I'm against giving Republican idiots media time to spread lies about COVID, no mask mandates. I wish media would be more direct when addressing, I hate to say it the white population that blames everything on minority population. Example Wal-Mart requires masking, This white male 40 years old maybe wears a plastic Jason ski mask full of holes his wife says that's his mask ,I made a remark he's not following CDC recommend mask. In Texas, I have heard white female say she hopes not wearing a mask gets rid of minority population. I gave 30 years of my life to this nation, right now I'm not proud of the people of this nation. I have family over seas ,they can't believe how prejudice people are. It's mind boggling that other nation enforce COVID protocol wear mask,face shield or get a fine,if continued not following protocol fine and jail. Vaccines mandates this is in 3rd world nation.. Other issue is health care ,retirement, infrastructure every nation I have been in has a better system then we do. I figured it out political parties don't want to work for the People govern by the People . They want to control,use ,replace the middle-class. No benefits, work in till you die, then replaced with another human.
I was always amazed that there wasn't more of a focus on the stolen 2016 Presidency, because there really is no question that it was rigged at the state level, interfered with by James Comey, who somehow still gets to keep his pension with no consequence, & data hacks by Russia. This still remains a story not dealt with.
Next, I am wondering why the rules & laws, or lack thereof, are not being discussed about our political parties and how the GOP gets away with not vetting a person who was unqualified in all aspects. Trump has been corrupt, in with the mob & a Russian tool since the 1980's & yet journalists failed miserably in vetting him. Why are criminals allowed to run for POTUS. I think it's high time to drop the "anyone who was born in the US can be president" narrative because that's simply too low a bar.
Furthermore, with regard to the far left, the media continues to ignore the fact that progressives are only 2% of the Dem party while they push their agenda, which is coming from people who literally don't understand our history, politics, or government. Msnbc is putting their entire focus on progressives as guests & never once have they called out Bernie's corruption, his racism, his misogyny & the failure of Dems embracing Communist or Socialist views. They simply do not address or understand who the Democratic party is. This is incredibly short-sighted & a very stupid bet to make.
Finally, the media continues it's "horse-race" mentality after a stolen whitehouse, & a nerve-wracking fight to restore democracy & remove & reject a fascist, corrupt GOP & the Russian puppet they installed. This is journalistic malpractice at the very least. We are still in the fight against a party that has all the money, all the power, all the dirty tricks, CIA & FBI cover, & people willing to do anything to help them get back the power they steal with lies & propaganda, etc. Meanwhile, we continue to be assaulted with lies about Covid-19 that is LITERALLY killing people & the solution is staring us right in the face...the answer is to restore the Fairness Doctrine to protect US democracy on televised big three stations. Yes, I know it doesn't cover the written press, but that's ok. US Fascism was enabled by Fox News & other right wing outlets that spread lies 24/7 since its inception. Making Fox stop lying to people & also making the big three to report ONLY the news without spin, opinion, "experts" or any other mechanism to create a narrative. Why is it ok to lie to US citizens & leave them ignorant of the facts & truth so the rich can get votes & make money? To me, Fox News' lies & propaganda are a direct interference of our right to Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness. How can someone argue with that truth. #TruthMatters #RightMatters
I'll enumerate as the discussions below all have such excellent expanded points. FIRST, there must be journalistic integrity and truthfulness--and fact-checking. [Dan R. you do that so well].
1) CURRENT EVENTS/URGENT: Covid, wildfires, hurricanes, Afghanistan certainly, but also,
2) DAILY we should hear progress PROTECTING DEMOCRACY/prosecuting ALL the seditionists.
2a) Most importantly, prosecuting Trump and daily exposing his lies so that the world sees that America values the truth.
2b) Investigating McConnel, removing DeJoy, and all the threats to democracy from Trump era and 1/6;
2c) Reports on EQUALITY IN AMERICA: like actually making the UBER RICH who ignore taxes that every little guy has to pay, actually pay their fair share. Getting that John Lewis bill passed. or Good News of what progress IS being made.
3) Scientific Reporting... Climate Change -- Progress other countries are making that we can emulate, or new things we can do or are doing.
4) Alternating Special reports/ or quick weekly updates:
4a) Exploring why parents are more worried/angry over masks in schools than guns?
4b) What progress is being made by police departments to remove rogue racist officers?
5) PROTECTING DEMOCRACY --Educational reporting by Constitutional Lawyer maybe
5a) Constitution 101... quick simple explanation of some part of constitution--the point of Constitutional Law most recently being abused with widespread misinformation. i.e. Governors trying to financially punish those schools who mandate masks for the safety of the children for COVID that even 90% of the parents want and ignoring CDC recommendations/warnings.
5b) Why in situations like 5a, or other examples of WHY the Few/One Person [GOP Governors, McConnell] of the "we don't want that" can take away the rights/privileges of the few?
6) GOOD NEWS, GOOD PEOPLE STORIES, as always end on a high and hopeful note, hoping that there are good ideas for progress within all these areas throughout the broadcast
1) Please, Please, I don't need to see a weatherman, or young weather girl in a flimsy parka pummeled by a Category 4 Hurricane to believe it's horrible outside...STOP putting them in harms way for theatrics. I'd rather see the long distance footage from good cameras and hear what they have to say rather than competing with roaring waves and winds. It's evil and wrong.
2) Never ever stick a microphone/camera in the face of raw grief and ask them: "How does it feel to have lost your whole family? How do you feel after 4 members of your family are lost to COVID or your child was gunned down in the street? THIS IS THE MOST INHUMANE use of the news...and it does NOTHING, NOTHING! We've had decades of grieving parents moaning and whaling on TV yet 20 years of school shootings since Columbine and the only thing this does is desensitize the masses to the grief of others. PLEASE STOP THIS. HAVE SOME DECENCY.
Getting off soapbox now.
Thank you for the opportunity to contribute and continue to do your good work...and with some luck if I can get out from under the medical bills that Medicare doesn't cover--large copays for 2 eye surgeries, foot Drs, dental care, eye glasses and the DRE mobility devices that I need after working 43 years on my feet...I would LOVE to donate. I apologize that I can't at this time.
Your posts meant a great deal to my sanity during the past two years...I miss seeing you nightly.
The plight of the poor, of the opioid addiction, of the homeless, of the forgotten, of the poisoned, of the real honest to God people between the coasts and in towns forgotten.
My vote will always be the climate disaster. Unfortunately, the entirety of my life will have been in the era where voices of reason were ignored for decades until we passed the point of no return in many aspects. My hope is that the remainder of my days will be an era of radical attention to this huge problem.
Why is the climate disaster so important? Well, the obvious reason is that it negatively affects all Earth dwellers, especially those with the least. I also see climate as integral to many other important news stories of the twenty-first century: racist policies (including voting rights and pollution of areas occupied by poor and/or marginalized people), strained international relations as people groups are forced to relocate when resources become scarce, and pandemics accelerated by lack of available vaccines in parts of the world and deliberate ignorance of scientific advances by people all over the globe.
Journalists with free time would best serve us by connecting the dots between climate change and (almost) every other news story happening.
While I understand it has been a bad few weeks for any good news, for several months I have been troubled by the lack of attention by the media to the positive and good things the Biden administration has accomplished as well as the continual obstructionism by the GOP in Congress that refuses to address major problems in our country. Instead the media focuses on everything negative about Biden and also continues to give way more attention to the crazies in Congress and elsewhere. The DNC and the media need to continually blast out encouraging messages of how the Dems are helping people (For the People Act), the stock market is booming and how the GOP has NO interest in making America better whether it’s by blocking infrastructure, refusing to address climate change issues and taking voting rights away from minorities.
I am saddened and dismayed that what is happening to our environment it’s not headline news every single day, when talking heads will dissect every detail of political news. Where is the data? For flow charts? The guy running down The minute by minute changes on election night who could be replaced by a climatologist doing the same thing regarding the aquifers collapsing in California, the number of trees we’ve lost to fire, the Zika-bearing mosquitoes now engulfing us on Summer nights, The parched grass losing its chemical stain so it’s white when it should be yellow. Oh we get the occasional view of infernos and smoke-filled skies, but they are usually “human casualty“ stories Featuring those who rightfully and understandably sob outside the blackened skeletons of their homes. Then it’s right back to talking about politics. No reference to the documentaries they could at least cite, such as James Balog’s masterful “Chasing Ice” and “The Human Element,” no showing of NOAA’s massive and terrifying amount of ongoing data which clearly forebodes environmental doom. Things appear as solitary human interest stories, or tragedies to be briefly lamented without cohesion or continuity —no running ticker or updated totals ever present in the margins of the screen as we are fed with Covid data. But if it’s some thing about Trump? The same story will repeat 10 times in one day, more if you channel surf, and then they even run the same broadcast of themselves again later in the night, when that time could be filled with other forms of NEW news. I am a subscriber here partly because of this phenomenon, and on Monday morning I am turning in my cable TV box after years of being hounded by my adult children to do so. If the public does not see reflected as urgent calamity in the daily news what is changing so rapidly on our planet, is it any wonder that Complacency is what will truly, finally destroy us?
I feel that as a person who is disabled, people with disabilities should be getting attention from the media.
During the pandemic as a blind person it’s difficult to feel my surroundings because I have to think twice before touching anything, or thinking twice before asking anyone for assistance to help me get around.
This pandemic has taught me to not take life for granted, and to appreciate everything that is around me.
Also it has taught me to Think about new creative solutions, and to improve on my technological skills.
While I agree with previous commentary about politics and politicians, I'd like to hear facts about the "givers and takers" in our country (see Adam Grant). I think the givers, big and small, should be celebrated and the takers' dirty linen put out for public shaming instead of hiding behind company logos, family names and paid advertising. I feel know g the truth about those in power can make us a more thoughtful if not more caring society.
I just learned I'm just like everybody else! Ditto to the other top suggestions. Stories that need more attention: 1) why aren't the crimes apparently committed by politicians speedily taken to court? 2) why to do news agencies spend so much time asking reporters what they think will happen in the future? 3) why can't we get citizens to work for the common good/the climate crisis/covid? 4) Who is making money on chaos and catastrophe?
I am a retired teacher, and I would like to hear/read/see more coverage on the teacher shortage. When I was looking for a job back in the 70's, there was a teacher glut, making it hard (for me for a while) to even find a job. I now see so many districts at this time of year still searching for candidates in all areas. Schools of education aren't seeing the teacher enrollment they had seen in the past. People need to know that it is a job like no other, that can't be overstated enough, as to what a dedicated person can mean to a child. There are many children today that need just those kinds of people.
While the media has been consumed by events in Afghanistan, I have been wondering what has been happening in Congress with infrastructure, budget, and voting legislation. I was glad to see information come out on Monday about progress on the budget legislation, as I figured it had all stalled as we watched the withdrawal in Afghanistan.
WATER for the U.S. West and Southwest. If we can pipe black sludge from the Arctic to the Gulf Coast and put humans on the Moon and land rovers on other planets, surely we can pipe floodwaters from the Mississippi and Missouri flood plains to Lake Mead and reservoirs in California. No, it won't be a profitable venture. But neither are roads and bridges or schools. It needs to be part of our utilitarian infrastructure. Maybe sell naming rights to the Big Three Space Cowboys, bribing them to spend some of their billions on the greater good.
While I care about what others have pointed to--those crimes politicians appear to get away with after the news has become old based on editorial guidelines--I also care about the not so little things that escape notice:
Unless the story catches our eye, like the Afghani dentist who fell to the ocean as he clung to the plane leaving Kabul and lost his life, or the birth of a little girl now called Reach when the military medical team brought her into the world moments after landing at Ramstein Air Base, we don't hear about the stories of the thousands of Afghani refugees who will vanish within days of their arrival here in the US. I *want* to know about the lives and people they left behind, who they are by profession, interests, as heads of families--or the children who came as unaccompanied minors. Reach out to our hearts through their stories, their hopes and dreams, so those who don't get it can do so by hearing resonance in the voices of these new refugees, resounding in Emma Lazarus' words of "The New Colossus"..."Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..." In the midst of that political fury of some against opening the border to those waiting at the Southern border, it seems to me too many have forgotten this country, the land of immigrants, was the new homeland for many of our families--immigrants that they were, just as these new immigrants arrive on flights from Kabul, and those at the Southern border are hoping and still waiting to do.
I'm against giving Republican idiots media time to spread lies about COVID, no mask mandates. I wish media would be more direct when addressing, I hate to say it the white population that blames everything on minority population. Example Wal-Mart requires masking, This white male 40 years old maybe wears a plastic Jason ski mask full of holes his wife says that's his mask ,I made a remark he's not following CDC recommend mask. In Texas, I have heard white female say she hopes not wearing a mask gets rid of minority population. I gave 30 years of my life to this nation, right now I'm not proud of the people of this nation. I have family over seas ,they can't believe how prejudice people are. It's mind boggling that other nation enforce COVID protocol wear mask,face shield or get a fine,if continued not following protocol fine and jail. Vaccines mandates this is in 3rd world nation.. Other issue is health care ,retirement, infrastructure every nation I have been in has a better system then we do. I figured it out political parties don't want to work for the People govern by the People . They want to control,use ,replace the middle-class. No benefits, work in till you die, then replaced with another human.
I was always amazed that there wasn't more of a focus on the stolen 2016 Presidency, because there really is no question that it was rigged at the state level, interfered with by James Comey, who somehow still gets to keep his pension with no consequence, & data hacks by Russia. This still remains a story not dealt with.
Next, I am wondering why the rules & laws, or lack thereof, are not being discussed about our political parties and how the GOP gets away with not vetting a person who was unqualified in all aspects. Trump has been corrupt, in with the mob & a Russian tool since the 1980's & yet journalists failed miserably in vetting him. Why are criminals allowed to run for POTUS. I think it's high time to drop the "anyone who was born in the US can be president" narrative because that's simply too low a bar.
Furthermore, with regard to the far left, the media continues to ignore the fact that progressives are only 2% of the Dem party while they push their agenda, which is coming from people who literally don't understand our history, politics, or government. Msnbc is putting their entire focus on progressives as guests & never once have they called out Bernie's corruption, his racism, his misogyny & the failure of Dems embracing Communist or Socialist views. They simply do not address or understand who the Democratic party is. This is incredibly short-sighted & a very stupid bet to make.
Finally, the media continues it's "horse-race" mentality after a stolen whitehouse, & a nerve-wracking fight to restore democracy & remove & reject a fascist, corrupt GOP & the Russian puppet they installed. This is journalistic malpractice at the very least. We are still in the fight against a party that has all the money, all the power, all the dirty tricks, CIA & FBI cover, & people willing to do anything to help them get back the power they steal with lies & propaganda, etc. Meanwhile, we continue to be assaulted with lies about Covid-19 that is LITERALLY killing people & the solution is staring us right in the face...the answer is to restore the Fairness Doctrine to protect US democracy on televised big three stations. Yes, I know it doesn't cover the written press, but that's ok. US Fascism was enabled by Fox News & other right wing outlets that spread lies 24/7 since its inception. Making Fox stop lying to people & also making the big three to report ONLY the news without spin, opinion, "experts" or any other mechanism to create a narrative. Why is it ok to lie to US citizens & leave them ignorant of the facts & truth so the rich can get votes & make money? To me, Fox News' lies & propaganda are a direct interference of our right to Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness. How can someone argue with that truth. #TruthMatters #RightMatters
The cost of housing. To rent or to purchase, at least here in Southern California.
I'll enumerate as the discussions below all have such excellent expanded points. FIRST, there must be journalistic integrity and truthfulness--and fact-checking. [Dan R. you do that so well].
1) CURRENT EVENTS/URGENT: Covid, wildfires, hurricanes, Afghanistan certainly, but also,
2) DAILY we should hear progress PROTECTING DEMOCRACY/prosecuting ALL the seditionists.
2a) Most importantly, prosecuting Trump and daily exposing his lies so that the world sees that America values the truth.
2b) Investigating McConnel, removing DeJoy, and all the threats to democracy from Trump era and 1/6;
2c) Reports on EQUALITY IN AMERICA: like actually making the UBER RICH who ignore taxes that every little guy has to pay, actually pay their fair share. Getting that John Lewis bill passed. or Good News of what progress IS being made.
3) Scientific Reporting... Climate Change -- Progress other countries are making that we can emulate, or new things we can do or are doing.
4) Alternating Special reports/ or quick weekly updates:
4a) Exploring why parents are more worried/angry over masks in schools than guns?
4b) What progress is being made by police departments to remove rogue racist officers?
5) PROTECTING DEMOCRACY --Educational reporting by Constitutional Lawyer maybe
5a) Constitution 101... quick simple explanation of some part of constitution--the point of Constitutional Law most recently being abused with widespread misinformation. i.e. Governors trying to financially punish those schools who mandate masks for the safety of the children for COVID that even 90% of the parents want and ignoring CDC recommendations/warnings.
5b) Why in situations like 5a, or other examples of WHY the Few/One Person [GOP Governors, McConnell] of the "we don't want that" can take away the rights/privileges of the few?
6) GOOD NEWS, GOOD PEOPLE STORIES, as always end on a high and hopeful note, hoping that there are good ideas for progress within all these areas throughout the broadcast
1) Please, Please, I don't need to see a weatherman, or young weather girl in a flimsy parka pummeled by a Category 4 Hurricane to believe it's horrible outside...STOP putting them in harms way for theatrics. I'd rather see the long distance footage from good cameras and hear what they have to say rather than competing with roaring waves and winds. It's evil and wrong.
2) Never ever stick a microphone/camera in the face of raw grief and ask them: "How does it feel to have lost your whole family? How do you feel after 4 members of your family are lost to COVID or your child was gunned down in the street? THIS IS THE MOST INHUMANE use of the news...and it does NOTHING, NOTHING! We've had decades of grieving parents moaning and whaling on TV yet 20 years of school shootings since Columbine and the only thing this does is desensitize the masses to the grief of others. PLEASE STOP THIS. HAVE SOME DECENCY.
Getting off soapbox now.
Thank you for the opportunity to contribute and continue to do your good work...and with some luck if I can get out from under the medical bills that Medicare doesn't cover--large copays for 2 eye surgeries, foot Drs, dental care, eye glasses and the DRE mobility devices that I need after working 43 years on my feet...I would LOVE to donate. I apologize that I can't at this time.
Your posts meant a great deal to my sanity during the past two years...I miss seeing you nightly.
The plight of the poor, of the opioid addiction, of the homeless, of the forgotten, of the poisoned, of the real honest to God people between the coasts and in towns forgotten.
My vote will always be the climate disaster. Unfortunately, the entirety of my life will have been in the era where voices of reason were ignored for decades until we passed the point of no return in many aspects. My hope is that the remainder of my days will be an era of radical attention to this huge problem.
Why is the climate disaster so important? Well, the obvious reason is that it negatively affects all Earth dwellers, especially those with the least. I also see climate as integral to many other important news stories of the twenty-first century: racist policies (including voting rights and pollution of areas occupied by poor and/or marginalized people), strained international relations as people groups are forced to relocate when resources become scarce, and pandemics accelerated by lack of available vaccines in parts of the world and deliberate ignorance of scientific advances by people all over the globe.
Journalists with free time would best serve us by connecting the dots between climate change and (almost) every other news story happening.
how our educational system has failed the general public since Brown v. Education and did this contribute to Trump becoming an idol
While I understand it has been a bad few weeks for any good news, for several months I have been troubled by the lack of attention by the media to the positive and good things the Biden administration has accomplished as well as the continual obstructionism by the GOP in Congress that refuses to address major problems in our country. Instead the media focuses on everything negative about Biden and also continues to give way more attention to the crazies in Congress and elsewhere. The DNC and the media need to continually blast out encouraging messages of how the Dems are helping people (For the People Act), the stock market is booming and how the GOP has NO interest in making America better whether it’s by blocking infrastructure, refusing to address climate change issues and taking voting rights away from minorities.
I am saddened and dismayed that what is happening to our environment it’s not headline news every single day, when talking heads will dissect every detail of political news. Where is the data? For flow charts? The guy running down The minute by minute changes on election night who could be replaced by a climatologist doing the same thing regarding the aquifers collapsing in California, the number of trees we’ve lost to fire, the Zika-bearing mosquitoes now engulfing us on Summer nights, The parched grass losing its chemical stain so it’s white when it should be yellow. Oh we get the occasional view of infernos and smoke-filled skies, but they are usually “human casualty“ stories Featuring those who rightfully and understandably sob outside the blackened skeletons of their homes. Then it’s right back to talking about politics. No reference to the documentaries they could at least cite, such as James Balog’s masterful “Chasing Ice” and “The Human Element,” no showing of NOAA’s massive and terrifying amount of ongoing data which clearly forebodes environmental doom. Things appear as solitary human interest stories, or tragedies to be briefly lamented without cohesion or continuity —no running ticker or updated totals ever present in the margins of the screen as we are fed with Covid data. But if it’s some thing about Trump? The same story will repeat 10 times in one day, more if you channel surf, and then they even run the same broadcast of themselves again later in the night, when that time could be filled with other forms of NEW news. I am a subscriber here partly because of this phenomenon, and on Monday morning I am turning in my cable TV box after years of being hounded by my adult children to do so. If the public does not see reflected as urgent calamity in the daily news what is changing so rapidly on our planet, is it any wonder that Complacency is what will truly, finally destroy us?
I feel that as a person who is disabled, people with disabilities should be getting attention from the media.
During the pandemic as a blind person it’s difficult to feel my surroundings because I have to think twice before touching anything, or thinking twice before asking anyone for assistance to help me get around.
This pandemic has taught me to not take life for granted, and to appreciate everything that is around me.
Also it has taught me to Think about new creative solutions, and to improve on my technological skills.
While I agree with previous commentary about politics and politicians, I'd like to hear facts about the "givers and takers" in our country (see Adam Grant). I think the givers, big and small, should be celebrated and the takers' dirty linen put out for public shaming instead of hiding behind company logos, family names and paid advertising. I feel know g the truth about those in power can make us a more thoughtful if not more caring society.
I just learned I'm just like everybody else! Ditto to the other top suggestions. Stories that need more attention: 1) why aren't the crimes apparently committed by politicians speedily taken to court? 2) why to do news agencies spend so much time asking reporters what they think will happen in the future? 3) why can't we get citizens to work for the common good/the climate crisis/covid? 4) Who is making money on chaos and catastrophe?
I am a retired teacher, and I would like to hear/read/see more coverage on the teacher shortage. When I was looking for a job back in the 70's, there was a teacher glut, making it hard (for me for a while) to even find a job. I now see so many districts at this time of year still searching for candidates in all areas. Schools of education aren't seeing the teacher enrollment they had seen in the past. People need to know that it is a job like no other, that can't be overstated enough, as to what a dedicated person can mean to a child. There are many children today that need just those kinds of people.
While the media has been consumed by events in Afghanistan, I have been wondering what has been happening in Congress with infrastructure, budget, and voting legislation. I was glad to see information come out on Monday about progress on the budget legislation, as I figured it had all stalled as we watched the withdrawal in Afghanistan.
I’m have also been wondering about how the House Select Committee investigation into the January 6 attack is progressing.
WATER for the U.S. West and Southwest. If we can pipe black sludge from the Arctic to the Gulf Coast and put humans on the Moon and land rovers on other planets, surely we can pipe floodwaters from the Mississippi and Missouri flood plains to Lake Mead and reservoirs in California. No, it won't be a profitable venture. But neither are roads and bridges or schools. It needs to be part of our utilitarian infrastructure. Maybe sell naming rights to the Big Three Space Cowboys, bribing them to spend some of their billions on the greater good.
While I care about what others have pointed to--those crimes politicians appear to get away with after the news has become old based on editorial guidelines--I also care about the not so little things that escape notice:
Unless the story catches our eye, like the Afghani dentist who fell to the ocean as he clung to the plane leaving Kabul and lost his life, or the birth of a little girl now called Reach when the military medical team brought her into the world moments after landing at Ramstein Air Base, we don't hear about the stories of the thousands of Afghani refugees who will vanish within days of their arrival here in the US. I *want* to know about the lives and people they left behind, who they are by profession, interests, as heads of families--or the children who came as unaccompanied minors. Reach out to our hearts through their stories, their hopes and dreams, so those who don't get it can do so by hearing resonance in the voices of these new refugees, resounding in Emma Lazarus' words of "The New Colossus"..."Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..." In the midst of that political fury of some against opening the border to those waiting at the Southern border, it seems to me too many have forgotten this country, the land of immigrants, was the new homeland for many of our families--immigrants that they were, just as these new immigrants arrive on flights from Kabul, and those at the Southern border are hoping and still waiting to do.