I feel as sick today as I did on January 6

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Democracy took a big hit on Jan 6, 2021 but somewhat survived. Congress did NOTHING in the subsequent time to assure a CONVICTED felon could not occupy the White House.

In the meantime the SCOTUS with 3-new justices appointed by a twice impeached president rein free.

Democracy died on July 1, 2024. An Oligarchy will be installed in 2025. Americans will now experience FASCISM firsthand.

Today is a very sad day.

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I think we are headed for anarchy, now that Republicans and their wealthy overseers have effectively dismantled the three branches of government. Without a government to keep a semblance of order, a civil war will break out. When I think of the millions who fought to defend the Constitution and our democracy, I implore Biden to immediately arrest these treasonous justices, judges and politicians who have clearly disavowed their oath of office. Failure to act now will be catastrophic.

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In my humble opinion, Biden should take immediate action. The Court has disavowed its role; the candidate trump is a convicted felon. What better time to use the people's position that NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. Maga may take to the streets, but they will anyway when trump gets trounce at the polls. Without violence, Biden can do this, call out the National Guard, and be ahead of the mess instead of under it.

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Wish that given Biden’s position per the Supreme Court - he too is now “above the law” and can therefore as you stated arrest these people and we the people can support those actions. He could not be called to task on those actions because again the Supreme Court just approved them.

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Or pack the Court

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The damage has been done....

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I wish he would. I doubt it though. He and many others will pay the terrible price, if he Doesn't ACT DECISIVELY AND LOCK UP "THE ENEMY WITHIN"!

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I agree.

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If Joe doesn't do what should be done, NOW, then He'll be the One living in Guantanamo...

Remember: tRump's "MUSE" IS Putin!!

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Biden cannot have anyone arrested, he is the duly elected President of a Representative Republic, not the dictator of a fascist regime as the trumpster wants to be.

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Sure he can. He can have Trump himself arrested for something or other. Trump has been inciting murderous behavior for years. Let’s go, Brandon.

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Time to Lock him up baby!

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I’m moving to the Sudan where it’s so much safer to live. And I’ll be able to sail over to my grandparents land of Sicily for vacation.

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The S. Sudanese families I have mentored for 22 years ("Lost Boys of Sudan") are gobsmack scared to death - after all they are Black in America. They don't understand all that is going on but they sure as hell know trump is an evil disaster. What they don't understand is, with all that Americans have, why would they throw it away for a dictator.

One has a cousin in Canada and I said in no uncertain terms . . . you must go to Canada and BTW I'm family too, yes?! This country is no longer safe for any of us. I warned my own kids 10 years ago, it is always better to be too early than too late . . . no one took my advice and I fear that is a decision more than my family will regret in the coming years. Not how I expected to spend my "golden years"!

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You would desert sinking ship???We need people like you, Bill!!!

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Fay, with all due respect, you apparently have not understood the opinion rendered by the Supreme Court. It is the law now that the president is immune from prosecution for ANY official action they take as president. Read and understand Supreme Court justice, Sonia Sotomayer's dissent, please. Thank you.

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I did read it and it was excellent, all based on he Constitution which, as Justice Sotomayor pointed out the 6 in the majority ignored. Joe Biden is a REAL President, meaning regardless of what the not supreme court decides, Joe will follow the Constitution AS WRITTEN regardless of what the unlawful six declare.

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Which will aid in the end to Democracy if Biden ignores the rights they have given him.

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Yes, Biden is a REAL president. . According to what SCOTUS has deemed to be presidential immunity, Biden could do all kinds of things, but he won't. He has honour, integrity, and a conscience. He will not betray his oath of office nor those who elected him.

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But some ACTION must take place if what the Justices have done is illegal...treaso ous.

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Maybe you don’t understand it in the big picture, with all due respect.

It’s to be decided on a case by case basis whether the president acted within his official capacity. SCOTUS did not define it.

For example: Smith’s case will go back to Judge Chutkan. She has to go through the charges and evidence, evaluate and rule on each. It will be appealed of course. Guess who makes the final decision?

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Justice delayed is justice denied. There is no case by case for POTUS any more. He can incite a riot at the Capitol, hide top secret documents wherever he pleases, try to overthrow the results of the election by using phony electors. Trump will appoint judges who won't dare not to grant him immunity. It's over. With all the flaws in the Constitution. the GOP now has the last piece of its goal - rule by the minority in perpetuity. By 2040, 70 percent of the Senate will represent 30 percent of the population. The corrupt SCOTUS is not an umpire of the laws. It's a branch of the GOP. Do you think they held off making this announcement until the last day of its term by accident. Since they have now made bribery legal, Thomas and Alito and who knows what other judges are free to take bribes. The Harlan Crows are lining up to bestow trips, big motor vans and whatever the six desire.

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She has to say whether Jan 6 was and everything leading up to it was a presidential act. If Biden was to arrest all the traitors in congress for instance, that would be a presidential act and he has immunity.Read Justice Sotomayor dissent. She explains it very clearly.

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This is not quite what the law is now. Here's the decision in a nutshell:

"Under our constitutional structure of separated powers, the nature

of Presidential power entitles a former President to absolute immunity

from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority. And he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. There is no

immunity for unofficial acts." Black, Gray, and White, in my admittedly unqualified (meaning I'm not qualified to judge) opinion.

Black: absolute immunity for official actions within his Constitutional authority.

Gray: presumptive immunity for all official acts (i.e., the burden of proof is on the prosecution, and it's a high bar).

White: no immunity at all.

Black and Gray, proceed with caution, and see if the acts are within a) his Constitutional authority, and b) within his right to pursue as official acts; official acts are not defined, as far as I know, so that's where this will be thoroughly tested.

White, proceed with dispatch.

Dan sees something of a sliver of silver toward the end. I see a different one, and I hope it's not an illusion. The decision remands the case back to Judge Chutkan, who has proven herself to be a fair, professional, and judicious jurist. She's been barred from proceeding until now, but now she has been authorized to proceed. Next up should be discovery and pretrial motions, all of which should become testimony in the court of public opinion over the next several months. While we won't see a trial before November, we could see plenty of fireworks.

The ruling is clearly not good news, and is very disappointing on many levels, but at least it is a decision, and now we can move on. I suggest we do that.

p.s. Here's a link to the decision: https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-939_e2pg.pdf

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All acts will be ruled official. Do you really think this corrupt SCOTUS would ever rule any act unofficial. It all depends on what the judges can get from their Sugar daddies since. it a previous decision. they made bribery legal. These are not principled people. and to think they would act in a principaled way was after their decision today is folly.

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Also the prosecution cannot use anything from the immunity acts bucket as evidence regarding bad acts because it could damage the immunity.

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He can now, but as a reasonable person, he probably won't.

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As of today he can. Oh, the irony.

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Yes, anything Biden might do now would be subject to legal action by those opposed. After being tied up in the courts for a long time, it would eventually end up at the SC and we can figure how that would go. This disgraceful SC majority left plenty of wiggle room to apply their so-called legal approach - which is really just politics in disguise. They know Biden will not try anything much outside the ordinary, he is hamstrung. Trump, on the other hand, might very well pull that gun on 5th Ave.

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I think SCOTUS just changed that!!!???

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Fay, I wish I still had your faith. But the truth is that the trumpster could be just the first in a long line of outlaws.

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You are correct of course, anything is possible - I'm so glad I'm old.

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He does not have to arrest. He can request resignations. He can act like the leader of a Democracy being attacked from the inside.

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Fight fire with fire, the gloves are off and all the rule following the Democrats have done has ended us right here. No abortion rights, no Constitutional respect.

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Dereliction of duty IMO. Judges are supposed to uphold the constitution. Something they failed miserably at today.

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You should look up the legal definition of “treason.”

Yes, the situation is bad. No it is not catastrophic — unless people decide their best choice to run the country is an orange dictator and his acolytes.

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I see treason as anyone trying to destroy our government or democracy. These justices are doing that.

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I understand that many people use that standard. It’s not the legal standard / definition: “levying war against the United States, or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.“

They might admit to trying to change the country. I imagine they’d fight the suggestion they are trying to destroy it or waging war on the US.

OTOH, if we want to begin now being a lawless nation, all bets are off.

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Does "adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.“

relate to #45 selling classified docs to anyone, including foreign governments and agents?

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SCOTUS just gave DT the ability to do whatever the hell he wants and, knowing that he loves Putin and wants to be just like him, SCOTUS has just given aid to our enemies.

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Do you have faith in millions of Americans who have abandoned any moral compass they may have had to support Trump? They have made their choice. Blame "people " not Trump.

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Let's get out the vote, right? Good luck with that.

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What I’m seeing in these threads is the difference between most Dems and most Maga. One digs in for the long haul; sticks with their guy come felony convictions, insane proposals, dictatorial desires, sexual assault and all the rest. The other group panics at the slightest adversity, must always have immediate gratification and gives up easily.

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I think you make a good point. I'm in this for the long haul. Trump has gotten away will criminal behavior his entire life and now he wants to take a wreaking ball to our democracy. Do not comply in advance. But where should we start pushing back? I'm postcarding and writing letters to anyone I think will listen. But is that enough? The antidote to despair is action. America is currently looking backward at a time when it needs to move forward.

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Absolutely true. When there is controversary the Democrat politicians run around waving their hands and yelling make it go away like a toddler being chased by a bee. The Republicans vote for the nominee.

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One has abandoned any moral compass they may have had. They are willfully ignorant and don't have an ounce of critical thinking skills. So you are admiring these people? My goodness.

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Excellent idea—Biden now has the power to screw trumpy to the MAX!

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What Biden? He can't even find the backbone to stopper the flow of bombs, bullets, drones, AI and our military intelligence that are pulverizing sweet little Palestinian babies, youngsters, moms, dads, grannies....Excellent idea but it requires what Biden never had.

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Exactly! Biden has a duty to protect Democracy and he has to act now.

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I agree- Chips POV

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The Constitution sets out the requirements for federal elected officials - president, Senate and House. Congress cannot add requirements without a Constitutional Amendment or add other obstacles without a sufficient majority.

Americans should look in the mirror and decide if the person they see is going to vote for fascism and an oligarchy or for a president and Congress who will protect our country from the enemies within and without.

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But you're missing the point. Trump doesn't respect the Constitution.

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So what’s your point? No one should respect it? We should begin our decline into lawlessness now? All our presidents should be lawless.

Of course that would not be followed by chaos, anarchy & joyfulness by enemies of the country — except in a fantasy world.

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I’m leaving this land of my birth. I’m moving to the Sudan. It’s safer there.

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Mexico—THEY just elected a progressive woman president ‼️

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Who is the hand picked vassal of the current reprehensible president of Mexico.

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I hear the weather is not all that great in the Sudan. Jajaja Good luck!

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But it’s quieter.

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Did you forget about the January 6th committee? It was the one sided Congressional committee (that didn't present all the evidence to the American public). Their report was released in December of 2022, so why did it take the DOJ so long to go after Trump?

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Did you forget that two Republicans sat on that Committee? Did you forget that the principals of, and related to the insurrection, including VP Pence, sitting members of Congress and others, chose to ignore subpoenas because they would have had to testify under oath? Did you forget that most of the evidence was supplied by loyal Republican office holders, just doing their job?

We don’t know the reasons underlying the DOJ timetable, but I imagine it had to do with the necessity to be able to present a tight case - that takes an enormous amount of time - the paucity of personnel and budget within DOJ, and other substantive issues that most of us cannot know.

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So you are saying that was a non partisan committee that presented all the evidence?

I seem to recall that Nancy Pelosi hand picked the “Republicans”. Do you remember that?

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I am saying the Committee followed the facts. And, the fact that the Speaker of the House appointed them, as she did other members, doesn’t color the evidence. Look at their records.

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So there is a video of Speaker of the House from Jan. 6th that just came out, were she is on camera admitting that security was her responsibility. The Jan 6th Committee had that footage but did not release it. Why? Because they are biased and only wanted to tell one side of the story.


They followed what they wanted to follow. There was very little to no opposition on the committee. Much of what actually happened on Jan 6th did not come out in their findings. There are many examples of them withholding evidence.

This is a huge disservice to ALL of us.

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Another wanking Fox watcher. Go away, dear; the grownups are talking.

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Classy response Lex.

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And yet quite perceptive.

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The January 6 committee was a fact finding group that presented its findings to Congress and the American people. It then turned records over to the DOJ.

It also considered legislation but never passed anything.

At least Brazil had the sense to ban their “Trump” from running fair at least 5-years. To paraphrase Trump, ‘what kind of shithole country lets a twice impeached, convicted felon run for President?’

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One that has the requirements in the Constitution and can only be changed by an Amendment.

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But they didn’t find and share all the facts. It was completely biased and lost credibility from the start.

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I watched the insurrection on live TV and then followed the hearings closely. Nothing I saw or heard in the hearings contradicted what I had seen with my own eyes. Plenty of what Trump’s shills say does, including you.

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Wow. More personal attacks, just because I have a different opinion. Nice.

I do actually respect your opinion, but if you weren't actually there, then you likely saw and heard what the media wanted you to see and hear, and that was all driven by a fully biased committee that didn't share all the data.

Mind you, I do not condone any of the violence that occurred (especially the woman needlessly shot by Capitol Police) and fully support prosecuting those who actually broke the law.

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Didn’t share with who Chris? You? Maybe there were things marked “Sensitive” or whatever I mean, that were marked for secrecy for a good reason: security of the nation!

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Didn't share with all American Citizens like you and me. Those who deserve the full story, from all angles.

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Because, in Nancy Pelosi's words, "Trump is their guy." This is what they want and they will do anything, anything, anything to get what they want. Win at any cost or, as my mother once put it, "Screw all but six and save them for pallbearers." There are six willing judges ready to serve.

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Ever heard of investigating?? You think the DoJ would just take the information that came out of the hearings and indict him right then and there??? Of course not!!! A little common sense please. Jack Smith was appointed and he investigated and got audio/video and personal testimony the J6 committee didn’t. He didn’t indict the now felon until he had more than enough evidence and testimony to prove guilt. That’s how it works.

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This is a excellent point that you brought up. Attorney General Garland dragged his feet on this case. He had enough evidence and he should of appointed Jack Smith alot sooner then he did.

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I would have fired Garland

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Glad you weren’t the one in charge, Lady.

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And even these trumpsters aren’t going to

like Fascism….

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Exactly! Those dolts probably think it’ll be great for them and just bad for democrats. In fascism the only one that will benefit is the dictator who doesn’t care about anyone but himself. The felon has NEVER cared about anyone but himself. No one will escape the hell of fascism. But no one ever accused trumpers of being intelligent.

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Jesus has our back! We trust in God!

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"An Oligarchy will be installed in 2025." I'm betting you're wrong there, Dave. I very much doubt it's gonna happen.

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Exactly. Lock them up

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He will not win…they have gone too far and the American people will speak loud and clear with their votes! We must get out the vote our lives depend on it. I wish to God the democratic senators and congress folks would stop clutching their pearls and whining and bed wetting and back Joe Biden !!! Shut up and back him you are creating the problem and making people question Joe. He can do the job get out of his business!

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It’s reign free. A rein is a strap to a horses bit (there’s one on each side of his head)to turn or stop it.

To reign is to rule

To rain is to get wet. 🤗😁

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We have a convicted felon in the White House - the President’s most trusted advisor - everything will be fine.

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The level of ignorance in America is astounding.

1. We are NOT a democracy. We are a representative republic. Learn the difference.

2. The constitution defines the qualifications to be president. Felony conviction is not one of them. There is a call girl in the X branch now.

3. Contact Imprimis for a copy of the constitution. Read it!

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Dear Mr. Mize,

1. I do know the difference. Do you know when the last time this "Representative" House was last updated to reflect the people is "represents"? Do you know how the people who "represent" us fund their campaigns?

2. The Constitution is a guide not a be all end all final word, This is why we have "Amendments". Do you favor a convicted felon be a candidate for the highest office in the land?

3. I have read the Constitution, thank you very much.

Have a pleasant day.

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So tragic ….

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The pit in my stomach literally feels like it weighs a thousand pounds. I’m in shock. But I’m not giving up hope that we, ALL Americans who believe in democracy, can stop trump from becoming president again. We have to rally the votes like our country depends on it. And it does! If we decide that we’re not going to let our country become a fascist nation, we have to remain STRONG and STEADY. VOTE BLUE!

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I share that same "pit in my stomach" pain. I suspect it's going around. I'd like to go outside and scream my head off, but I think my time would be better spent writing "Register to Vote" postcards.

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Complacency must stop—NOW‼️

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Protect the constitution and democracy!!!! You don't have to be in love with Biden, but the alternative is MUCH MUCH WORSE!!!@!👺👺👺👺🤬🤬😧

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I felt sick (and shocked) on November 8, 2016. I felt extreme anger on Jan 6. Today I feel sick, angry, and disgusted.

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It's time for all of us to fight back.

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I've been writing postcards, letters, emails, etc. for years, but there must be more we can do. The arrogance, entitlement, and unwavering support for convicted felon trump is mind-blowing. The justices are there to uphold the law, not the lawless.

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Heather Cox-RIchardson posted something yesterday about cards that can be printed off and distributed. I can't remember the name but will have to go back and look that up. I'm thinking I'll pass them out at our farmer's market on Saturdays.

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We all feel hopeless but we must remain strong and vigilant and VOTE!

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Ditto; And despite feeling certain that this was coming as certainly as day follows night.

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me too

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I feel much, much sicker than I did then. Much.

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Me too.

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Sooo much... ... ...

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Me too or worse. The key as many have noted below,, is to vote. This is not a time to change candidates (despite both the media and Republicans pushing it). Nor is this the time, to not vote or protest vote because Biden is too old, should have withdrawn, appeared weak or whatever. This is a binary choice - Biden or Trump.

Republicans vote a straight party ticket and support the nominee. Even if in Pence's case, the nominee was willing to let him die to keep his presidency. Or in George Santos' case, most of the voters had no idea who he was just that he had an R after his name.

Steady folks and make sure your friends & family understand what is at stake.

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I was loud on Monday morning , on FB, and FB suspended my “privileges” for much of the day. I supposedly “violated community standards”, even tho I was polite, and didn’t name call, or threaten.

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Me too

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I think I feel worse. Jan. 6 was shocking, watching it in real time. Today’s decision by SCOTUS fundamentally changed the country we are living in. They laid more groundwork for Project 2025 and authoritarianism.

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Be sick 2 minutes then feel the insult. Really feel the insult. Your/our Supreme Court just gave you/us the finger. And, they know it. They enjoyed it. And, they will do like decisions to grind in the insult. Their benefactors are clicking their champagne glasses as I write this. Remember. Bolivians stopped a coup. Bolivians retained their socialist leader. Bolivians filled the streets. Massed in the streets. That's what they did.

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But, we’re spoiled Americans who haven’t participated in being citizens since Nixon—it’s disgusting ❣️

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Understood. Only difference is the lack of violence. Just stealthy underground manipulation with more to come.

We all know about Project 2025 right? There’s anoth little piece that I just came across: Article 47 and you guessed it , his own policy report. Full of fabrications and a lot of not understanding how things are. It’s scary too. Google it. It comes directly from him , so it’s legit.

Maybe I’ll move to Canada…?

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You’re as dumb today as you were on January 6.

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I felt sick on election day when I realized trump had been elected. I refused to watch his inauguration.

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Ok fine. Then Biden needs to take Trump out of the running. Isn't anyone else tired of his crap?

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There’s always seal team 6…

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Said that on Twitter and Elmo suspended me.

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Elmo 😆😆😆

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They suspended me yrs ago! 😄

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Yes, Biden is immune now!

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Nope. Better read the opinion.

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Nope. Doesn’t start until 47 is sworn in.

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No. It starts with 47.

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The threat to the republic goes far deeper than tRump, as evidenced by this Extreme Court decision. We can't wait for an election to restore the tenets of government. Biden needs to act now with the virtually unlimited power the Court has given him. Put it in the form of an Executive Order and it is "official" and cannot be challenged. It's the law of the land now!

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I said as much to my husband, an attorney, who agreed with me. Biden can effectively use his now practically unlimited powers.

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Yes , he can. However, Biden will not violate the constitution and the oath he took when sworn in as president.

He believes in our Democratic system and the rule of law. We're govern by a Democracy. It's up to us the American people to Vote to support him and conquer this election.

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Depends on what it is to be able to do it w/o Congress—but he should do WHATEVER he can to neuter trump NOW‼️

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He doesn’t have that power. It’s not good until the next Prez. Maybe that’s why he’s so adamant about running, so he can put things to right. He knows more about the government wheels than anyone from all that time in office.

Oh! Yeah, SiriusXM has a Biden interview by Howard Stern on his show. Stern even showed up in jacket and tie to show respect. Well done Howie!

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That can only happen AFTER a free and fair election this fall. I will be voting by mail, in late September or early October. PLEASE VOTE.

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YES, YES, YES. I have been sick of his crap since I first learned about him after he cheated on his first wife and crowed about it. But let's not give him any more oxygen. I used to have some respect for Justice Roberts, but I don't any more. That is sad.

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Time to turn our attention on Trump.

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Have you noticed that anything associated with Trump begats


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‘1, I am still president, or so I’m told,

2, it’s a new day based on the ruling of the …Supermean Court,

3, ummm…. 1, …’

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Telling someone they disagree with to go to hell and then you call this person “Mr. Middle School”.

Anyone else see what’s going wrong in our country?

When we see with our own eyes that things are not right and fail to call them out. It makes us exactly like a MAGA.

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You didn’t call anything out that was not right. You mocked a man who was ill and who is a stutterer because he had/has trouble speaking. It reminded me of middle school kids I taught and tutored. But if you want to defend that maybe you should think about who is acting more like the stereotypical maga.

I also have a son who has had a severe stroke (as has Biden). His intelligence remains but even after several years there are times he has difficulty pronouncing or finding the right words. He is acutely aware of it and finds it quite frustrating. Not because he is mocked but because people assume he is stupid, or deaf etc. even when they know — as we all know about Biden — what the issue is.

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It is your story Ann, tell it anyway you like.

Me, when I see a serious problem I want it addressed. We, as a country have a serious problem. Neither of us will be happy with a second Trump term. Biden is losing the young people and independents. We’re committing political suicide if we do nothing but “happy talk” President Biden.

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Thanks. Although for some reason you don’t need permission to tell your story anyway you want.

Instant chaos is not my preference and people running around with their hair on fire don’t inspire confidence either. I haven’t noticed much ‘happy talk.’ I did notice $$ poured in from small donors which is not quite the same thing.

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What takeaway do you think we’re going to get from these clips? He’s exactly right. After all. Go to hell.

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Susan, did you watch the debate? The point is, we’re in trouble and President Biden is not being responsible right now. Even Governor Whitman, who supports Biden, as do I (for democracy ‘s sake) said he lost MI. A key battleground state. Sure, you can tell me to “Go to Hell” and I along with the rest of the country will as well because we’re not acknowledging reality.

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I’m sorry I lost my temper. Thanks for talking to me anyway instead of losing your own temper. Please explain , either again or anew, what we would like our President to do. I’m a little older than he is and generally I’m smart enough to get the jobs done that my life has assigned to me, but sometimes the people who love me help me with strategy, snd I need that now just like Joe does. I have a lot of confidence in his team, and he does too.

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Susan, no apology necessary. I probably could have been a lot more aware in the point I am trying to make.

President is a massive never ending job for someone who takes it seriously, as I am sure President Biden does. However, the debate was not a fluke or one off event. President Biden is fading whether we want to believe it or not. 4-years ago he was fine. In my observation that’s no longer the case. He is losing young people and independents. We cannot afford these losses. We cannot afford a Trump victory. It’s political suicide not to make a course change.

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DavidP so what do you suggest we do? The Democratic party is a big tent party made up of many factions. They could not come together to elect Hilary Clinton - I doubt they could agree on a viable candidate acceptable to all the factions by convention or November.

BTW, the Whitmer statement was "leaked by another (unnamed Democrat to a (unnamed) campaign aide to a political journalist. If there is a video or formal statement I missed it.

Personally I think both candidates are old but given a choice I am going with the one with a soul and a functioning administration. Not interested in another dumpster fire administration.

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I've always wondered why someone hasn't already done that.......

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I sure am!!!!!

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A clear reminder that we need to make sure Trump never steps into the White House ever again. Vote. Vote. Vote.

We got at least some good news today. Steve Bannon is in prison. https://www.dworkinsubstack.com/p/steve-bannon-is-now-in-prison

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Stephen K Bannon deserves far longer than the easy four-month sentence.

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Guess we will see what happens in his next trial in October

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Dork man - how’s it hanging.

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Guess your still a dork.

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It's a puny sentence, but it is also the max for criminal contempt of Congress.

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Time to go after Jim Jordan and other sitting members of Congress who blatantly ignored federal subpoenas. They don’t have immunity; they are not the King the President is.

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Works for me.

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AND! Steve Bannon Bragged about how he was above the law!

POS Convicted Criminal, like "His Boss"!!

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Not nearly long enough.

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Nope it’s not, maybe his next trial will do the trick. It’s in October

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Keeping my fingers crossed 🤞

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4 beautiful months !!

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July 11- do you think Trump will get thrown in the slammer for the full 4 years ? I hope 🤞🏿 🤞🏼🤞🏻🤞🏾🤞

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Could be prison on weekends for a while, could be straight up prison, could be probation, but he will appeal no matter what and he will surely be out of prison while that all moves forward. Sorry I didn’t have a clearer answer but there is just no way to know.

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That they delayed this ruling to the absolute last minute was a dead giveaway. We now have to keep the word “steady” in our minds and continue fighting.

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The robes have finally become little more than cheesy costumes.

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How do we fight this? Unelected officials are making new laws basically.

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It is called "judicial activism" and conservative believe that when it is done, to expand civil rights, to strike down segregation, or allow contraception or for women to have decisions over their reproductive decisions, then it is a bad thing. If done to help their donors and patrons, or to install Catholic canon law, (in the Dobbs decision) then it is okay.

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Yes, exactly. SCOTUS is our new Emperor. Good and god are on 'their' side as they see it. And as proof, they hold up their vacuous theory of 'originalism' they alleged to have mastered, allowing 'only them' (partisans) to divine absolute original intent, beyond plain English and other relevant context. Bah ! I see clear and present danger from a host of enemies within. Sign me up Seal Team 6.

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ABSOLUTELY!! We cannot stop now.

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Yes , we will.

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I thought the day DT won the Presidency four years ago was the worst day of my life. Today's Supreme Court ruling is the saddest day of my life in America. Please get out and vote! We cannot allow, in good conscience, another Trump presidency. We Americans deserve better than that.

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The "WORLD" Deserves Better Than "tRump Cancer"!!

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Maybe President Biden can make a few moves that can check this… since it seems he’s got all this power. It’s not just only for donald surely.

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Donald isn’t president. Perhaps Biden can make sure that does not happen

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No. WE will make sure it doesn't happen.

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Congress needs to see how this may affect their legislation and decisions as well. In conjunction with the Executive Branch, the Supreme Court needs to have some level of control placed upon it to nullify the decision.

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But I am sure that the GOP feels they will now always be in power and that is all they want. Sadly, having power in a failing nation is better than having less power in a thriving nation. If trump wins there will be no more free elections and only those who support trump will be elected (or possibly even allowed to run). Since the only agenda the GOP has now is to enshrine the tenants of Project 2025, I am sure they are not worried at all. Indeed they are so delighted because there is nothing to stand in their way of keeping church and state basically the same. Legislation will not have to be well written or advantageous for the nation or have anything to do with the old Constitution. And while this decision is disheartening, it is not at all surprising, and the same outcome would happen if trump wins in November, perhaps not in the court but through MAGA sponsored legislation clearly giving the president immunity, and possibly immunity from everything, not just "official actions". A very dark day for America for sure, but such a bright day for MAGA.

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Spot on. One reason they aren’t worried is their organized teams of litigators who focus on bringing these ‘landmark cases’ to SCOTUS. Even if they are not ‘in power’ they manage to stymie whoever is with these decisions.

Even this immunity decision is a “case by case basis” situation where lower courts must set out their legal reasoning which would be appealed and then … SCOTUS winds up deciding.

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that's what I'm afraid of.

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The six court conservatives are amoral and corrupt, without conscience. Grassroots and individuals must do everything humanly possible to reelect Biden, then he may be able to expand the court.

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Well since scotus just officially made presidential acts immune from prosecution, Biden should just sign an executive order to expand the court and impose strict ethical standards with consequences for scotus. It’s clear they will not address it themselves.

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There are no conservatives. Only fascists in the building....

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Biden needs to arrest the six right wing justices, charge them with treason, incarcerate them in Gitmo, and suspend the writ of habeas corpus in their situations like was done to others at Gitmo. Joe is now above the law and in his official capacity to enforce the law, do this! We who love freedom and the Constitution must arm ourselves and prepare to battle it out with the treasonous rabble. Second Amendment applies to all of us, get you weapons and be ready to smite these criminals!

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I imagine he is a bit conflicted. He knows he could do this but he knows it is the wrong thing to do. He will not violate the law just because he can, even if it means the demise of democracy in America. We the people have allowed this to happen and if we the people allow trump to be elected again, it is on our shoulders, not his but I am sure he feels the burden more than any of us. The only reason that trump will win is because Democrats and Independents do not vote. I have not seen any polls that say the majority of American support even one of the things trump says he stands for but if the majority does not vote what does it matter? Of course many women will vote for trump but if the vast majority do, well, they have no reason to ever ever complain about their lack of health care or their being treated like baby machines and then given less pay than their male counter parts. If every non straight person does not vote for Biden, well they have no reason to complain or be sad when all their rights, from the right to be married, to say I love you right out loud, to have books about them to serve in the military be taken away. If any person of color does not vote for Biden they should accept and be ok with being treated as second class citizens and for it to be ok that no one has to serve them or hire them or accept them into an institution of higher education. Sadly the uneducated that will elect trump still don't have a clue that they will be even worse off after his second term, and how dare them complain when they can't get health care or find a good paying job because all the good paying jobs require critical thinking skills which their schools do not encourage. I hope that groups that represents all these minorities are really getting to work to make sure Biden wins in November.

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As a woman I am extremely insulted that you think women would just wantonly vote for Trump! I do not know a single woman that can even stand looking at ho

Is photograph let alone voting for this monster! He’s detestable and makes me ashamed to be an American! He’s vile, disgusting, revolting, mentally deranged and of course a complete and utter Narcissist. The last thing this or any country needs is A NARCISSIST! He will destroy our country and just because some low intellegence women from the back woods swoon over that LOSER doesn’t mean most women can even stand looking at his face.

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I hope you are right, but there are a lot of Amy Coney Barretts in the country as well as 99% of the women in the county I live in who adore trump and will vote for him. As a woman I too just don't get it, but I also don't get how they don't believe in evolution (not sure about Barrett, am sure about the women here). I stay here because of family responsibilities but believe me it is painful. When I moved here 40 some years ago this was a democratic county...moderate dems for sure, but still Democrats and the change has been so saddening for me. I really really hope you are right!!! I worked in the area of investigating child abuse and I cringe just looking at his photo, let alone thinking about my grand daughters being in the same room with him but I am in one of those backwoods places where the women swoon over him (and believe me when I had to be involved in prosecuting local preachers or school principals they would continue to swoon over them too even after they pled guilty..it was still the kid's fault). I now have one friend here. Some ladies I felt were friends turned out to be trump supporters and I just can't be around them. When they pick a pussy grabber over Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden, well our values are just too different for me to continue any relationship. So I love the Steady community because I can at least communicate in a way with like minded folks and I get to read encouraging posts like yours!!!! And goodness I envy you for living in a place where women do not swoon over him. Believe me it's horrible. I donate to the Women's March...do you know other more effective organizations to donate to? Thanks!

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What do they see in him I find him quite repulsive and he has no RESPECT for women at all! He’s gross! And crude and has NO respect for woman at all!

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Suzy, unfortunately there are many women who would vote for Trump. I have women in my family and “friends” who are still voting for him.

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Suzy - There are tons of women that voted for T and will do it again. It makes no sense to us, but they will do it again. We cannot pretend that they will not. These women sit in front of Fox News and soak in the BS. Many women in my own family, I am sad to say.

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Sadly I do know of women including my own sisters who think CFDT was just fine and that he is better qualified than President Biden blahblahblah, and all I can say is it's a good thing none of them have ever voted, and I hope they don't decide to vote this time either. They state that they only trust Faux News and that the mainsteam media is out to get him, while President Biden has dementia and is senile and corrupt blahblahblah... As you might imagine, I had to cut back severely on seeing them over this past decade.

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Wow your sisters are in deep, how sad. Faux news is so bad that Canada won’t allow that broadcast license tell your sisters that! Canada won’t allow liars to broadcast on their airwaves!

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White women went for Trump in both 2016 and 2020. Just sayin'.

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Then those white women are very low class they’re the only women that go for a crude , low life like Trump! They think he’s got millions so they find him attractive if he had no money they wouldn’t be attracted at all. Women thought Hitler was a god too! PLEASE!

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There are plenty of women in Idaho who will vote for him and many other states too unfortunately.

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Please read STRONGMEN: Mussolini to the Present by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

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I don’t know one single woman that will vote for that Trump CRIMINAL! NEVER! Why not just dig up Hitler and vote for him, what’s the difference ? Trump is a CRIMINAL! I don’t understand how anyone can vote for him he’s EVIL!

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Of course, you are correct. Your points have been well made. We the People (as of yet) have the ability to decide our own future. This is the manner in which the Founders created the system of self-determination. Then, obviously, voting rights was limited to white male property owners. We are certainly in for it now.

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I'm following your posts with interest and admiration. I like what you say, and more to the point, I like the way you say it. You write a very good sentence, sir/ma'am.

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Thank you!

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Sadly I agree with you! I am old enough to remember when my mother with a masters degree made less than my foreman in the paper factory and that she could not buy a car, get credit or rent an apartment, or a hotel room without my father's signature!!! Is that what these uninformed. MAGA women want!

All of this reminds me of the Dred Scott Decision in the late 1850's

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Acting as I described is no longer “against the law.” If he acts as part of his official responsibilities. To protect the Rule of Law is his key responsibility. Yes, it’s throwing down the gauntlet. The latest poll says 72% of the American people feel he should not run! Tell me how he’s going to win with that stat staring him in the face. Power is difficult to walk away from, we all understand that. But what’s more important, his power or the democracy? I believe Biden/Harris ticket will “most likely” not win. What happens with this SCOTUS crew and a Trump presidency? Then what is the GOP retains the House and recaptures the Senate? Get your guns ready.

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Great writing …

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I was thinking similar. But he won’t do it.

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I don't think he can do it. Those brats need to retire and new ones appointed. Plus 9 was ok when the constitution was written but we need more now. We need more minorities and women.

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Or perhaps 8 minorities and women leaving room for one decorative male member.

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The shooting needs to get started.

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I admire your bravery saying this in public.

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Actually, if tRump can "Legally" say anything publicly that he want's to, then ALL Of Us Should Be Able To!!





GO JOE! LOCK THEM ALL UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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however I hope we don't go that way.

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What other options do we have? Let it happen to us?

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A "Younger Man" WOULD.

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Doubt it

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We can hope. They lied, why not arrest them?

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Yes, and yes

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Officially terrified.

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Does this not mean that Biden still has four months to act above the law and do anything with immunity? Such as giving the "originalist" justices the option of stepping down or being arrested and thrown in jail? Trump too. And all the other republican congresspersons who aided and abetted Trump's plan to overturn the results of the election?

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I believe President Biden would not be acting above the law by directly and forcefully confronting the treasonous behavior of certain Supreme Court Justices. It would not be a stretch to replace them - now. Their actions are subversive. Removing trump from the ticket is a bridge too far from democracy. Also, I wonder if President Biden could force trump to be tried. A replenished CONSTITUTIONAL majority of Justices could possibly save the soul of America. More and More, I'm thinking of our current president as Job Biden rather than Joe! Enough.

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Well there was an insurrection, the extreme court just shat on the Magna Carta besides taking millions in bribes and not reporting it- Biden has legit reasons if he did invent an official act....

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Yet, I now think SCOTUS could stop him. I'm beyond angry at this mess.

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Actually, 6 months. It's not until Trump gets inaugurated that Biden loses his presidential powers.

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But, NOW He Could...


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I certainly hope that whatever Biden's next moves are include keeping our democracy. I would probably start with EOs - replacing justices; specifically banning felons from higher office; actual ethics rules for justices that are enforceable...just for starters.

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This is a fine reason NOT to vote for Trump. I don’t want a King Donald putting all his 2025 plans in effect.

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I believe SCOTUS just handed the election to Biden.

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Oh, I hope so! The MAGAS may get all cocky thinking the SCOTUS just owned the libs and stay home and drink beer on election day.

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From your mouth to God's ears!

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I agree with Claire McCaskill this ruling is total BS!!

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As a candidate, trump was NOT acting in an official presidential act while attempting to overthrow the government, nor while encouraging a mob to try to stop the official count of the votes from the electors from each state. Absolutely not.

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I wonder if they consider the encouragement of hanging the "fly" an official act?

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Biden should remove six corrupt judges and put them along with The Convict in GITMO as official acts. Using the court’s decision on official acts, he should state that he does not have to state any reason as it cannot be used to fight it in court.

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Okay, now it is time for Biden to sign into law all the things he’d like to do if there were a Democratic majority. In addition, he needs to insert justices into SCOTUS and expand the court. Why not allow him to be a dictator while he’s still in office?

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He can pass an executive order but that is subject to repeal by the next President. The only laws he can sign are those passed by Congress. That’s another reason to elect all Democrats to the Senate and Congress.

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We cannot continue to operate on the right side of the law. Biden's admin has to do something radical to assure democracy continues. Look at Putin he was elected and when everyone said oh crap we need to get this guy out via legal challenges, oops he's made that impossible. Too late

Act now Act up ACT ACT ACT because US citizens can now be murdered with impunity by the government under the pretext of "official acts or the "presumed innocence" of the "outer perimeter" of said acts... Is that like all the way to Mars?

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If we can't invoke some of John Lewis's "good trouble" the least we can do is make certain that Donald Trump never makes it anywhere near the levers of government again.

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I certainly hope that's what will happen but I've had so many of my beliefs in the rule of law just tossed out the window recently that I feel as if I've gone through the looking glass.

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That is totally understandable. This is why voting is so important, and more than that, being an informed voter. Ignorance are the wheels that have brought us to this point.

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Hear hear!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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