Trump has no morals, no true values and if he gets back in the White House it would be the end of our country. Trump belongs in prison, if not an insane asylum.

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Perhaps a prison for the criminally insane?

It’s pretty obvious he’s a criminal and he is insane.

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That sounds very appropriate Marguerite

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You'd still be correct if you left out the qualifying word 'pretty'. That he is what he is is obvious.

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And he ain’t pretty by any stretch of the imagination.

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A top psychiatrist told me it would be apocalyptic if he ever got back in the White House. https://www.dworkinsubstack.com/p/top-psychiatrist-sends-apocalyptic?utm_medium=reader2

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apocalyptic ... and apoplectic. TFG's rage would not end at a swearing in... his rage will be felt globally. Our, USA, standing in the world would drop ... to being a doormat of Russia (and thereby China).

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Dr. Lee knows what she’s talking about. She is well respected in her field, and the book she edited (“The Dangerous Case…”) is filled with knowledgeable contributors. I read it as soon as it was published. I was horrified by the danger we faced (though not surprised, since I’m a psychologist), and figured this would be a wake up call. 7 years later, and we are still sleeping.

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Agreed Martha! Time to wake folks up.

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Thanks for the link

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Trump has taken politics to an extreme - the only thing he stands for is himself. His speeches change depending the audience and the day. He now has taken every position possible on abortion.

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Repthugs may have killed the Republican party in Arizona they pissed off a lot of voters .

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Trumps irrational behavior is catching up with him. It is so apparent now when he talks at rallies. Have of the time he doesn't remember what he is talking about. He's all over the map.

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He has dementia and it is advancing rapidly. See: Dr. John Gartner. Duty to Warn.

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I am so sick and tired of old male politicians dictating to me about my agency on my own body. They have zero understanding of women and reproductive issues. They have put lives at risk over and over again. What is astounding to me is that this conversation has NEVER included the responsibility of men in the process of impregnating a woman.

Imagine if we forced a DNA test on every life birth and forced men into responsibility for that child. Why aren't we having those conversations? When that poor 10 year old girl was raped last year by a 27 year old man, all the media ever talked about is the young girl traveling from Ohio to Indiana, how this was a made up case, the poor doctor who performed the abortion had to hire security, the AG in her state went after her license. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE? What happened to the guy who raped her? Crickets. Because after all this was the left wings made up story. FED UP HERE IN TUCSON AND SPITTING NAILS. They ALL need to be voted out of office.

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Can I like this multiple times? Rape is the fault of the rapist not the other way around.

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It feels like women are blamed for EVERYTHING. So exhausted.

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Every man needs to also be against forced birth. I wish this issue was not dividing genders. No one should force unwanted children to be brought into the world.

I don’t want my son or daughters to become a parent and me to become a grandfather when they are not able to care for the child or want one.

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Than PLEASE use your voice. Many women feel like Men are not speaking up. Use your voice, start sharing what you just said.

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Yes , I agree 100%. It's time for all of us to speech up. By protesting, donating , registering people to vote, answering phones, anything you can do help win this election for women rights, civil rights, our freedom and our Democracy for equality for all.

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I vote equality that will work

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Just think about how overpopulated the world is! and problems of extant resources, pollution, global warming... all b/c of overpopulation! Birth control and abortionand family planning should be high on the list of consideration.

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"I wish this issue was not dividing genders."

That is exactly the MAGA playbook. Their ongoing plan is divide and conquer, working to continually fragment any opposition into ever diminishing pieces.

Allowing them to make the conversation into a male vs female debate falls into their trap. Inevitably, any discussion on social media results in postings ranging from 'take away their Viagra' to forced vasectomy or even castration. Personally, I believe that such posts are the MAGA trolls throwing gasoline onto the flames. I pray that this is the case, because if it isn't, they have already won.

I was raised in a single-parent household. I watched as my mom struggled against the 1960s divorce laws that threatened to literally bankrupt her by way of laughable child support payments. Social constructs left her with only a fraction of the salary that a man would have had, and antiquated credit structures limited her options.

She persevered, and succeeded in raising three sons despite the barriers thrown up in her path. I consider her to have been a warrior in the fight for equal rights, though she fought on her own battlefield.

I miss her dearly, but honestly, part of me is glad she is not here to see what is happening in this country. She would have been outraged. I am outraged on her behalf - and on my own. As long as some of us are not equal, none of us are. We are in this together; if we allow them to divide us, we do so at our own peril.

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Your thoughts just made me weep. It is hard for single moms, watched many friends do that. And yes, those laughable child support payments. I knew a woman who lived in her car with three young kids-we tried to help her, and even gave them our tiny house to live in. All this, while her x lived in a gated community in a very wealthy area refusing to pay. I appreciate that this could be the MAGA playbook, as I saw a piece where TED CRUZ said, we don't need women in our movement. They are destroying our country and it is very hard to watch.

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Ted Cruz is a pos

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Absolutely...and yet he still is in office. Someone is electing him...

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United we stand , divided we fall.

I agree with you. And I admire your Mom!!

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Yes, you have a valid point. Men should be involved and be more supportive with women on reproductive health care.

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Some inconvenient truth that we all need to know about abortion. Please fact check anything and everything about his post. If you have anything except a difference of opinion to contradict these facts post it here.

Abortion The fundamentalist concept that life begins at inception did not come about until well after Roe v. Wade. Even the most conservative ministers such as W.A. Criswell, president of the Southern Baptist Convention, held that life begins when the baby is born, and did not oppose abortion. I have always felt that it was only after a child was born and had a life separate from its mother that it became an individual person, and it has always, therefore, seemed to me that what is best for the mother and for the future should be allowed.

The popular magazine Christianity Today devoted an entire issue to the subject of abortion, which was then fomenting in the courts leading up to the Roe v. Wade decision. The feature article was by biblical scholar Bruce Waltke (Dallas Theological Seminary) and shows in considerable detail that there is no biblical prohibition on abortion. Hence, it is a secular, not religious, matter. All the other articles drew the same conclusion.

So, how did the concept of life beginning at conception and the anti-abortion movement come about? Where else but the GOP. It was not a Christian initiative; it was a Republican initiative. Political, not religious.

Here is how it happened. Republican political operative Paul Weyrich, co-founder of the right wing Heritage Foundation, had been trying for 20 years to find a catalyst for what he called his “moral majority” initiative to exploit in order to attract fundamentalist Christians into the Republican party. By his own words he had tried pornography, prayer in schools, the proposed Equal Rights Amendment among others. I was trying to get these people interested in those issues and I utterly failed. His big break came in 1975, two years after the Roe v. Wade decision was handed down. That was when the IRS, in a Republican administration, rescinded the tax-exempt status of fundamentalist Bob Jones University.

Bob Jones University v. United States, 461 U.S. 574 (1983), was a decision by the United States Supreme Court holding that the religion clauses of the First Amendment did not prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from revoking the tax exempt status of a religious university whose practices are contrary to a compelling government public policy, such as eradicating racial discrimination.

Other fundamentalist religious institutions and churches, blatantly racist, worried frantically about losing their own exemption and turned to the GOP which had been wooing them for years, standing there with open arms promising to protect their tax exempt status no matter what. Weyrich tapped Baptist minister Jerry Falwell to head up the Moral Majority movement, thus making the Moral Majority a child of the Republican Party. With the fundamentalists now firmly in the GOP camp, Weyrich, aware of the growing Southern Baptist disdain for feminism and the sexual revolution, dusted off his life-begins-at-inception, anti-abortion propaganda. This time, with active prompting from the GOP, the fundamentalists bought it and the rest is history.

That is how fundamentalist churches became a wholly owned subsidiary of the GOP and how they began to substitute GOP ideology for the teachings of Christ.

It is perfectly okay to be opposed to abortion as a matter of personal conviction. It is not okay, however, to say that the Bible or the Christian religion prohibit it. That is flat out untrue. That is not where it came from. It came from the GOP.

If it were not so tragic it would be downright amusing to hear the fundamentalists try to legitimize their belief by citing scripture that comes nowhere close to saying what they claim. Their favorite is where psalmist David said God knew him when he was in his mother's womb. Well, duh. Of course he did. God knew him long before he was in his mother's womb. That’s the best they can offer up to “prove” that the Bible prohibits abortion. Pathetic.

As for homosexuality, if God made us, and he did, why did he make so many people homosexual? The assertion that straight people choose of their own volition to be homosexual is beyond ludicrous. It is no less ridiculous than saying someone who is 5’ 6” tall chooses to be 6’5” tall and wills it into being. Good luck with that. I am constantly amazed at the ability of the "evangelicals" to self-delude, to accept utter absurdity as reality, blatant lies as truth, anti-Christian doctrine as Christian.

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Well said , and I truly agree. Religion has always been a tool to mimnipute people. This is exactly what the Republicans are doing to control the people , by religion.

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You got it Patricia. I say religion is what man invented to control, long before government.

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Has any one heard of vasectomies?

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Oh no, don't touch the virility of a male. GOD FORBID. If you had Police departments across the country actually PROCESS the back log of rape kits, you would find many repeat offenders. Think about that, you could save women from being raped and violated. But no, we have this very lopsided system of retribution. How about castration?

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Cassation is what should happen! Absolutely.

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Rape is an act of violence. Castration would only create more violence of other kinds

against women.

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My God will punish in Hell. Wish I could see it.

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Not enough

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Thats not a viable solution. How many more women will be raped waiting for your God to punish the rapist? Life in prison would be better. I’ve heard most prisoners don’t care for rapists.

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Intelligent men have

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If they are, we are not hearing them in the news. At all.

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Start regulating their dicks and see what they do! 🤣

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Maybe we'll stop thinking with it

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Also in Tucson. We will vote them out.

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We should start a group. We could create it on MEETUP.

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oh I hope so!!

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Yes we will

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I agree with your comment. However, now is not the time to throw in the towel. The majority of the women in this country believe it is their right to reproductive health care , not the government. The majority of us in this country believe in Democracy. Therefore we must continue to fight for our Democracy.

The prime Minister from Japan had mentioned how important Democracy is for this country and to have prosperity and peace. I believe we have a strong chance in winning on these two major issues, in November.

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I am with you. The only thing I would add or elaborate on about your statement would be DNA testing on ANY birth, not just live ones-especially since we are now being forced to carry unviable pregnancies to term. If the DNA test reads that the baby is his- he must not only be responsible for medical costs, burial and etc, but also made to hold his "child" in his arms just for a short while after SHE carried that fetus with no chance of living outside her body but for a few agonizing moments, for over 250 days. That may sound harsh and cruel but I'm a marginalized woman who just fled a southern state to save her family's life. So yeah, I'm angry as all get out. We lost everything we ever had, every penny in savings= gone. My career=gone. With a flick of his pen, the useless Governor of Florida destroyed everything I've ever worked for in 35 years and undoubtedly traumatized my children for life... TALK ABOUT SPITTING NAILS! Solidarity sisters ❤️‍🩹 We must show up in November, that is the only way.

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I am so so sorry for what you are going through. That you had to flee your life because of DeSatan, is horrific. You need to keep telling your story...because people need to understand these stories to understand how much it affects people. SHOW UP, let us know how we can help and please stay strong.

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Thank you Michealene ❤️‍🩹 Sadly ,that's one of the worst parts- is that this JUST happened, within a few months anyway and we are still very, very much struggling. Several people wanting to help get our story out there or give me a forum that will actually reach anyone, even a few(local) FLORIDA 😳 politicians who were sympathetic to us have contacted me to do just that but everyone wants to hear our happy ending and there simply isn't one. I'm a middle aged woman who just spent her life savings to save her family, moved 3 teenagers 2000 miles from anything they've ever known and am still looking for permanent housing and of course lost my career in the process. My life will never be the same and people, ESPECIALLY TODAY- just don't want to see "more negative" news. But my kiddos are safe and that's what matters. Not to mention, I don't think people would even believe that I had to sneak three kids out of a condo in Dunedin Florida at 3:00 a.m., to Uber to the airport under the cover of night sponsored by an underground network of pilots focusing on fighting DeSatan's human rights violations and flew all night to stay in an Airbnb for 4 days, we were each allowed to bring one bag. We weren't allowed to check anything we were given cards to pay for gas for a week once we got here, I set aside enough for a few days at the Airbnb and yes this sounds totally unbelievable I had to give my practice(work) no notice whatsoever, because if you're lucky enough to get a call from these folks to help you run, you don't ask questions, we had our 'GO bags' packed for a month - we got the call and we had less than 48 hours until we were 2,000 miles away from Governor DeSantis. That's the story that no one wants to hear 😔

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I have some contacts, reach out to me at michealenecr@gmail.com. I don't know if I can help but I would sure like to try.

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That is so thoughtful, definitely NOT the purpose of me putting that out there but good people are super hard to come by these days. However, Mr. Rather's network is definitely a place to find them! My email is my name, just in case I go to spam. Thank you Michealene 🌻

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MESSAGE TO MAGA (and I hope this doesn't mean all GOP). Just STOP! If you don't like abortions, don't have one. If you think a book has a problematic MESSAGE, don't read it. If you think government spending for Medicare and Social Security is out of control, give your share to a charity. But STOP telling me how to manage my life and my moral compass. JUST STOP!!!!

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CAN I LIKE with 100 of these? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The problem is not abortion - it is the open border and the millions of illegals who were released from prison and coming to a neighborhood near you. Just watch the news and listen to your favorite MAGAt. They have taken over the media and the messaging. Biden's work and successes have disappeared from view. AND yes, they are all going to vote.

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The media is now bought and paid for. They are not news, they are propoganda.

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Too much of it is. But some not nearly so bad as certain ones.

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That's true. Some sources are still better than others - NPR/PBS, BBC World Service and The Guardian are still more fact based and informational in their approach.

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All are not illegal immigrants but immigrants who are looking for asylum because the country they came from is too dangerous. Look at the gangs in Haiti and imagine these gangs in other countries with corrupt or non- existent governments. Imagine if we had to live like that.

Many immigrants coming over the border are doing so under asylum. That is why we cannot just send them back. There is a process. That is why the governor of Texas is sending bus loads to other states. Each case has to be looked at to determine asylum validity.

I will agree that there are immigrants who enter illegally.

Non-US residents cannot vote. Only legal US residents can vote.

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Yes, Johnson and Trump have started talking about laws to force illegals not to vote. ????? It is illegal for them to vote. It feels like we are living in a delusional world.

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Very delusional! It is disheartening to have so many believe delusional rubbish.

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I agree - but if you watch the news and listen to my FL neighbors nothing but immigration matters. Having done a family tree all I am convinced of is that desperate people will not stop coming.

I am waiting for my FL Gov to figure out that the backup plan to crossing the TX border is crossing the Gulf of Mexico on a calm day by boat, raft, or board.

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"...desperate people will not stop coming." Exactly!

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But we will outvote them by a national margin of 20 million as compared to the 7 million in 2020! I know you will do your part so our job is to motivate many others to do the work not just talk about it! Please call your local Planned Parenthood or other reproductive rights organization and ask that they start planning now for a huge rally at your state capital on Labor Dsy! Thanks

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You're saying that reproductive health care for women

rights to choose isn't a problem? and the government has the right to make that decision for her, isn't a problem? I just don't understand your logic. There have been many immigrants that have contribute to this country, like the immigrants that sacrificed their life's filling pot holes at 1: 00 in the morning at Baltimore Bridge. They come to this country to work the jobs that your average American born here won't do. President Biden went to Baltimore to pay his respects and talked with the families who lost thier love ones.

Yes, we have a failed system about immigration that should of dealt with years ago. You can't label people or blame them for every crime. That is wrong and not true unless you believe Trump or the media who is controlled by corporations and billionaires who support Trump. This country was discovered by immigrants centuries ago before it was taken away. It is rich today with cultures to learn from and the variety of food that we


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seriously???? "the millions of illegals who were released from prison and coming to a neighborhood near you." LOL !!! Where the heck are you getting your koolaid? oh never mind -- its fox or oan "news".

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Exactly what I want to say to those who think they have to control my thoughts, my reading material, etc.

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Well said! We the people have the power to stop this by letting our voices be heard when we vote in November.

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Very good presentation! Thank you!

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Right on! Thank you!

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Oh my gosh -- logic !!!! It seems to be lost in the noise of the TRP (tr*** republican party).

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Re: definition of "GOP". My suggestion is: Groupies of Putin.

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Greed Over People

Greed Over Planet

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or Grotesque Onerous Pessimists

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Grumpy Obnoxious Provocateurs.

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Republicans are no different from Hamas or Taliban in their disrespect and treatment of women.

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Judith - Well put.

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As a nation we've been watching this grim circus for nearly eight years now, but for those of us who were New Yorkers before, the show has been going on for far longer. And Trump has always been the same slice of hokey; it's just that the damage he created was strictly local. Now his 'apprentices' fill the GOP and spend their time screeching about impeachment and victimhood and all those communist and socialists in the Democratic Party who are ruining the country and coming for your guns so that we can't go out there and parade around dressed in ersatz camo gear and just shoot them down.

They know nothing about the circumstances and reasons for our founding, pay little attention to the Constitution except for the Sacred Second which has become their Holy Writ, claim a Christianity that Christ would not have recognized, rail about 'the Biden Crime family, and embrace a man who cares nothing for them except as hands to pull voting levers, to provide mindless adoration as his rallies, and have deep pockets to pay his legal expenses and hopefully keep him out of jail. I've been an American for 79 years now, and I thought I'd seen something close to our nadir during the late sixties, but I was wrong.

In November we have a chance to push back against this tide of ignorance, prejudice, hated, and fear that now motivates so much of the Republican Party. We will not end its lunacy, but we can make it pause and consider how badly it's doing as a political strategy. That would be a strong first step.

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NY tri state media viewers had enough of Trump in the 1980's alone.

If such a "business man". why did his life play out in the NY Post (tabloid)... marriage, cheating, child, divorce, REPEAT... sprinkled with yak yak yak about some real estate purchase & gold letters installed. The real business would have been all over the NYT and WSJ.

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James - Bravo.

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You are so right James. We must support our country and Vote!

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I'm 79 too... RIGHT ON !!!👏👌👍

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Let’s be clear. Trump can say whatever he likes. It really won’t matter. Why? There is not one far right, christofascist who will vote for Biden, not a single one. If they don’t vote, GREAT! But they will vote and we know they’ll vote for Trump.

You’re right. Trump believes in no one or anything other than himself. He will say what pops into his orange noggin’ at the time.

As Biden says, don’t be fooled, Trump is lying about no national ban on abortion. I agree.

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Dave I grew up in Catholic, private school. We read the bible. There is not a single christian part of this man, he is a pussy grabbing, lying, felon who was convicted of sexual abuse. Not the acts of christ-like behavior in the book I read. How can Christians support him?

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simply they are not CHRISTians.

They are idol followers (see: 10 Commandments) and not just for what hell laws TFG would release... but because he is immoral and amoral. His followers are looking for the OK to be lawless... TFG gives them a parallel universe of no laws, no justice, no humanity.

Idolatry and love of $ are definitely evils the original Bible warns of. (have no idea of the altered orange bible).

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Quite scary.

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Yes I want to know that, too, “how can Christians vote for orange guy”

Sorry, but they are NOT true Christians.

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They didn't understand

Near the end of His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus issued this stark warning to His listeners: “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves” (Matthew 7:15).

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You are absolutely right.

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Brainwashing Social Engineering. We need the psychiatrists to step up in Social Media. If I were a millionaire, I would hire one. I remember Jim Jones. People drank poison for him. I see the same behavior with the MAGA bunch. They will tear this country apart and institute an autocracy because they are brain washed and uneducated. If we make it through this crisis, we really need to revamp our public education system. Put the pledge of allegiance and prayer back in school.

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You seem to be suggesting schools should proselytise for the Christian religion as though there are no alternatives?

There's absolutely no place for prayer in schools: "separate, church & state!"

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Michele I completely agree with the first part of your comments. However, I’m with Chris on second part- most of the MAGA are conservative Christian’s. Separation of church and state- prayer in school happens in religious institutions like where I went. We should not be forcing it onto everyone. Personal choice

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I forgot about the separation of church and state. You are right. But seems like we can find a way to teach our kids spiritual values without bringing in the religions. I think hatred is bred as is love. I would like to tilt the scales toward love.

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Kindness. We call it kindness. Kindness even to those not like us.

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You could possibly make that 'public' schools. Just as public schools are part of the government and shouldn't push religion, private and parochial schools shouldn't be given government funds isince they do. That's part of the separation of church and state that we need to strengthen.

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All religions I know of pray. It is an opportunity for humans to see all of the deity. Did you know that everything on earth is made of the same thing, atoms? Yet everything is different? I’m not trying to figure it out. I just accept it. Human responses to God is as varietous as flowers.

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Which pledge? The original or the one with “under God” added in? Who will they pray to and which prayer? That’s a quagmire that will only divide further. Keep school focused on Socratic methods and critical thinking and debate skills. Keep the libraries open and uncensored and bring back the fairness doctrine and force it on the cable news networks so everyone can evaluate the facts from the opinions.

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Thanks, Dan. It would be helpful if two things occurred. 1. Decent Republicans join with Liz Cheney and others who are speaking truth and pushing for the recovery of a once great political party. 2. Journalists reclaim some integrity and patriotism by telling the truth about MAGA craziness and absurdity and the clear and present danger of Trump. In a fair fight Biden would win by a landslide but the local state far right radicals are working hard to sabotage a fair election.

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Elaine - ... not to mention the lying propaganda of Fox being consumed by so many Americans.

Also, why is it that those Republicans, that have even a shred of decency or love of country, are abandoning their posts in the Republican party instead of fighting to save the country from Trump and Magas? Cowards and quitters.

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Buck (R-CO) left and his seat is empty so it's a vote for Dems. His county however is totally red, so the next will apparently be a magite too. One other guy (forgot his name) left after the deadline for a special election to replace him, so his seat is also emply for now. Another lack of R voting.

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Good discussion on this - for younger people today's journalism is normal because that is all that they have seen since they were adults. We are in deep trouble and many people are not going to realize it until it is too late.

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Some days it's feeling "too late".

When 'news" organizations even give time to the conspiracies ... it's promoting crime.

Exhausting that the news orbits around 1 person... forgetting that there are a LOT of good people in the 8+ Billion of us on this big blue marble.

TFG took a jackhammer to the foundation of the USA. It must stop. His NOISE in the world must stop.

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Please don’t give up. We can keep our democracy. Don’t let the media get you tired. Let’s fight like our lives depended on this. ‘Cause it does.

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No. That will carry zero weight with Republican voters. It matters who is doing the messaging & Democrats can not deliver that message. The ex-GOP voters & Never Trumpers are the ones that MUST deliver that message along with some ex-cabinet members. Only they can get through to those voters.

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So true!

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The man has no convictions. His only goal is to get elected. Not for the good of the country but for the good of the most important person in his life- himself. The presidency would be his get out of jail card and anyone who thinks differently has nothing between their two ears

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What the POS is doing to the country is unforgivable, but even worse is to watch people follow such a piece of lying, dirty trash.

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I think for the first time Trump is running scared. He can’t handle the abortion issue and he can’t handle Monday’s trial here in NYC. His vacillating on abortion and the salaciousness of the trial might just crack his hold on his MAGA base. I believe the trial will reveal more ugly dirt on him which won’t go over well with the Evangelucals. It will be fun seeing him scurrying around looking for help.

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On the other hand, the Evangelicals love living in dirt... TFG, unless convicted, just opens the doors for people to be as unholy as they want to be. Their backwards, twisted view of happiness.

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I’m going to be a little egotistical and reply to myself. Now I really believe he is scared out of his mind. He must be awake all night obsessing over this trial now that it’s right in his face. He was reportedly nodding off in the courtroom. That’s a sure way to impress the judge. And the jurors when they are seated.

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except....the party line is now "it should be controlled by the states - Rowe v. Wade was a flawed "law".

Per my conversation today with a niece who had to medically abort a 14 week, much wanted pregnancy two weeks ago in NY. The alternative was die of sepsis. So as badly as she feels it was not a hard decision. When I pointed out that in my state of FL she would not get medical care, she did not believe that a doctor or hospital here might not treat her until she was at death's door if at all. .

She and her peers do not remember a world where woman did not have a right to birth control, abortions, credit cards, mortgages, "equal" pay etc. and cannot imagine that one could exist.

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If Trump wins, look for big out migrations from states like Florida and Texas and Louisiana

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Yet, why isn't that happening now? Was not Desantis enough of a hellish ruler?

Horrid inkling... but the people who want to be unholy (and apprentice their Idol) are going to stay put and put down roots... the more they cluster together, the more NORMALIZED their behavior becomes (to them at least)

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There are already people leaving; however, the FL Governor only cites the number coming in. He also omits that the FL population has grown every year post WWII. Lots of retirees. The state population has grown on an average of 1.4% per year.

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Sorry you mean people leaving those states? Why do you think that?

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Nothing, nobody can save us except one thing: VOTE BLUE 💙💙💙, like never before, millions of us need to get out and vote, or the country will be lost for many, many years to come. Please, talk to family, friends, everybody you can reach and VOTE BLUE 💙💙💙!!

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This include our elders... those who may not understand fully what is at stake for younger generations to come. And the horrid legacy the elders might leave us. I plan to visit my elders in Oct, and help them with their mail in ballots... reading aloud the issues, discussing their personal beliefs. Don't leave ballots left in mailboxes... unused ballot in Dec won't mean anything... but regret.

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What I find very bothering is the number of people refusing to vote.

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Agreed. A lot of young people see no one to vote for.

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The same fella who “could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone” without alienating his followers, can flip-flop on abortion and they’ll still vote for him. Trumpist evangelicals have no more moral compass than does their leader.

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Cathlynn - Well said.

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Brilliant and steady take, as always. Many, many thanks for giving us your well-seasoned perspective. I love you, man!

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Thank you for staying in the fight.

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