President Biden is popular with me and Vice President Kamala Harris. We need to voice our support for them. The thing seems to be to dis them. In my humble opinion that wrong. We need to both keep and bring people in

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Apr 30, 2023·edited Apr 30, 2023


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OK. Point taken. Thanks for your reply.

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Whose is polling as voting for certified whack job Kennedy? The family curse is clearly evident in his delusional mental states.

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Pathetic. F’ing Democrats can’t come up with a better choice? So typical of why Dems are losers.

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I think that the Biden poll numbers are deceptive because, in a binary poll, the 60 percent negative numbers are probably split between the conservatives who think Biden is too liberal and the young liberals who think he is too conservative. But in any binary election, young liberals are going to back a moderate Democrat over right wing nut. That’s why I ignore thumbs up or thumbs down polls as useless information.

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I stand with Biden. I do not see any other Democrat that could win against Trump or any other Republican currently running. The Biden administration has accomplished much but unfortunately many do not appreciate his accomplishments. I believe he is mentally and physically fit despite commentary to the contrary.

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IF anything should happen during a Biden term which precludes him from the everyday job, he has an outstanding VP who has - for whatever reason - been in the shadows over the past term. I've no qualms about voting for Joe in 2024...particularly if the R side is insane enough to hoist the Trump flag again

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All I have to say, and I'm shouting it aloud, "You go Joe!!!"

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Good morning, and thanks for this read. What bewilders me is that everyone seems to have forgotten how the other bumbled and befuddled the Covid response in such a way that he bears a large part of the onus for 1,129,573 deaths (CDC statistic as of 4/27).

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Anne. One of my favorite living artists has the same last name! Check out Horst Dykstra (sorry, I'm an art teacher).

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Trump is not far behind in age. I don’t understand why that fact isn’t more prevalent. And I think the whole thing is going to depend on our young voters and their ability to perceive the lies that are put before them, the criminal that he is, and pray God they turn out in droves

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Definitely #RidinwithBiden I would love to have a younger more progressive candidate in the future, but right now Biden is a strong candidate. I realize he is of a certain age, but this man does more in one day than I do all week, and I'm pretty busy. I absolutely do not get the low approval ratings either. He has accomplished so much, even with very hard to work with Manchin and Sinema (always was a GOP) , and a GOP that can't even get things passed by their own party, except hate bills. The complete ineptness of the GOP and the very unpopular war on social issues/women/POC/books/teachers, etc. etc. will be their demise. They are so filled with hatred that they don't even see that they are destroying their own party. Anywho, Let's Go Joe!! The youth and anyone with any integrity or morals is on your side.

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Biden's age is what it is. When you read what he says, it's generally what you would hope to hear from the leader of the democratic world. And his term is replete with legislative accomplishments. Yet his popularity remains low. Why? I suspect that it has a lot to do with his delivery style--it is not doddering, but it is flat and mono-tonal. This takes the sting out of many good points that he makes. He is just not charismatic, and TV is a place for charisma.

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President Biden is charismatic to people such as myself, who admire smart people who express themselves without attempting to be entertaining.

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Hmmm. Point taken. Thanks for your reply.

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In my opinion, Biden's age is his Achilles Heel. America desperately needs to harness the support of the young generation now eligible to vote. They hold the greatest potential for ensuring there is a powerful change in both the U.S. and the environment. Many young people reject the 'woke' crap and have friends that include different skin colour. Prejudice is something they would reject. Voting for Biden, based on his age, would be like voting for their Great Grandpa which is highly unlikely. A younger contender who can establish rapport + harness the energy of change would have, again IMO, an infinitely better chance of putting into power a president who could embrace and motivate powerful change.

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