Gerrymandering in TN must be almost as bad as Wisconsin.

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On Wisconsin! I couldn't be more proud of all of us Wisconsinites that came out to vote last Tuesday.

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I agree with every one of your words. People wakev

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Mr. Rather, I’m curious to know what your thoughts are on the rumblings we here out of Wisconsin regarding the potential impeachment of Judge Janet Protasiewicz by the Wisconsin state GOP to prevent Judge Protasiewicz from serving on the Wisconsin State Supreme Court. Do you have any further insight into that situation?

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The American people have spoken, their is still hope for our democracy. Thank you, Wisconsin!

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Well, there is a gulf - one could say the difference between night and day, Ms Sharon between anger that is unconsciously acted out (unintegrated) and anger that propels social movements. Can you think of one social movement - from the Vietnam peace marches, the suffragettes, movement of labor organizers for the right to unionize, civil rights marches, marches protesting wretched treatment of immigrants, marches for LGBT rights - that did not have righteous anger propelling them to put their bodies on the line for justice? Yet, isn't it interesting that the Americans - unlike the French - these days are inert in the face of diminutions of their civic and bodily health? Consider what is probably the most egregious example of them all: the citizenry's stunning immobilization and silence before corporate big oil destructive machinations that foretell a brutalizing existence for the children of today (now) and tomorrow? Animals including us have survived as long as we have because of the instinct to do whatever is necessary to insure the longevity of life. I'm curious. Ms. Sharon. When you're sitting in the subway car and someone is standing on your feet, do you - like our American citizenry - sit there sans emotion figuring out how to be strategic? If you do that, one would accurately draw you as a figure with a head minus a body. Out of touch.

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Except that Wisconsin also voted in a replacement Republican and now have a supermajority that has promised to impeach their new judge.

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What an incredible and wonderful result.

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Indeed, there is a vast difference between anger that is acted out and anger that has become sufficiently conscious that its information - usually about some transgression, some kind of crossing the line - can be integrated into a creative response by the digestive power of the ego. Authentic anger is never viewed as a game. Lots of people have been and are raised in homes with rules against being angry. So, instead of a direct expression of it, it is expressed indirectly. So, of course the evolutionary creative aspect of anger is nulled and we have instead strategic behavior.

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Thank you, Dan, for sharing the REAL news. I am so disenfranchised with main stream media. News shows as we once knew them have become entertainment talk shows under the guise of news. I fantasize about you returning to TV on your own network where you are free to tell the stories of Steady and where I know the sane of us who are left would flock to be informed as we should be.

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"The will of the people..." Isn't that what a democracy is all about? We MUST protect the right to vote for all Americans.

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Very encouraging! My maternal ancestors all came through Wisconsin and I lived there four times so to see that State go so haywire really hurt.

However, out efforts to eat the elephant must continue.

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I live in Florida now that’s a scary place to be. I’ve lived here my whole life. My families (both sides) have lived here for generations. What happened in Wisconsin gave me hope.

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I wish they would sprinkle a little bit of that gold dust on Florida.

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Thank you, THANK YOU! This is not the first good news I’ve heard but certainly the best good news in several years. After voting Democrat for the past 60 years (and never missing any election), I want to be on record saying that our judicial branches are no place whatsoever for politics.

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