I see that Donald Trump is coming to Eagle Pass this Thursday. Perhaps Gregg Abbott can meet him here and the two can walk across the river into Mexico and stay there.

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WHY is Texas allowed to make these asinine decisions?

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This is so sad and inhumane, poor babies, looking for a better life as our ancestors did, and being left to die by the descendants of people who did the same thing. Governor Abbott doesn't appear to be an American Indian , so his ancestors got here just like ours did, just like this family wanted to.

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Devastating. And shameful.

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Dear Greg Abbott,

Please remember we are humane Americans..

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He is not and never has been humane, unless he gets paid enough!

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They had another death today

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This is SNAFU at its deadly worst! Truly shameful.

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Heart breaking and shameful. I weep for the Cerros family.

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That succinctly gives the lie to all the “Trumped”-up claims of criminals and the mentally ill crashing the gates of our country. Two brave young mothers seeking better lives for their children, these are the names and faces of the hardened unsavory sorts that so mightily threaten the wellbeing of well-heeled, comfortable white Americans. For shame. The lies you circulate amongst your kind to dehumanize those among the least well-off of our neighbors are despicable and hardly in keeping with the basics of Christ’s teachings.

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As mentioned in Congress, the issue has been ongoing since Reagan & not one Administration in over 40 years has resolved this issue. Currently the Democrats have made numerous proposals, only to be told NO by 100% of republicans. And they've said they do NOT want the issue to be fixed while Biden is president & before the upcoming election because that would make him look good.

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They refer to themselves as "The Other MAGA". Or the Good MAGA.

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Share this with any potential Trump voter.

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This has no effect on a MAGA voter!

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Don’t share a thing with a MAGA activist. They copy all tactics. Work on the undecideds.

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There are none so blind as those who will not see. Understanding cannot be forced on someone who chooses to be ignorant.

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An interesting/informative read is the book Solito by Javier Zamora, who (as a nine year old) survived the journey to the US from El Salvador.

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Texas law enforcement let children die in a river. And yesterday we get the DOJ report on the Uvalde/Robb Elementary shooting and we find out Texas law enforcement let children die in school. These people have sunk to new lows.

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Texas Law enforcement no doubt failed. Unless you have been to war and killed another human can you really state how everyone should perform. I do not believe that they sunk to new lows, but they seriously failed the public and community of Uvalde Texas. I believe the border patrol agent came through and performed gallantly that day. There were many failures along the way, long before the act was committed. Tragically these events still continue and many so worry over the 2nd amendment, perhaps it is time to Amend the Amendment?

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This more than appears to be manslaughter by depraved indifference.

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