No traveling planned...fortunately most family and friends are near. Most is the key word- differences with Covid-19 separations and protocols...family is not the same. Time apart, traditions put on hold time, work and school new protocols endured, have made for new pathways away for some and other pathways less then welcoming. Keeping faith peace is bountiful to all of us...regardless our plans. I am greatful and thankful we are a family that at the very least, of health and secure work. Godspeed to family and America

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No such thing as "holiday gathering" for someone who works in retail. Most businesses have blackout dates where it's highly unlikely that you can get enough time off to travel. Even if I could travel, I'm boycotting any trips to FL, my homestate, cuz of the sorry mess it's in.

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LOVE your adaptation of the SOCRATIC DIALOGUE style...

Keep going... Best for this SPECIAL Holiday SEASON 2021 MTL

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Hi Dan! We are driving 2 hours to northern Illinois to my husband’s family for Christmas. We haven’t been to visit for a holiday in 2 years. Everyone in his family, including us, are vaccinated so I’m not too nervous. We are looking forward to seeing family! Hope we get snow❄️❤️Happy holidays to you and yours!

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Will visit our son, daughter in law, and granddaughter 18 mos old; all except granddaughter vaccinated ; will still rapid antigen test day of visit and in 36 hours; we are a pod; 102 yo grandfather insists upon risky behavior so unless he quarantines for 3 days before a visit and tests it’s a no go. He lives in a high transmission area . Breaks my heart, however the 18 month old has her whole life on front of her.

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I plan to stay as close to home as possable and only travel by personal vehicle. I only plan to shop local for gifts or order online. I will avoid the Black Friday crowds. I will send virtual greetings to far away loved ones and maybe a few USPS. I will be contientious of overspending and overbuying. I will be happy, safe and well fed. Those are my big plans.

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I'm traveling from Baja to NV and CA for the holidays. My entire family is vaccinated and getting booster shots when they are eligible. All our kids are vaccinated too so we feel safe gathering again without posing a threat to our community and people onboard the flights we use. I hope everyone gets over the fear of being vaccinated, the risks are minimal compared to the sickness or worse, death of your loved ones

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We are flying for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. We are fully vaccinated and boostered and got our flu vaccines.

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My wife and I are lucky. We’ve been fully vaccinated and boosted since spring. We live a relatively quiet life and, having recently relocated we have little need or opportunity to socialize except with a small family who’ve also been vaccinated. We will have their company for the holidays and will take precautions that we wouldn’t otherwise have taken.

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My job is retail support and this is peak season, so no vacation through the end of the year. We might have a couple of friends over for Thanksgiving dinner or Christmas, but that will be about it.

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Had a call from KPRC in Houston asking for an interview about New York City and the health of the real estate market here. It will air on Sunday at 9:00 am if anyone in the Houston area is interested . I mention that because that is where ,at least some part of, any one’s Holidays should be spent. Mine will be. Why leave the city that “never sleeps , A number 1, top of the heap”?

New York is back ! Cases are down, masks are on . The shadow of COVID is receding, for now. So, why go to a less safe , less vital

place ? That can wait!

The Europeans flooded into restaurants this week , all joyful that they can be here for the first time in 20 months. All happy to see American friends.

Central Park is so beautiful, with leaves staying weeks later than usual, in magnificent gold and green , orange and red . A walk there each day , finding a bench from which to enjoy it all ,sometimes with a friend ,sometimes listening to impromptu live music , then walking home to enjoy everything from there , is as good as it gets! Memories blend with the present and meld into some sort of eternal space in the mind and heart ! So, pack your bag and book the flight ! You will be lots happier tonight!

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Staying home with my family. This year we have a free turkey! ( 400 points at Giant Supermarket). I will visit my Father, for a few hours before the Holiday. Happy Thanksgiving!

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Driving to spend Thanksgiving with my daughters and their families in Cincinnati, an 8-hr ride. Will stop only to gas up and take bathroom breaks, double masked. Everyone in the family is fully vaccinated, and my husband and I just got our boosters.

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No ser plans. If we travel at all, it will be for Thanksgiving and would be to my mother’s house about 50 miles away. Any gatherings would be small with masks and social distancing.

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No travels for us this year; my sister and I will spend the holidays here at home. Visits with friends are confined to our front porch during the pandemic, with everyone masked up.

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Thanksgiving here in town with some vaccinated friends. Christmas flight to see Dad for a couple of weeks. Mask all the time when around unvaccinated people or any strangers.

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