I read one other email daily, that is Marianne Williamson's Transform. She addresses this issue. I voted Libertarian and Trump won, so I've been afraid to again. But the system where Capitalism has kidnapped the will of the people won't work. It needs overhaul or more support for independents and third party. The Democrats are just the other side of the coin.

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Am sharing this with grown grandchildren in NY and FL! Plus their parents. Thank you.

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And thanks again!

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I went to a Bans Off Our Bodies rally here in Oakland, California over the weekend. I showed up early and asked if there was anything I could do to help, which there was and I had a great time meeting people and helping out. It was a peaceful, informative, and inspiring rally, but the best part about it was meeting intelligent, involved people working against the overturn of Roe vs Wade. The rally attracted a mix of families, old people, and young people. I was particularly touched by a dad who came with his daughter. The speakers included a bishop, a doctor, our mayor, and several regular people who shared personal stories as well as plans for the future. I came away feeling like I'd really stood up for my beliefs instead of swearing at the radio. It was very empowering and I will continue to find ways to participate going forward. We are out there. We truly need to get to know one another mano a mano. Sadly, I came home to the news of the Buffalo shootings. We have got to overcome racism and the White Supremacists. Tanking Fox News would be a great place to start.

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Since the mid 1960's, I have worked elections to get out the vote and also worked for individual candidates. To assure fair voting, I ran for and then served as a Judge of Elections in Philadelphia, PA. Since moving to Dallas, TX, I have voted in every election, including the current one. My suggestions are:

(1) do what you can to get out the vote for Democratic candidates at every level of local, state, and federal government. We need to help young Democratic candidates get the experience and public exposure needed to run in broader elections.

(2) Every eligible voter must vote in every election no matter how insignificant the position seems to you.

Our Republic needs fixing. Change may come slowly, but we need to start the effort now.

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A long. long road indeed.

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Thank you!! I'll look into some of them. I'm 77 yo and can't do much, but I must do something.

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Yes yes yes!!

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That's it!!! Anti-Choice! That's exactly what it is. They don't want us to have our rights. Thank you Jessica.

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Work on registering voters with Field Team 6. Their focus is getting new Democratic voters into the system.

Join a group that is talking to voters, such as Indivisible or Sister District. Some local elections are won by a handful of votes, which you can turn out with your calls. Go to https://mobilize.us/ to search for in-person, online or phone banking events that would work for you.

Talk to people you know who are Fox News viewers about the trade-offs between rights and responsibilities. We all have rights, for instance gun rights. See if you can get them to think what is their personal responsibility and what rights should be reduced in order to save the lives of mass shooting victims, whether at a grocery store, a place of worship or at a school. Perhaps even their own local school where their child or grandchild attends. What would they give up in rights to be responsible guardian of these people?

And try to turn the outrage into action. It is okay to feel outraged and overwhelmed. But we must act. Keep the fire of outrage burning enough to propel your action.

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As much as I respect you and many of your followers, it’s time to take the gloves off. It’s only going to get worse. The leadership we have elected has failed miserably. The Jan. 6th commissiion is a joke; 15 months and has produced NOTHING! Taking the HIGHER road isn’t going to cut it because the Trump cult is well developed and not going away; ie Buffalo. I know many don’t want to hear it or accept it, but it’s becoming more clear everyday where we’re headed as a “country”. All I’m saying is be prepared to protect your family and friends because I guarantee Trump’s minions are preparing for what lies ahead while we “hope” our leadership will prevail.

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What to do? Work to restore democracy by protecting elections and the vote count. You can get training here: https://scrutineers.org

The United States no longer qualifies as a democracy. We are now an anocracy, a “regime that mixes democratic with autocratic features”

According to a report from the respected Center for Systemic Peace, “The United States has lost its designation as the world’s oldest, continuous democracy; that designation now belongs to Switzerland (171 years). …Further degradation of democratic authority in the USA will trigger an Adverse Regime Change event.”

Our laws are weakened and broken with impunity by those with money and power. Government at higher levels is mostly under the control of corporate money, and intimidated by bullies.

In Bush v Gore in 2000, the “Brooks Brothers” riots stopped the vote count in FL by assaulting and intimidating election workers. The lawless rioters won that one, with impunity and rewards. Their candidate was installed in the White House (Justice Amy Coney Barrett, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr, Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, and Roger Stone all played roles and were well rewarded). The same bullying and violent tactics would be used twenty years later in 2020, on a grander scale, and will be repeated in 2024.

Democracy protects the poor and powerless from the rich. Who is going to stand up and restore our democracy?

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I write a politically liberal newsletter hosted by substack.com. As a cancer and heart failure survivor still in remission, I am unable to join the picket lines or volunteer for phone banks. I am on a fixed retirement income so am unable to send much money to liberal candidates. But my pen, I believe, is mightier than any sword. I'm 76 years old. So far, my latest post has 45 views, no likes and no comments. Not great, you might say, but that's 45 people in this world who have read what I have to say. How many others can say that? It could be that of those 45 people one or two people might get inspired and decide to take an action that I am unable to take. It could be that action is so powerful that it inspires another to change course and support our foundation of democracy; and that person's surprise inspiration inspires another and then another. Have you heard of The Hundred Monkey phenomenon? Google it. It's amazing and a reality that could change this old world of ours for the better. I'll stop here as I'm getting tired, but you get my drift. If what I write stirs your interest, you can read more of my ideas (and political satire, at times) at breakablenews.substack.com. Thank you and all the best to each of you; and especially you, Dan Rather, one of our great wise elders who we treasure so deeply.

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God bless you for your wisdom and giving us hope.

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dan well put. it is still a scary situation that we as a country are battling. i just home the eligible voters do not give up. i we will all vote we can make it thru.

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What are the Vision and Vision of our democracy? Are we incorporated as a nation?

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