hell of hate was tapped into more subtly too, as with poppy Bush. But there was that one time when Dole told them to go away that makes him a hero in my mind. Since 68, they all knew that section was there for the taking, depending on how immoral and ruthless they were willing to be. Thanks for reminding us.

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What a turnoff your article is! Not because I disagree that we all need to be constantly vigilant in our battle against prejudicial treatment, but because you used Donald Trump as "the bad example". Really? Let's all move on. Shall we? Trump is yesterday's news. You no longer need fear him.

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yes you do. Trump ruined much of our country - it's security, trust from NATO countries and potential NATO countries. Made it okay to chant about Jews replacing them, rocketed the incidence of violence and who knows what he did to our national security. He obvious took money from the bone saw Saudis and emboldened Putin. It's important to pay attention now. These ambitious twits know, because of trump, what kind of power they can gain by betraying the spirit of the constitution. Al Franken was right. It is profoundly sad that Trump was elected president.

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Again, thank you Mr Rather for your insightful observations. As a Canadian, the things of which you speak are very present in my country. Not so long ago, as a younger person slurs and asides were the fodder of jokes and demeaning comments in the workplace and classroom. I expect such slurs are still there just under the surface...vigilance is the watchword isn’t it

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"That these forces are ascendant is newsworthy". Not really. The reason for their ascendants is the abuse of the terms toward an incident or individual that does not constitute the definition of those terms. They are mostly hyperbolic and inflammatory claims designed to evoke anger and hate toward those they are accusing. Claiming the moral high ground by manipulating terms is hypocritical and you promote the perceived ascendants of those forces by doing so.

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What we need to focus on is what no one wants to talk about and that is the atrocities that have been covered up and bring to justice the ones who have classified evidence and gave misinformation about these questions that are left in the wake of every administration. The assignations of JFK and Bobby somebody couldn't let his brother get elected because he would have had access to the classified report of and turned it into evidence. What about the lie that got us in the Vietnam war, or the misinformation about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. 9/11 clouded with unanswered questions to justify going into Iraq. What about all the pedophilic cover ups throughout the Catholic church and Epstein supposedly hanging himself or being murdered in a top security prison while on "suicide watch" but no witnesses no cameras and that was getting to close to the pedophiles from Hollywood through D.C. and royal family not to mention other leaders across the globe and back to the Vatican. How come your focus is on being against the only president that didn't lead our young men into wars through his so called lies why haven't you focused to bring conclusive answers by digging deeper for the truths on all the issues and coverups. They are legitimate questions to everything I mentioned on your watch that have not been answered on your watch but have been misconstrued through the word theory added on to conspiracy to keep the truth hidden behind so called "classified" information which is actually evidence against those who conspired to commit and/or cover up the misinformation in these cases

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So, what is it about hate, prejudice, and violence that makes them survive evolution?

We are still evolving and in the distant future they will die out - or we will be our own demise.

Long live the dolphins.

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Not their fault.

Donald Hodgins <silencenotbad@gmail.com>

5:09 AM (0 minutes ago)


People who suffer from various forms of mental illness can not be blamed for the manifestations their condition presents. The human mind is prone to a number of problems that cause an individual to exhibit anti-social behavior on a number of levels. Dealing with a deficiency is particularly difficult especially when the affected person is acutely unaware of the condition existing within their own psyche. Before help can be initiated it must be made evident that the illness is present. Denial players a huge role in giving aid to those being afflicted. People show a distinct adversity when it comes to believing they're truly ill and in need of clinical help. Members of our society who house destructive feelings toward other people or groups of people are deeply insecure by nature. They view certain factions of a group as presenting a personal danger to their very existence. A deep-seated feeling of inadequacy usually accompanies these repressed tendencies. Really reaching these people is a difficult endeavor at best. We must keep in mind that mentally ill people very often can't see their own situation as being socially unacceptable. Antisemitism is a prime example of how one point of view can cloud a reality the rest of us have no trouble realizing. Anyone exhibiting antisemitic tendencies basically is screaming for help and not really understanding how to handle their own inability to blend into a mixed culture. They feel threatened for a number of erroneous reasons none of which hold any real foundation. Anyone with antisemitic views suffers from one or more forms of mental illness. Left untreated these neuroses can permanently damage an individual's ability to view themselves as being a productive part of the whole. Antisemitism is a form of mental illness, "Ye."

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Dan, please eat your vegetables and remember to hydrate. We’d like you around for a long time (from a guy who still remembers, as a child, your reporting from 1963).

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I give up. Have a great day

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> CNN, NYT, W Post, WSJ, Fox

You must be very well informed, then. But to your readers or at least to me your posts sound like all your ideas come from conservative media. See above. If your actual views are different, it must just be coincidence that they are always misinterpreted in the same way.

We are not watching what is showing on your TV. We know nothing about you, not your looks, your life, your location, not your political color. For all I know you could be a dude from Kenya who picked the name Janis. All I do know are your words.

At some point in your troubleshooting the problem, if it bothers you, you may want to consider the common factor in all the interactions where different people say that.

And they may not all BE liberals. That is Your assumption.

Speaking of assumptions, reminds me of the clowns at work who say I am a jerk but how would those morons know? I know me better than they do and I am way smarter than any of them. Heck I am always telling them how to do their jobs and they don't ever even thank me. 😏

Vetting. They INS does do vetting and deport ppl due to a criminal record. Though how much time and effort depends on the money allocated by the administration. The system is always overwhelmed.

Should we raise taxes to hire more INS agents do you think? How about more IRS agents at the same time?! Those guys actually recover more money than they are paid in salary and it cuts down on people breaking the law.

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Donald Hodgins <silencenotbad@gmail.com>

9:24 AM (2 minutes ago)


There seems to be mixed feelings surrounding the averted rail strike. I feel for anyone that is being held captive by an incentive employer. Without a mutual understanding between labor and management, it's only a matter of time before the contents of the pot begin to boil over. A level of respect must exist between the two factions in order for a healthy working relationship to develop within a company. Labor wants monetary considerations and benefits while management desires productivity, it's like a scale that is constantly seeking some form of balance. I don't know the entire story but if an employee fears losing his or her job because they take time off due to an illness, something is very wrong. It's one thing to make an elevated hourly wage rate that will allow an employee to miss time because of an illness and it's quite another to be fired because of the decision to do so. With a doctor's note to verify an illness, management should understand the absence of an employee when they call in sick. Being ill isn't grounds for termination in any working relationship.

If the conditions stated above do exist in the railroad industry a drastic change is in order. It's a basic fact that people do get sick and management must have provisions in place to adjust for just such an occasion. To expect people to show up for work while being sick exposes the workplace to a devasting wave of contagion that is neither good for the employee nor the company.

My gripe with the rail unions is this. The working conditions that the rail workers contend with must have existed for some time. At present, our country is dealing with a very fragile economy and an elevated level of inflation brought about by world problems beyond our control. It's the holiday season and we as a society need some sort of relief from the erratic conditions being thrown at our people from every direction. To choose this time, with all that is involved, to threaten a national strike that would further cripple our economy is as out of place as a company that doesn't give paid sick leave. The railroad unions are squeezing the American people in order to further their member's financial needs. Personally, when I find myself being used as leverage in order to further someone else's finical situation I find my position on the provable fence unattainable. There is a time and place for everything, and to consider a national rail strike that would equate to a body losing its circulatory system, to me this wrong on so many levels. I really feel the entire railroad concern and its's associated unions should be placed under federal control, similar to that of the air traffic controllers and the postal system. The logistical necessities provided by this entity are too important to leave in the private sector. Onward and upward, we have an entire country that is in need of assistance

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Rick Santorum is headed to Pierre, SD on December 6 to speak on the Convention of States Action. He is the senior advisor for the hard-right group seeking to modify the US Constitution. He will be seeking resolution for a convention of states allowed under Article V to “impose fiscal restraint on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the government, and limit the terms of office for federal officials and members of Congress.

Paraphrase article in the Sioux Falls Argus Leader - Annie Todd

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Dear Mr. Rather, Your name is part of my childhood memories, sitting at the kitchen table while watching the evening news with my father. I am feeling grateful to come upon you after all these years. (And embarrassed I've somehow missed you along the way.) Still, and maybe more so, I feel privileged to be the recipient of your words and wisdom. Hoping to become a more open and aware recipient.

This morning, while looking for a pic on my phone, I came upon one from a 2018 rally I attended. It was of a woman holding a sign with profound wisdom, from generations past, and to come. And on seeing it, I thought of your reflection on hate, and silence.

And of your words:

"Over the centuries, countless activists and dreamers have leaned on the courage of their convictions to wrest the nation toward a path of greater inclusion and enlightenment."

And the picture / poster read:

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

~ Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Thank you, Mr. Rather, and Elliot Kirschner with you for your eloquent reminders of these truths.

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The SD legislature voted on this proposal last session - Santorum was here then too. It passed the House but was defeated in Senate committee. The far-right is serious about this - They see it as their road to creating a Right-Wing Christian Democratic Theocracy. He’s headed back here to give it another run. One has to be serious about their goals and aspirations; just look at what’s happened to SCOTUS. We are experiencing a period where the had right is more than willing to trample on the Bill of Rights or Constitution with impudence to save America for the evil of Progressivism. This may just be their most likely path to success. Frankly, if I hadn’t seen this attempt in our last legislative session my attention to this reality would be to poo-poo it and say, no way. But I do not feel that way now. A convention of the states is a scary thought.

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This message needs to be shouted often and loudly Mr. Rather and my thanks to you for doing that. From MLK Jr., to Medgar Evers both murdered to squelch their voices; we must continue to carry their torch and continue the fight against blatant racism and antisemitism.

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What the forum desperately needs is a MUTE function.

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unnecessary and nasty

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