I hope and pray that there is a return to some sort sanity. Furthermore, I hope there are more good and wholesome people in this country than there are of the depraved characters that seem to monopolize the news cycle every day.
Like in 2016 I find myself screaming at, then turning off, the news as they ALL, including PBS Newshour, continue to promote the Malignant One. Every time he opens his mouth they all start chasing their tails and yak yak yak about him. Even Judy Woodruff has forgotten that in 2016 she and David Brooks kept talking about Hilary & Jeb as though they were a foregone conclusion. Twelve people would show up for them while Bernie and the other one were drawing thousands of folks to their rallies. We desperately need new young blood to come in and freshen things up, like Andrew Yang and his Forward movement. I try not to despair but things are desperate. Not to mention the takeover by the Catholic Church. What has happened to separation of church and state? Why has Scotus not been stopped as they are over stepping our freedoms? Yikes!
I'm coming in late; but as many below have already voiced, my thoughts are yours, and I'm with you--that is, all of you, including you, Dan:
"'We shall see' is not a prescription for passivity. Rather, it is a rallying cry for activism through civic engagement.
Time for those who care about the well-being and sustainability of our republic based on the principles of freedom and democracy to get busy. Time to go to work with renewed determination."
I call this the "me, me, me" generation; but then I remember I was "that" age once. You know, whatever age the "me" generation is. Hopefully they will learn, as we all have to learn, what Lincoln said so well: "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
I believe in the resilience of this nation and in the "me" generation, the same "me" generation we once were. And if you hear hope in my words, good. You should. Just as we all need to remember how much our votes count.
Mr. Rather, you paint a very skeptical outcome to everything, but the good parts, if they be seen, boost my positive attitude! I do believe the future is not 100% unknowable if everyone who can, works hard to make sure it changes for the best. Thing is it's their own best they are working for, and maybe not mine. Even if mine is to change theirs! In other words, the future will then become 0.25% more knowable.
We HAVE SEEN over the past year really terrible things happen such as the abandonment of all that connects us. We have seen the rivers rise and the mountain caps melt. Megalomania has replaced has replaced concern in our once revered high offices. “What is best for me” has replaced “How can we help”. In the actions of those who most affect our lives.
On the other hand, Manchin has capitulated in his desire to damage the planet and the people with his votes. He has not “Seen the light”. He has “felt the heat”!
So I say turn up the heat, publicly ,on those who have abandoned and betrayed us. It seems sadly, to be the only way .
You are so right! I’ve always said it’s up to the voters to choose who they want leading their communities and their state. Voting is essential and the only way to put in a good and honest person to lead. Pay attention to “car salesman “ tactics- false promises. Do your research, watch town hall sessions, everything you can do you’re not voting blindly. We live on a life of “maybe’s”, “perhaps “ and the future is guided by old outdated measures. No more predictions based on old ways of forecasting. I stopped listening to editorials by political commentators 4 yrs ago + or -. I want facts, not opinions. Journalists should do their public duty by reporting the facts only.
I’m going to be cautiously optimistic that those who committed treason (because that’s what it was) will be jailed and the citizens that have blinders on still will finally see the light, as they say.
After reading many of these comments, I find that I agree with many of them. One of the most important things we can do is vote; become an informed voter and vote in every election available from local to federal. Probably the "hardest" part is becoming "informed". We must read, listen and then speak out (by voting and becoming active in our communities).
I read this on Sunday morning, and Sunday is my much-needed day of rest from all things political. Sunday is Steady Day.
The only comment to which I can make a reply, as a native New Yorker now living in Delaware, is "Ya gotta believe!" Our Mets have shown us that miracles happen, and an unexpected outcome is never out of the game.
I have to be honest; I am angry with most of what is happening in government right now. I lost many friends during the Trump years and good riddance to them if they could not be decent individuals, calm and loving to all. Mr. Rather, I want to tell you how honored I am to be part of this network of people to be able to voice at least a few of my thoughts about what is going on right now. First, why do most of the GOP have to stick to this set of rules that are not only inflexible but not at all part of any of what a loving God (that they say they are talking for) would want? I feel as though I have to designate myself now, not as a Christian, but as an actual follower of Jesus' teachings in a world where many Christians have gone off the deep end of the pond toward hate. Jesus never would have acted this way. He not only fulfilled the Old Testament laws but gave us new ones. in Mathew "36, "Teacher which is the greatest commandment in the law?" 37 Jesus replied: " Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 " This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 'And the second is like it: "Love your neighbor as yourself." All the law and prophets hang on these two commandments."
If we are living out these two commandments, we are living out the rest of them.
Are we loving veterans if we are not giving them much needed health care because they are mad at something democrats did? They fought for us! We fought for you! Persian Gulf 1 here! I did several deployments. I do not think it is loving that GOP senators that, note, get healthcare they need, can vote to not give health care to veterans who need healthcare. Ulterior motives are not loving. When did they trade lives for positions and integrity for power? I know it is the in thing now, but.....
Yes, I hope on several issues we come to our senses and get back to some semblance of the country I once believed in. But right now, I am lost. I gained some respect back when Biden won the white house, and I am going to hold onto that hope through 2024. I believe in separation of church and state, it is there for a reason. But, if you are going to tout a religious path, let it be a true one, not a made up one. Don't hold the Bible upside down, and don't ever sign it as if you wrote it, you did not.
I will vote, continue to talk with others as if my voice matters, and stand for what is right, good, and true. Because that is what we all can do from out here. and protest---peacefully protest a LOT.
I hope and pray that there is a return to some sort sanity. Furthermore, I hope there are more good and wholesome people in this country than there are of the depraved characters that seem to monopolize the news cycle every day.
Like in 2016 I find myself screaming at, then turning off, the news as they ALL, including PBS Newshour, continue to promote the Malignant One. Every time he opens his mouth they all start chasing their tails and yak yak yak about him. Even Judy Woodruff has forgotten that in 2016 she and David Brooks kept talking about Hilary & Jeb as though they were a foregone conclusion. Twelve people would show up for them while Bernie and the other one were drawing thousands of folks to their rallies. We desperately need new young blood to come in and freshen things up, like Andrew Yang and his Forward movement. I try not to despair but things are desperate. Not to mention the takeover by the Catholic Church. What has happened to separation of church and state? Why has Scotus not been stopped as they are over stepping our freedoms? Yikes!
I'm coming in late; but as many below have already voiced, my thoughts are yours, and I'm with you--that is, all of you, including you, Dan:
"'We shall see' is not a prescription for passivity. Rather, it is a rallying cry for activism through civic engagement.
Time for those who care about the well-being and sustainability of our republic based on the principles of freedom and democracy to get busy. Time to go to work with renewed determination."
I call this the "me, me, me" generation; but then I remember I was "that" age once. You know, whatever age the "me" generation is. Hopefully they will learn, as we all have to learn, what Lincoln said so well: "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
I believe in the resilience of this nation and in the "me" generation, the same "me" generation we once were. And if you hear hope in my words, good. You should. Just as we all need to remember how much our votes count.
Mr. Rather, you paint a very skeptical outcome to everything, but the good parts, if they be seen, boost my positive attitude! I do believe the future is not 100% unknowable if everyone who can, works hard to make sure it changes for the best. Thing is it's their own best they are working for, and maybe not mine. Even if mine is to change theirs! In other words, the future will then become 0.25% more knowable.
It felt like a shift and the foundation of lies were turning into quicksand.
We HAVE SEEN over the past year really terrible things happen such as the abandonment of all that connects us. We have seen the rivers rise and the mountain caps melt. Megalomania has replaced has replaced concern in our once revered high offices. “What is best for me” has replaced “How can we help”. In the actions of those who most affect our lives.
On the other hand, Manchin has capitulated in his desire to damage the planet and the people with his votes. He has not “Seen the light”. He has “felt the heat”!
So I say turn up the heat, publicly ,on those who have abandoned and betrayed us. It seems sadly, to be the only way .
Only then shall we see!
You are so right! I’ve always said it’s up to the voters to choose who they want leading their communities and their state. Voting is essential and the only way to put in a good and honest person to lead. Pay attention to “car salesman “ tactics- false promises. Do your research, watch town hall sessions, everything you can do you’re not voting blindly. We live on a life of “maybe’s”, “perhaps “ and the future is guided by old outdated measures. No more predictions based on old ways of forecasting. I stopped listening to editorials by political commentators 4 yrs ago + or -. I want facts, not opinions. Journalists should do their public duty by reporting the facts only.
Dan Rather a Mets fan? Who knew? LGM 😍
I’m going to be cautiously optimistic that those who committed treason (because that’s what it was) will be jailed and the citizens that have blinders on still will finally see the light, as they say.
Only a few words. Thanks Dan for a glimmer of hope.
After reading many of these comments, I find that I agree with many of them. One of the most important things we can do is vote; become an informed voter and vote in every election available from local to federal. Probably the "hardest" part is becoming "informed". We must read, listen and then speak out (by voting and becoming active in our communities).
I read this on Sunday morning, and Sunday is my much-needed day of rest from all things political. Sunday is Steady Day.
The only comment to which I can make a reply, as a native New Yorker now living in Delaware, is "Ya gotta believe!" Our Mets have shown us that miracles happen, and an unexpected outcome is never out of the game.
We shall see...
Will we finally stem and cut off the plastic flowing into our world, our bodies, our animals? We shall see.
Will birth control/family planning be available to everyone that wants and needs it at a reasonable price - perhaps free? We shall see.
Will Love be our guiding principal as we craft new laws, regulations, and relationships with others? We shall see.
Will we respect and protect and nurture our wildlife and wild places? We shall see.
Will we finally wake up, see that we are all in this together, united, and work towards the greater good for all? We shall see.
Amen! It is up to us to VOTE and get us back to the right path.
I have to be honest; I am angry with most of what is happening in government right now. I lost many friends during the Trump years and good riddance to them if they could not be decent individuals, calm and loving to all. Mr. Rather, I want to tell you how honored I am to be part of this network of people to be able to voice at least a few of my thoughts about what is going on right now. First, why do most of the GOP have to stick to this set of rules that are not only inflexible but not at all part of any of what a loving God (that they say they are talking for) would want? I feel as though I have to designate myself now, not as a Christian, but as an actual follower of Jesus' teachings in a world where many Christians have gone off the deep end of the pond toward hate. Jesus never would have acted this way. He not only fulfilled the Old Testament laws but gave us new ones. in Mathew "36, "Teacher which is the greatest commandment in the law?" 37 Jesus replied: " Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 " This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 'And the second is like it: "Love your neighbor as yourself." All the law and prophets hang on these two commandments."
If we are living out these two commandments, we are living out the rest of them.
Are we loving veterans if we are not giving them much needed health care because they are mad at something democrats did? They fought for us! We fought for you! Persian Gulf 1 here! I did several deployments. I do not think it is loving that GOP senators that, note, get healthcare they need, can vote to not give health care to veterans who need healthcare. Ulterior motives are not loving. When did they trade lives for positions and integrity for power? I know it is the in thing now, but.....
Yes, I hope on several issues we come to our senses and get back to some semblance of the country I once believed in. But right now, I am lost. I gained some respect back when Biden won the white house, and I am going to hold onto that hope through 2024. I believe in separation of church and state, it is there for a reason. But, if you are going to tout a religious path, let it be a true one, not a made up one. Don't hold the Bible upside down, and don't ever sign it as if you wrote it, you did not.
I will vote, continue to talk with others as if my voice matters, and stand for what is right, good, and true. Because that is what we all can do from out here. and protest---peacefully protest a LOT.
Raven Day McShane SSG US Army (Veteran)
VA Rehabilitation Counselor (retired)
Author, "He Knows My Name" www.Barnesandnoble.com