I have been studying visual storytelling and something hit me about lines. A line only occurs if there is contrast. If you want to minimize the line, minimize the contrast. I think that applies to our culture. Focus not on how different we are (contrast) but on how much the same we are (affinity). We all want lives worth living and I don't care which side of the divide one is on - that is true. So let's start focusing more on that.

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I live in Myrtle Beach, SC. I know through associates at work and neighbors we are more divided than ever.

I have spent most of my last 15 years in the metro Washington, DC area.

The main issues seem to be the same divides Republicans have used for years.

I have never understood why poor and working class citizens the wealthy Republicans are going to help them.

All of them complain about pay and work rules. But, they continually support politicians that what them to remain at their economic status. Most will support assault weapons before they support themselves. Most lack health care! Pensions seem to be a thing of the past.

I think everyone gets my point.

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For a long time, this Brit academic, a historian, lived and taught in a small town in Georgia. I got to know many and diverse people, and found they had far more in common than separated them. Thanks for reaching out across the divide, and encouraging others to do the same. I'm doing my best to do my bit.

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I am finding with most of my artists friends (I'm an oil painter) I don't discuss sensitive issues if I don't know where they stand. Right now, because the atmosphere is so volatile, I keep the conversation amicable.

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A quote: "Some people are like dark clouds. When they disappear it's a brighter day. Know when it's time to let go. It doesn't mean you hate them. It just means you love yourself [and your precious Earth and those who truly want love] more."

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I agree with what you've said. I continue to be stunned at the number of our friends, who are intelligent people, who still support Trump and the big lie and hate Biden. I don't get it. No matter what I read about those who still support Trump and the reasons they do, I still don't get it.

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When people refuse to acknowledge facts and instead toss out "alternative facts" or construct false equivalencies, that is where I draw the line. I have lost a lifetime friend to QAnon. I have maintained relationships with conservative friends and family because they are factual and honest in their desire to maintain the status quo. We disagree about how maintaining the status quo will turn out for our country and species.

I don't have anyone in my life that believed Trump would be a great POTUS or that the election was rigged for Biden.

Other than the friend lost to QAnon, the rest of them are all cognizant of the fact that COVID-19 is real and they are all vaccinated. Our differences are a result of social conditioning that we were subjected to as we grew up in this society. Nixon and then Reagan with the War on Drugs which was really just a way to police and jail liberals and people of color. Can't leave out Clinton with his DOMA and Crime Bill lunacy, either. We were raised to believe in the benefits of the carceral state and not to see the racially targeted destruction and the slamming shut of the closet door on our brothers and sisters in the LGBTQ communities, condemning them to violence, inadequate medical care, and denial of full rights before the law. We were taught that those who were black, brown, or queer were "criminal."

The damage that we have done to our fellow Americans by upholding the rights of property and corporations over those of the individual is staggering and in evidence across this country. People more worried about the damage done to buildings instead of the destruction of families and communities are disgusting. People convicted of a financial or property crime spend more time in prison than rapists. Across this country we have poor, mentally ill, and indigent people in jails - pretrial - because our laws require them to purchase their freedom even though they have not been convicted of any crime. These people are majority black and brown. This is justice denied to millions because our conservatives in this country believe that because they are accused, they must be guilty.

We are witnessing the destruction of our environment - the planet will be fine, we will not - and all we can manage is to beg our government and corporations to "pretty please" cut back / eliminate carbon emissions. When billionaires seek space instead of using their resources to mitigate the damage caused by their own economic activity, it has become clear that we are in a capitalist death cult. We will continue to burn until large parts of our planet become uninhabitable and the human race is forced through an extinction level event, trimming us back to a level that will allow the environment to heal.

Conservatives who seek to maintain this status quo fool themselves into believing that it will all come out OK. Someone, somewhere will innovate the way out, right? Maybe. But then that person may be black and sitting in prison awaiting a trial that will never take place.

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Well said Theresa !!! ♡

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The way things are going, discussion is not even possible with many people. Some are so dug in with their ideas that they refuse to budge no matter what the actual facts are. I have life long friends of more than 70 yrs with whom the important issues (there are many) cannot even be discussed, let alone politics. When someone doesn’t have convincing factual information to support an opinion, discussions get nasty and personal. I am really worried for the US, this could end in an all out real civil war with all the lying and hate involved. I certainly pray it doesn’t come to that but some seem hell bent to go that way. Something has to change in Congress and what will make that happen is anybody’s guess,

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I live near the Jersey shore. This state is completely divided IMO, with more rural areas red and the more urban areas blue. I have had one friend and one relative “unfriend” me on social media because I didn’t support Trump. I’m not sure why people seem more open to verbally abusing those who disagree with them but it’s sad and frightening.

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I live in a Republican controlled State. The current Governor whose term is up plus three Republican contenders for the job all have the Trump propaganda as talking points. The Critical Race Theory, Democrats are Woke, the30/30 Ag program is a Democrat land crab and of course they all are Christian Conservatives fighting against big government. So, No nothing here to show for getting along. These fools have said nothing about how they will move our State forward. Roads and bridges need to be fixed or new ones built, population is declining and nothing said about what they will do. My neighbors and family members who love Trump are kool aid drinkers and only watch Fox. Nothing will change their beliefs because they think they will get to do as they dam well please when Trump or a Republican takes Control. 😡

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I’ve read most of the comments and the reply’s posted here…I just want to add…Trump was/is an opportunist…he was a Democrat…but saw his better chances and temperament aligned with what the Republicans had become. So, it takes a ride through some history to see and understand how he road the show across the hopeful finish line…this didn’t happen overnight folks.

When California Barbara Boxer was running for her last Senate Term in 2013…Myself and a friend went to a small gathering (auditorium) to hear her campaign speech…was my first introduction to the growing Tea Party … an angry, intimidating group of sign-holding protesters lined up outside the entrance … you could barely narrowly walk between them as they jeered and booed you…it would not be the last one I would see as their ranks grew over the next several years…

As a backlash to the 60’s and early 70’s” progressive agendas and movement, conservatives and racists were not at all pleased. They took their indignation, fears and religious self-righteousness, backed by and endorsed by “big” money conservatives and countered using the protest image for what they perceived as the one virtuous and rightful cause for “their” America.

A "Nationwide Chicago Tea Party" protest was coordinated across more than 40 different cities for February 27, 2009, thus establishing the first national modern Tea Party protest.


The Moral Majority was a prominent American political organization associated with the Christian right and Republican Party. It was founded in 1979 by Baptist minister Jerry Falwell Sr. and associates, and dissolved in the late 1980s.

Newt Gingrich…the first Republican in the history of Georgia's 6th congressional district to do so. He served as House Minority Whip from 1989 to 1995. A co-author and architect of the "Contract with America", Gingrich was a major leader in the Republican victory in the 1994 congressional election. In 1995, Time named him "Man of the Year" for "his role in ending the four-decades-long Democratic majority in the House"

As House Speaker, Gingrich oversaw passage by the House of welfare reform and a capital gains tax cut in 1997. Gingrich played a key role in several government shutdowns, and impeached President Bill Clinton on a party-line vote in the House. The poor showing by Republicans in the 1998 congressional elections, a reprimand from the House for Gingrich's ethics violation, pressure from Republican colleagues, and revelations of an extramarital affair with a congressional employee 23 years his junior resulted in Gingrich's resignation from the speakership on November 6, 1998. He resigned altogether from the House on January 3, 1999. Political scientists have credited Gingrich with playing a key role in undermining democratic norms in the United States and hastening political polarization and partisanship.

Gingrich ran for the Republican nomination for president in the 2012 presidential election, and was considered a potential frontrunner at several points in the race. Despite an impressive late victory in the South Carolina primary, Gingrich was ultimately unable to win enough primaries to sustain a viable candidacy, he withdrew from the race in May 2012 and endorsed eventual nominee Mitt Romney. Gingrich later emerged as a key ally of Donald Trump, and was reportedly among the finalists on Trump's short list for running mate in the 2016 election.

A final Comment: Republicans were much smarter in labeling their cause with words or Democrats were just lousy at their choice of wording … “free lunches” … “defund the police” are truly cringe worthy and far too easy to twist back and use as ammunition…

What we have now … has become a religious war, ideological warfare…that kind of armor is dam hard to make a dent in … giving in, even a little might break down the whole belief shield and “holy” protective covering…

YES, I have lost friends and family too…my son got hooked into that whole Glen Beck and company, along with Fox back in early 2000…he is white and not stupid, but very twisted dragging a wagon train of this shit.

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I live in South Central Pennsylvania, three miles from the Maryland line. It is a very Red area. Our state senator is Doug Mastriano, who took several busloads of protestors to what turned into the Jan. 6th insurrection although he was smart enough to personally stay away from the Capitol. He is currently trying to make a name for himself by demanding a recount of votes in PA, similar to what was done in Arizona. He is an ardent Trump supporter. Yards in my area are filled with Trump and Mastriano signs. It is like the election never happened and the candidates are still running for office. The majority of the local citizens are Conservative Republicans and always have been. Up until Trump was elected to office, the Conservatives and few area Liberals (myself included in the latter) lived peaceably together respecting each other's opinions. Not anymore. I no longer feel safe in my community. I fear because I am a liberal, my house or my cars will be vandalized. We have installed security cameras outside, something we never would have felt we needed in the past. Local community Facebook groups, which are supposed to be dedicated to community events, have become sounding boards for angry Conservatives. Everything is "Biden's fault", even local politics. I have lived here all my life, but it has gotten to the point where I want to leave and move to an area where people are more tolerant. I am no longer involved in any local activities or groups because I don't want to have to deal with the aggression I feel in local stores. Yes, people here are still fighting about mask wearing, not for medical but political reasons. When I last checked a few weeks ago only 38% of our county had received vaccinations, even though they are readily available everywhere. I suspect that is due more to Conservative opposition to Biden's promoting vaccination rather than a fear of vaccination. I dread the next election, particularly if Trump is a candidate. Personally, I can not cope with all the anger and hatred. But what I can't understand is why there is so much anger now? Did Trump release anger that's always been here, but people kept hidden? The economy is not down in this area. Good jobs are going unfilled. Real estate sales are booming. Why all of the anger and hatred now? I simply can not understand why we can't all just go along and get along with our individual beliefs, as we did before Trump. Sadly, anger is now the prevalent emotion and like Pandora's box, I see no way of putting it back now that it has been released.

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I feel like if we stop with the labels and name calling on both sides we could have more meaningful connections to those who may have different opinions than our own. Compromise and civility seems to have disappeared from our tool box to further our society. I am a conservative, I specifically get this newsletter to put another viewpoint in front of myself. In reading the comments, as a conservative, blanket name calling thrown out have included: racist, white supremist, COVID denier, anti-vac, ignorant, etc. None of those labels are true for me. I absolutely believe racism is real and happens in ways I can't understand and I feel it is wrong and needs to be addressed. I signed up and received the COVID vaccine as soon as permitted. I am trusting the medical experts that are telling me it will work. I also understand there are many who don't share my trust in medical experts on this and personally feel this is their right as well...again I'm putting my faith in it works so their status is irrelevant to my wellbeing. I struggle with an absolute on abortion, I can honestly empathize with concerns on either side of it. I believe there are environmental issues that need to be addressed, pollution and damage to our ozone layer are real. I own guns, personal protection guns as well as hunting/sportsman guns, I had no problem with providing ID and registering for them when they were purchased and I intend the keep them, I will not be turning them over to our government for any reason. That being said, I'm fine with the need to pass a background check in order to purchase a firearm, I'm ok with gun ownership having requirements. I don't view providing an ID as voter suppression and will gladly do so.

The issues I tend to lean the most "conservative" on are primarily economic, which usually gets the "protecting big business at the expense of individuals" label. I'm just not impressed with how our government (BOTH sides) have handled the money WE as taxpayers have provided them with for DECADES. Take a look at the pay and LIFE LONG benefits our elected officials get if they can stay in office 8-12 years. They have definitely taken care of their future needs with the funds we have provided.

I feel we lose our self reliance and can do spirit to grow and succeed in life when we get our financial sustenance from a pot everyone puts money into rather than working day in day out to provide for ourselves. I question if our government should have been able to shut down businesses during the past year, I really question if our government should be able to close down places of worship. What will the long term consequences be of these actions? Where has the money come from for a year+ of federal unemployment checks and personal government subsidy payments? I am not aware of any excess funds that have been saved by the government for a "rainy day/emergency" fund.

I wonder if getting help from our government rather than families/loved ones helping each other get and stay on their feet is a good thing. Does this give a pass on accountability when it comes from the "government pot" rather than loved ones. Do I help my loved ones when needed or do I look to our government (funded by YOU and I) to pick up that responsibility? I know when I sacrifice to help my children they aren't inclined to abuse it because there is a person behind that sacrifice and that's incentive for them. I understand these thoughts don't address issues for those without a support system, and those are the ones I want our government to help.

I think we can bridge the gap faster if we look toward compromise. If we understand my views and opinions are based on my experiences and reality and should not be categorically ruled out as WRONG , just as the reality and experience of others impact their views and also are not WRONG. Somewhere in the middle is the sweet spot but it becomes difficult to get there when the conversation begins with name calling, negative labeling and the underlying implication of ignorance toward those with a different opinion.

Just some thoughts and introspective questions on my heart, thanks for letting me express them. Have a nice day.

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As a teacher, I dreaded the school year before the election because there are a lot of Trump supporters in the small rural district where I teach. What I see that frightens me most is the brainwashing of our young people, who now believe that all you have to do to get a point across is shout down anyone with a differing view. There was a "discussion" in my classroom about the election. I merely pointed out that both Republicans and Democrats use fear tactics to get people to see things their way. I immediately had three Trump supporting students shouting at me, one leaped out of her chair, pointed at me, and yelled "She's a liberal! She's a liberal!" What could have been a teaching moment turned into a verbal attack against me. I posted signs saying "Political free zone," and gave up. It wasn't worth the stress. What I hear the students repeating are often talking points from Rush Limbaugh, may he rot in hell, Sean Hannity, and FOX news. As much as we try to teach students to look for bias in what people say, we are losing the battle. They are young, inexperienced, and gullible. I don't expect that all of my students should be liberals, I just want to see them learn to look beyond the propaganda. There are conservatives who have important things to contribute to this country, but they are being pushed out by this authoritarian/fascist movement. I have friends, relatives and coworkers who are Trump supporters and so far have avoided major confrontation by steering away from politics. I have to say, though, that some of the things that come out of their mouths are astonishing. What ever happened to critical thinking?

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This is such a tricky thing. As someone who follows a mostly Buddhist perspective, I am a strong believer in equanimity and reducing attachments, frequently around beliefs. If someone says they look at the sky and say it is plaid and I look and I see blue, I could argue with them all day and we would not reach a consensus. Now their belief of that does not harm me in anyway, unless I am attached to making them see my way and if I persist I lose my equanimity and likely disrupt their peace as well. It is much more difficult when a person in a position of power, like my state legislature, deems that certain people should not be allowed to make a health or legal decision for themselves. In this case there is the potential for harm. And often it harms someone with less power than I have and thus from a moral perspective I should be an upstander and help them. Like Lisa mentioned in another comment we mostly want to be able to live life safely and comfortably and that requires some basic things like air to breathe and water to drink and a place to shelter. If we can find common ground, then perhaps the lens of red and blue may fade a bit. It is my belief, and nobody has to agree with me, that most people make decisions based on fear and lack and seeking attachment to things that are difficult to hold on to, they want to feel safe in a world that has chaos and where the laws of physics demand that entropy will prevail. They fear the unknown and attempt to control everything rigidly and in a realm of infinite possibilities that is a losing battle. My goal is to reduce the harm and suffering that they create for themselves and others.

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