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Ok fine. Then Biden needs to take Trump out of the running. Isn't anyone else tired of his crap?

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There’s always seal team 6…

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Said that on Twitter and Elmo suspended me.

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Elmo 😆😆😆

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They suspended me yrs ago! 😄

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Yes, Biden is immune now!

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Nope. Better read the opinion.

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Nope. Doesn’t start until 47 is sworn in.

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No. It starts with 47.

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The threat to the republic goes far deeper than tRump, as evidenced by this Extreme Court decision. We can't wait for an election to restore the tenets of government. Biden needs to act now with the virtually unlimited power the Court has given him. Put it in the form of an Executive Order and it is "official" and cannot be challenged. It's the law of the land now!

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I said as much to my husband, an attorney, who agreed with me. Biden can effectively use his now practically unlimited powers.

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Yes , he can. However, Biden will not violate the constitution and the oath he took when sworn in as president.

He believes in our Democratic system and the rule of law. We're govern by a Democracy. It's up to us the American people to Vote to support him and conquer this election.

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Depends on what it is to be able to do it w/o Congress—but he should do WHATEVER he can to neuter trump NOW‼️

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He doesn’t have that power. It’s not good until the next Prez. Maybe that’s why he’s so adamant about running, so he can put things to right. He knows more about the government wheels than anyone from all that time in office.

Oh! Yeah, SiriusXM has a Biden interview by Howard Stern on his show. Stern even showed up in jacket and tie to show respect. Well done Howie!

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That can only happen AFTER a free and fair election this fall. I will be voting by mail, in late September or early October. PLEASE VOTE.

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YES, YES, YES. I have been sick of his crap since I first learned about him after he cheated on his first wife and crowed about it. But let's not give him any more oxygen. I used to have some respect for Justice Roberts, but I don't any more. That is sad.

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Time to turn our attention on Trump.

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Have you noticed that anything associated with Trump begats


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‘1, I am still president, or so I’m told,

2, it’s a new day based on the ruling of the …Supermean Court,

3, ummm…. 1, …’

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Telling someone they disagree with to go to hell and then you call this person “Mr. Middle School”.

Anyone else see what’s going wrong in our country?

When we see with our own eyes that things are not right and fail to call them out. It makes us exactly like a MAGA.

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You didn’t call anything out that was not right. You mocked a man who was ill and who is a stutterer because he had/has trouble speaking. It reminded me of middle school kids I taught and tutored. But if you want to defend that maybe you should think about who is acting more like the stereotypical maga.

I also have a son who has had a severe stroke (as has Biden). His intelligence remains but even after several years there are times he has difficulty pronouncing or finding the right words. He is acutely aware of it and finds it quite frustrating. Not because he is mocked but because people assume he is stupid, or deaf etc. even when they know — as we all know about Biden — what the issue is.

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It is your story Ann, tell it anyway you like.

Me, when I see a serious problem I want it addressed. We, as a country have a serious problem. Neither of us will be happy with a second Trump term. Biden is losing the young people and independents. We’re committing political suicide if we do nothing but “happy talk” President Biden.

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Thanks. Although for some reason you don’t need permission to tell your story anyway you want.

Instant chaos is not my preference and people running around with their hair on fire don’t inspire confidence either. I haven’t noticed much ‘happy talk.’ I did notice $$ poured in from small donors which is not quite the same thing.

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What takeaway do you think we’re going to get from these clips? He’s exactly right. After all. Go to hell.

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Susan, did you watch the debate? The point is, we’re in trouble and President Biden is not being responsible right now. Even Governor Whitman, who supports Biden, as do I (for democracy ‘s sake) said he lost MI. A key battleground state. Sure, you can tell me to “Go to Hell” and I along with the rest of the country will as well because we’re not acknowledging reality.

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I’m sorry I lost my temper. Thanks for talking to me anyway instead of losing your own temper. Please explain , either again or anew, what we would like our President to do. I’m a little older than he is and generally I’m smart enough to get the jobs done that my life has assigned to me, but sometimes the people who love me help me with strategy, snd I need that now just like Joe does. I have a lot of confidence in his team, and he does too.

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Susan, no apology necessary. I probably could have been a lot more aware in the point I am trying to make.

President is a massive never ending job for someone who takes it seriously, as I am sure President Biden does. However, the debate was not a fluke or one off event. President Biden is fading whether we want to believe it or not. 4-years ago he was fine. In my observation that’s no longer the case. He is losing young people and independents. We cannot afford these losses. We cannot afford a Trump victory. It’s political suicide not to make a course change.

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DavidP so what do you suggest we do? The Democratic party is a big tent party made up of many factions. They could not come together to elect Hilary Clinton - I doubt they could agree on a viable candidate acceptable to all the factions by convention or November.

BTW, the Whitmer statement was "leaked by another (unnamed Democrat to a (unnamed) campaign aide to a political journalist. If there is a video or formal statement I missed it.

Personally I think both candidates are old but given a choice I am going with the one with a soul and a functioning administration. Not interested in another dumpster fire administration.

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I've always wondered why someone hasn't already done that.......

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I sure am!!!!!

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