Mitt Romney not running again. I almost always disagreed with him but I did respect him. The story of the current republican party. No leadership, just playing to the lowest common denominator. A shame it has come to this.

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I had to stop reading. I want to stay informed but the sheer irresponsibility of the Republican Party has me outraged and feeling very helpless at the same time. I want to help encourage change but it’s like hitting my head against the wall. It’s the worst episode of media ever invented. I cannot even write any more my head aches with what is going on.

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The last paragraph ! exactly … And the role of the MEDIA must be looked at . These days the media is constantly looking for the cracks in Biden’s Presidency - not celebrating successes -of which there are many.

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Your posts always give me hope as well as clarity. Thank you Mr. Rather, you are what we need right now.

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Others have also called out how Republicans' speech threatens our democracy and all of our collective safety. But, Democrat political leaders do not appear to take the threat as seriously as they should. What do Mr Rather and Mr Kirschner think we can do to stop how Republicans use language to weaken democracy and threaten all of us? What concrete actions can we take? Right now I am frustrated to see what appears to be Democrats' complete immobility in the face of grave danger.

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To have any hope of saving our democracy, we must pass comprehensive federal voting rights legislation as soon as possible.

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Wonderful posting, as usual, and so very maddening to think of the many non-thinking sheep following such a dangerous path for their own vapid comfort, having others think for them and bridle their fears. Last night my husband and I, after watching our favorite Alistair Sim A Christmas Carol, watched a new (old) video on YouTube by Rod Serling called "Carol for Another Christmas" (1964). It is a chilling foretelling of what is happening now across America, I can't recommend it strongly enough, the writing, the performances, the ghosts, the commentary on war, will all make their mark. https://youtu.be/gbp1du33l0c Thank you again, Mr. Rather for helping us all through with each posting by you.

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Thanks for bringing this to my attention! I was not aware or familiar!

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I am not a Democrat.

I am not a Republican.

I am not a Progressive.

I am not a Trumpist.

So what am I? I am an American. I have put aside partisan feelings and ask others to do so. Let us join together to fight for Democracy. Follow the wisdom of Marcus Aurelius.

In the morning say to thyself, This day I shalt have to meet with an idle curious man, with an unthankful man, a bitter, harsh or abusive man, a crafty, false, or an envious man; an unsociable uncharitable man. All these ill qualities have happened unto them, through ignorance of that which is truly good and truly bad. But I, that understands the nature of that which is good, that it is only to be desired, and of that which is bad, that it is only truly odious and shameful: who knows moreover, that this transgressor, whosoever he be, is my kinsman, not by the same blood and seed, but by participation of the same reason, and of the same divine particle; How can I either be hurt by any of those, since it is not in their power to make me incur anything that is truly reproachful? or angry, and ill affected towards him, who by nature is so near unto me? for we are all born to be fellow-workers, as the feet, the hands, and the eyelids; as the rows of the upper and under teeth: for such therefore to be in opposition, is against nature; and what is it to chafe at, and to be averse to, but to be in opposition?

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Privilege, arrogance and vulgarity combined with a sprinkle of racism and bigotry is the (fill in the blank) way.

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I've been thinking more about this and I have to say it seems sort of hypocritical of us to be offended by this Let's Go Brandon nonsense when half the people who comment even on this newsletter refer to trump as tfg which... uses the same word we're clutching our pearls about. I'd say perhaps a focus on the propriety or impropriety of swear words is 1. futile and 2. misguided 3. conservative and outdated. I think there are more important fish to fry and this particular issue is as much a distraction as Dr. Seuss was. My suggestion? We take a page from their own playbook and appropriate the phrase for our own use. Let's just start saying, "Let's Go Biden" or, make "Let's Go Brandon" a meme. I'd suggest we pocket our outrage and defang this sophomoric chant.

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Thank you Dan Rather. Thank you one thousand times for this.

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So glad you addressed this topic.

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I really enjoy reading how you disgusting liberals slap yourselves on the back for your high-mindedness. Sorry, I dont recall Dan or any of you having the vapours after listening to Madonna and her key note speech at the Woman's March. "Read Madonna's Full "F*ck You" Women's March Speech" - thecut.com

Trump wasnt even sworn-in yet. You people are disgusting and you should look in the mirror.

You wont like it.

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I never heard Madonna's speech, don't really know what she said, but it sounds like I would not condone it or approve of it.

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Thanks for the comment. I didn't listen to it either, beyond what I heard online. Why anyone else listened..... I'll never know.

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Hope you enjoyed yesterday's birthday!

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You guys are a hoot! A Dan Rather post about how appalling the Republicans are in comparison with the noble Democrats. Are your memories really so short that you can’t remember Democrats’ own vile insults that went sooo much further - depiction of stabbing in Central Park, beheading by Kathy Griffin, threats of beatings by people on the streets as well as by celebrities at Academy Awards events? On and on it went but you think, “Let’s go, Brandon!” is completely beyond the pale? C’mon, man. And then over 150 comments, all describing conservatives as ignorant, hateful, racist, offering nothing - on and on, and then blaming them for the loss of civility in political discourse. Go back and scan a couple of pages of comments and look at the adjectives y’all are using to describe them.

The fact is that essentially all of us agree with one another about 90% of things that we want for our fellow citizens: good health, security, freedom, opportunity, ability to create and enjoy our own families, good educations, ability to find rewarding and fulfilling occupations and so forth. All of us want those things for ourselves and for our neighbors. So, if you want to be a positive force, please stop talking about your fellow citizens in such a hostile way.

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Maybe true that the Democrats have done some bad things, but only the Republicans are making an organized effort to undermine and destroy democracy.

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In opinion, you are correct to point out that the classless appears on both sides of the aisle. That said, the Republican Party allowed itself to be mired in the hate and anti democratic politics of the Trump movement. The words and actions of these members of the Republican party and their followers must be condemned lest our silence lend authority to the destruction.

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I apologize for the changes made by my phone.

-In opinion should be "In my opinion"

-classless should be "crassness"

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Given a puddle of poo, pigs will not only delight in wallowing in it, but luxuriate in the experience. But they're smart enough not to consume it.

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