Ignore the pollercoaster and get to work! Do you have a plan to vote? 🤔


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The only solution to this morass is more votes! We know the Republican nominee and his "echo"lytes and "sicko"phants will try to gum up the works with their shenanigans, while claiming the Democrats are cheating. An overwhelming turnout of Democrats is the antidote. A massive BLUE WAVE can wash away the toxic RED TIDE!

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I love how the Republicans claim that Democrats are cheating while back at the town offices they, the Republicans are busy gerrymandering the voting files! Despicable liars!

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This is their MO lately; Whatever we're doing charge the other guy with it.

We can actually use their accusations as a window into what they're doing. For example, before the debate Trump kept saying that if Biden wins it'll be because of drugs, which led me to get really suspicious about Trump using drugs to get him through the debate.

Distraction and confusion, that's the goal with this strategy. It's proof that talk is indeed cheap. And the unfortunate thing is that most voters never look beyond the talk to see if there's any substance to it.

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There's plenty of substance. Bull$#!+ is a substance.

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Already voted by voter drop box in Maryland, and the Board of Elections in my county has already received it and logged it in!

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Same here. Kamala has my vote. It’s been received and counted. Now if I could rig my tv mute button to automatically silence the annoying political commercials until the verdict is in…

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I think so. Because I suspect there is a serious under current ( a wave) in favor of Kh, which will break out on election day.

Because if this Guy wins, United States will not be United States anymore.

Thank you

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You are so correct.

We are literally in combat for our country.

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I agree. tRump has a Women problem and I think it is a lot bigger than he suspects. The polls are simply problematical. And, I think the polls are not capturing a significant part of the polity who won't answer a call from an unknown caller. The DonOld has to keep saying more and more awful things to get attention. I don't think it is getting him what he wants.

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Thank you, plus I think pollsters and ‘polling companies’ for lack of a better word, are in the business of making money seeking 15 minutes of sunshine. How come polls change every 2 or 3 days without sny major events that would trigger them.

Trump will not be around the White House. I have faith in Hindu Vedic Astrology. People should google these 3 words.

Thank you

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My sons and my ballots have been counted as well. Mailed 300 postcards to the State of Ohio to get their vote out.

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Great, We hope you didn’t vote for the Orange Head, lol. Just kidding.

I will be voting in Florida on Friday.

We should be there Thursday evening.

Thank you

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Oregon Ballots drop tomorrow, and if DeJoy and his machinations don't Eff It up, I should have mine at County Clerks Office by Saturday.

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Yes, early voting begins next Monday and I’ll be voting… straight Blue!

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Virginia has 45 days of early voting, and I and most of my friends voted straight BLUE on Sept. 20th.

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Another Virginia voter here. My husband, daughter and I both hit the polls last week and voted straight blue.

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Every state should have 45 days of early voting!! I love that!!

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Possible only because Democrats held control in 2020 during the pandemic, and MAGAts have been unsuccessful in killing it since. But they try every year.

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Illinois mail-in ballots came out last week. Mine was verified and tallied, according to the County Clerk two days after it arrived last week.

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Californian here! We already voted by mail!

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Received mine in California, too. Will be voting democrat all down my ballot. Then, it will be dropped into the nearest ballot collection box. Not relying on USPS to deliver on time!

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Good thing as that crook of a post master cannot be trusted for a second! He’s Trumps’ errand boy! He too should be in prison! He’s wreaked havoc on the post office! Its criminal!

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still working on mine. Demo club as a meeting to discuss propositions and then I will send it in. Californian too.

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Ditto, Penny, have all the Fed and CA State reps marked….now just studying the myriad of Propositions & Measures…and County/City positions…..lots to plow though!!!! Once done, I’ll be driving it to the county elections headquarters, about 30 miles away, to drop it off there. I do believe Harris/Walz will win the popular vote, probably by a lot, but it’s the handful of swing states and the Electoral College that, as Frank Zappa said, is the “crux of the apostrophe”. 🤞

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Already done💙

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My birthday falls during the early voting period in NJ. I think I'll give myself a birthday present and VOTE!

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I totally agree! At this point, it’s like riding a roller coaster all day and night and I HATE roller coasters!! Why would I do that to myself?!!

Yes, I have a plan to vote. My vote-by-mail ballot should arrive in the next couple of days. I will fill it out that night and my housemate and I will take our ballots to the dropbox next to our polling place the next morning.

Then I’ll get back to work making phone calls and writing postcards!!

Everyone, please VOTE EARLY. There is a master list that shows who has voted and their party. These early votes allow campaigns to remove your name from voters that are still potential Harris voters.

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sure vote for Harris, but in NON-battleground states, vote for her but also make sure you vote for the democratic candidates in senate and house.

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Yes! Living in a red state I’ll be early voting next Monday…. Straight Blue💙

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I live in a red pocket in NYS

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Ugh. Luckily no one in my neighborhood puts up political signs. There are more Dems than Repubs so that maybe a deterrent. Hehehe

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I agree. I’m concerned about Elissa Slotkin being elected to the US Senate from Michigan. Her opponent is a carpetbagger and says the most outlandish things about her - things that couldn’t possibly be true but he says them anyway. Like rump.

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I live in CA, a retiree on a fixed income so can’t afford to donate much, but did make a small donation to her. 🤞Sigh, wish we could get money out of politics…AND how long the US election “season” lasts (years!!!😫). Here is an interesting NPR piece about this (it really doesn’t have to be this way!): https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2015/10/21/450238156/canadas-11-week-campaign-reminds-us-that-american-elections-are-much-longer

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I am especially for our state offices, US Senate and US Representative.

I appreciate all the support Lucas Kunce is receiving to replace Hawley.

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My wife and I voted last week. We are concerned but we are doing all we can to help in in 2024. Each day closer to Election Day we get more disgusted with DJT and the MAGA supporters. Go Big Blue!

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Here is what I know.

Anxiety and hand wringing will not change the outcome.

Given how bad Trump really is - as a human being and as a president - this country will get EXACTLY what it deserves come the election.

It is my deepest hope that we as a country deserve better than him.

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We do deserve better and so does the rest of the free world. Do we want to hear about the Kremlin cheering again when Trump won in 2016? Hell no we don't and most voters who support democracy don't want a repeat performance that would be guaranteed to be far worse with Project 2025.

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I'm grateful to Dan and this Steady community for the realistic reassurances. It is so easy to panic. But, as Dan points out, one needs to get past trying to pych out what goes on in trumpsters' heads. There is simply no way I will ever,ever,ever understand magaism. They are a minority of Americans, even if there are still too many of them for a healthy democracy. All we can do is the best we can to promote Blue sanity by contributing and voting. Thanks to Dan and members for steadying my nerves today!

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I keep trying to console myself by saying if he wins, then we reap what we sow and heaven help us! I won't understand it and only hope if he does something SO terrible or dangerous, everyone will rise up to stop him. Probably wishful thinking......

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The fact is, he CAN'T do anything to change the cultists' minds. And we haven't heard even a fraction of the facts about how awful this creature truly is.

He COULD plug somebody on Fifth Ave, do it in front of cameras in broad daylight, and, not only get away with it, but not lose a single vote because of it.

Hell, his cultists would line up to volunteer to take the bullet.

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If he wins, more than a few of us will be looking into emigrating.

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If he wins, Canada or Iceland will be reaping what I soe.

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The trouble is that ALL of us, will suffer under Trump if, heaven forbid, he "Wins". My granddaughter is already planning her move out of the country, as is another granddaughter and her mother.

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“Given how bad Trump really is - as a human being and as a president - this country will get EXACTLY what it deserves come the election.” And so on.

Why is this such a popular focus by Dems? The truth is we get what the majority of people who vote choose. It has zip to do with what everyone “deserves.”

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Writing postcards to send to Michigan! 💙💙

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We are Dallas, TX precinct chairs and have already done 2 mailings to 500 precinct Democrats with one final mailing going out this week in advance of early in person voting! When we fight, we win.

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Good for you! Can you find volunteers to actually take voters to the polls? Every vote helps.

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Our precinct is Uptown Dallas which is a mix of younger 30s and empty nesters. Lots of condos and apartments so transportation isn’t an issue for our precinct.

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I’m mystified that Trump can run! Please let’s make sure this never happens again Get busy and pass some legislation. It’s embarrassing!

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This should have already happened but politicians have once again failed the American people.

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Lay that in McConnells lap. He's the one who self-righteously proclaimed that the courts would step in so impeachment was unnecessary. McConnell can also claim credit for our Supreme Court. Evil incarnate.

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So has the Extreme Court.

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True! That’s why the next guy can’t miss.

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The Constitution does not have that as a qualification. It would need a Constitutional Amendment. In fact Eugene Debs ran for president from prison. I can see a president like Trump prosecuting candidates like Putin does. Probably why we can’t add qualifications (including term limits) with legislation.

The impeachment process & the 25th Amendment were supposed to provide guardrails to balance protections against politics overruling voters & a criminal or otherwise unfit president remaining in office.

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I don’t hold out much hope for that, Ann, since we can’t seem to finally ratify the ERA after all…..would like to see it happen in my lifetime….been waiting over 5 decades…..

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Eugene Debs ran from prison. Would you want a president able to use his “DOJ” to prosecute candidates to kick them off the ballot? It needs a constitutional amendment. It is not part of the listed qualifications.

If the Senate had done its job & convicted him that could have been part of the penalty. But enough GOP senators said ‘let the voters decide’ & then didn’t like the results. Pence wouldn’t invoke the 25th Amendment and the Cabinet stayed silent - even as some of them left after Jan 6.

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Hubby and I turned in our ballots today.

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Just put 200 GOTV postcards in the mail, heading to Texas. Will go to our local Dem office to write with the team tomorrow...have run out of money to throw into the campaigns, but not out of enthusiasm for getting the job done!

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Someone below on your feed already said this - but honestly, we will get what we deserve as a country based on this election. There is so much that indicates we deserve more -- I hope and pray we live UP to that. #voteblue

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No we get what people who vote decide we get. It has nothing to do with what anyone “deserves”. I live in a very red state. I get what the majority chooses no matter what I support, work for or vote for.

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I appreciate that - and I apologize. Of course it’s more complex - my comment was more in line with the office of the president and, “generally speaking” our choice in this election.

The fact that a President can win the popular vote - representing as you note, those that turn out to vote - and still not be seated as POTUS — puts the majority of us in the same boat more often in recent history, than not.

Truly representative democracy would be a nice shift - but here we are.

I’ll do my part and vote 💙.

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Thank you.

Yes, it is more complex and it applies no matter what election. It applies to the electoral college because the electoral votes go according to how the majority in my state (and most others) vote.

Because it requires a Constitutional Amendment to change the electoral system I think the Dems would be better off examining why Bill Clinton (‘92 and ‘96) was the last state to win my state & why the electoral map has changed so much. There was little complaining about the EC then.

This is the first election in a while that candidates have begun talking about how to reach political opponents instead of non-stop stigmatizing and stereotyping which is difficult to undue. Tit for tat may work for opinionators on social media but it doesn’t win elections.

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Agree on EC and gerrymandering, etc., but to my earlier point it would be difficult not to agree that, one candidate for President is fit to serve. One is not. By any objective measure!

So back to my broadly stated point, if enough voters on both sides do not see that, recognize what is at stake … if some, in an effort to “teach America, or more specifically the Dems, a lesson” - don’t vote….then, ….I’ll leave you to finish the sentence.

I do not want to see what America becomes under another Trump presidency.

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Politics is not an exercise in objectivity. For the same reason I don’t pay attention to Fox everyone is not seeing or hearing the same information.

Your broadly stated point was basically everyone gets their ‘just desserts’ based on the election outcome. I disagree.

I have no idea what other point you’re trying to make. What I do know is this happened over decades. The divisions and resentment won’t go away with one election. The danger will linger on even if Harris is in the WH.

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My husband and I are planning to fill out our ballots and drip them at our Town Hall. We haven't filled out our ballots yet because we need to do some more research on the rather complicated ballot questions. Early voting, in our town, starts next Saturday. Panic helps no one. We need to vote, and to get other people, who might be on the fence about casting a ballot, to vote for Harris.

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Go to vote411.org for League of Women Voters’ robust, interactive ballot info for ballots all across America. Each candidate has answered a common set of LWV questions. All ballot initiatives are stated clearly and pro/con statements made by supporters/opponents are included.

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Harris will, in all likelihood, win the popular vote. It’s our obsolete Electoral College where the race will be won/lost. The days and weeks after November 5 are app to be very scary.

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The Donvict never won the popular vote. It was indeed the Electoral College that inflicted him upon us in the first place. James Comey's hatchet job with Hilary's emails didn't help either.

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Dems have more often than not won the popular vote over the past 60 years. The electoral college needs reform or elimination. Reform would be better.

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A constitutional amendment is needed to do away with the electoral college process. I suspect that even for meaningful reform, you must convince those who benefit to go against their self-interest.

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Hubby and I have already voted by mail. Ballots counted. Hope Harris does well in Fox interview Wednesday night. Mr. Rather's "Steady" has helped me not to panic.

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14

It’s not the polls so much as it is the Electoral College. This outdated appendage is doing more harm than good. Republicans have not won the majority of the popular vote in about 30-years. There is good reason for that. They remain out of touch and have adopted very unpopular positions. We need PA, MI, VA, AZ and maybe even GA to come through to clear this election. All of these states are in play and too close to call.

Democracy cannot afford another Trump presidency. Vote.

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....have not won....

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Yea, I tried editing it after I posted it. 🤦‍♂️

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14

It is beyond me why there is even 1 woman out there who will vote for Trump. It seems to me that there is no evidence, no evidence at all: 1) that he is not a misogynist who will fiurther restrict freedoms even for basic contraception, 2) that he is not an adulterer, 3) that he is not a liar, 4) that he does not clearly admire Putin, or 5) that over half of his former cabinet members do not want to see him in power again. It's just gotta tell you something. Doesn't it?

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Exactly. Election fraud? 2016, I mean. People keep telling me that a woman voted for DonT. Can't be. See above!

But it's not about Benedict Donald. It's about the cabal that still calls itself 'the Republican party' and nominated him and supports him and forced SCROTUS on US. ( Supreme Catholic Republicans of the US ) It's all about SCROTUS, but we hear not a thing about the 6, or our wealth, $154 Trillion, that the R party continually lies about and manages to suppress. <uswealthclock.com> We are not in debt.

It's insane, but the press continues to treat the situation as normal, a horse race. If Putin was listed as the candidate, the major news outlets would report the same, so far as I can tell. thanks, best luck to US -- b.rad

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I have a feeling that in general most of his voters are not very informed people about much of anything. They believe in what Trump tells to believe no matter how nonsensical it is! They actually think he is smart. That’s their fatal mistake! He’s not smart but he is crafty, not really the same thing at all. He’s actually rather stupid. If he’s given another chance at the Oval Office this country will be in terrible shape no telling what the Republicans will do with that much power but it won’t be good for the little guy, don’t buy into his lies. Deep down you sense he’s only in it for himself, let yourself believe it, you know it’s true.

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I love you Dan, but having a Plan B isn't panicking. It's sober, deliberate, realistic and strategic.

And btw, Canada is too cold. ❤️

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There are nice ExPat communities all over the world.

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I already know where I'm going. I've had it in place since 2016. Shelved it twice. I want to be prepared in case the unthinkable happens. A fascist USA is still unthinkable but to deny reality with this much information as to what another trump administration will do is to deny facts and reality itself. I'm watching MSNBC right now and Mika is pushing back from being case a " whiner" A whiner? The race is effectively tied. For months all we've heard is that the race can't be close. That if she doesn't win by a large margin the liklihood of the R's cheating to win becomes much easier for them through state legislatures where trump loyalists will refuse to certify the votes. We know that this is happening. It's real

Not pearl clutching or whining. I do not intend to be trapped in a fascist dictatorship. History has shown us what happens to people who are.

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Better a bit cold than a Concentration camp. You can buy a Down Parka and some seriously warm boots! If the Canadians can manage what’s wrong with Americans are we wuzes? I lived in Northern Vermont for over 30 years and would gladly go back! The cold preserves you!

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