The steady governance of President Biden and his administration has the potential to down out the noise of Donald Trump's noise and intentional turmoil. I do think President Biden has the temperament, fortitude and legislative experience to redirect the future of the United States to address the needs of We the People.

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Yes, I think it will. Although Biden seems to be echoing FDR's New Deal which worked, (although there was a war that carried it through), Bidden is breath of fresh air literally I remember hearing his first speech and thinking wow! A real president for a change. And it it so, so nice not to have to see/listen to toxic mendacious tweets daily.

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"Will less truly lead to more?" I believe so. So far the lack of a constant circus sideshow has allowed serious working/poor/middle class Americans to experience what it means when government's wheels are spinning in their favor.

The space previously filled with Trump Twitter tantrums now contains news of improving the lives of Americans who have been neglected since Reagan first uttered those words attacking the government he was elected to lead. The stresses of 2020 has been replaced with the hopes and promises of 2021.

Yes less is more. Quality always trumps quantity, so Iet's have less news-trash and more real news.

Steady on!

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I think everything here said is just so right. Thank you Dan.

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The presidency is boring again, as it should be...

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Government is starting to function again with competent professionals focused on the public good at the helm. I wish I could say the same for the media which is having withdrawal from the tweet of the hour and the scandal of the day.

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Thank you, Dan, for sending us your fine insights. I've always been an optimist, but it's getting harder and harder to continue an optimistic outlook, until now. Joe Biden gives me hope that we are back on the right and decent path to ensure democracy of our beloved country.

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This article points to the very idea that tweets are not Governance, which so many of us felt , knew , and were angered by. Thank Goodness for Biden. Let's try getting back to policies , not promtionalism, sound thinking and acting instead of lies, hypocrisy , sound bites and lies!

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You are spot on. Tweeting is not governance. Blocking anything and everything is not governance. Debating and voting on legislation IS governance. The filibuster needs to be removed so bills can get to the floor of the senate and things can move forward.

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As usual, very insightful and astute observations, Dan. The nightmare of the Trump administration may be over, but much of the GOP embraces just what you talked about ....

and will apparently try to undermine every bold move President Biden undertakes. The media will need to hold them up for public scrutiny and hold their feet to the fire.

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Excellent article. Reading this, I couldn't help but think, and know we must vote BLUE in '22, '24, '26, and beyond!

I think back 4 years ago. President Trump's taking office, the first thing he did was stop news from being released by his administration. He was going to release the news. Release it he did. All night every night through endless tweets. It got to the point where his tweets were ridiculous, ramblings of nothing but insults, and threats, toward the news media. "Fake news" he called us. It was an insult we had such a president to act in this manner. I could just imagine how the other countries viewed us. As far as the media. I really felt for the TV and newspaper journalists. They had to cover this "president" on a daily basis, trying their best to get their news from these tweets, making sense of them, and then reporting on whatever it was about. And he called the media "fake news"? Seriously?

It is so nice to see we now have a president to be proud of, getting actual legislation done, though the Senate is creating a problem even President Biden didn't expect, I believe. I am excited to see more be accomplished. It is for sure he has put the previous administration to shame in the handling of the COVID vaccine rollout and administering of shots.

It is more important now than ever before we must obtain, and keep, a supermajority in the House, and Senate. It's imperative if we want to see the bills/legislation passed by this administration and signed by President Biden.

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Frequently, leadership is "roll up the sleeves" and take action, rather than seeking accolades and the spotlight. Leadership is encouraging others to step up and take ownership of tasks/projects and be in the spotlight. Leaders allow others to shine.

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I fail to see a lot of diversity in the comments section.

Dan please do not allow Steady become another microphone for the 'I Hate Trump and All Republicans Are Evil' crowd.

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This is so true. I love that I don't wake up each morning dreading the news of what Trump and his administration are doing to destroy our Republic.

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"Will less truly lead to more?" Less cacophony, drama, and mayhem certainly seems to be leading to more skilled governance and more attending to the needs of the people. Regarding the actions of Congress, specifically the Senate, less obstruction would certainly lead to more action. And getting rid of or altering the filibuster rule would sure be a 'less' that would allow more of what I'm hoping for for the country!

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I no longer wake up every morning with a sense of dread about what despicable thing 45 tweeted during the night. My stress level has lowered enough for me to have a modicum of hope in the future of our country.

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