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How scary... I hope law enforcement is much more prepared this time.

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am sure that law enforcement is much more prepared....and, we need to be ready with having talked to our children and have a communication system set up and have a safe place to go to in case of violence in the streets near one's home and go bags at the door (with important papers and such that can be grabbed at a moment's notice) (my car has a winter stash and a summer stash since I live in the mountains)....and have really talked it out with the kids and with safe neighbors, etc. My son has been a river guide and on the river....3 short blasts on a whistle by any of the guides means that there are swimmers in the river and all the rafts go immediately to the shore to hold on and the closest boat goes to pick up the swimmers. They've practiced it and all guides know what to do. Our family had a similar system worked out for emergency situations. We can all do that (teachers bear the burden of active shooter drills....so we can bear the burden of shooter in the street drills with our family, no ?) AND please do watch the video I posted in my comment below...

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here's how I view the tangerine toad's comments in the debate (the guy in the video is a NYT columnist) ...https://www.tiktok.com/@jamellebouie/video/7414108128113052974

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Excellent video! I have tried, unsuccessfully, to get through to the republicans concerning their fear of 'millions of immigrants' flooding our border that the orange man started way back even in his first run for the White House. He has claimed over and over that millions of immigrants are crossing our border every day and then looting and killing everybody. While some laugh at this obvious misinformation, I have tried to show those who believe him that it could not possibly be true. I invited them to go to the border and take a look for themselves. I have explained that the United States has a population of 333.29 million Americans. If millions of immigrants are crossing into America every day since he started claiming this, by now there would be over 800+ million illegal immigrants here in the states by now. So many more than the 333.29 million already established. It would seem that if all those he claims have come in, we would all be speaking either Spanish, Portuguese, Quechua or any of the other languages spoken by our neighbors to the south. It simply is not happening! Also, it has been proven over and over that the Haitians in Springfield, Ohio are legal immigrants and have revitalized that town! They were happy and contributing to their community. It only took one misguided MAGA woman to spread a malicious lie and look what has happened as a result! This race-baiting or whatever it is the orange man and his cult are doing has to stop. It is wrong and is leading to violence.

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I just watched& reposted on tiktok.

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Appreciate the link, Mary. Agree totally with his point about blood libel and inciting violence---he's been proven all too correct. However, I can't find the memes funny. At all. Because they stem from such a horrible, ugly, concept.

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I agree....and....the thing is, people are pushing back at him now instead of being shocked and silent and that's a good thing....

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