Thank you, Dan. Another low for Trump, not surprising but gut-wrenching and Harris at the ellipse was awesome. Tell me again why this is a close election. Trump has denigrated everyone but toxic white males.

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Nice words which I applaud. Unfortunately, Jill Stein and the price of gas and eggs in swing states are going to decide this election. Too bad for us. I hope there's a country left for my grandchildren.

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Perhaps Puerto Ricans, women, and men who care about them can counter that.

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🏛️ Elon Musk's latest acquisition could be the White House.

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For Sure, "These Days";

Money Talks & We Bend Over...

America Has Become Very Sick

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This video very clearly lays out the country we will be living in if trump, his MAGA movement and his political and judicial allies get their way!!!

THIS is the country we will ALL live in now because of MAGA’s blind loyalty to someone who has NEVER believed in democracy and will NEVER allow this country to remain a democracy, if he has anything to say about it.

He has unleashed a movement in this country that will never be satisfied until they get their way. And their way is complete control.

No matter what the election results will be, we will NOT be out of danger. They and he will NOT go away until they get complete control of this democracy!!!


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On that last note, I have been surprised by the lack of comparison between Tucker Carlson’s trip to Moscow and his interview with Putin to the much maligned Jane Fonda trip to Hanoi. Seems to me all the people who hate her are completely OK with him doing exactly the same anti American propaganda tour.

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The GOP’s rhetoric, under Trump’s shadow, has devolved into a relentless attack on every marginalized group, an unyielding propaganda machine fueling bigotry, fear, and division. This is not a party interested in debate or disagreement; it’s a machine for amplifying resentment and stoking hatred.

*The GOP’s Racism Broke AI*


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My husband and I have already cast our votes for Harris! I am however becoming increasingly worried about the outcome of this election. tRump continues to spew his hatred and rhetoric. I can’t stand TV right now because of the lies that come out of his mouth in the commercials. I continue to say I approve of these lies (instead of “this message”, that tRump says) with each commercial. I feel that this is the only thing that’s keeping my sanity. I sure hope people understand what is at stake here. Our Country. Our Freedom. Our Liberty. Our Everything. PLEASE VOTE…..

And if Harris wins, batten down the hatches. Cause it will get ugly. But if tRump wins, say goodbye to our Country. And it will get uglier……… We’ve been warned.

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This is, by a wide margin, the most bizarre, off the wall post Blather's ghostwriters have ever scripted.

Beyonce showed up for 5 minutes to what was advertised as a performance... She didn't sing, and the crowed boo'd and shamed Kamlala...

It was a disaster.

Meanwhile, in New York, Trump packed MSG to the rafters, leaving an estimated 20,000 voters outside shouting "Trump".

Those Puerto Rican singers? How many live there now? None. Because it's a floating garbage dump: fact.

Lol...poor Dan. He still don't know the frequency.

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I don't believe in "such things". However, Donald has always been above the law, regardless of his many adjudicated crimes.

Maybe I could be wrong in suggesting this, but,

Donald tRump may Actually Be "The Antichrist!". That would explain everything, because as silly as that sounds to me, I can't imagine any other explanation. *He does convince previously, mostly, rational people, that the only thing that can be believed is the unbelievable.

Maybe he is bringing HELL Up To Us?!

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I treasure the moments of sanity that you provide, Dan :)

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One more week to see what happens next. Meanwhile Happy Halloween Birthday, Dan Rather!!!🎂🎶🥂

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These words are written on plaque under the Statue of Liberty:

* "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"

* "The wretched refuse of your teeming shore"

* "Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me"

* "I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Just a reminder that this Country was built with emigrants! Trump doesn't have a clue! We are voting for Harris/Walz!

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Thank you for quoting one of my favorite poems. Of course, it was written by an immigrant: Emma Lazarus a Jewish woman.

When Liberty lifts her lamp beside the golden door... she sheds light on every single one of us without distinction or discrimination.

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Voted for Harris/Walz!

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Just voted early, #HarrisWalz2024

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Our future is at stake.

Our entire future.

The worlds future.

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