Ya Dan, songwriting is sure mysterious. When that moment of divine inspiration hits, you jump on it and write it down or lose it forever. I was riding back from Nashville in August of 2019 and a line kept going round in my head:
“There are good people and bad ones wherever you go.
“Just seems like the bad ones are stealing the show.”
( reference to the Trump years)
Driving on I-81 north, I pulled into a truck stop and pulled up next to an 18 wheeler in my Toyota van, pulled out my iPad and wrote it down. In a week I had my song.
Thank you, thank you Dan! I regard your Steady columns as letters from a friend. Having watched you on TV for as long as you’ve been on national TV, I have admired and valued your reporting. This song and especially Taylor’s original recording of it have been One of the most meaningful to me since I heard it first when the “Mud Slide Slim” album was released. I am so pleased to be hearing this particular live recording and seeing both Taylor and King. Thank you for this start to my Sunday. I’m glad to be part of your friend group on Steady.
Thank you for the Sunday morning music, Dan. You have been more than a ‘friend’ and for a very long time. In all honesty you have been the ‘ North Star’ to the nation. Guiding and telling us nothing but the truth.
Please allow me to wish you a very Happy Birthday on and for the 31st, October. We wish you nothing but good health and a long life so that you continue to be our North Star.
The nation needs to realize and that too very soon that “45th “ is not a friend of the American people. He is only in love with himself. Actually I take it back. He doesn’t know the meaning of love either. He has lust for himself.
We all hope you get a great birthday present in Kh victory.
I am told the “ Planets, like in Astrology “ favor her big time.
She will be declared winner between 1:16am on November 6th and 2:07 am on November 7th. Let us all hope for the best and I don’t have to apologize for this prediction I read about in a newsletter.
Yes Dan has stood steady in honor and truth. I grew up with his voice , first informing my parents, and as I grew up it became a trusted source of information for me. I'm grateful that "Steady" exists during these frightening times; it is a safe place for like-minded friends, a port in the storm. Thank you, always, for the comforting nostalgic music and for offering a community of hope.
In these very stressful times, that song is an excellent source to grab hold of! It is good to know that on these substacks, I have found friends. Mr. Rather, thank you for showing us how important it is that we count on one another to get through the turbulent times that are approaching. Also, thank you for being a friend. Vote blue, America, up and down the ballot!
You Mr Rather have been a friend to many of us in this country for decades and we appreciate it. I remember where I was the first time I heard this song. Powerful memories this morning. Thank you.
Thank you again, Dan, for starting my Sunday morning off on such a positive note. We are all well aware of the epidemic of crazy swirling around us and how much negativity we face at every turn. The reminder of the friends in our life who are always there for us - a phone call away when we need them or they need us. And, further, how important it is to be that friend for others, who feel isolated and fearful. How many times in the last few weeks have I heard folks express anxiety about how dangerous these times are and basically saying: "what's to become of us?" The lyrics of this beautiful song, the relationship shared by the song writer and performer speak volumes about the value of friendship. It is such a critical part of my life and never to be taken for granted - a gift that keeps on giving as it is given.
Falling again this week only reminded me of how anxious I have become these past few years since spinal surgery. All this political upset at least has occupied my mind with something else. And I've enjoyed Democrat get-togethers in addition to Steady and Letters From an American. It's worrisome about what the devolved Republicans will do to our lives, more so those of us who are more fragile than we once were. I became a mall walker, too, telling myself that if Dan can do it, so can I.
Please make self-care a priority. Our physical and mental stability is critical while the stress and anxiety continues to take its toll. This opportunity to support each other is for me very important and helpful.
Sometimes the comments are truly interesting and beautiful. Lots of "deep" folks out there! Helps me appreciate and empathize w/ others. I've always been an "audience watcher" and seems like reading comments on threads like this one satisfies the same curiosity in me. Sure is different fr. social media.
Wish you good health and nothing but the best. We all love the country that gave us a lot. In our small ways we need to pay back to society. We came with nothing and will exit with nothing.
Yes. Thank you, Dan, for finding this remastered version. The sound is amazing. This is a song that was so overplayed in that era that it seemed tiresome after a while. But hearing it fresh like this, at a time like this, is truly a gift. And so profound and touching that it works right when we most need it!
It was very kind and an inspiration to post it this week, of all weeks. We need to believe that there is an overall force in the universe that is good, that cares for us, and that all WILL be well.
Well said, though I bet with the current Murdoch-influenced upper management that they will not print anything like this. I grew up in D.C., read and delivered the Washington Post, and it definitely isn't the newspaper today that it was then. I'll miss a few of its journalists, but have reluctantly resigned my subscription in favor of The Guardian.
I did the same and am sad and angry at what’s happened to the former great papers, the NYT, the LAT and the WaPo. Thank goodness we still have Steady and Dan Rather and team to keep standing up and telling the truth. Thank you! ❤️
Ditto Steve. I'm experiencing a death in my identity. I've cancelled WaPo after almost 5 decades. Upped my access to The Guardian and added the Inquirer. But I will miss some of the WaPo greats, especially Rubin and Petri. And, admittedly, my daily dose of Hax.
E J Dionne and Eugene Robinson add to the list of those whose opinions I'll miss. The Post was the household newspaper since 1947. At 76, I read it starting early. Bill Gold was an early columnist in memory.
(Kamala Harris-the letter was ready to go) came from WAPO’s owner, Jeff Bezos, who relies on USPS for a good bit of Amazon deliveries. We must not “obey in advance” as Professor Timothy Snyder, author of “On Tyranny” warns. How is WAPO related to Murdoch??
It is very simple to understand— “ money talks and bs walks”. Pardon the french, there. Lol. With Washington Post and CBS News, the days of Katherine Graham and Bill Paley are long gone. News is just another business these days— what a shame. Only ratings galore.
The news people of the mid and end of the 20th century were top notch journalists led by Dan Rather. I was at CBS for much of the same time and it was the Tiffany news division. We all miss it. Whoever is monitoring these Steady posts and threads I sure hope you can encourage Mr. Rather that there is a big following that would like his views on what WAPO did (or didn’t do). I share all your views of those that have cancelled subscriptions. I have not cancelled mine yet only because things can change. I hold little hope. These billionaire owners dance to their own music but I am willing to give them a few days (remember msnbc). Then, if they fail to alter, I will hit that cancel button with extreme glee.
I've been thinking large about this, and wondering if Bezos would lose so much money that he'd want to sell it. Wouldn't it be great if the staff and editors get enough funding to buy it back and make it a co-op?
Maybe Marty Baron would decide to come back in.
Then I realize that owning a medium is all about power. The moguls are reluctant to give up such power. Sigh.
Maybe change the FCC rules to develop sensible limits on owner overreach? (If I have the correct agency...)
They were professional journalists, following professional strictures and behavior. They (and we the audience) monitored one another in an unspoken way. If one of them had behaved the way the "bimbos" do now, that clown would have been laughed out of Dodge.
You have definitely been a friend to us over the many years we have watched and listened to you. Thanks for this lovely smile with two of my favorite artists.
You certainly have been a friend! In the face of so much vitriol, your words have always brought calm, intelligence, and a sense of stability. Thank you, Sir!
Definitely you have been a friend and "helping hand" to all of us, Mr. Rather. Thank you.
Ya Dan, songwriting is sure mysterious. When that moment of divine inspiration hits, you jump on it and write it down or lose it forever. I was riding back from Nashville in August of 2019 and a line kept going round in my head:
“There are good people and bad ones wherever you go.
“Just seems like the bad ones are stealing the show.”
( reference to the Trump years)
Driving on I-81 north, I pulled into a truck stop and pulled up next to an 18 wheeler in my Toyota van, pulled out my iPad and wrote it down. In a week I had my song.
I was a regular viewer on CBS.
Thank you, thank you Dan! I regard your Steady columns as letters from a friend. Having watched you on TV for as long as you’ve been on national TV, I have admired and valued your reporting. This song and especially Taylor’s original recording of it have been One of the most meaningful to me since I heard it first when the “Mud Slide Slim” album was released. I am so pleased to be hearing this particular live recording and seeing both Taylor and King. Thank you for this start to my Sunday. I’m glad to be part of your friend group on Steady.
Thank you for the Sunday morning music, Dan. You have been more than a ‘friend’ and for a very long time. In all honesty you have been the ‘ North Star’ to the nation. Guiding and telling us nothing but the truth.
Please allow me to wish you a very Happy Birthday on and for the 31st, October. We wish you nothing but good health and a long life so that you continue to be our North Star.
The nation needs to realize and that too very soon that “45th “ is not a friend of the American people. He is only in love with himself. Actually I take it back. He doesn’t know the meaning of love either. He has lust for himself.
We all hope you get a great birthday present in Kh victory.
I am told the “ Planets, like in Astrology “ favor her big time.
She will be declared winner between 1:16am on November 6th and 2:07 am on November 7th. Let us all hope for the best and I don’t have to apologize for this prediction I read about in a newsletter.
My two cents
Thank you
I'm with you on Dan being our north star. Dan Rather has always been "steady" . I have been a fan since my childhood.
Thank you, 43 years for me. Read a lot of books too.
Thank you
Yes Dan has stood steady in honor and truth. I grew up with his voice , first informing my parents, and as I grew up it became a trusted source of information for me. I'm grateful that "Steady" exists during these frightening times; it is a safe place for like-minded friends, a port in the storm. Thank you, always, for the comforting nostalgic music and for offering a community of hope.
Well said.
Strong memories here this morning. Thanks for being a friend, Dan.
In these very stressful times, that song is an excellent source to grab hold of! It is good to know that on these substacks, I have found friends. Mr. Rather, thank you for showing us how important it is that we count on one another to get through the turbulent times that are approaching. Also, thank you for being a friend. Vote blue, America, up and down the ballot!
Thank you, already did.
Thank you, Rajiv! Go, Kamala!
And thank god, wife of 30 years is on the same page too.
Thank you! I already did too - two weeks ago now, and it's been counted.
I did too!!! Go blue!
Same on Thursday.
You Mr Rather have been a friend to many of us in this country for decades and we appreciate it. I remember where I was the first time I heard this song. Powerful memories this morning. Thank you.
Thank you again, Dan, for starting my Sunday morning off on such a positive note. We are all well aware of the epidemic of crazy swirling around us and how much negativity we face at every turn. The reminder of the friends in our life who are always there for us - a phone call away when we need them or they need us. And, further, how important it is to be that friend for others, who feel isolated and fearful. How many times in the last few weeks have I heard folks express anxiety about how dangerous these times are and basically saying: "what's to become of us?" The lyrics of this beautiful song, the relationship shared by the song writer and performer speak volumes about the value of friendship. It is such a critical part of my life and never to be taken for granted - a gift that keeps on giving as it is given.
Falling again this week only reminded me of how anxious I have become these past few years since spinal surgery. All this political upset at least has occupied my mind with something else. And I've enjoyed Democrat get-togethers in addition to Steady and Letters From an American. It's worrisome about what the devolved Republicans will do to our lives, more so those of us who are more fragile than we once were. I became a mall walker, too, telling myself that if Dan can do it, so can I.
Please make self-care a priority. Our physical and mental stability is critical while the stress and anxiety continues to take its toll. This opportunity to support each other is for me very important and helpful.
Yes, I appreciate it too. Although, when I first began reading Steady, I did not plan on reading Comments or responding to them.
Every day is a new surprise - often really good ones!
Sometimes the comments are truly interesting and beautiful. Lots of "deep" folks out there! Helps me appreciate and empathize w/ others. I've always been an "audience watcher" and seems like reading comments on threads like this one satisfies the same curiosity in me. Sure is different fr. social media.
Wish you good health and nothing but the best. We all love the country that gave us a lot. In our small ways we need to pay back to society. We came with nothing and will exit with nothing.
Thank you
Ah takes me back. Made my eyes tear up. Such a simple yet deeply beautiful song. Thanks buddy!
Yes. Thank you, Dan, for finding this remastered version. The sound is amazing. This is a song that was so overplayed in that era that it seemed tiresome after a while. But hearing it fresh like this, at a time like this, is truly a gift. And so profound and touching that it works right when we most need it!
It was very kind and an inspiration to post it this week, of all weeks. We need to believe that there is an overall force in the universe that is good, that cares for us, and that all WILL be well.
So absolutely beautiful! ❤️🙏🏼
And I hope in the next few weeks you will offer your comments on WAPO and their refusal to endorse Kamala Harris. They are weaker than a wet noodle
Well said, though I bet with the current Murdoch-influenced upper management that they will not print anything like this. I grew up in D.C., read and delivered the Washington Post, and it definitely isn't the newspaper today that it was then. I'll miss a few of its journalists, but have reluctantly resigned my subscription in favor of The Guardian.
I did the same and am sad and angry at what’s happened to the former great papers, the NYT, the LAT and the WaPo. Thank goodness we still have Steady and Dan Rather and team to keep standing up and telling the truth. Thank you! ❤️
Ditto Steve. I'm experiencing a death in my identity. I've cancelled WaPo after almost 5 decades. Upped my access to The Guardian and added the Inquirer. But I will miss some of the WaPo greats, especially Rubin and Petri. And, admittedly, my daily dose of Hax.
E J Dionne and Eugene Robinson add to the list of those whose opinions I'll miss. The Post was the household newspaper since 1947. At 76, I read it starting early. Bill Gold was an early columnist in memory.
Great, hit them where it hurts.
I thought the declining to endorse
(Kamala Harris-the letter was ready to go) came from WAPO’s owner, Jeff Bezos, who relies on USPS for a good bit of Amazon deliveries. We must not “obey in advance” as Professor Timothy Snyder, author of “On Tyranny” warns. How is WAPO related to Murdoch??
It is very simple to understand— “ money talks and bs walks”. Pardon the french, there. Lol. With Washington Post and CBS News, the days of Katherine Graham and Bill Paley are long gone. News is just another business these days— what a shame. Only ratings galore.
Murrow, Severeid, Kuralt, Smith, Cronkite, Rather, Pelly - more names from the past who were good at what they brought us -- the news.
Sure, you can say that again, Steve.
Thank you
The news people of the mid and end of the 20th century were top notch journalists led by Dan Rather. I was at CBS for much of the same time and it was the Tiffany news division. We all miss it. Whoever is monitoring these Steady posts and threads I sure hope you can encourage Mr. Rather that there is a big following that would like his views on what WAPO did (or didn’t do). I share all your views of those that have cancelled subscriptions. I have not cancelled mine yet only because things can change. I hold little hope. These billionaire owners dance to their own music but I am willing to give them a few days (remember msnbc). Then, if they fail to alter, I will hit that cancel button with extreme glee.
Were things (ownership and publisher) to change, I'd subscribe again.
I've been thinking large about this, and wondering if Bezos would lose so much money that he'd want to sell it. Wouldn't it be great if the staff and editors get enough funding to buy it back and make it a co-op?
Maybe Marty Baron would decide to come back in.
Then I realize that owning a medium is all about power. The moguls are reluctant to give up such power. Sigh.
Maybe change the FCC rules to develop sensible limits on owner overreach? (If I have the correct agency...)
They were professional journalists, following professional strictures and behavior. They (and we the audience) monitored one another in an unspoken way. If one of them had behaved the way the "bimbos" do now, that clown would have been laughed out of Dodge.
You have definitely been a friend to us over the many years we have watched and listened to you. Thanks for this lovely smile with two of my favorite artists.
You certainly have been a friend! In the face of so much vitriol, your words have always brought calm, intelligence, and a sense of stability. Thank you, Sir!
I agree! We know he honestly loves our country. During these turbulent times, Dan has helped me to be calm & steady🇺🇸
A reason to smile this morning! An intelligent Republican voted for Kamala! Thank you David Frum!
I love this song. It’s so comforting and makes me appreciate my true friendships.
Thank you Mr. Rather for your wisdom and insight and years of experience to keep us steady.
Thank you for this. 💙
My dear Mr. Rather, you have been our friend through troubling times. Thank you.